path: root/openpgp/src/
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1 files changed, 4765 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/openpgp/src/ b/openpgp/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89bcabe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openpgp/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,4765 @@
+//! OpenPGP packet parser.
+//! An OpenPGP message is a sequence of packets. Some of the packets
+//! contain other packets. These containers include encrypted packets
+//! (the SED and SEIP packets), and compressed packets. This
+//! structure results in a tree, which is laid out in depth-first
+//! order.
+//! There are two major concerns that inform the design of the parsing
+//! API.
+//! First, when processing a container, it is possible to either
+//! recurse into the container, and process its children, or treat the
+//! contents of the container as an opaque byte stream, and process
+//! the packet following the container. The low-level
+//! [`PacketParser`] and mid-level [`PacketPileParser`] abstractions
+//! allow the caller to choose the behavior by either calling the
+//! `recurse()` method or the `next()` method, as appropriate.
+//! OpenPGP doesn't impose any restrictions on the amount of nesting.
+//! So, to prevent a denial of service attack, the parsers doesn't
+//! recurse more than `MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH` times, by default.
+//! Second, packets can contain an effectively unbounded amount of
+//! data. To avoid errors due to memory exhaustion, the
+//! [`PacketParser`] and [`PacketPileParser`] abstractions support
+//! parsing packets in a streaming manner, i.e., never buffering more
+//! than O(1) bytes of data. To do this, the parsers initially only
+//! parse a packet's header (which is rarely more than a few kilobytes
+//! of data), and return control to the caller. After inspecting that
+//! data, the caller can decide how to handle the packet's contents.
+//! If the content is deemed interesting, it can be streamed or
+//! buffered. Otherwise, it can be dropped. Streaming is possible
+//! not only for literal data packets, but also containers (other
+//! packets also support the interface, but just return EOF). For
+//! instance, encryption can be stripped by saving the decrypted
+//! content of an encryption packet, which is just an OpenPGP message.
+//! We explicitly chose to not use a callback-based API, but something
+//! that is closer to Rust's iterator API. Unfortunately, because a
+//! [`PacketParser`] needs mutable access to the input stream (so that
+//! the content can be streamed), only a single [`PacketParser`] item
+//! can be live at a time (without a fair amount of unsafe nastiness).
+//! This is incompatible with Rust's iterator concept, which allows
+//! any number of items to be live at any time. For instance:
+//! ```rust
+//! let mut v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4];
+//! let mut iter = v.iter_mut();
+//! let x =;
+//! let y =;
+//! *x += 10; // This does not cause an error!
+//! *y += 10;
+//! ```
+//! This crate provide three abstractions for parsing OpenPGP
+//! messages:
+//! - The [`PacketParser`] abstraction produces one packet at a
+//! time. What is done with those packets is completely up to the
+//! caller.
+//! - The [`PacketPileParser`] abstraction builds on the
+//! [`PacketParser`] abstraction and provides a similar interface.
+//! However, after each iteration, the `PacketPileParser` adds the
+//! packet to a [`PacketPile`], which is returned once the packets are
+//! completely processed.
+//! This interface should only be used if the caller actually
+//! wants a `PacketPile`; if the OpenPGP message is parsed in place,
+//! then using a `PacketParser` is better.
+//! - The [`PacketPile::from_file`] (and related methods) is the most
+//! convenient, but least flexible way to parse a sequence of OpenPGP
+//! packets. Whereas a `PacketPileParser` allows the caller to
+//! determine how to handle individual packets, the
+//! [`PacketPile::from_file`] parses the whole message at once and
+//! returns a [`PacketPile`].
+//! This interface should only be used if the caller is certain
+//! that the parsed message will fit in memory.
+//! In all cases, the default behavior can be configured using a
+//! [`PacketParserBuilder`].
+//! [`PacketParser`]: struct.PacketParser.html
+//! [`PacketPileParser`]: struct.PacketPileParser.html
+//! [`PacketPile`]: ../struct.PacketPile.html
+//! [`PacketPile::from_file`]: ../struct.PacketPile.html#method.from_file
+//! [`PacketParserBuilder`]: struct.PacketParserBuilder.html
+use std;
+use std::io;
+use std::io::prelude::*;
+use std::cmp;
+use std::str;
+use std::mem;
+use std::fmt;
+use std::path::Path;
+use ::buffered_reader::*;
+use crate::{
+ cert::prelude::*,
+ crypto::{aead, hash::Hash},
+ Result,
+ packet::header::{
+ CTB,
+ BodyLength,
+ PacketLengthType,
+ },
+ crypto::S2K,
+ Error,
+ packet::{
+ Container,
+ Header,
+ },
+ packet::signature::Signature4,
+ packet::prelude::*,
+ Packet,
+ Fingerprint,
+ KeyID,
+ crypto::SessionKey,
+use crate::types::{
+ AEADAlgorithm,
+ CompressionAlgorithm,
+ Features,
+ HashAlgorithm,
+ KeyFlags,
+ KeyServerPreferences,
+ PublicKeyAlgorithm,
+ RevocationKey,
+ SignatureType,
+ SymmetricAlgorithm,
+ Timestamp,
+use crate::crypto::{self, mpis::{PublicKey, MPI}};
+use crate::crypto::symmetric::{Decryptor, BufferedReaderDecryptor};
+use crate::message;
+use crate::message::MessageValidator;
+mod partial_body;
+use self::partial_body::BufferedReaderPartialBodyFilter;
+use crate::packet::signature::subpacket::{
+ NotationData,
+ Subpacket,
+ SubpacketArea,
+ SubpacketLength,
+ SubpacketTag,
+ SubpacketValue,
+mod packet_pile_parser;
+pub use self::packet_pile_parser::PacketPileParser;
+mod hashed_reader;
+pub(crate) use self::hashed_reader::HashedReader;
+mod packet_parser_builder;
+pub use self::packet_parser_builder::{Dearmor, PacketParserBuilder};
+pub mod map;
+mod mpis;
+mod sexp;
+pub mod stream;
+// Whether to trace execution by default (on stderr).
+const TRACE : bool = false;
+/// Parsing of packets and related structures.
+/// This is a uniform interface to parse packets, messages, keys, and
+/// related data structures.
+pub trait Parse<'a, T> {
+ /// Reads from the given reader.
+ fn from_reader<R: 'a + Read>(reader: R) -> Result<T>;
+ /// Reads from the given file.
+ ///
+ /// The default implementation just uses [`from_reader(..)`], but
+ /// implementations can provide their own specialized version.
+ ///
+ /// [`from_reader(..)`]: #tymethod.from_reader
+ fn from_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<T>
+ {
+ Self::from_reader(::std::fs::File::open(path)?)
+ }
+ /// Reads from the given slice.
+ ///
+ /// The default implementation just uses [`from_reader(..)`], but
+ /// implementations can provide their own specialized version.
+ ///
+ /// [`from_reader(..)`]: #tymethod.from_reader
+ fn from_bytes<D: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized>(data: &'a D) -> Result<T> {
+ Self::from_reader(io::Cursor::new(data))
+ }
+macro_rules! impl_parse_generic_packet {
+ ($typ: ident) => {
+ impl<'a> Parse<'a, $typ> for $typ {
+ fn from_reader<R: 'a + Read>(reader: R) -> Result<Self> {
+ let bio = buffered_reader::Generic::with_cookie(
+ reader, None, Cookie::default());
+ let parser = PacketHeaderParser::new_naked(bio);
+ let mut pp = Self::parse(parser)?;
+ pp.buffer_unread_content()?;
+ match {
+ (Packet::$typ(o), PacketParserResult::EOF(_))
+ => Ok(o),
+ (p, PacketParserResult::EOF(_)) =>
+ Err(Error::InvalidOperation(
+ format!("Not a {} packet: {:?}", stringify!($typ),
+ p)).into()),
+ (_, PacketParserResult::Some(_)) =>
+ Err(Error::InvalidOperation(
+ "Excess data after packet".into()).into()),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+/// The default amount of acceptable nesting. Typically, we expect a
+/// message to looking like:
+/// [ encryption container: [ signature: [ compressioned data: [ literal data ]]]]
+/// So, this should be more than enough.
+const MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH : u8 = 16;
+/// The default maximum size of non-container packets.
+/// Packets that exceed this limit will be returned as
+/// `Packet::Unknown`, with the error set to `Error::PacketTooLarge`.
+/// This limit applies to any packet type that is *not* a container
+/// packet, i.e. any packet that is not a literal data packet, a
+/// compressed data packet, a symmetrically encrypted data packet, or
+/// an AEAD encrypted data packet.
+/// The default is 1 MiB.
+const MAX_PACKET_SIZE: u32 = 1 << 20; // 1 MiB
+// Used to parse an OpenPGP packet's header (note: in this case, the
+// header means a Packet's fixed data, not the OpenPGP framing
+// information, such as the CTB, and length information).
+// This struct is not exposed to the user. Instead, when a header has
+// been successfully parsed, a `PacketParser` is returned.
+pub(crate) struct PacketHeaderParser<T: BufferedReader<Cookie>> {
+ // The reader stack wrapped in a buffered_reader::Dup so that if
+ // there is a parse error, we can abort and still return an
+ // Unknown packet.
+ reader: buffered_reader::Dup<T, Cookie>,
+ // The current packet's header.
+ header: Header,
+ header_bytes: Vec<u8>,
+ // This packet's path.
+ path: Vec<usize>,
+ // The `PacketParser`'s state.
+ state: PacketParserState,
+ /// A map of this packet.
+ map: Option<map::Map>,
+/// Creates a local marco called php_try! that returns an Unknown
+/// packet instead of an Error like try! on parsing-related errors.
+/// (Errors like read errors are still returned as usual.)
+/// If you want to fail like this in a non-try! context, use
+macro_rules! make_php_try {
+ ($parser:expr) => {
+ macro_rules! php_try {
+ ($e:expr) => {
+ match $e {
+ Ok(b) => {
+ Ok(b)
+ },
+ Err(e) => {
+ let e = match e.downcast::<io::Error>() {
+ Ok(e) =>
+ if let io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof = e.kind() {
+ return $parser.error(e.into());
+ } else {
+ e.into()
+ },
+ Err(e) => e,
+ };
+ let e = match e.downcast::<Error>() {
+ Ok(e) => match e {
+ Error::MalformedMPI(_) =>
+ return $parser.error(e.into()),
+ _ =>
+ e.into(),
+ },
+ Err(e) => e,
+ };
+ Err(e)
+ },
+ }?
+ };
+ }
+ };
+impl<T: BufferedReader<Cookie>> std::fmt::Debug for PacketHeaderParser<T> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("PacketHeaderParser")
+ .field("header", &self.header)
+ .field("path", &self.path)
+ .field("reader", &self.reader)
+ .field("state", &self.state)
+ .field("map", &
+ .finish()
+ }
+impl<'a, T: 'a + BufferedReader<Cookie>> PacketHeaderParser<T> {
+ // Returns a `PacketHeaderParser` to parse an OpenPGP packet.
+ // `inner` points to the start of the OpenPGP framing information,
+ // i.e., the CTB.
+ fn new(inner: T,
+ state: PacketParserState,
+ path: Vec<usize>, header: Header,
+ header_bytes: Vec<u8>) -> Self
+ {
+ assert!(path.len() > 0);
+ let mut cookie = Cookie::default();
+ cookie.level = inner.cookie_ref().level;
+ let map = if {
+ Some(map::Map::new(header_bytes.clone()))
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ PacketHeaderParser {
+ reader: buffered_reader::Dup::with_cookie(inner, cookie),
+ header: header,
+ header_bytes: header_bytes,
+ path: path,
+ state: state,
+ map: map,
+ }
+ }
+ // Returns a `PacketHeaderParser` that parses a bare packet. That
+ // is, `inner` points to the start of the packet; the OpenPGP
+ // framing has already been processed, and `inner` already
+ // includes any required filters (e.g., a
+ // `BufferedReaderPartialBodyFilter`, etc.).
+ fn new_naked(inner: T) -> Self {
+ PacketHeaderParser::new(inner,
+ PacketParserState::new(Default::default()),
+ vec![ 0 ],
+ Header::new(CTB::new(Tag::Reserved),
+ BodyLength::Full(0)),
+ Vec::new())
+ }
+ // Consumes the bytes belonging to the packet's header (i.e., the
+ // number of bytes read) from the reader, and returns a
+ // `PacketParser` that can be returned to the user.
+ //
+ // Only call this function if the packet's header has been
+ // completely and correctly parsed. If a failure occurs while
+ // parsing the header, use `fail()` instead.
+ fn ok(mut self, packet: Packet) -> Result<PacketParser<'a>> {
+ let total_out = self.reader.total_out();
+ let mut reader = if {
+ // Read the body for the map. Note that
+ // `total_out` does not account for the body.
+ //
+ // XXX avoid the extra copy.
+ let body = self.reader.steal_eof()?;
+ if body.len() > 0 {
+ self.field("body", body.len());
+ }
+ // This is a buffered_reader::Dup, so this always has an
+ // inner.
+ let inner = Box::new(self.reader).into_inner().unwrap();
+ // Combine the header with the body for the map.
+ let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(total_out + body.len());
+ // We know that the inner reader must have at least
+ // `total_out` bytes buffered, otherwise we could never
+ // have read that much from the `buffered_reader::Dup`.
+ data.extend_from_slice(&inner.buffer()[..total_out]);
+ data.extend(body);
+ inner
+ } else {
+ // This is a buffered_reader::Dup, so this always has an
+ // inner.
+ Box::new(self.reader).into_inner().unwrap()
+ };
+ // We know the data has been read, so this cannot fail.
+ reader.data_consume_hard(total_out).unwrap();
+ Ok(PacketParser {
+ header: self.header,
+ packet: packet,
+ path: self.path,
+ last_path: vec![],
+ reader: reader,
+ content_was_read: false,
+ decrypted: true,
+ finished: false,
+ map:,
+ body_hash: None,
+ state: self.state,
+ })
+ }
+ // Something went wrong while parsing the packet's header. Aborts
+ // and returns an Unknown packet instead.
+ fn fail(self, reason: &'static str) -> Result<PacketParser<'a>> {
+ self.error(Error::MalformedPacket(reason.into()).into())
+ }
+ fn error(mut self, error: anyhow::Error) -> Result<PacketParser<'a>> {
+ // Rewind the dup reader, so that the caller has a chance to
+ // buffer the whole body of the unknown packet.
+ self.reader.rewind();
+ Unknown::parse(self, error)
+ }
+ fn field(&mut self, name: &'static str, size: usize) {
+ if let Some(ref mut map) = {
+ map.add(name, size)
+ }
+ }
+ fn parse_u8(&mut self, name: &'static str) -> Result<u8> {
+ self.field(name, 1);
+ Ok(self.reader.data_consume_hard(1)?[0])
+ }
+ fn parse_be_u16(&mut self, name: &'static str) -> Result<u16> {
+ self.field(name, 2);
+ Ok(self.reader.read_be_u16()?)
+ }
+ fn parse_be_u32(&mut self, name: &'static str) -> Result<u32> {
+ self.field(name, 4);
+ Ok(self.reader.read_be_u32()?)
+ }
+ fn parse_bool(&mut self, name: &'static str) -> Result<bool> {
+ self.field(name, 1);
+ let v = self.reader.data_consume_hard(1)?[0];
+ match v {
+ 0 => Ok(false),
+ 1 => Ok(true),
+ n => Err(Error::MalformedPacket(
+ format!("Invalid value for bool: {}", n)).into()),
+ }
+ }
+ fn parse_bytes(&mut self, name: &'static str, amount: usize)
+ -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
+ self.field(name, amount);
+ Ok(self.reader.steal(amount)?)
+ }
+ fn parse_bytes_eof(&mut self, name: &'static str) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
+ let r = self.reader.steal_eof()?;
+ self.field(name, r.len());
+ Ok(r)
+ }
+ fn recursion_depth(&self) -> isize {
+ self.path.len() as isize - 1
+ }
+/// What the hash in the Cookie is for.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
+pub(crate) enum HashesFor {
+ Nothing,
+ MDC,
+ Signature,
+/// Controls whether or not a hashed reader hashes data.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
+enum Hashing {
+ /// Hashing is enabled.
+ Enabled,
+ /// Hashing is enabled for notarized signatures.
+ Notarized,
+ /// Hashing is disabled.
+ Disabled,
+pub(crate) struct Cookie {
+ // `BufferedReader`s managed by a `PacketParser` have
+ // `Some(level)`; an external `BufferedReader` (i.e., the
+ // underlying `BufferedReader`) has no level.
+ //
+ // Before parsing a top-level packet, we may push a
+ // `buffered_reader::Limitor` in front of the external
+ // `BufferedReader`. Such `BufferedReader`s are assigned a level
+ // of 0.
+ //
+ // When a top-level packet (i.e., a packet with a recursion depth
+ // of 0) reads from the `BufferedReader` stack, the top
+ // `BufferedReader` will have a level of at most 0.
+ //
+ // If the top-level packet is a container, say, a `CompressedData`
+ // packet, then it pushes a decompression filter with a level of 0
+ // onto the `BufferedReader` stack, and it recursively invokes the
+ // parser.
+ //
+ // When the parser encounters the `CompressedData`'s first child,
+ // say, a `Literal` packet, it pushes a `buffered_reader::Limitor` on
+ // the `BufferedReader` stack with a level of 1. Then, a
+ // `PacketParser` for the `Literal` data packet is created with a
+ // recursion depth of 1.
+ //
+ // There are several things to note:
+ //
+ // - When a `PacketParser` with a recursion depth of N reads
+ // from the `BufferedReader` stack, the top `BufferedReader`'s
+ // level is (at most) N.
+ //
+ // - Because we sometimes don't need to push a limitor
+ // (specifically, when the length is indeterminate), the
+ // `BufferedReader` at the top of the stack may have a level
+ // less than the current `PacketParser`'s recursion depth.
+ //
+ // - When a packet at depth N is a container that filters the
+ // data, it pushes a `BufferedReader` at level N onto the
+ // `BufferedReader` stack.
+ //
+ // - When we finish parsing a packet at depth N, we pop all
+ // `BufferedReader`s from the `BufferedReader` stack that are
+ // at level N. The intuition is: the `BufferedReaders` at
+ // level N are associated with the packet at depth N.
+ //
+ // - If a OnePassSig packet occurs at the top level, then we
+ // need to push a HashedReader above the current level. The
+ // top level is level 0, thus we push the HashedReader at
+ // level -1.
+ level: Option<isize>,
+ hashes_for: HashesFor,
+ hashing: Hashing,
+ /// Keeps track of whether the last one pass signature packet had
+ /// the last flag set.
+ saw_last: bool,
+ sig_groups: Vec<SignatureGroup>,
+ /// Keep track of the maximal size of sig_groups to compute
+ /// signature levels.
+ sig_groups_max_len: usize,
+ /// Stashed bytes that need to be hashed.
+ ///
+ /// When checking nested signatures, we need to hash the framing.
+ /// However, at the time we know that we want to hash it, it has
+ /// already been consumed. Deferring the consumption of headers
+ /// failed due to complications with the partial body decoder
+ /// eagerly consuming data. I (Justus) decided that doing the
+ /// right thing is not worth the trouble, at least for now. Also,
+ /// hash stash sounds funny.
+ hash_stash: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+ /// Whether this `BufferedReader` is actually an interior EOF in a
+ /// container.
+ ///
+ /// This is used by the SEIP parser to prevent a child packet from
+ /// accidentally swallowing the trailing MDC packet. This can
+ /// happen when there is a compressed data packet with an
+ /// indeterminate body length encoding. In this case, due to
+ /// buffering, the decompressor consumes data beyond the end of
+ /// the compressed data.
+ ///
+ /// When set, buffered_reader_pop_stack will return early when it
+ /// encounters a fake EOF at the level it is popping to.
+ fake_eof: bool,
+/// Contains hashes for consecutive one pass signature packets ending
+/// in one with the last flag set.
+pub(crate) struct SignatureGroup {
+ /// Counts the number of one pass signature packets this group is
+ /// for. Once this drops to zero, we pop the group from the
+ /// stack.
+ ops_count: usize,
+ /// The hash contexts.
+ pub(crate) hashes: Vec<crypto::hash::Context>,
+impl fmt::Debug for SignatureGroup {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ let algos = self.hashes.iter().map(|ctx| ctx.algo())
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ f.debug_struct("Cookie")
+ .field("ops_count", &self.ops_count)
+ .field("hashes", &algos)
+ .finish()
+ }
+impl Default for SignatureGroup {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ SignatureGroup {
+ ops_count: 0,
+ hashes: Default::default(),
+ }
+ }
+impl SignatureGroup {
+ /// Clears the signature group.
+ fn clear(&mut self) {
+ self.ops_count = 0;
+ self.hashes.clear();
+ }
+impl Default for Cookie {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Cookie {
+ level: None,
+ hashing: Hashing::Enabled,
+ hashes_for: HashesFor::Nothing,
+ saw_last: false,
+ sig_groups: vec![Default::default()],
+ sig_groups_max_len: 1,
+ hash_stash: None,
+ fake_eof: false,
+ }
+ }
+impl Cookie {
+ fn new(level: isize) -> Cookie {
+ Cookie {
+ level: Some(level),
+ hashing: Hashing::Enabled,
+ hashes_for: HashesFor::Nothing,
+ saw_last: false,
+ sig_groups: vec![Default::default()],
+ sig_groups_max_len: 1,
+ hash_stash: None,
+ fake_eof: false,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns a reference to the topmost signature group.
+ pub(crate) fn sig_group(&self) -> &SignatureGroup {
+ assert!(self.sig_groups.len() > 0);
+ &self.sig_groups[self.sig_groups.len() - 1]
+ }
+ /// Returns a mutable reference to the topmost signature group.
+ pub(crate) fn sig_group_mut(&mut self) -> &mut SignatureGroup {
+ assert!(self.sig_groups.len() > 0);
+ let len = self.sig_groups.len();
+ &mut self.sig_groups[len - 1]
+ }
+ /// Returns the level of the currently parsed signature.
+ fn signature_level(&self) -> usize {
+ // The signature with the deepest "nesting" is closest to the
+ // data, and hence level 0.
+ self.sig_groups_max_len - self.sig_groups.len()
+ }
+ /// Tests whether the topmost signature group is no longer used.
+ fn sig_group_unused(&self) -> bool {
+ assert!(self.sig_groups.len() > 0);
+ self.sig_groups[self.sig_groups.len() - 1].ops_count == 0
+ }
+ /// Pushes a new signature group to the stack.
+ fn sig_group_push(&mut self) {
+ self.sig_groups.push(Default::default());
+ self.sig_groups_max_len += 1;
+ }
+ /// Pops a signature group from the stack.
+ fn sig_group_pop(&mut self) {
+ if self.sig_groups.len() == 1 {
+ // Don't pop the last one, just clear it.
+ self.sig_groups[0].clear();
+ self.hashes_for = HashesFor::Nothing;
+ } else {
+ self.sig_groups.pop();
+ }
+ }
+impl Cookie {
+ // Enables or disables signature hashers (HashesFor::Signature) at
+ // level `level`.
+ //
+ // Thus to disable the hashing of a level 3 literal packet's
+ // meta-data, we disable hashing at level 2.
+ fn hashing(reader: &mut dyn BufferedReader<Cookie>,
+ how: Hashing, level: isize) {
+ let mut reader : Option<&mut dyn BufferedReader<Cookie>>
+ = Some(reader);
+ while let Some(r) = reader {
+ {
+ let cookie = r.cookie_mut();
+ if let Some(br_level) = cookie.level {
+ if br_level < level {
+ break;
+ }
+ if br_level == level
+ && cookie.hashes_for == HashesFor::Signature {
+ cookie.hashing = how;
+ }
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ reader = r.get_mut();
+ }
+ }
+ // A helpful debugging aid to pretty print a Buffered Reader
+ // stack.
+ #[allow(dead_code)]
+ fn dump(reader: &dyn BufferedReader<Cookie>) {
+ let mut i = 1;
+ let mut reader : Option<&dyn BufferedReader<Cookie>> = Some(reader);
+ while let Some(r) = reader {
+ {
+ let cookie = r.cookie_ref();
+ eprint!(" {}. {}, level: {:?}",
+ i, r, cookie.level);
+ if cookie.hashes_for != HashesFor::Nothing {
+ eprint!(", hashes for: {:?}", cookie.hashes_for);
+ }
+ eprint!("\n");
+ }
+ reader = r.get_ref();
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+// Pops readers from a buffered reader stack at the specified level.
+fn buffered_reader_stack_pop<'a>(
+ mut reader: Box<dyn BufferedReader<Cookie> + 'a>, depth: isize)
+ -> Result<(bool, Box<dyn BufferedReader<Cookie> + 'a>)>
+ tracer!(TRACE, "buffered_reader_stack_pop", depth);
+ t!("(reader level: {:?}, pop through: {})",
+ reader.cookie_ref().level, depth);
+ let mut last_level = None;
+ while let Some(level) = reader.cookie_ref().level {
+ assert!(level <= depth);
+ if level >= depth {
+ let fake_eof = reader.cookie_ref().fake_eof;
+ t!("top reader at level {:?} (fake eof: {}), pop through: {}",
+ reader.cookie_ref().level, fake_eof, depth);
+ let (dropping_content, dropped_content)
+ = if Some(level) != last_level {
+ // Only drop the content of the top BufferedReader at
+ // a given level.
+ (true, reader.drop_eof()?)
+ } else {
+ assert_eq!(reader.buffer().len(), 0);
+ (false, false)
+ };
+ t!("popping level {:?} reader, {}dropping content ({}), \
+ reader: {:?}",
+ reader.cookie_ref().level,
+ if dropping_content { "" } else { "not " },
+ if dropped_content { "something dropped" }
+ else { "nothing to drop" },
+ reader);