This is a checklist for doing Sequoia releases. 1. Starting from origin/master, create a branch for the release. 2. For all 'Cargo.toml's: Bump version = "XXX". 3. For all 'Cargo.toml's: Bump documentation = "https://.../XXX/...". 4. For all 'Cargo.toml's: Bump intra-workspace dependencies. 5. Run 'make sanity-check-versions'. 6. Make a commit with the message "Release XXX.". 7. Make a tag vXXX with the message "Release XXX." signed with an offline-key. 8. Make a clean clone of the repository. 9. For the following crates, cd into the directory, and do 'cargo publish': - buffered-reader - openpgp - sqv 10. In case of errors, correct them, and go back to 6. 11. Push the branch to master, push the tag. 12. Regenerate