//! For storing transferable public keys. //! //! The key store stores transferable public keys (TPKs) using an //! arbitrary label. Stored keys are automatically updated from //! remote sources. This ensures that updates like new subkeys and //! revocations are discovered in a timely manner. //! //! # Security considerations //! //! Storing public keys potentially leaks communication partners. //! Protecting against adversaries inspecting the local storage is out //! of scope for Sequoia. Please take the necessary precautions. //! //! Sequoia updates keys in compliance with the [network policy] used //! to create the store. //! //! [network policy]: ../../sequoia_core/enum.NetworkPolicy.html //! //! # Example //! //! ```c, ignore //! XXX //! ``` use libc::{uint8_t, uint64_t, c_char}; use std::ffi::CString; use std::ptr; extern crate sequoia_openpgp as openpgp; use self::openpgp::TPK; use self::openpgp::{ Fingerprint, KeyID }; use sequoia_store::{ self, Store, StoreIter, Binding, BindingIter, Key, KeyIter, LogIter, Pool, }; use super::error::Status; use super::core::{Context, sq_string_free}; /// Lists all stores with the given prefix. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_store_list_stores(ctx: *mut Context, domain_prefix: *const c_char) -> *mut StoreIter { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); let domain_prefix = ffi_param_cstr!(domain_prefix).to_string_lossy(); fry_box!(ctx, Store::list(&ctx.c, &domain_prefix)) } /// Returns the next store. /// /// Returns `NULL` on exhaustion. If `domainp` is not `NULL`, the /// stores domain is stored there. If `namep` is not `NULL`, the /// stores name is stored there. If `policyp` is not `NULL`, the /// stores network policy is stored there. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_store_iter_next(iter: *mut StoreIter, domainp: Option<&mut *mut c_char>, namep: Option<&mut *mut c_char>, policyp: Option<&mut uint8_t>) -> *mut Store { let iter = ffi_param_ref_mut!(iter); match iter.next() { Some((domain, name, policy, store)) => { if domainp.is_some() { *domainp.unwrap() = CString::new(domain) .map(|c| c.into_raw()) .unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut()); } if namep.is_some() { *namep.unwrap() = CString::new(name) .map(|c| c.into_raw()) .unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut()); } if policyp.is_some() { *policyp.unwrap() = (&policy).into(); } box_raw!(store) }, None => ptr::null_mut(), } } /// Frees a sq_store_iter_t. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_store_iter_free(iter: Option<&mut StoreIter>) { ffi_free!(iter) } /// Lists all keys in the common key pool. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_store_list_keys(ctx: *mut Context) -> *mut KeyIter { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); fry_box!(ctx, Store::list_keys(&ctx.c)) } /// Lists all log entries. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_store_server_log(ctx: *mut Context) -> *mut LogIter { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); fry_box!(ctx, Store::server_log(&ctx.c)) } /// Returns the next key. /// /// Returns `NULL` on exhaustion. If `fpp` is not `NULL`, the key's /// fingerprint is stored there. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_key_iter_next(iter: *mut KeyIter, fpp: Option<&mut *mut Fingerprint>) -> *mut Key { let iter = ffi_param_ref_mut!(iter); match iter.next() { Some((fingerprint, key)) => { if fpp.is_some() { *fpp.unwrap() = box_raw!(fingerprint); } box_raw!(key) }, None => ptr::null_mut(), } } /// Frees a sq_key_iter_t. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_key_iter_free(iter: Option<&mut KeyIter>) { ffi_free!(iter) } fn cstring(s: &str) -> *mut c_char { CString::new(s) .map(|c| c.into_raw()) // Fails only on internal nul bytes. .unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut()) } /// Returns the next log entry. /// /// Returns `NULL` on exhaustion. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_log_iter_next(iter: *mut LogIter) -> *mut Log { let iter = ffi_param_ref_mut!(iter); match iter.next() { Some(e) => { let (status, error) = match e.status { Ok(s) => (cstring(&s), ptr::null_mut()), Err((s, e)) => (cstring(&s), cstring(&e)), }; box_raw!(Log{ timestamp: e.timestamp.sec as uint64_t, store: maybe_box_raw!(e.store), binding: maybe_box_raw!(e.binding), key: maybe_box_raw!(e.key), slug: cstring(&e.slug), status: status, error: error, }) }, None => ptr::null_mut(), } } /// Frees a sq_log_iter_t. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_log_iter_free(iter: Option<&mut LogIter>) { ffi_free!(iter) } /// Opens a store. /// /// Opens a store with the given name. If the store does not /// exist, it is created. Stores are handles for objects /// maintained by a background service. The background service /// associates state with this name. /// /// The store updates TPKs in compliance with the network policy /// of the context that created the store in the first place. /// Opening the store with a different network policy is /// forbidden. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_store_open(ctx: *mut Context, name: *const c_char) -> *mut Store { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); let name = ffi_param_cstr!(name).to_string_lossy(); fry_box!(ctx, Store::open(&ctx.c, &name)) } /// Frees a sq_store_t. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_store_free(store: Option<&mut Store>) { ffi_free!(store) } /// Adds a key identified by fingerprint to the store. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_store_add(ctx: *mut Context, store: *const Store, label: *const c_char, fingerprint: *const Fingerprint) -> *mut Binding { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); let store = ffi_param_ref!(store); let label = ffi_param_cstr!(label).to_string_lossy(); let fingerprint = ffi_param_ref!(fingerprint); fry_box!(ctx, store.add(&label, fingerprint)) } /// Imports a key into the store. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_store_import(ctx: *mut Context, store: *const Store, label: *const c_char, tpk: *const TPK) -> *mut TPK { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); let store = ffi_param_ref!(store); let label = ffi_param_cstr!(label).to_string_lossy(); let tpk = ffi_param_ref!(tpk); fry_box!(ctx, store.import(&label, tpk)) } /// Returns the binding for the given label. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_store_lookup(ctx: *mut Context, store: *const Store, label: *const c_char) -> *mut Binding { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); let store = ffi_param_ref!(store); let label = ffi_param_cstr!(label).to_string_lossy(); fry_box!(ctx, store.lookup(&label)) } /// Looks up a key in the common key pool by KeyID. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_store_lookup_by_keyid(ctx: *mut Context, keyid: *const KeyID) -> *mut Key { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); let keyid = ffi_param_ref!(keyid); fry_box!(ctx, Pool::lookup_by_keyid(&ctx.c, keyid)) } /// Looks up a key in the common key pool by (Sub)KeyID. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_store_lookup_by_subkeyid(ctx: *mut Context, keyid: *const KeyID) -> *mut Key { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); let keyid = ffi_param_ref!(keyid); fry_box!(ctx, Pool::lookup_by_subkeyid(&ctx.c, keyid)) } /// Deletes this store. /// /// Consumes `store`. Returns != 0 on error. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_store_delete(ctx: *mut Context, store: *mut Store) -> Status { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); let store = ffi_param_move!(store); fry_status!(ctx, store.delete()) } /// Lists all bindings. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_store_iter(ctx: *mut Context, store: *const Store) -> *mut BindingIter { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); let store = ffi_param_ref!(store); fry_box!(ctx, store.iter()) } /// Returns the next binding. /// /// Returns `NULL` on exhaustion. If `labelp` is not `NULL`, the /// bindings label is stored there. If `fpp` is not `NULL`, the /// bindings fingerprint is stored there. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_binding_iter_next(iter: *mut BindingIter, labelp: Option<&mut *mut c_char>, fpp: Option<&mut *mut Fingerprint>) -> *mut Binding { let iter = ffi_param_ref_mut!(iter); match iter.next() { Some((label, fp, binding)) => { if labelp.is_some() { *labelp.unwrap() = CString::new(label) .map(|c| c.into_raw()) .unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut()); } if fpp.is_some() { *fpp.unwrap() = box_raw!(fp); } box_raw!(binding) }, None => ptr::null_mut(), } } /// Frees a sq_binding_iter_t. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_binding_iter_free(iter: Option<&mut BindingIter>) { ffi_free!(iter) } /// Lists all log entries related to this store. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_store_log(ctx: *mut Context, store: *const Store) -> *mut LogIter { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); let store = ffi_param_ref!(store); fry_box!(ctx, store.log()) } /// Frees a sq_binding_t. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_binding_free(binding: Option<&mut Binding>) { ffi_free!(binding) } /// Frees a sq_key_t. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_key_free(key: Option<&mut Key>) { ffi_free!(key) } /// Frees a sq_log_t. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_log_free(log: Option<&mut Log>) { if let Some(log) = log { let log = unsafe { Box::from_raw(log) }; if ! log.store.is_null() { ffi_param_move!(log.store); } if ! log.binding.is_null() { ffi_param_move!(log.binding); } if ! log.key.is_null() { ffi_param_move!(log.key); } sq_string_free(log.slug); sq_string_free(log.status); sq_string_free(log.error); drop(log) } } /// Returns the `sq_stats_t` of this binding. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_binding_stats(ctx: *mut Context, binding: *const Binding) -> *mut Stats { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); let binding = ffi_param_ref!(binding); box_raw!(Stats::new(fry!(ctx, binding.stats()))) } /// Returns the `sq_key_t` of this binding. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_binding_key(ctx: *mut Context, binding: *const Binding) -> *mut Key { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); let binding = ffi_param_ref!(binding); fry_box!(ctx, binding.key()) } /// Returns the `sq_tpk_t` of this binding. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_binding_tpk(ctx: *mut Context, binding: *const Binding) -> *mut TPK { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); let binding = ffi_param_ref!(binding); fry_box!(ctx, binding.tpk()) } /// Updates this binding with the given TPK. /// /// If the new key `tpk` matches the current key, i.e. they have /// the same fingerprint, both keys are merged and normalized. /// The returned key contains all packets known to Sequoia, and /// should be used instead of `tpk`. /// /// If the new key does not match the current key, but carries a /// valid signature from the current key, it replaces the current /// key. This provides a natural way for key rotations. /// /// If the new key does not match the current key, and it does not /// carry a valid signature from the current key, an /// `Error::Conflict` is returned, and you have to resolve the /// conflict, either by ignoring the new key, or by using /// `sq_binding_rotate` to force a rotation. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_binding_import(ctx: *mut Context, binding: *const Binding, tpk: *const TPK) -> *mut TPK { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); let binding = ffi_param_ref!(binding); let tpk = ffi_param_ref!(tpk); fry_box!(ctx, binding.import(&tpk)) } /// Forces a keyrotation to the given TPK. /// /// The current key is replaced with the new key `tpk`, even if /// they do not have the same fingerprint. If a key with the same /// fingerprint as `tpk` is already in the store, is merged with /// `tpk` and normalized. The returned key contains all packets /// known to Sequoia, and should be used instead of `tpk`. /// /// Use this function to resolve conflicts returned from /// `sq_binding_import`. Make sure that you have authenticated /// `tpk` properly. How to do that depends on your thread model. /// You could simply ask Alice to call her communication partner /// Bob and confirm that he rotated his keys. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_binding_rotate(ctx: *mut Context, binding: *const Binding, tpk: *const TPK) -> *mut TPK { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); let binding = ffi_param_ref!(binding); let tpk = ffi_param_ref!(tpk); fry_box!(ctx, binding.rotate(&tpk)) } /// Deletes this binding. /// /// Consumes `binding`. Returns != 0 on error. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_binding_delete(ctx: *mut Context, binding: *mut Binding) -> Status { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); let binding = ffi_param_move!(binding); fry_status!(ctx, binding.delete()) } /// Lists all log entries related to this binding. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_binding_log(ctx: *mut Context, binding: *const Binding) -> *mut LogIter { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); let binding = ffi_param_ref!(binding); fry_box!(ctx, binding.log()) } /// Returns the `sq_stats_t` of this key. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_key_stats(ctx: *mut Context, key: *const Key) -> *mut Stats { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); let key = ffi_param_ref!(key); box_raw!(Stats::new(fry!(ctx, key.stats()))) } /// Returns the `sq_tpk_t`. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_key_tpk(ctx: *mut Context, key: *const Key) -> *mut TPK { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); let key = ffi_param_ref!(key); fry_box!(ctx, key.tpk()) } /// Updates this stored key with the given TPK. /// /// If the new key `tpk` matches the current key, i.e. they have /// the same fingerprint, both keys are merged and normalized. /// The returned key contains all packets known to Sequoia, and /// should be used instead of `tpk`. /// /// If the new key does not match the current key, /// `Error::Conflict` is returned. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_key_import(ctx: *mut Context, key: *const Key, tpk: *const TPK) -> *mut TPK { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); let key = ffi_param_ref!(key); let tpk = ffi_param_ref!(tpk); fry_box!(ctx, key.import(&tpk)) } /// Lists all log entries related to this key. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_key_log(ctx: *mut Context, key: *const Key) -> *mut LogIter { let ctx = ffi_param_ref_mut!(ctx); let key = ffi_param_ref!(key); fry_box!(ctx, key.log()) } /// Frees a sq_stats_t. #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn sq_stats_free(stats: Option<&mut Stats>) { ffi_free!(stats) } /// Counter and timestamps. #[repr(C)] pub struct Stamps { /// Counts how many times this has been used. pub count: uint64_t, /// Records the time when this has been used first. pub first: uint64_t, /// Records the time when this has been used last. pub last: uint64_t, } impl Stamps { fn new(s: &sequoia_store::Stamps) -> Stamps { Stamps{ count: s.count as uint64_t, first: s.first.map(|t| t.sec).unwrap_or(0) as uint64_t, last: s.last.map(|t| t.sec).unwrap_or(0) as uint64_t, } } } /// Statistics about bindings and stored keys. /// /// We collect some data about binginds and stored keys. This /// information can be used to make informed decisions about key /// transitions. #[repr(C)] pub struct Stats { /// Records the time this item was created. pub created: uint64_t, /// Records the time this item was last updated. pub updated: uint64_t, /// Records counters and timestamps of encryptions. pub encryption: Stamps, /// Records counters and timestamps of verifications. pub verification: Stamps, } impl Stats { fn new(s: sequoia_store::Stats) -> Stats { Stats { created: s.created.map(|t| t.sec).unwrap_or(0) as uint64_t, updated: s.updated.map(|t| t.sec).unwrap_or(0) as uint64_t, encryption: Stamps::new(&s.encryption), verification: Stamps::new(&s.verification), } } } /// Represents a log entry. #[repr(C)] pub struct Log { /// Records the time of the entry. pub timestamp: uint64_t, /// Relates the entry to a store. /// /// May be `NULL`. pub store: *mut Store, /// Relates the entry to a binding. /// /// May be `NULL`. pub binding: *mut Binding, /// Relates the entry to a key. /// /// May be `NULL`. pub key: *mut Key, /// Relates the entry to some object. /// /// This is a human-readable description of what this log entry is /// mainly concerned with. pub slug: *mut c_char, /// Holds the log message. pub status: *mut c_char, /// Holds the error message, if any. /// /// May be `NULL`. pub error: *mut c_char, }