path: root/openpgp
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-10-11openpgp: Fix links.Nora Widdecke
2021-10-06openpgp: Remove dependency unicode-normalization.Nora Widdecke
- Remove explicit dependency on unicode-normalization. It was added in 2a19afb8 to pin the crate to a version that has a low enough MSRV. The pin was removed in 742eac41, but the explicit dependency wasn't.
2021-10-05openpgp: Release 1.4.0.openpgp/v1.4.0Justus Winter
2021-10-05openpgp: Fix crash in the CNG backend.Justus Winter
2021-10-05Fix typos.Neal H. Walfield
2021-10-05openpgp: Implement ECDH and ECDSA over NistP256 with RustCrypto.Justus Winter
2021-10-05openpgp: Add a RustCrypto backend.Nikhil Benesch
- This adds a cryptographic backend based on the RustCrypto crates. The backend is marked as experimental, as the RustCrypto crates' authors state that they have not been audited and may not perform computations in constant time. Nevertheless, it may be useful in certain environments, e.g. WebAssembly. - The backend implements RSA, EdDSA and ECDH over Curve25519, IDEA, 3DES, CAST5, Blowfish, AES, Twofish, EAX, MD5, SHA1, RipeMD160, and the SHA2 family. - Notably missing are DSA, ElGamal, and ECDSA and ECDH over the NIST curves. - See #333.
2021-09-30openpgp: Add features to opt-in to experimental crypto backends.Justus Winter
2021-09-30openpgp: Use new padding methods in the CNG backend.Justus Winter
2021-09-30openpgp: Simplify code.Justus Winter
- r is a mem::Protected, no need to explicitly clean it up.
2021-09-30Annotate functions where single_match is OKLars Wirzenius
2021-09-30Annotate functions where clippy::redundant_pattern_matching is OKLars Wirzenius
2021-09-30Use strip_{prefix,suffix} for code that's easier to followLars Wirzenius
Instead of: if text.starts_with(prefix) { &text[prefix.len()..] } else { &text } use this: if let Some(rest) = text.strip_prefix(prefix) { rest } else { &text } The strip_prefix is easier to understand, and also removes the dependency between the if condition and the computation to get the slice after the prefix. The dependency is reasonably clear, but the compiler does not understand it so it's plausible that a future change might change the condition but not the slice. The approach using strip_prefix avoids that. This was found by the clippy lint manual_strip:
2021-09-30Use match for tri-state conditionLars Wirzenius
A chain of if statements is not guaranteed to test every possible case, the way match does. Thus it seems better to use match here, when there are three possible results from a comparison. Found by clippy lint comparison_chain:
2021-09-30Allow a pointer-to-pointer transmutationLars Wirzenius
We should arguably use a different approach, but I don't understand the code enough to suggest how. Found by clippy lint transmute_ptr_to_ptr:
2021-09-30Allow short single-character argument and variable namesLars Wirzenius
Generally speaking, single-character names are not great for the person reading the code later. They don't usually act as a cognitive aid to understand the code. However, this in code implementing cryptographic operations that implements mathematical formulas that canonically use single-letter names it's clearer to use the same name in the code. Thus, I only tell clippy those names are OK in these cases. Found by clippy lint many_single_char_names:
2021-09-30Allow if conditions that use complex codeLars Wirzenius
An if condition is an expression and can be as complex as the programmer wants. However, the more complex a condition is, the harder it tends to be to understand. I marked functions with such if conditions so that clippy won't complain about the code. I probably should have simplified the code, perhaps by extracting the condition to its own function, but it would have been much harder to do, so I didn't. Found by clippy lint blocks_in_if_conditions:
2021-09-30Avoid casting a usize to isize in the argument to pointer::offsetLars Wirzenius
Arguably this code should be rewritten to avoid needing "unsafe", but this is the minimal change for reassuring clippy. Found by clippy lint ptr_offset_with_cast:
2021-09-30Avoid calling .map with function returning the unit typeLars Wirzenius
It seems clearer to write this with "if let". Found by clippy lint option_map_unit_fn:
2021-09-30Remove evaluation order dependenceLars Wirzenius
In this code: self.user_attributes.retain(|_| (keep[i], i += 1).0); it can be unclear to the reader that the increment of i actually happens before keep is indexed. Especially so for people who've been inflicted by C and its many surprising reasons for undefined behavior. It seems better to write this using an iterator. Found by clippy lint eval_order_dependence:
2021-09-30Use as_derefLars Wirzenius
Instead of this: foo.as_ref().map(|x| x.as_slice()) do this: foo.as_deref() It's shorter and more to the point, and should thus be easier to understand. Found by clippy lint option_as_ref_deref:
2021-09-30Tell clippy it's OK not to implement traitsLars Wirzenius
Certain method names are typically provided by traits, and it can be confusing to readers when a method uses that name without the type implementing the trait. Mark the cases we have to tell clippy these cases are OK. Implementing the corresponding traits would have changed API so I opted not to do that. Found by clippy lint new_without_default:
2021-09-30Allow new() without default()Lars Wirzenius
It is customary in Rust to implement the Default trait for types that can have a new method that takes no arguments. However, that's not always wanted. I've marked all the structures that have a new without arguments but don't implement Default, so that if we get more of them, clippy will warn. Found by clippy lint new_without_default:
2021-09-30Allow ::new to not return SelfLars Wirzenius
It is Rust custom that the new method for a type returns an instance of that type. However, sometimes that's not wanted. Tell clippy that these cases are OK. I opted to not do this globally, because that would prevent clippy from catching future cases. Found by clippy warning new_ret_no_self:
2021-09-30Add an is_empty method when len is thereLars Wirzenius
It is customary for Rust data container structures to have both is_empty and len, methods, because is_empty can both more to the point and also faster to implement. Sometimes is_empty makes no sense, as it doesn't for openpgp::types::Curve, which isn't a container structure. Arguably it would be better to rename Curve::len to something like Curve::bits, but as that would change the API, I've opted to tell clippy that not having is_empty in this case is OK. Found by clippy lint len_without_is_empty:
2021-09-30Return a value without first assigning it to a variableLars Wirzenius
Found by clippy lint let_and_return:
2021-09-30Drop unnecessary to_string() methodsLars Wirzenius
The methods were shadowing the implementation of the same function via the Display trait. One implementation is enough. Found by the clippy trait inherent_to_string_shadow_display:
2021-09-30Join nested if statements with logical and into one statementLars Wirzenius
Instead of this: if foo { if bar { ... } } do this: if foo && bar { ... } Nesting statements implies a more complicated code structure than it really is. Thus it's arguably simpler to write a combined condition by joining the two conditions with a logical and operation. Found by clippy lint collapsible_if:
2021-09-30Use .sort_unstable for speedLars Wirzenius
A stable sort is one where values that compare equal are in the same order relative to each other in the output as they were in the input. Thus, if input has values a0, b, and a1, with a0==a1, a0<b, a1<b, then the output of a stable sort is guaranteed to be be [a0, a1, b]. For an unstable sort, the output may also be [a1, a0, b]. This can matter if, for example, the values are structs and only one field is used for comparison. On data where an unstable sort (.sort_unstable) works, it's bad to use a stable sort (.sort), because it uses more CPU without affecting the end result. If the types of values in a vector are primitive types, as they are in the cases changed by this commit, an unstable sort will do just fine. Found by clippy lint stable_sort_primitive:
2021-09-30Replace .filter_map with just .filter when possibleLars Wirzenius
If the function or closure passed into .filter_map doesn't do any filtering or mapping. the method call can be replaced with a simple .map or .filter. The clippy lint suggests which. In this change, we can always replace .filter_map with .filter. We also need to change the closure to return a boolean value, since that's what .filter expects. Found by clippy lint unnecessary_filter_map:
2021-09-30Use .iter() instead of .into_iter()Lars Wirzenius
Just call the .iter() method instead of .into_iter() when either is OK. The shorter form is shorter and should thus be easier to read. Found by clippy lint into_iter_on_ref:
2021-09-30Use Result::map or ::map_err instead of ::and_thenLars Wirzenius
Instead of: foo().and_then(|x| Ok(x.transmogrify()) use this: foo().map(|x| x.transmogrify) because it's shorter and simpler to understand. Suggested by clippy lint bind_instead_of_map:
2021-09-30Avoid naming field setting it from variable of the same nameLars Wirzenius
When creating a struct with a field foo, using a variable also named foo, it's not necessary to name the field explicitly. Thus, instead of: Self { foo: foo } use this: Self { foo } The shorter form is more idiomatic and thus less confusing to experienced Rust programmers. This was found by the clippy lint redundant_field_names: Sponsored-by: author
2021-09-30Simplify writing out a literal {}Lars Wirzenius
It's arguably simpler to write a format string that doesn't take arguments than one with an argument that looks like a format string. Found by clippy lint write_literal:
2021-09-30Drop unnecessary mut when passing a reference to a functionLars Wirzenius
Reduce this: foo(&mut bar): into foo(&bar); when the function does not expect a mutable reference, just a read-only reference. The extra mut serves no function, but can confuse the reader. Found by clippy lint unnecessary_mut_passed:
2021-09-30Drop unnecessary conversions with .into() to the same typeLars Wirzenius
The code used to do foo.into(), but the result was of the same type as foo already was. Thus the extra call is redundant and likely to confuse a reader. Found by clippy lint useless_conversion:
2021-09-30Simplify &foo == &bar into foo == barLars Wirzenius
This was found by clippy lint op_ref:
2021-09-30Use the now-idiomatic option? syntaxLars Wirzenius
This works in Rust now: foo?; as a replacement for: if foo.is_none() { return None; } It's similar to ? for error handling and can only be used in functions that return an Option. The instance of this in a macro caused the problem to be reported a lot of time, once per time the macro was used, but luckily it can could be fixed in only one place. Magic! Found by clippy lint question_mark:
2021-09-30Improve error message for a malformed packetLars Wirzenius
Suggested by Neal Walfield. Found by clippy lint useless_format:
2021-09-30Annotate function so that clippy accepts nonminimal_boolLars Wirzenius
Found by clippy lint nonminimal_bool:
2021-09-30Use std::mem::take instead of std::mem::replace, for clarityLars Wirzenius
Replace let bar = std::mem::replace(&foo, Default::Default()); with let bar = std::mem::take(&foo); The new version seems a little clearer. Found by clippy: Sponsored-by: author
2021-09-30Use a clearer and shorter += or /= operationLars Wirzenius
Rewrite: i = i + 1 as i += 1 For a simple variable this is shorter, and a little bit clearer. For more complex expressions it avoids making the reader having to visually check that the left and right hand side of the assignment really do have the same expression and that nothing tricky is going on. This was found by the clippy lint assign_op_pattern:
2021-09-30Drop extra unused lifetime annotationLars Wirzenius
The lifetime was not used in anyway so it only adds noise to the source code. This was found by the clippy lint extra_unused_lifetimes:
2021-09-30Drop unnecessary lifetime notationsLars Wirzenius
Rust can automatically deduce lifetimes in some cases ("lifetime elision"). While adding unnecessary lifetime annotations is not incorrect, it can make it harder to follow the code: why is there a lifetime annotation here? What is the reason why it's needed? Is something unusual going on. This removes a few unnecessary lifetime annotations, as found by the clippy lint needless_lifetimes:
2021-09-29openpgp: Add RSA verification test vectors from FIPS 186-3.Justus Winter
2021-09-29openpgp: Add DSA test vectors from FIPS 186-3.Justus Winter
2021-09-29openpgp: Pad the DSA public key to the size of the modulus.Justus Winter
- Works around a crash in the CNG bindings. - See
2021-09-29openpgp: Fix typo.Justus Winter
2021-09-29openpgp: Use new padding methods in the CNG backend.Justus Winter
- This makes the code more succinct and also more robust (consider for example that `field_sz - r.value().len()` may underflow.
2021-09-29openpgp: Avoid secret-dependent time difference.Justus Winter
- Using ProtectedMPI::value_padded avoids this cleanly. - Fixes #716.