path: root/openpgp/src/cert/
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diff --git a/openpgp/src/cert/ b/openpgp/src/cert/
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+//! Types for certificate components.
+use std::slice;
+use std::time;
+use std::ops::Deref;
+use crate::{
+ packet::Signature,
+ packet::Key,
+ packet::key,
+ packet::UserID,
+ packet::UserAttribute,
+ packet::Unknown,
+ Packet,
+ policy::Policy,
+ Result,
+use crate::types::{
+ RevocationType,
+ RevocationStatus,
+use super::{
+ sig_cmp,
+ canonical_signature_order,
+pub use super::{
+ component_iter::ComponentIter,
+ component_iter::ValidComponentIter,
+ keyiter::KeyIter,
+ keyiter::ValidKeyIter,
+/// A key (primary or subkey, public or private) and any associated
+/// signatures.
+pub type KeyBundle<KeyPart, KeyRole> = ComponentBundle<Key<KeyPart, KeyRole>>;
+/// A primary key and any associated signatures.
+pub type PrimaryKeyBundle<KeyPart> =
+ KeyBundle<KeyPart, key::PrimaryRole>;
+/// A subkey and any associated signatures.
+pub type SubkeyBundle<KeyPart>
+ = KeyBundle<KeyPart, key::SubordinateRole>;
+/// A key (primary or subkey, public or private) and any associated
+/// signatures.
+type GenericKeyBinding
+ = ComponentBundle<Key<key::UnspecifiedParts, key::UnspecifiedRole>>;
+/// A User ID and any associated signatures.
+pub type UserIDBundle = ComponentBundle<UserID>;
+/// A User Attribute and any associated signatures.
+pub type UserAttributeBundle = ComponentBundle<UserAttribute>;
+/// An unknown component and any associated signatures.
+/// Note: all signatures are stored as certifications.
+pub type UnknownBundle = ComponentBundle<Unknown>;
+/// A Cert component binding.
+/// A Cert component is a primary key, a subkey, a user id, or a user
+/// attribute. A binding is a Cert component and any related
+/// signatures.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub struct ComponentBundle<C> {
+ pub(crate) component: C,
+ // Self signatures.
+ pub(crate) self_signatures: Vec<Signature>,
+ // Third-party certifications. (In general, this will only be by
+ // designated revokers.)
+ pub(crate) certifications: Vec<Signature>,
+ // Self revocations.
+ pub(crate) self_revocations: Vec<Signature>,
+ // Third-party revocations (e.g., designated revokers).
+ pub(crate) other_revocations: Vec<Signature>,
+impl<C> Deref for ComponentBundle<C>
+ type Target = C;
+ fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
+ &self.component
+ }
+impl<C> ComponentBundle<C> {
+ /// Returns a reference to the component.
+ pub fn component(&self) -> &C {
+ &self.component
+ }
+ /// Returns a mutable reference to the component.
+ fn component_mut(&mut self) -> &mut C {
+ &mut self.component
+ }
+ /// Returns the active binding signature at time `t`.
+ ///
+ /// An active binding signature is a non-revoked, self-signature
+ /// that is alive at time `t` (`creation time <= t`, `t <
+ /// expiry`).
+ ///
+ /// This function returns an error if there are no active binding
+ /// signatures at time `t`, or there is one that did not match the
+ /// given policy.
+ pub fn binding_signature<T>(&self, policy: &dyn Policy, t: T)
+ -> Result<&Signature>
+ where T: Into<Option<time::SystemTime>>
+ {
+ let t = t.into().unwrap_or_else(|| time::SystemTime::now());
+ // Recall: the signatures are sorted by their creation time in
+ // descending order, i.e., newest first.
+ //
+ // We want the newest signature that is older than t. So,
+ // search for `t`.
+ let i =
+ // Usually, the first signature is what we are looking for.
+ // Short circuit the binary search.
+ if Some(t) >= self.self_signatures.get(0)
+ .and_then(|s| s.signature_creation_time())
+ {
+ 0
+ } else {
+ match self.self_signatures.binary_search_by(
+ |s| canonical_signature_order(
+ s.signature_creation_time(), Some(t)))
+ {
+ // If there are multiple matches, then we need to search
+ // backwards to find the first one. Consider:
+ //
+ // t: 9 8 8 8 8 7
+ // i: 0 1 2 3 4 5
+ //
+ // If we are looking for t == 8, then binary_search could
+ // return index 1, 2, 3 or 4.
+ Ok(mut i) => {
+ while i > 0
+ && self.self_signatures[i - 1].signature_creation_time()
+ == Some(t)
+ {
+ i -= 1;
+ }
+ i
+ }
+ // There was no match. `i` is where a new element could
+ // be inserted while maintaining the sorted order.
+ // Consider:
+ //
+ // t: 9 8 6 5
+ // i: 0 1 2 3
+ //
+ // If we are looing for t == 7, then binary_search will
+ // return i == 2. That's exactly where we should start
+ // looking.
+ Err(i) => i,
+ }
+ };
+ let mut sig = None;
+ let mut error = crate::Error::NoBindingSignature(t).into();
+ for s in self.self_signatures[i..].iter() {
+ if let Err(e) = s.signature_alive(t, time::Duration::new(0, 0)) {
+ error = e;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if let Err(e) = policy.signature(s) {
+ error = e;
+ continue;
+ }
+ sig = Some(s);
+ break;
+ }
+ sig.ok_or(error)
+ }
+ /// The self-signatures.
+ ///
+ /// The signatures are validated, and they are reverse sorted by
+ /// their creation time (newest first).
+ pub fn self_signatures(&self) -> &[Signature] {
+ &self.self_signatures
+ }
+ /// Any third-party certifications.
+ ///
+ /// The signatures are *not* validated. They are reverse sorted by
+ /// their creation time (newest first).
+ pub fn certifications(&self) -> &[Signature] {
+ &self.certifications
+ }
+ /// Revocations issued by the key itself.
+ ///
+ /// The revocations are validated, and they are reverse sorted by
+ /// their creation time (newest first).
+ pub fn self_revocations(&self) -> &[Signature] {
+ &self.self_revocations
+ }
+ /// Revocations issued by other keys.
+ ///
+ /// The revocations are *not* validated. They are reverse sorted
+ /// by their creation time (newest first).
+ pub fn other_revocations(&self) -> &[Signature] {
+ &self.other_revocations
+ }
+ /// Returns the component's revocation status at time `t`.
+ ///
+ /// A component is considered to be revoked at time `t` if:
+ ///
+ /// - There is a live revocation at time `t` that is newer than
+ /// all live self signatures at time `t`.
+ ///
+ /// - `hard_revocations_are_final` is true, and there is a hard
+ /// revocation (even if it is not live at time `t`, and even
+ /// if there is a newer self-signature).
+ ///
+ /// selfsig must be the newest live self signature at time `t`.
+ pub(crate) fn _revoked<'a, T>(&'a self, policy: &dyn Policy, t: T,
+ hard_revocations_are_final: bool,
+ selfsig: Option<&Signature>)
+ -> RevocationStatus<'a>
+ where T: Into<Option<time::SystemTime>>
+ {
+ // Fallback time.
+ let time_zero = || time::UNIX_EPOCH;
+ let t = t.into()
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| time::SystemTime::now());
+ let selfsig_creation_time
+ = selfsig.and_then(|s| s.signature_creation_time())
+ .unwrap_or_else(time_zero);
+ tracer!(super::TRACE, "ComponentBundle::_revoked", 0);
+ t!("hard_revocations_are_final: {}, selfsig: {:?}, t: {:?}",
+ hard_revocations_are_final,
+ selfsig_creation_time,
+ t);
+ if let Some(selfsig) = selfsig {
+ assert!(
+ selfsig.signature_alive(t, time::Duration::new(0, 0)).is_ok());
+ }
+ let check = |revs: &'a [Signature]| -> Option<Vec<&'a Signature>> {
+ let revs = revs.iter().filter_map(|rev| {
+ if let Err(err) = policy.signature(rev) {
+ t!(" revocation rejected by caller policy: {}", err);
+ None
+ } else if hard_revocations_are_final
+ && rev.reason_for_revocation()
+ .map(|(r, _)| {
+ r.revocation_type() == RevocationType::Hard
+ })
+ // If there is no Reason for Revocation
+ // packet, assume that it is a hard
+ // revocation.
+ .unwrap_or(true)
+ {
+ t!(" got a hard revocation: {:?}, {:?}",
+ rev.signature_creation_time()
+ .unwrap_or_else(time_zero),
+ rev.reason_for_revocation()
+ .map(|r| (r.0, String::from_utf8_lossy(r.1))));
+ Some(rev)
+ } else if selfsig_creation_time
+ > rev.signature_creation_time().unwrap_or_else(time_zero)
+ {
+ // This comes after the hard revocation check,
+ // because a hard revocation is always valid.
+ t!(" newer binding signature trumps soft revocation ({:?} > {:?})",
+ selfsig_creation_time,
+ rev.signature_creation_time().unwrap_or_else(time_zero));
+ None
+ } else if let Err(err)
+ = rev.signature_alive(t, time::Duration::new(0, 0))
+ {
+ // This comes after the hard revocation check,
+ // because a hard revocation is always valid.
+ t!(" revocation not alive ({:?} - {:?}): {}",
+ rev.signature_creation_time().unwrap_or_else(time_zero),
+ rev.signature_validity_period()
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| time::Duration::new(0, 0)),
+ err);
+ None
+ } else {
+ t!(" got a revocation: {:?} ({:?})",
+ rev.signature_creation_time().unwrap_or_else(time_zero),
+ rev.reason_for_revocation()
+ .map(|r| (r.0, String::from_utf8_lossy(r.1))));
+ Some(rev)
+ }
+ }).collect::<Vec<&Signature>>();
+ if revs.len() == 0 {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(revs)
+ }
+ };
+ if let Some(revs) = check(&self.self_revocations) {
+ RevocationStatus::Revoked(revs)
+ } else if let Some(revs) = check(&self.other_revocations) {
+ RevocationStatus::CouldBe(revs)
+ } else {
+ RevocationStatus::NotAsFarAsWeKnow
+ }
+ }
+ /// Converts the component into an iterator over the contained
+ /// packets.
+ ///
+ /// The signatures are ordered from authenticated and most
+ /// important to not authenticated and most likely to be abused.
+ /// The order is:
+ ///
+ /// - Self revocations first. They are authenticated and the
+ /// most important information.
+ /// - Self signatures. They are authenticated.
+ /// - Other signatures. They are not authenticated at this point.
+ /// - Other revocations. They are not authenticated, and likely
+ /// not well supported in other implementations, hence the
+ /// least reliable way of revoking keys and therefore least
+ /// useful and most likely to be abused.
+ pub(crate) fn into_packets<'a>(self) -> impl Iterator<Item=Packet>
+ where Packet: From<C>
+ {
+ let p : Packet = self.component.into();
+ std::iter::once(p)
+ .chain(self.self_revocations.into_iter().map(|s| s.into()))
+ .chain(self.self_signatures.into_iter().map(|s| s.into()))
+ .chain(self.certifications.into_iter().map(|s| s.into()))
+ .chain(self.other_revocations.into_iter().map(|s| s.into()))
+ }
+ // Sorts and dedups the binding's signatures.
+ //
+ // This function assumes that the signatures have already been
+ // cryptographically checked.
+ //
+ // Note: this uses Signature::eq to compare signatures. That
+ // function ignores unhashed packets. If there are two signatures
+ // that only differ in their unhashed subpackets, they will be
+ // deduped. The unhashed areas are *not* merged; the one that is
+ // kept is undefined.
+ pub(crate) fn sort_and_dedup(&mut self)
+ {
+ self.self_signatures.sort_by(sig_cmp);
+ self.self_signatures.dedup();
+ // There is no need to sort the certifications, but we do
+ // want to remove dups and sorting is a prerequisite.
+ self.certifications.sort_by(sig_cmp);
+ self.certifications.dedup();
+ self.self_revocations.sort_by(sig_cmp);
+ self.self_revocations.dedup();
+ self.other_revocations.sort_by(sig_cmp);
+ self.other_revocations.dedup();
+ }
+impl<P: key::KeyParts, R: key::KeyRole> ComponentBundle<Key<P, R>> {
+ /// Returns a reference to the key.
+ pub fn key(&self) -> &Key<P, R> {
+ self.component()
+ }
+ /// Returns a mut reference to the key.
+ pub(crate) fn key_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Key<P, R> {
+ self.component_mut()
+ }
+impl<P: key::KeyParts> ComponentBundle<Key<P, key::SubordinateRole>> {
+ /// Returns the subkey's revocation status at time `t`.
+ ///
+ /// A subkey is revoked at time `t` if:
+ ///
+ /// - There is a live revocation at time `t` that is newer than
+ /// all live self signatures at time `t`, or
+ ///
+ /// - There is a hard revocation (even if it is not live at
+ /// time `t`, and even if there is a newer self-signature).
+ ///
+ /// Note: Certs and subkeys have different criteria from User IDs
+ /// and User Attributes.
+ ///
+ /// Note: this only returns whether this subkey is revoked; it
+ /// does not imply anything about the Cert or other components.
+ pub fn revoked<T>(&self, policy: &dyn Policy, t: T)
+ -> RevocationStatus
+ where T: Into<Option<time::SystemTime>>
+ {
+ let t = t.into();
+ self._revoked(policy, t, true, self.binding_signature(policy, t).ok())
+ }
+impl ComponentBundle<UserID> {
+ /// Returns a reference to the User ID.
+ pub fn userid(&self) -> &UserID {
+ self.component()
+ }
+ /// Returns the User ID's revocation status at time `t`.
+ ///
+ /// A User ID is revoked at time `t` if:
+ ///
+ /// - There is a live revocation at time `t` that is newer than
+ /// all live self signatures at time `t`, or
+ ///
+ /// Note: Certs and subkeys have different criteria from User IDs
+ /// and User Attributes.
+ ///
+ /// Note: this only returns whether this User ID is revoked; it
+ /// does not imply anything about the Cert or other components.
+ pub fn revoked<T>(&self, policy: &dyn Policy, t: T)
+ -> RevocationStatus
+ where T: Into<Option<time::SystemTime>>
+ {
+ let t = t.into();
+ self._revoked(policy, t, false, self.binding_signature(policy, t).ok())
+ }
+impl ComponentBundle<UserAttribute> {
+ /// Returns a reference to the User Attribute.
+ pub fn user_attribute(&self) -> &UserAttribute {
+ self.component()
+ }
+ /// Returns the User Attribute's revocation status at time `t`.
+ ///
+ /// A User Attribute is revoked at time `t` if:
+ ///
+ /// - There is a live revocation at time `t` that is newer than
+ /// all live self signatures at time `t`, or
+ ///
+ /// Note: Certs and subkeys have different criteria from User IDs
+ /// and User Attributes.
+ ///
+ /// Note: this only returns whether this User Attribute is revoked;
+ /// it does not imply anything about the Cert or other components.
+ pub fn revoked<T>(&self, policy: &dyn Policy, t: T)
+ -> RevocationStatus
+ where T: Into<Option<time::SystemTime>>
+ {
+ let t = t.into();
+ self._revoked(policy, t, false, self.binding_signature(policy, t).ok())
+ }
+impl ComponentBundle<Unknown> {
+ /// Returns a reference to the unknown component.
+ pub fn unknown(&self) -> &Unknown {
+ self.component()
+ }
+/// An iterator over `ComponentBundle`s.
+pub struct ComponentBundleIter<'a, C> {
+ pub(crate) iter: Option<slice::Iter<'a, ComponentBundle<C>>>,
+/// An iterator over `KeyBundle`s.
+pub type UnfilteredKeyBundleIter<'a, P, R> = ComponentBundleIter<'a, Key<P, R>>;
+/// An iterator over `UserIDBundle`s.
+pub type UserIDBundleIter<'a> = ComponentBundleIter<'a, UserID>;
+/// An iterator over `UserAttributeBundle`s.
+pub type UserAttributeBundleIter<'a> = ComponentBundleIter<'a, UserAttribute>;
+/// An iterator over `UnknownBundle`s.
+pub type UnknownBundleIter<'a> = ComponentBundleIter<'a, Unknown>;
+impl<'a, C> Iterator for ComponentBundleIter<'a, C>
+ type Item = &'a ComponentBundle<C>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ match self.iter {
+ Some(ref mut iter) =>,
+ None => None,
+ }
+ }
+impl<'a, C> ExactSizeIterator for ComponentBundleIter<'a, C>
+ fn len(&self) -> usize {
+ match self.iter {
+ Some(ref iter) => iter.len(),
+ None => 0,
+ }
+ }