#ifndef SEQUOIA_OPENPGP_SERIALIZE_H #define SEQUOIA_OPENPGP_SERIALIZE_H /*/ /// Creates a new recipient with an explicit recipient keyid. /// /// Consumes `keyid`, references `key`. /*/ pgp_recipient_t pgp_recipient_new (pgp_keyid_t keyid, pgp_key_t key); /*/ /// Frees this object. /*/ void pgp_recipient_free (pgp_recipient_t); /*/ /// Returns a human readable description of this object suitable for /// debugging. /*/ char *pgp_recipient_debug (const pgp_recipient_t); /*/ /// Gets the KeyID. /*/ pgp_keyid_t pgp_recipient_keyid (const pgp_recipient_t); /*/ /// Sets the KeyID. /*/ void pgp_recipient_set_keyid (pgp_recipient_t, pgp_keyid_t); /*/ /// Collects recipients from a `pgp_tpk_key_iter_t`. /// /// Consumes the iterator. The returned buffer must be freed using /// libc's allocator. /*/ pgp_recipient_t *pgp_recipients_from_key_iter (pgp_tpk_key_iter_t, size_t *); #endif