use std::fmt; use std::ops::{Deref, Index, IndexMut}; use crate::{ Error, Result, types::Timestamp, types::Duration, }; // A `const fn` function can only use a subset of Rust's // functionality. The subset is growing, but we restrict ourselves to // only use `const fn` functionality that is available in Debian // stable, which, as of 2020, includes rustc version 1.34.2. This // requires a bit of creativity. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub(super) enum VecOrSlice<'a, T> { Vec(Vec), Slice(&'a [T]), Empty(), } // Make a `VecOrSlice` act like a `Vec`. impl<'a, T> VecOrSlice<'a, T> { // Returns an empty `VecOrSlice`. const fn empty() -> Self { VecOrSlice::Empty() } // Like `Vec::get`. fn get(&self, i: usize) -> Option<&T> { match self { VecOrSlice::Vec(v) => v.get(i), VecOrSlice::Slice(s) => s.get(i), VecOrSlice::Empty() => None, } } // Like `Vec::len`. fn len(&self) -> usize { match self { VecOrSlice::Vec(v) => v.len(), VecOrSlice::Slice(s) => s.len(), VecOrSlice::Empty() => 0, } } // Like `Vec::resize`. fn resize(&mut self, size: usize, value: T) where T: Clone { let v = self.as_mut(); v.resize(size, value); } pub(super) fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec where T: Clone { let v: Vec = match self { VecOrSlice::Vec(ref mut v) => std::mem::take(v), VecOrSlice::Slice(s) => s.to_vec(), VecOrSlice::Empty() => Vec::new(), }; *self = VecOrSlice::Vec(v); if let VecOrSlice::Vec(ref mut v) = self { v } else { unreachable!() } } } impl<'a, T> Deref for VecOrSlice<'a, T> { type Target = [T]; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { match self { VecOrSlice::Vec(ref v) => &v[..], VecOrSlice::Slice(s) => s, VecOrSlice::Empty() => &[], } } } impl<'a, T> Index for VecOrSlice<'a, T> { type Output = T; fn index(&self, i: usize) -> &T { match self { VecOrSlice::Vec(v) => &v[i], VecOrSlice::Slice(s) => &s[i], VecOrSlice::Empty() => &[][i], } } } impl<'a, T> IndexMut for VecOrSlice<'a, T> where T: Clone { fn index_mut(&mut self, i: usize) -> &mut T { if let VecOrSlice::Slice(s) = self { *self = VecOrSlice::Vec(s.to_vec()); }; match self { VecOrSlice::Vec(v) => &mut v[i], VecOrSlice::Slice(_) => unreachable!(), VecOrSlice::Empty() => panic!("index out of bounds: the len is 0 but the index is {}", i), } } } /// A given algorithm may be considered: completely broken, safe, or /// too weak to be used after a certain time. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub(super) struct CutoffList { // Indexed by `A as u8`. // // A value of `None` means that no vulnerabilities are known. // // Note: we use `u64` and not `SystemTime`, because there is no // way to construct a `SystemTime` in a `const fn`. pub(super) cutoffs: VecOrSlice<'static, Option>, pub(super) _a: std::marker::PhantomData, } pub(super) const REJECT : Option = Some(Timestamp::UNIX_EPOCH); pub(super) const ACCEPT : Option = None; pub(super) const DEFAULT_POLICY : Option = REJECT; impl Default for CutoffList { fn default() -> Self { Self::reject_all() } } impl CutoffList { // Rejects all algorithms. pub(super) const fn reject_all() -> Self { Self { cutoffs: VecOrSlice::empty(), _a: std::marker::PhantomData, } } } impl CutoffList where u8: From, A: fmt::Display, A: std::clone::Clone { // Sets a cutoff time. pub(super) fn set(&mut self, a: A, cutoff: Option) { let i : u8 = a.into(); let i : usize = i.into(); if i >= self.cutoffs.len() { // We reject by default. self.cutoffs.resize(i + 1, DEFAULT_POLICY); } self.cutoffs[i] = cutoff; } // Returns the cutoff time for algorithm `a`. #[inline] pub(super) fn cutoff(&self, a: A) -> Option { let i : u8 = a.into(); *self.cutoffs.get(i as usize).unwrap_or(&DEFAULT_POLICY) } // Checks whether the `a` is safe to use at time `time`. // // `tolerance` is added to the cutoff time. #[inline] pub(super) fn check(&self, a: A, time: Timestamp, tolerance: Option) -> Result<()> { if let Some(cutoff) = self.cutoff(a.clone()) { let cutoff = cutoff .checked_add(tolerance.unwrap_or_else(|| Duration::seconds(0))) .unwrap_or(Timestamp::MAX); if time >= cutoff { Err(Error::PolicyViolation( a.to_string(), Some(cutoff.into())).into()) } else { Ok(()) } } else { // None => always secure. Ok(()) } } } macro_rules! a_cutoff_list { ($name:ident, $algo:ty, $values_count:expr, $values:expr) => { // It would be nicer to just have a `CutoffList` and store the // default as a `VecOrSlice::Slice`. Unfortunately, we can't // create a slice in a `const fn`, so that doesn't work. // // To work around that issue, we store the array in the // wrapper type, and remember if we are using it or a custom // version. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] enum $name { Default(), Custom(CutoffList<$algo>), } #[allow(unused)] impl $name { const DEFAULTS : [ Option; $values_count ] = $values; // Turn the `Foo::Default` into a `Foo::Custom`, if // necessary. fn force(&mut self) -> &mut CutoffList<$algo> { use crate::policy::cutofflist::VecOrSlice; if let $name::Default() = self { *self = $name::Custom(CutoffList { cutoffs: VecOrSlice::Vec(Self::DEFAULTS.to_vec()), _a: std::marker::PhantomData, }); } match self { $name::Custom(ref mut l) => l, _ => unreachable!(), } } fn set(&mut self, a: $algo, cutoff: Option) { self.force().set(a, cutoff) } // Reset the cutoff list to its defaults. fn defaults(&mut self) { *self = Self::Default(); } fn reject_all(&mut self) { *self = Self::Custom(CutoffList::reject_all()); } fn cutoff(&self, a: $algo) -> Option { use crate::policy::cutofflist::DEFAULT_POLICY; match self { $name::Default() => { let i : u8 = a.into(); let i : usize = i.into(); if i >= Self::DEFAULTS.len() { DEFAULT_POLICY } else { Self::DEFAULTS[i] } } $name::Custom(ref l) => l.cutoff(a), } } fn check(&self, a: $algo, time: Timestamp, d: Option) -> Result<()> { use crate::policy::cutofflist::VecOrSlice; match self { $name::Default() => { // Convert the default to a `CutoffList` on // the fly to avoid duplicating // `CutoffList::check`. CutoffList { cutoffs: VecOrSlice::Slice(&Self::DEFAULTS[..]), _a: std::marker::PhantomData, }.check(a, time, d) } $name::Custom(ref l) => l.check(a, time, d), } } } } } /// A data structure may have multiple versions. For instance, there /// are multiple versions of packets. Each version of a given packet /// may have different security properties. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub(super) struct VersionedCutoffList where A: 'static { // Indexed by `A as u8`. // // A value of `None` means that no vulnerabilities are known. // // Note: we use `u64` and not `SystemTime`, because there is no // way to construct a `SystemTime` in a `const fn`. pub(super) unversioned_cutoffs: VecOrSlice<'static, Option>, // The content is: (algo, version, policy). pub(super) versioned_cutoffs: VecOrSlice<'static, (A, u8, Option)>, pub(super) _a: std::marker::PhantomData, } impl Default for VersionedCutoffList { fn default() -> Self { Self::reject_all() } } impl VersionedCutoffList { // Rejects all algorithms. pub(super) const fn reject_all() -> Self { Self { unversioned_cutoffs: VecOrSlice::empty(), versioned_cutoffs: VecOrSlice::empty(), _a: std::marker::PhantomData, } } } impl VersionedCutoffList where u8: From, A: fmt::Display, A: std::clone::Clone, A: Eq, A: Ord, { // versioned_cutoffs must be sorted and deduplicated. Make sure // it is so. pub(super) fn assert_sorted(&self) { if cfg!(debug_assertions) || cfg!(test) { for window in { let a = &window[0]; let b = &window[1]; // Sorted, no duplicates. assert!((&a.0, a.1) < (&b.0, b.1)); } } } // Sets a cutoff time for version `version` of algorithm `algo`. pub(super) fn set_versioned(&mut self, algo: A, version: u8, cutoff: Option) { self.assert_sorted(); let cutofflist = self.versioned_cutoffs.as_mut(); match cutofflist.binary_search_by(|(a, v, _)| { algo.cmp(a).then(version.cmp(v)).reverse() }) { Ok(i) => { // Replace. cutofflist[i] = (algo, version, cutoff); } Err(i) => { // Insert. cutofflist.insert(i, (algo, version, cutoff)); } }; self.assert_sorted(); } // Sets a cutoff time for algorithm `algo`. pub(super) fn set_unversioned(&mut self, algo: A, cutoff: Option) { let i: u8 = algo.into(); let i: usize = i.into(); if i >= self.unversioned_cutoffs.len() { // We reject by default. self.unversioned_cutoffs.resize(i + 1, DEFAULT_POLICY); } self.unversioned_cutoffs[i] = cutoff; } // Returns the cutoff time for version `version` of algorithm `algo`. #[inline] pub(super) fn cutoff(&self, algo: A, version: u8) -> Option { self.assert_sorted(); match self.versioned_cutoffs.binary_search_by(|(a, v, _)| { algo.cmp(a).then(version.cmp(v)).reverse() }) { Ok(i) => { self.versioned_cutoffs[i].2 } Err(_loc) => { // Fallback to the unversioned cutoff list. *self.unversioned_cutoffs.get(u8::from(algo) as usize) .unwrap_or(&DEFAULT_POLICY) } } } // Checks whether version `version` of the algorithm `algo` is safe // to use at time `time`. // // `tolerance` is added to the cutoff time. #[inline] pub(super) fn check(&self, algo: A, version: u8, time: Timestamp, tolerance: Option) -> Result<()> { if let Some(cutoff) = self.cutoff(algo.clone(), version) { let cutoff = cutoff .checked_add(tolerance.unwrap_or_else(|| Duration::seconds(0))) .unwrap_or(Timestamp::MAX); if time >= cutoff { Err(Error::PolicyViolation( format!("{} v{}", algo, version), Some(cutoff.into())).into()) } else { Ok(()) } } else { // None => always secure. Ok(()) } } } macro_rules! a_versioned_cutoff_list { ($name:ident, $algo:ty, // A slice indexed by the algorithm. $unversioned_values_count: expr, $unversioned_values: expr, // A slice of the form: [ (algo, version, cutoff), ... ] // // Note: the values must be sorted and (algo, version) must be // unique! $versioned_values_count:expr, $versioned_values:expr) => { // It would be nicer to just have a `CutoffList` and store the // default as a `VecOrSlice::Slice`. Unfortunately, we can't // create a slice in a `const fn`, so that doesn't work. // // To work around that issue, we store the array in the // wrapper type, and remember if we are using it or a custom // version. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] enum $name { Default(), Custom(VersionedCutoffList<$algo>), } impl std::ops::Deref for $name { type Target = VersionedCutoffList<$algo>; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { match self { $name::Default() => &Self::DEFAULT, $name::Custom(l) => l, } } } #[allow(unused)] impl $name { const VERSIONED_DEFAULTS: [ ($algo, u8, Option); $versioned_values_count ] = $versioned_values; const UNVERSIONED_DEFAULTS: [ Option; $unversioned_values_count ] = $unversioned_values; const DEFAULT: VersionedCutoffList<$algo> = VersionedCutoffList { versioned_cutoffs: crate::policy::cutofflist::VecOrSlice::Slice( &Self::VERSIONED_DEFAULTS), unversioned_cutoffs: crate::policy::cutofflist::VecOrSlice::Slice( &Self::UNVERSIONED_DEFAULTS), _a: std::marker::PhantomData, }; // Turn the `Foo::Default` into a `Foo::Custom`, if // necessary, to allow modification. fn force(&mut self) -> &mut VersionedCutoffList<$algo> { use crate::policy::cutofflist::VecOrSlice; if let $name::Default() = self { *self = Self::Custom($name::DEFAULT); } match self { $name::Custom(ref mut l) => l, _ => unreachable!(), } } // Set the cutoff for the specified version of the // specified algorithm. fn set_versioned(&mut self, algo: $algo, version: u8, cutoff: Option) { self.force().set_versioned(algo, version, cutoff) } // Sets the cutoff for the specified algorithm independent // of its version. fn set_unversioned(&mut self, algo: $algo, cutoff: Option) { // Clear any versioned cutoffs. let l = self.force(); l.versioned_cutoffs.as_mut().retain(|(a, _v, _c)| { &algo != a }); l.set_unversioned(algo, cutoff) } // Resets the cutoff list to its defaults. fn defaults(&mut self) { *self = Self::Default(); } // Causes the cutoff list to reject everything. fn reject_all(&mut self) { *self = Self::Custom(VersionedCutoffList::reject_all()); } // Returns the cutoff for the specified version of the // specified algorithm. // // This first considers the versioned cutoff list. If // there is no entry in the versioned list, it fallsback // to the unversioned cutoff list. If there is also no // entry there, then it falls back to the default. fn cutoff(&self, algo: $algo, version: u8) -> Option { let cutofflist = if let $name::Custom(ref l) = self { l } else { &Self::DEFAULT }; cutofflist.cutoff(algo, version) } fn check(&self, algo: $algo, version: u8, time: Timestamp, d: Option) -> Result<()> { let cutofflist = if let $name::Custom(ref l) = self { l } else { &Self::DEFAULT }; cutofflist.check(algo, version, time, d) } } // Make sure VERSIONED_DEFAULTS is sorted and the keys are // unique. #[test] #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn $name() { $name::DEFAULT.assert_sorted(); } } }