This is a checklist for doing releases. 1. Create a new milestone for the planned release. 1. Announce your intention to do a release on irc, and ask if anyone has any changes that want merged before the release, or issues that should be fixed. Ask them to add them to the milestone. 1. Go to the project's repository and scan the open issues and MRs. If there is something relevant for the release, add it to the milestone. 1. Work through the milestone backlog. 1. Preparation for the actual release. We set some variables here that the code snippets below use. Select the features to use. Leave it empty to use the default: ```shell FEATURES="" ``` In projects where you need to select a specific backend, try: ```shell FEATURES="--no-default-features --features crypto-openssl" ``` When building a project in a workspace, like `sequoia-openpgp`, do something like: ```shell FEATURES="-p sequoia-openpgp" ``` Optionally set `CARGO_TARGET_DIR` ```shell export CARGO_TARGET_DIR=$(mktemp -d) ``` 1. Make sure your repository is up to date: ``` git fetch ``` 1. Start from `origin/main`, and create a branch `staging`: ``` git checkout -b staging origin/main ``` 1. Update Cargo.lock, and run checks locally: - Use the project's exact MSRV version. This is important when updating dependencies, and for `cargo publish`. ``` MSRV=$(sed -nE 's/rust-version\s+=\s+"([^"]+)"/\1/p' < Cargo.toml) rustup default "$MSRV" ``` - Update the dependencies and run the tests: ``` cargo update cargo build --release $FEATURES && \ cargo test --release $FEATURES && \ cargo doc --no-deps --release $FEATURES git add Cargo.lock if [ git diff --cached --exit-code ]; then git commit -m "Update dependencies." fi ``` - If some dependency is updated and breaks due to our MSRV, find a good version of that dependency and select it using e.g. `cargo update -p backtrace --precise 3.46`. - Audit any new indirect dependencies. - Check in any updates with the commit message: "Update Cargo.lock". 1. Check for out-of-date dependencies and see if they can be upgraded: ``` cargo outdated -d 1 editor Cargo.toml # Update version cargo update -p PACKAGE --precise VERSION cargo build --release $FEATURES && cargo test --release $FEATURES && cargo doc --no-deps --release $FEATURES ``` Add a commit for each dependency or group of dependencies that is upgraded ("Upgrade PACKAGE"). Sometimes it is possible to upgrade a dependency, but not to the latest version. Sometimes there is a semver change, but we don't rely on the change. In that case, try using a version range: ```toml memsec = { version = ">=0.5, <0.7", default-features = false } ``` Note: if specifying a lower bound, always specify an upper bound otherwise things may break in the future. 1. Bump the version in Cargo.toml to `XXX`. ``` cargo set-version "$VERSION" ``` 1. Bump the version in `` to `XXX`, if necessary. 1. Make a commit with the message `Release XXX.` or `project: Release XXX.`. ``` git commit -a -S -m "Release $VERSION." ``` 1. Push this to gitlab as `staging`, create a merge request, wait for CI. ``` git push origin staging ``` 1. Make sure `cargo publish` works: ``` ORIGIN=$(git remote get-url origin) cd $(mktemp -d) git clone $ORIGIN source cd source git checkout origin/staging cargo publish --dry-run $FEATURES ``` Note: when working with workspaces and cargo <1.68, [the top-level `Cargo.lock` file will be ignored]( This can be worked around by using a newer rustc or doing something like: ```shell cp Cargo.lock openpgp cargo publish -p sequoia-openpgp --locked --allow-dirty ``` 1. Wait until CI and `cargo publish --dry-run` are successful. In case of errors, correct them, and go back to the step creating the release commit. ``` if [[ "$ORIGIN" =~ ^git@([^:]+):([^/]+)/([^.]+).git$ ]]; then while [ $( curl -sSL "https://${BASH_REMATCH[1]}/api/v4/projects/${BASH_REMATCH[2]}%2F${BASH_REMATCH[3]}/pipelines?ref=staging&sha=$(git rev-parse HEAD)" | jq 'map(select(.status != "success")) | length == 0' ) != "true" ]; do echo "Pipelines still running... (or failed)" sleep 9 done else echo Origin not supported exit 1 fi ``` 1. Run `cargo publish` ``` cargo publish ``` 1. Merge the merge request 1. Make a tag `vXXX` with the message `Release XXX.` or `project: Release XXX.`, as appropriate. Sign it with an offline key that has been certified by our `` key: ``` git tag -s -m "Release $VERSION." v$VERSION git verify-tag v$VERSION ``` 1. Push the signed tag `vXXX`: ``` git push origin v$VERSION ``` 1. Announce the release. - IRC: #sequoia: "I released $VERSION of $PACKAGE" - Signed email to ``, ``, and optionally cc `` if there are particularly interesting changes. - Blog post when the release contains interesting new stuff.