//! OpenPGP packet serializer. //! //! Wraps the streaming packet serialization, see //! [`sequoia-openpgp::serialize::stream`]. //! //! [`sequoia-openpgp::serialize::stream`]: ../../../sequoia_openpgp/serialize/stream/index.html use std::ptr; use std::slice; use std::io::Write; use libc::{c_char, size_t, ssize_t}; extern crate sequoia_openpgp as openpgp; use self::openpgp::types::{ AEADAlgorithm, SymmetricAlgorithm, }; use crate::error::Status; use crate::MoveFromRaw; use crate::MoveIntoRaw; use crate::RefRaw; use crate::RefMutRaw; use self::openpgp::serialize::{ stream::{ Message, ArbitraryWriter, Signer, LiteralWriter, Encryptor, }, }; use super::keyid::KeyID; use super::packet::key::Key; use super::cert::KeyAmalgamationIterWrapper; use super::cert::ValidKeyAmalgamationIterWrapper; /// Streams an OpenPGP message. /// /// The returned `Message` does not take ownership of the /// `Writer`; the caller must free it after destroying the /// `Message`. #[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn pgp_writer_stack_message (writer: *mut super::io::Writer) -> *mut Message<'static> { box_raw!(Message::new(writer.ref_mut_raw())) } /// Writes up to `len` bytes of `buf` into `writer`. #[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn pgp_writer_stack_write (errp: Option<&mut *mut crate::error::Error>, writer: *mut Message<'static>, buf: *const u8, len: size_t) -> ssize_t { ffi_make_fry_from_errp!(errp); let writer = ffi_param_ref_mut!(writer); assert!(!buf.is_null()); let buf = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(buf, len as usize) }; ffi_try_or!(writer.write(buf).map_err(|e| ::anyhow::Error::from(e)), -1) as ssize_t } /// Writes up to `len` bytes of `buf` into `writer`. /// /// Unlike pgp_writer_stack_write, unless an error occurs, the whole /// buffer will be written. Also, this version automatically catches /// EINTR. #[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn pgp_writer_stack_write_all (errp: Option<&mut *mut crate::error::Error>, writer: *mut Message<'static>, buf: *const u8, len: size_t) -> Status { ffi_make_fry_from_errp!(errp); let writer = ffi_param_ref_mut!(writer); assert!(!buf.is_null()); let buf = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(buf, len as usize) }; ffi_try_status!(writer.write_all(buf).map_err(|e| ::anyhow::Error::from(e))) } /// Finalizes this writer, returning the underlying writer. #[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn pgp_writer_stack_finalize_one (errp: Option<&mut *mut crate::error::Error>, writer: *mut Message<'static>) -> *mut Message<'static> { ffi_make_fry_from_errp!(errp); if !writer.is_null() { let writer = ffi_param_move!(writer); maybe_box_raw!(ffi_try!(writer.finalize_one())) } else { ptr::null_mut() } } /// Finalizes all writers, tearing down the whole stack. #[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn pgp_writer_stack_finalize (errp: Option<&mut *mut crate::error::Error>, writer: *mut Message<'static>) -> Status { ffi_make_fry_from_errp!(errp); if !writer.is_null() { let writer = ffi_param_move!(writer); ffi_try_status!(writer.finalize()) } else { Status::Success } } /// Writes an arbitrary packet. /// /// This writer can be used to construct arbitrary OpenPGP packets. /// The body will be written using partial length encoding, or, if the /// body is short, using full length encoding. #[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn pgp_arbitrary_writer_new (errp: Option<&mut *mut crate::error::Error>, inner: *mut Message<'static>, tag: u8) -> *mut Message<'static> { ffi_make_fry_from_errp!(errp); let inner = ffi_param_move!(inner); ffi_try_box!(ArbitraryWriter::new(*inner, tag.into())) } /// Signs a packet stream. /// /// For every signing key, a signer writes a one-pass-signature /// packet, then hashes and emits the data stream, then for every key /// writes a signature packet. /// /// The signers are consumed. /// /// The hash is performed using the algorithm specified in /// `hash_algo`. Pass 0 for the default (which is what you usually /// want). #[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn pgp_signer_new (errp: Option<&mut *mut crate::error::Error>, inner: *mut Message<'static>, signers: *const *mut Box, signers_len: size_t, hash_algo: u8) -> *mut Message<'static> { ffi_make_fry_from_errp!(errp); let inner = ffi_param_move!(inner); let signers = ffi_param_ref!(signers); let signers = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(signers, signers_len) }; let mut signers = signers.iter().map(|s| { *ffi_param_move!(*s) }).collect::>(); let mut signer = Signer::new(*inner, ffi_try!(signers.pop().ok_or_else(|| { anyhow::anyhow!("signers is empty") }))); for s in signers { signer = signer.add_signer(s); } if hash_algo != 0 { signer = ffi_try!(signer.hash_algo(hash_algo.into())); } ffi_try_box!(signer.build()) } /// Creates a signer for a detached signature. /// /// See `pgp_signer_new` for details. #[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn pgp_signer_new_detached (errp: Option<&mut *mut crate::error::Error>, inner: *mut Message<'static>, signers: *const *mut Box, signers_len: size_t, hash_algo: u8) -> *mut Message<'static> { ffi_make_fry_from_errp!(errp); let inner = ffi_param_move!(inner); let signers = ffi_param_ref!(signers); let signers = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(signers, signers_len) }; let mut signers = signers.iter().map(|s| { *ffi_param_move!(*s) }).collect::>(); let mut signer = Signer::new(*inner, ffi_try!(signers.pop().ok_or_else(|| { anyhow::anyhow!("signers is empty") }))); for s in signers { signer = signer.add_signer(s); } if hash_algo != 0 { signer = ffi_try!(signer.hash_algo(hash_algo.into())); } ffi_try_box!(signer.detached().build()) } /// Writes a literal data packet. /// /// The body will be written using partial length encoding, or, if the /// body is short, using full length encoding. #[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn pgp_literal_writer_new (errp: Option<&mut *mut crate::error::Error>, inner: *mut Message<'static>) -> *mut Message<'static> { ffi_make_fry_from_errp!(errp); let inner = ffi_param_move!(inner); ffi_try_box!(LiteralWriter::new(*inner).build()) } /// A recipient of an encrypted message. /// /// Wraps [`sequoia-openpgp::serialize::stream::Recipient`]. /// /// [`sequoia-openpgp::serialize::stream::Recipient`]: ../../../sequoia_openpgp/serialize/stream/struct.Recipient.html #[crate::ffi_wrapper_type(prefix = "pgp_", derive = "Debug")] pub struct Recipient<'a>(openpgp::serialize::stream::Recipient<'a>); /// Creates a new recipient with an explicit recipient keyid. /// /// Consumes `keyid`, references `key`. #[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn pgp_recipient_new<'a>(keyid: *mut KeyID, key: *const Key) -> *mut Recipient<'a> { openpgp::serialize::stream::Recipient::new( keyid.move_from_raw(), key.ref_raw(), ).move_into_raw() } /// Gets the KeyID. #[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn pgp_recipient_keyid(recipient: *const Recipient) -> *mut KeyID { recipient.ref_raw().keyid().clone().move_into_raw() } /// Sets the KeyID. /// /// Consumes `keyid`. #[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn pgp_recipient_set_keyid(recipient: *mut Recipient, keyid: *mut KeyID) { recipient.ref_mut_raw().set_keyid(keyid.move_from_raw()); } /// Collects recipients from a `pgp_cert_key_iter_t`. /// /// Consumes the iterator. The returned buffer must be freed using /// libc's allocator. #[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn pgp_recipients_from_key_iter<'a>( iter_wrapper: *mut KeyAmalgamationIterWrapper<'a>, result_len: *mut size_t) -> *mut *mut Recipient<'a> { let mut iter_wrapper = ffi_param_move!(iter_wrapper); let result_len = ffi_param_ref_mut!(result_len); let recipients = iter_wrapper.iter .take().unwrap() .map(|ka| ka.key().into()) .collect::>(); let result = unsafe { libc::calloc(recipients.len(), std::mem::size_of::<* mut Recipient>()) as *mut *mut Recipient }; let r = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(result, recipients.len()) }; *result_len = recipients.len(); r.iter_mut().zip(recipients.into_iter()) .for_each(|(r, recipient)| *r = recipient.move_into_raw()); result } /// Collects recipients from a `pgp_cert_valid_key_iter_t`. /// /// Consumes the iterator. The returned buffer must be freed using /// libc's allocator. #[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn pgp_recipients_from_valid_key_iter<'a>( iter_wrapper: *mut ValidKeyAmalgamationIterWrapper<'a>, result_len: *mut size_t) -> *mut *mut Recipient<'a> { let mut iter_wrapper = ffi_param_move!(iter_wrapper); let result_len = ffi_param_ref_mut!(result_len); let recipients = iter_wrapper.iter .take().unwrap() .map(|ka| ka.key().into()) .collect::>(); let result = unsafe { libc::calloc(recipients.len(), std::mem::size_of::<* mut Recipient>()) as *mut *mut Recipient }; let r = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(result, recipients.len()) }; *result_len = recipients.len(); r.iter_mut().zip(recipients.into_iter()) .for_each(|(r, recipient)| *r = recipient.move_into_raw()); result } /// Creates a new encryptor. /// /// The stream will be encrypted using a generated session key, /// which will be encrypted using the given passwords, and all /// encryption-capable subkeys of the given Certs. /// /// The recipients are consumed. /// /// The stream is encrypted using `cipher_algo`. Pass 0 for the /// default (which is what you usually want). #[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn pgp_encryptor_new<'a> (errp: Option<&mut *mut crate::error::Error>, inner: *mut Message<'a>, passwords: Option<&*const c_char>, passwords_len: size_t, recipients: Option<&*mut Recipient<'a>>, recipients_len: size_t, cipher_algo: u8, aead_algo: u8) -> *mut Message<'a> { ffi_make_fry_from_errp!(errp); let inner = ffi_param_move!(inner); let mut passwords_ = Vec::new(); if passwords_len > 0 { let passwords = passwords.expect("Passwords is NULL"); let passwords = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(passwords, passwords_len) }; for password in passwords { passwords_.push(ffi_param_cstr!(*password) .to_bytes().to_owned()); } } let mut recipients_ = Vec::new(); if recipients_len > 0 { let recipients = recipients.expect("Recipients is NULL"); let recipients = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(recipients, recipients_len) }; for recipient in recipients { recipients_.push(recipient.move_from_raw()); } }; let cipher_algo : Option = if cipher_algo == 0 { None } else { Some(cipher_algo.into()) }; let aead_algo : Option = if aead_algo == 0 { None } else { Some(aead_algo.into()) }; if passwords_.len() + recipients_.len() == 0 { ffi_try!(Err(anyhow::anyhow!( "Neither recipient nor password given"))); } let mut encryptor = Encryptor::for_recipients(*inner, recipients_) .add_passwords(passwords_); if let Some(algo) = cipher_algo { encryptor = encryptor.symmetric_algo(algo); } if let Some(algo) = aead_algo { encryptor = encryptor.aead_algo(algo); } ffi_try_box!(encryptor.build()) }