path: root/openpgp/src/wot/
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Diffstat (limited to 'openpgp/src/wot/')
1 files changed, 1098 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/openpgp/src/wot/ b/openpgp/src/wot/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b41d789a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openpgp/src/wot/
@@ -0,0 +1,1098 @@
+use std::cmp::Ordering;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
+use std::fmt;
+use crate::Fingerprint;
+use super::Certification;
+use super::CertificationSet;
+use super::Network;
+use super::Path;
+use super::PriorityQueue;
+use super::TRACE;
+#[derive(Debug, Eq, Clone)]
+struct Cost {
+ // 0: This certificate is not a trusted introducer.
+ // 1: Trusted introducer.
+ // 2: Meta-trusted introducer[
+ // etc.
+ //
+ // Higher is better.
+ depth: usize,
+ // The trust amount along this path. Higher is better.
+ amount: usize,
+impl Ord for Cost {
+ fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
+ self.depth.cmp(&other.depth)
+ .then(self.amount.cmp(&self.amount))
+ }
+impl PartialOrd for Cost {
+ fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
+ Some(self.cmp(other))
+ }
+impl PartialEq for Cost {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+ self.cmp(other) == Ordering::Equal
+ }
+struct BackPointer<'a> {
+ // If None, then a root.
+ prev: Option<Certification<'a>>,
+impl<'a> fmt::Debug for BackPointer<'a> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ let mut x = f.debug_struct("BackPointer");
+ let x = if let Some(ref c) = self.prev {
+ x.field("prev",
+ &(c.issuer_cert.fingerprint().to_string(),
+ c.issuer_cert.primary_userid().map(|ua| {
+ String::from_utf8_lossy(ua.userid().value()).into_owned()
+ })
+ .unwrap_or("<Missing User ID>".into())))
+ } else {
+ x.field("prev", &"root")
+ };
+ x.finish()
+ }
+impl<'a> Network<'a> {
+ // Computes an authentication network using forward propagation.
+ //
+ // Unfortunately, authenticating a binding in the WoT is NP
+ // complete. Although authenticating a binding appears to be an
+ // isomorphism of the shortest path problem, which can be solved
+ // using Dijkstra's algorithm, which runs in polynomial time, it
+ // unfortunately is not. The issue is that because an edge's
+ // trust depth imposes non-local constraints, it violates a core
+ // assumption of Dijkstra's algorithm.
+ //
+ // To understand why the WoT's trust depth is incompatible with
+ // Dijkstra's algorithm, we first need to recall how Dijkstra's
+ // algorithm works. For each node in the network, Dijkstra's
+ // algorithm initializes a distance and a back pointer. It then
+ // walks the graph. As it examines each edge, it updates these
+ // variables. At the end of the algorithm, the shortest path to
+ // each node is found by following the back pointers to the
+ // source. This works when the following holds: if A ... B -> C
+ // is the shortest path from A to C, then A ... B is the shortest
+ // path from A to B; if the shortest path from A to B were
+ // actually A ...' B, then the shortest path from A to C would
+ // instead be A ...' B -> C!
+ //
+ // In the WoT, the best path to B could every well be A ...' B
+ // while the best path to C is A ... B -> C. Consider the
+ // following network:
+ //
+ // A
+ // _ o
+ // 3/60 /| \ 2/60
+ // / _\| C 1/120 D 0/120 E
+ // Root o _ o -------------> o -------------> o
+ // \ /|
+ // 2/120 _\| / 1/120
+ // o
+ // B
+ //
+ // "x/y" is a tuple corresponding to the certification's depth and
+ // amount.
+ //
+ // In this network, we can authenticate D with full trust (amount
+ // = 120) using the path:
+ //
+ // Root -> B -> C -> D
+ //
+ // But to authenticate E, we have to use:
+ //
+ // Root -> A -> C -> D -> E
+ //
+ // Root -> B -> C -> D -> E is not valid, becase B says that C can
+ // be a trusted introducer of depth = 1, but we need B to be a
+ // trusted introducer with a depth of at least 2 to authenticate E
+ // along that path!
+ //
+ // ## Heuristic
+ //
+ // This function identifies best paths by making the following
+ // simplifications:
+ //
+ // - If a certification includes a regular expression, it is
+ // ignored.
+ //
+ // - When comparing two certifications, the certificate with the
+ // larger depth is always preferred.
+ //
+ // Using these simplifications, we are able to use Dijkstra's
+ // algorithm to authenticate nodes in the network. These
+ // simplifications mean that we may not identify some
+ // authentication paths, or that paths that we identify are not
+ // optimal. However, we will never claim a path is authenticated
+ // more than it actually is. Further, the simplifications are
+ // constructive in the sense that adding another certification to
+ // the network will never result in node not being authenticated
+ // (although the path found may be weaker).
+ pub(super) fn forward_propagate(&self, roots: &[Fingerprint])
+ -> HashMap<Fingerprint, Path>
+ {
+ tracer!(TRACE, "Network::forward_propagate", 0);
+ t!("Roots:\n{}",
+ roots.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, fpr)| {
+ if let Some(cert) = self.nodes.get(fpr) {
+ format!(" {}. {}, {}",
+ i, fpr,
+ cert.primary_userid()
+ .map(|ua| {
+ String::from_utf8_lossy(
+ ua.userid().value()).into_owned()
+ })
+ .unwrap_or("<no User ID>".to_owned()))
+ } else {
+ format!(" {}. {} (not found)",
+ i, fpr)
+ }
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ .join("\n"));
+ t!("Have {} nodes, {} have made at least one certification.",
+ self.nodes.len(), self.edges.len());
+ // We're doing a Dijkstra, which works as follows. There are
+ // two main data structures:
+ //
+ // - A max-priority queue, and
+ // - A vector of backpointers (one entry for each node).
+ //
+ // The roots are inserted into the priority queue, and their
+ // distances set to 0.
+ //
+ // Then, while the priority queue is not empty, we remove the
+ // node with the shortest path from the queue, and examine
+ // each of its edges in turn:
+ //
+ // - If the edge's target has not yet been considered
+ // (distance[target] is NULL), its distance is set to
+ // distance[node] + weight[edge] and it is added to the
+ // priority queue.
+ //
+ // - Otherwise, if distance[source] + weight[edge] <
+ // distance[target], then target's backpoint is changed to
+ // source.
+ //
+ // At the end, the distance vector contains the shortest
+ // distance from the root, and the path can be recovered by
+ // following the back pointers.
+ // The key is the issuer.
+ let mut distance: HashMap<Fingerprint, BackPointer> = HashMap::new();
+ let mut queue: PriorityQueue<Fingerprint, Cost>
+ = PriorityQueue::new();
+ // This is a macro, because lifetimes :/.
+ macro_rules! bp_cost {
+ ($bp:expr) => ({
+ let mut bp: &BackPointer = $bp;
+ let mut amount = 120;
+ let mut depth = u8::MAX;
+ t!("Computing cost:");
+ let mut len = 0;
+ while let Some(ref c) = bp.prev {
+ amount = std::cmp::min(c.amount, amount);
+ depth = std::cmp::min(c.depth - len, depth);
+ t!(" {}. Certification: {:?} => cost: {}, {}",
+ len, c, amount, depth);
+ bp = distance.get(&c.issuer_cert.fingerprint()).unwrap();
+ len += 1;
+ }
+ Cost {
+ amount: amount as usize,
+ depth: depth as usize,
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Sort and dedup roots (if necessary).
+ let mut roots_;
+ let roots = if roots.len() > 1 {
+ roots_ = roots.to_vec();
+ roots_.sort();
+ roots_.dedup();
+ &roots_
+ } else {
+ roots
+ };
+ for root_fpr in roots.iter() {
+ if let Some(_) = self.nodes.get(root_fpr) {
+ let cost = Cost { depth: usize::MAX, amount: 120 };
+ queue.push(root_fpr.clone(), cost);
+ distance.insert(
+ root_fpr.clone(),
+ BackPointer {
+ prev: None,
+ });
+ } else {
+ t!("Root {} not in network, ignoring.", root_fpr);
+ }
+ }
+ // Iterate over each node in the priority queue.
+ while let Some((issuer_fpr, _)) = queue.pop() {
+ // Get all the bindings that issuer certified.
+ let certification_sets: &Vec<CertificationSet<'a>>
+ = if let Some(cs) = self.edges.get(&issuer_fpr) {
+ cs
+ } else {
+ // It didn't certify anything. The path is a dead
+ // end.
+ t!("{} made no certifications, dead end", issuer_fpr);
+ continue;
+ };
+ t!("Visiting <{}, {}>, certified {} certificates",
+ issuer_fpr,
+ self.nodes.get(&issuer_fpr).expect("valid")
+ .primary_userid()
+ .map(|ua| String::from_utf8_lossy(ua.userid().value()).into_owned())
+ .unwrap_or("<no User ID>".to_owned()),
+ certification_sets.len());
+ // Get the issuer's current backpointer.
+ //
+ // We need to clone this, because we want to manipulate
+ // 'distance' and we can't do that if there is a reference
+ // to something in it.
+ let bp: BackPointer
+ = distance.get(&issuer_fpr).expect("was queued").clone();
+ let bp_cost = bp_cost!(&bp);
+ t!(" Certified by: {:?}, cost: {:?}",
+ bp, bp_cost);
+ for (&userid, certification)
+ in certification_sets.iter()
+ .flat_map(|cs| cs.certifications.iter())
+ {
+ let target_fpr = certification.target_cert.fingerprint();
+ t!(" Considering certification of: <{}, {}>, depth: {}, amount: {}, regexes: {:?}",
+ certification.target_cert.keyid(),
+ String::from_utf8_lossy(userid),
+ certification.depth,
+ certification.amount,
+ if certification.re_set.matches_everything() { "*".into() }
+ else { format!("{:?}", certification.re_set) });
+ if ! certification.re_set.matches_everything() {
+ t!(" Certification has non-empty regex, skipping");
+ continue;
+ }
+ let proposed_bp: BackPointer<'a> = BackPointer {
+ prev: Some(certification.clone()),
+ };
+ let proposed_bp_cost = Cost {
+ depth: std::cmp::min(
+ certification.depth as usize,
+ bp_cost.depth - 1),
+ amount: std::cmp::min(
+ certification.amount as usize,
+ bp_cost.amount),
+ };
+ t!(" Proposed back pointer: {:?}\n cost: {:?}",
+ proposed_bp, proposed_bp_cost);
+ // distance.entry takes a mutable ref, so we can't
+ // compute the current bp's cost there.
+ let current_bp_cost = if let Some(current_bp)
+ = distance.get(&target_fpr.clone())
+ {
+ Some(bp_cost!(&current_bp))
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ match distance.entry(target_fpr.clone()) {
+ Entry::Occupied(mut oe) => {
+ let current_bp_cost = current_bp_cost.unwrap();
+ let current_bp = oe.get_mut();
+ t!(" Current back pointer: {:?}", current_bp);
+ // In terms of the number of hops, the
+ // 'current_bp' is not longer than
+ // 'proposed_bp'. But, if the path under
+ // consideration (bp + certification) is
+ // strictly better, then we prefer it.
+ //
+ // Strictly better is:
+ //
+ // - Larger trust depth.
+ // - Same trust depth, but larger trust amount.
+ if proposed_bp_cost.depth > current_bp_cost.depth {
+ if proposed_bp_cost.amount < current_bp_cost.amount {
+ // We have two local optima: one
+ // has a higher depth, the other a
+ // higher trust amount. We prefer
+ // the higher depth, and mark this
+ // node as being a local optimum.
+ t!(" Better depth, worse amount of trust");
+ oe.insert(proposed_bp);
+ } else {
+ // Proposed bp is strictly better.
+ t!(" Better depth, better amount of trust");
+ oe.insert(proposed_bp);
+ }
+ } else if proposed_bp_cost.depth == current_bp_cost.depth
+ && proposed_bp_cost.amount > current_bp_cost.amount
+ {
+ // Strictly better.
+ t!(" Same depth, better amount");
+ oe.insert(proposed_bp);
+ } else if proposed_bp_cost.depth > 0
+ && proposed_bp_cost.depth < current_bp_cost.depth
+ && proposed_bp_cost.amount > current_bp_cost.amount
+ {
+ // There's another possible path through here.
+ t!(" Worse depth, better amount");
+ } else {
+ t!(" Current bp is strictly better");
+ }
+ }
+ e @ Entry::Vacant(_) => {
+ // We haven't see it before.
+ t!(" Discovered {}, {}", target_fpr,
+ self.nodes.get(&target_fpr).expect("valid")
+ .primary_userid()
+ .map(|ua| String::from_utf8_lossy(ua.userid().value()).into_owned())
+ .unwrap_or("<no User ID>".to_owned()));
+ if proposed_bp_cost.depth > 0 {
+ t!(" Queuing {:?}", proposed_bp_cost);
+ queue.push(target_fpr, proposed_bp_cost);
+ }
+ e.or_insert(proposed_bp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Follow the back pointers and reconstruct the paths.
+ let mut auth_paths: HashMap<Fingerprint, Path>
+ = HashMap::new();
+ for (cert_fpr, mut bp) in distance.iter() {
+ let cert = if let Some(ref c) = bp.prev {
+ &c.target_cert
+ } else {
+ self.nodes.get(&cert_fpr).expect("exists")
+ };
+ t!("Recovering path to {}, {}",
+ cert_fpr,
+ cert.primary_userid()
+ .map(|ua| {
+ String::from_utf8_lossy(ua.userid().value()).into_owned()
+ })
+ .unwrap_or("<no User ID>".to_owned()));
+ // The path is reversed: nodes[nodes.len() - 1] is the root.
+ let mut nodes: Vec<Certification<'a>> = Vec::new();
+ while let Some(ref c) = bp.prev {
+ t!(" {:?}", bp);
+ nodes.push(c.clone());
+ bp = distance.get(&c.issuer_cert.fingerprint())
+ .expect("exists");
+ }
+ t!(" {:?}", bp);
+ let root = if nodes.len() == 0 {
+ cert
+ } else {
+ &nodes[nodes.len() - 1].issuer_cert
+ };
+ t!("\nShortest path to {}, {}:\n Root: {}\n {}",
+ cert_fpr,
+ cert.primary_userid()
+ .map(|ua| {
+ String::from_utf8_lossy(ua.userid().value()).into_owned()
+ })
+ .unwrap_or("<no User ID>".to_owned()),
+ root,
+ nodes.iter()
+ .rev()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(i, n)| format!("{}: {:?}", i, n))
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ .join("\n "));
+ let mut p = Path::new(root.clone());
+ for n in nodes.iter().rev() {
+ p.try_append(n.clone()).expect("valid path");
+ }
+ t!("Authenticated <{}, {}>: {:?}",
+ cert_fpr,
+ bp.prev.as_ref().map(|c| {
+ String::from_utf8_lossy(
+ c.target_userid.value())
+ .into_owned()
+ })
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| "root".to_owned()),
+ p);
+ auth_paths.insert(cert_fpr.clone(), p);
+ }
+ auth_paths
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use crate::Result;
+ use crate::cert::prelude::*;
+ use crate::packet::prelude::*;
+ use crate::parse::Parse;
+ use crate::policy::StandardPolicy;
+ fn pcmp(p: &Path, residual_depth: usize, amount: usize,
+ certs: &[ &Fingerprint ])
+ {
+ let p_certs: Vec<Fingerprint>
+ = p.certificates().map(|c| c.fingerprint()).collect();
+ assert_eq!(p_certs.len(), certs.len());
+ for (got, expected) in p_certs.iter().zip(certs.iter()) {
+ assert_eq!(&got, expected);
+ }
+ assert_eq!(p.amount(), amount);
+ assert_eq!(p.residual_depth(), residual_depth);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[allow(unused)]
+ fn simple() -> Result<()> {
+ let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
+ let alice_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "76B4 1898 8CEF 5C87 89CE 4F01 12A6 22BC 137E ACC1"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let alice_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ let bob_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "BC65 F151 B2AE 3F92 74B2 21A6 86FC 52A0 DAC9 68FF"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let bob_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ // Certified by: 76B4 1898 8CEF 5C87 89CE 4F01 12A6 22BC 137E ACC1
+ let carol_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "B76A 2C10 B70E 4EF3 0D44 D3AB DECB D640 CD19 749A"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let carol_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ // Certified by: BC65 F151 B2AE 3F92 74B2 21A6 86FC 52A0 DAC9 68FF
+ let dave_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "38B4 D763 FD61 38E9 503A 2211 2C58 59B1 6CE5 97F7"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let dave_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ // Certified by: B76A 2C10 B70E 4EF3 0D44 D3AB DECB D640 CD19 749A
+ let ellen_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "B4EF F302 0E14 E5A0 D978 D784 4362 FEA3 E9E7 4EFA"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let ellen_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ // Certified by: 38B4 D763 FD61 38E9 503A 2211 2C58 59B1 6CE5 97F7
+ let frank_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "7B3D 997B 80A8 09F9 B8C7 85AE 15EE 5AF2 E96B 0106"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let frank_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ let certs: Vec<Cert> = CertParser::from_bytes(
+ &crate::tests::wot("simple.pgp"))?
+ .map(|c| c.expect("Valid certificate"))
+ .collect();
+ let n = Network::new(
+ certs
+ .iter()
+ .filter_map(|c| c.with_policy(p, None).ok())
+ .collect()
+ )?;
+ eprintln!("{:?}", n);
+ let auth = n.forward_propagate(&[ alice_fpr.clone() ]);
+ pcmp(auth.get(&alice_fpr).unwrap(),
+ usize::MAX, 120,
+ &[ &alice_fpr ]);
+ pcmp(auth.get(&bob_fpr).unwrap(),
+ 2, 100,
+ &[ &alice_fpr, &bob_fpr ]);
+ pcmp(auth.get(&carol_fpr).unwrap(),
+ 1, 100,
+ &[ &alice_fpr, &bob_fpr, &carol_fpr ]);
+ pcmp(auth.get(&dave_fpr).unwrap(),
+ 0, 100,
+ &[ &alice_fpr, &bob_fpr, &carol_fpr, &dave_fpr ]);
+ // Not enough depth.
+ assert!(auth.get(&ellen_fpr).is_none());
+ // Unreachable.
+ assert!(auth.get(&frank_fpr).is_none());
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[allow(unused)]
+ fn cycle() -> Result<()> {
+ let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
+ let frank_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "F4AC E7B8 A36C B151 AC65 3EA6 6143 9493 CA15 9770"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let frank_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ // Certified by: 6BFE 8673 D01E E032 D5B6 E9AC 6164 26A1 906D 67CE
+ let carol_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "3831 9E76 64BF 9180 ED41 2933 416D B660 67A7 74C3"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let carol_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ // Certified by: 8821 488D D4DD 0C01 8FF5 A4D2 E89F 6EE8 5AE0 98FB
+ let dave_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "CBFB F6C4 9357 380F 633E E785 F85C EC70 7AF8 A1FE"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let dave_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ // Certified by: 3831 9E76 64BF 9180 ED41 2933 416D B660 67A7 74C3
+ let alice_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "B108 5496 9692 BE07 2F37 4D0D A914 FE6B 3879 7199"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let alice_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ let bob_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "8821 488D D4DD 0C01 8FF5 A4D2 E89F 6EE8 5AE0 98FB"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let bob_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ // Certified by: B108 5496 9692 BE07 2F37 4D0D A914 FE6B 3879 7199
+ // Certified by: CBFB F6C4 9357 380F 633E E785 F85C EC70 7AF8 A1FE
+ let ed_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "6BFE 8673 D01E E032 D5B6 E9AC 6164 26A1 906D 67CE"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let ed_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ // Certified by: CBFB F6C4 9357 380F 633E E785 F85C EC70 7AF8 A1FE
+ let certs: Vec<Cert> = CertParser::from_bytes(
+ &crate::tests::wot("cycle.pgp"))?
+ .map(|c| c.expect("Valid certificate"))
+ .collect();
+ let n = Network::new(
+ certs
+ .iter()
+ .filter_map(|c| c.with_policy(p, None).ok())
+ .collect()
+ )?;
+ eprintln!("{:?}", n);
+ let auth = n.forward_propagate(&[ alice_fpr.clone() ]);
+ pcmp(auth.get(&alice_fpr).unwrap(),
+ usize::MAX, 120,
+ &[ &alice_fpr ]);
+ // alice -> bob
+ pcmp(auth.get(&bob_fpr).unwrap(),
+ 3, 120,
+ &[ &alice_fpr, &bob_fpr ]);
+ // alice -> bob -> carol (90)
+ pcmp(auth.get(&carol_fpr).unwrap(),
+ 2, 90,
+ &[ &alice_fpr, &bob_fpr, &carol_fpr ]);
+ // alice -> bob -> carol -> dave (60)
+ pcmp(auth.get(&dave_fpr).unwrap(),
+ 1, 60,
+ &[ &alice_fpr, &bob_fpr, &carol_fpr, &dave_fpr ]);
+ // alice -> bob -> carol -> dave -> ed (30)
+ pcmp(auth.get(&ed_fpr).unwrap(),
+ 0, 30,
+ &[ &alice_fpr, &bob_fpr, &carol_fpr, &dave_fpr, &ed_fpr ]);
+ // alice -> bob -> carol -> dave -> ed -> frank (not enough depth)
+ assert!(auth.get(&frank_fpr).is_none());
+ let auth = n.forward_propagate(&[ bob_fpr.clone() ]);
+ // bob -> carol (90)
+ pcmp(auth.get(&carol_fpr).unwrap(),
+ 255, 90,
+ &[ &bob_fpr, &carol_fpr ]);
+ // bob -> carol -> dave (60)
+ pcmp(auth.get(&dave_fpr).unwrap(),
+ 254, 60,
+ &[ &bob_fpr, &carol_fpr, &dave_fpr ]);
+ // bob -> carol -> dave -> ed (30)
+ pcmp(auth.get(&ed_fpr).unwrap(),
+ 1, 30,
+ &[ &bob_fpr, &carol_fpr, &dave_fpr, &ed_fpr ]);
+ // bob -> carol -> dave -> ed -> frank (30)
+ pcmp(auth.get(&frank_fpr).unwrap(),
+ 0, 30,
+ &[ &bob_fpr, &carol_fpr, &dave_fpr, &ed_fpr, &frank_fpr ]);
+ let auth = n.forward_propagate(&[ carol_fpr.clone() ]);
+ // carol -> dave
+ pcmp(auth.get(&dave_fpr).unwrap(),
+ 255, 60,
+ &[ &carol_fpr, &dave_fpr ]);
+ // carol -> dave -> bob
+ pcmp(auth.get(&bob_fpr).unwrap(),
+ 254, 60,
+ &[ &carol_fpr, &dave_fpr, &bob_fpr ]);
+ // carol -> dave -> ed
+ pcmp(auth.get(&ed_fpr).unwrap(),
+ 1, 30,
+ &[ &carol_fpr, &dave_fpr, &ed_fpr ]);
+ // carol -> dave -> ed -> frank
+ pcmp(auth.get(&frank_fpr).unwrap(),
+ 0, 30,
+ &[ &carol_fpr, &dave_fpr, &ed_fpr, &frank_fpr ]);
+ let auth = n.forward_propagate(&[ dave_fpr.clone() ]);
+ // dave -> bob -> carol
+ pcmp(auth.get(&carol_fpr).unwrap(),
+ 254, 90,
+ &[ &dave_fpr, &bob_fpr, &carol_fpr ]);
+ // dave -> ed -> frank
+ pcmp(auth.get(&frank_fpr).unwrap(),
+ 0, 30,
+ &[ &dave_fpr, &ed_fpr, &frank_fpr ]);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[allow(unused)]
+ fn cliques() -> Result<()> {
+ let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
+ let root_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "D2B0 C383 5C01 B0C1 20BC 540D A4AA 8F88 0BA5 12B5"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let root_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ let a_0_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "3630 82E9 EEB2 2E50 AD30 3D8B 1BFE 9BA3 F4AB D40E"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let a_0_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ let a_1_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "7974 C04E 8D5B 540D 23CD 4E62 DDFA 779D 91C6 9894"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let a_1_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ let b_0_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "25D8 EAAB 8947 05BB 64D4 A6A8 9649 EF81 AEFE 5162"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let b_0_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ let b_1_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "46D2 F5CE D9BD 3D63 A11D DFEE 1BA0 1950 6BE6 7FBB"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let b_1_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ let c_0_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "A0CD 8758 2C21 743C 0E30 637F 7FAD B1C3 FEFB FE59"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let c_0_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ let c_1_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "5277 C14F 9D37 A0F4 D615 DD9C CDCC 1AC8 464C 8FE5"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let c_1_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ let d_0_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "C24C C091 02D2 2E38 E839 3C55 1669 8256 1E14 0C03"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let d_0_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ let d_1_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "7A80 DB53 30B7 D900 D5BD 1F82 EAD7 2FF7 9140 78B2"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let d_1_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ let e_0_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "D1E9 F85C EF62 7169 9FBD E5AB 26EF E0E0 35AC 522E"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let e_0_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ let f_0_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "C0FF AEDE F092 8B18 1265 775A 222B 480E B43E 0AFF"
+ .parse().expect("valid fingerprint");
+ let f_0_uid
+ = UserID::from("<>");
+ let target_fpr: Fingerprint =
+ "CE22 ECD2 82F2 19AA 9959 8BA3 B58A 7DA6 1CA9 7F55"