path: root/openpgp/src/crypto/
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1 files changed, 2 insertions, 341 deletions
diff --git a/openpgp/src/crypto/ b/openpgp/src/crypto/
index 534e4912..dd650ff2 100644
--- a/openpgp/src/crypto/
+++ b/openpgp/src/crypto/
@@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
//! Asymmetric crypt operations.
-use nettle::{dsa, ecc, ecdsa, ed25519, rsa, random::Yarrow};
use crate::packet::{self, key, Key};
use crate::crypto::SessionKey;
-use crate::crypto::mpi::{self, MPI};
-use crate::types::{Curve, HashAlgorithm};
+use crate::crypto::mpi;
+use crate::types::HashAlgorithm;
-use crate::Error;
use crate::Result;
/// Creates a signature.
@@ -89,345 +86,9 @@ impl KeyPair {
-impl Signer for KeyPair {
- fn public(&self) -> &Key<key::PublicParts, key::UnspecifiedRole> {
- &self.public
- }
- fn sign(&mut self, hash_algo: HashAlgorithm, digest: &[u8])
- -> Result<mpi::Signature>
- {
- use crate::PublicKeyAlgorithm::*;
- use crate::crypto::mpi::PublicKey;
- let mut rng = Yarrow::default();
-|secret| {
- #[allow(deprecated)]
- match (self.public.pk_algo(), self.public.mpis(), secret)
- {
- (RSASign,
- &PublicKey::RSA { ref e, ref n },
- &mpi::SecretKeyMaterial::RSA { ref p, ref q, ref d, .. }) |
- (RSAEncryptSign,
- &PublicKey::RSA { ref e, ref n },
- &mpi::SecretKeyMaterial::RSA { ref p, ref q, ref d, .. }) => {
- let public = rsa::PublicKey::new(n.value(), e.value())?;
- let secret = rsa::PrivateKey::new(d.value(), p.value(),
- q.value(), Option::None)?;
- // The signature has the length of the modulus.
- let mut sig = vec![0u8; n.value().len()];
- // As described in [Section 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 of RFC 4880],
- // to verify the signature, we need to encode the
- // signature data in a PKCS1-v1.5 packet.
- //
- // [Section 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 of RFC 4880]:
- //
- rsa::sign_digest_pkcs1(&public, &secret, digest,
- hash_algo.oid()?,
- &mut rng, &mut sig)?;
- Ok(mpi::Signature::RSA {
- s: MPI::new(&sig),
- })
- },
- (DSA,
- &PublicKey::DSA { ref p, ref q, ref g, .. },
- &mpi::SecretKeyMaterial::DSA { ref x }) => {
- let params = dsa::Params::new(p.value(), q.value(), g.value());
- let secret = dsa::PrivateKey::new(x.value());
- let sig = dsa::sign(&params, &secret, digest, &mut rng)?;
- Ok(mpi::Signature::DSA {
- r: MPI::new(&sig.r()),
- s: MPI::new(&sig.s()),
- })
- },
- (EdDSA,
- &PublicKey::EdDSA { ref curve, ref q },
- &mpi::SecretKeyMaterial::EdDSA { ref scalar }) => match curve {
- Curve::Ed25519 => {
- let public = q.decode_point(&Curve::Ed25519)?.0;
- let mut sig = vec![0; ed25519::ED25519_SIGNATURE_SIZE];
- // Nettle expects the private key to be exactly
- // ED25519_KEY_SIZE bytes long but OpenPGP allows leading
- // zeros to be stripped.
- // Padding has to be unconditional; otherwise we have a
- // secret-dependent branch.
- let missing = ed25519::ED25519_KEY_SIZE
- .saturating_sub(scalar.value().len());
- let mut sec = [0u8; ed25519::ED25519_KEY_SIZE];
- sec[missing..].copy_from_slice(scalar.value());
- let res = ed25519::sign(public, &sec[..], digest, &mut sig);
- unsafe {
- memsec::memzero(sec.as_mut_ptr(),
- ed25519::ED25519_KEY_SIZE);
- }
- res?;
- Ok(mpi::Signature::EdDSA {
- r: MPI::new(&sig[..32]),
- s: MPI::new(&sig[32..]),
- })
- },
- _ => Err(
- Error::UnsupportedEllipticCurve(curve.clone()).into()),
- },
- &PublicKey::ECDSA { ref curve, .. },
- &mpi::SecretKeyMaterial::ECDSA { ref scalar }) => {
- let secret = match curve {
- Curve::NistP256 =>
- ecc::Scalar::new::<ecc::Secp256r1>(
- scalar.value())?,
- Curve::NistP384 =>
- ecc::Scalar::new::<ecc::Secp384r1>(
- scalar.value())?,
- Curve::NistP521 =>
- ecc::Scalar::new::<ecc::Secp521r1>(
- scalar.value())?,
- _ =>
- return Err(
- Error::UnsupportedEllipticCurve(curve.clone())
- .into()),
- };
- let sig = ecdsa::sign(&secret, digest, &mut rng);
- Ok(mpi::Signature::ECDSA {
- r: MPI::new(&sig.r()),
- s: MPI::new(&sig.s()),
- })
- },
- (pk_algo, _, _) => Err(Error::InvalidOperation(format!(
- "unsupported combination of algorithm {:?}, key {:?}, \
- and secret key {:?}",
- pk_algo, self.public, self.secret)).into()),
- }})
- }
-impl Decryptor for KeyPair {
- fn public(&self) -> &Key<key::PublicParts, key::UnspecifiedRole> {
- &self.public
- }
- /// Creates a signature over the `digest` produced by `hash_algo`.
- fn decrypt(&mut self, ciphertext: &mpi::Ciphertext,
- plaintext_len: Option<usize>)
- -> Result<SessionKey>
- {
- use crate::PublicKeyAlgorithm::*;
- use crate::crypto::mpi::PublicKey;
- |secret| Ok(match (self.public.mpis(), secret, ciphertext)
- {
- (PublicKey::RSA{ ref e, ref n },
- mpi::SecretKeyMaterial::RSA{ ref p, ref q, ref d, .. },
- mpi::Ciphertext::RSA{ ref c }) => {
- // Workaround for #440: Make sure c is of the same
- // length as n.
- // XXX: Remove once we depend on nettle > 7.0.0.
- let c_ = if c.value().len() < n.value().len() {
- let mut c_ = vec![0; n.value().len() - c.value().len()];
- c_.extend_from_slice(c.value());
- Some(c_)
- } else {
- // If it is bigger, then the packet is likely
- // corrupted, tough luck then.
- None
- };
- let c = if let Some(c_) = c_.as_ref() {
- &c_[..]
- } else {
- c.value()
- };
- // End of workaround.
- let public = rsa::PublicKey::new(n.value(), e.value())?;
- let secret = rsa::PrivateKey::new(d.value(), p.value(),
- q.value(), Option::None)?;
- let mut rand = Yarrow::default();
- if let Some(l) = plaintext_len {
- let mut plaintext: SessionKey = vec![0; l].into();
- rsa::decrypt_pkcs1(&public, &secret, &mut rand,
- c, plaintext.as_mut())?;
- plaintext
- } else {
- rsa::decrypt_pkcs1_insecure(&public, &secret,
- &mut rand, c)?
- .into()
- }
- }
- (PublicKey::ElGamal{ .. },
- mpi::SecretKeyMaterial::ElGamal{ .. },
- mpi::Ciphertext::ElGamal{ .. }) =>
- return Err(
- Error::UnsupportedPublicKeyAlgorithm(ElGamalEncrypt).into()),
- (PublicKey::ECDH{ .. },
- mpi::SecretKeyMaterial::ECDH { .. },
- mpi::Ciphertext::ECDH { .. }) =>
- crate::crypto::ecdh::decrypt(&self.public, secret, ciphertext)?,
- (public, secret, ciphertext) =>
- return Err(Error::InvalidOperation(format!(
- "unsupported combination of key pair {:?}/{:?} \
- and ciphertext {:?}",
- public, secret, ciphertext)).into()),
- }))
- }
impl From<KeyPair> for Key<key::SecretParts, key::UnspecifiedRole> {
fn from(p: KeyPair) -> Self {
let (key, secret) = (p.public, p.secret);
-impl<P: key::KeyParts, R: key::KeyRole> Key<P, R> {
- /// Encrypts the given data with this key.
- pub fn encrypt(&self, data: &SessionKey) -> Result<mpi::Ciphertext> {
- use crate::PublicKeyAlgorithm::*;
- #[allow(deprecated)]
- match self.pk_algo() {
- RSAEncryptSign | RSAEncrypt => {
- // Extract the public recipient.
- match self.mpis() {
- mpi::PublicKey::RSA { e, n } => {
- // The ciphertext has the length of the modulus.
- let mut esk = vec![0u8; n.value().len()];
- let mut rng = Yarrow::default();
- let pk = rsa::PublicKey::new(n.value(), e.value())?;
- rsa::encrypt_pkcs1(&pk, &mut rng, data,
- &mut esk)?;
- Ok(mpi::Ciphertext::RSA {
- c: MPI::new(&esk),
- })
- },
- pk => {
- Err(Error::MalformedPacket(
- format!(
- "Key: Expected RSA public key, got {:?}",
- pk)).into())
- },
- }
- },
- ECDH => crate::crypto::ecdh::encrypt(self.parts_as_public(),
- data),
- algo => Err(Error::UnsupportedPublicKeyAlgorithm(algo).into()),
- }
- }
- /// Verifies the given signature.
- pub fn verify(&self, sig: &packet::Signature, digest: &[u8]) -> Result<()>
- {
- use crate::PublicKeyAlgorithm::*;
- use crate::crypto::mpi::{PublicKey, Signature};
- #[allow(deprecated)]
- let ok = match (sig.pk_algo(), self.mpis(), sig.mpis()) {
- (RSASign, PublicKey::RSA { e, n }, Signature::RSA { s }) |
- (RSAEncryptSign, PublicKey::RSA { e, n }, Signature::RSA { s }) => {
- let key = rsa::PublicKey::new(n.value(), e.value())?;
- // As described in [Section 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 of RFC 4880],
- // to verify the signature, we need to encode the
- // signature data in a PKCS1-v1.5 packet.
- //
- // [Section 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 of RFC 4880]:
- //
- rsa::verify_digest_pkcs1(&key, digest, sig.hash_algo().oid()?,
- s.value())?
- },
- (DSA, PublicKey::DSA{ y, p, q, g }, Signature::DSA { s, r }) => {
- let key = dsa::PublicKey::new(y.value());
- let params = dsa::Params::new(p.value(), q.value(), g.value());
- let signature = dsa::Signature::new(r.value(), s.value());
- dsa::verify(&params, &key, digest, &signature)
- },
- (EdDSA, PublicKey::EdDSA{ curve, q }, Signature::EdDSA { r, s }) =>
- match curve {
- Curve::Ed25519 => {
- if q.value().get(0).map(|&b| b != 0x40).unwrap_or(true) {
- return Err(Error::MalformedPacket(
- "Invalid point encoding".into()).into());
- }
- // OpenPGP encodes R and S separately, but our
- // cryptographic library expects them to be
- // concatenated.
- let mut signature =
- Vec::with_capacity(ed25519::ED25519_SIGNATURE_SIZE);
- // We need to zero-pad them at the front, because
- // the MPI encoding drops leading zero bytes.
- let half = ed25519::ED25519_SIGNATURE_SIZE / 2;
- if r.value().len() < half {
- for _ in 0..half - r.value().len() {
- signature.push(0);
- }
- }
- signature.extend_from_slice(r.value());
- if s.value().len() < half {
- for _ in 0..half - s.value().len() {
- signature.push(0);
- }
- }
- signature.extend_from_slice(s.value());
- // Let's see if we got it right.
- if signature.len() != ed25519::ED25519_SIGNATURE_SIZE {
- return Err(Error::MalformedPacket(
- format!(
- "Invalid signature size: {}, r: {:?}, s: {:?}",
- signature.len(), r.value(), s.value())).into());
- }
- ed25519::verify(&q.value()[1..], digest, &signature)?
- },
- _ => return
- Err(Error::UnsupportedEllipticCurve(curve.clone()).into()),
- },
- (ECDSA, PublicKey::ECDSA{ curve, q }, Signature::ECDSA { s, r }) =>
- {
- let (x, y) = q.decode_point(curve)?;
- let key = match curve {
- Curve::NistP256 => ecc::Point::new::<ecc::Secp256r1>(x, y)?,
- Curve::NistP384 => ecc::Point::new::<ecc::Secp384r1>(x, y)?,
- Curve::NistP521 => ecc::Point::new::<ecc::Secp521r1>(x, y)?,
- _ => return Err(
- Error::UnsupportedEllipticCurve(curve.clone()).into()),
- };
- let signature = dsa::Signature::new(r.value(), s.value());
- ecdsa::verify(&key, digest, &signature)
- },
- _ => return Err(Error::MalformedPacket(format!(
- "unsupported combination of algorithm {}, key {} and \
- signature {:?}.",
- sig.pk_algo(), self.pk_algo(), sig.mpis())).into()),
- };
- if ok {
- Ok(())
- } else {
- Err(Error::ManipulatedMessage.into())
- }
- }