This is a checklist for doing Sequoia releases. 1. Starting from origin/main, create a branch XXX for the release. 1. For all 'Cargo.toml's: Bump version = "XXX". - Only do this for non-released crates and those with changes relative to the last released version. 1. For all 'Cargo.toml's: Bump intra-workspace dependencies if necessary. 1. Update dependencies and run tests. - Run 'cargo update' to update the dependencies. If some dependency is updated and breaks due to our MSRV, find a good version of that dependency and select it using e.g. 'cargo update -p backtrace --precise -3.46'. - Run 'make check'. - Run 'cargo run -p sequoia-openpgp --example statistics --release -- ../sks-dump-*.pgp' and update . 1. Update manpage for sqv and sq: - Clone to a separate location. - Add symlinks and run as described in the manpage-maker's readme - Copy man-sqv/sqv.1 to sequoia/sqv/man-sqv/sqv.1 - Copy man-sq*/*.1 to sequoia/sq/man-sq* - Make a commit with the message "sq, sqv: Update manpage." 1. Make a commit with the message "component: Release XXX.". - Push this to gitlab, and create a merge request. 1. Make a tag component/vXXX with the message "component: Release XXX." signed with an offline-key. 1. Make a clean clone of the repository. 1. For the crate to be published, cd into the directory, and do 'cargo publish'. 1. In case of errors, correct them, and go back to the step creating the release commit. 1. Merge the branch to main by merging the merge request created in step 6, push the tag. 1. Make a source distribution, put it on, collect and merge signatures. 1. Regenerate 1. Announce the release. - IRC - mailing list - web site