path: root/net/src/
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1 files changed, 27 insertions, 90 deletions
diff --git a/net/src/ b/net/src/
index f2e62103..513cb177 100644
--- a/net/src/
+++ b/net/src/
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ use hyper_tls::HttpsConnector;
use native_tls::{Certificate, TlsConnector};
use percent_encoding::{percent_encode, DEFAULT_ENCODE_SET};
use std::convert::From;
-use std::net::ToSocketAddrs;
use std::io::Cursor;
use tokio_core::reactor::Handle;
use url::Url;
@@ -254,93 +253,31 @@ pub(crate) fn url2uri(uri: Url) -> hyper::Uri {
pub fn async_wkd_get<S: AsRef<str>>(email_address: S)
-> impl Future<Item=Vec<TPK>, Error=failure::Error> {
- let email_address = email_address.as_ref().to_string();
- // WKD must use TLS
- // XXX: Change this expect for an error
- let https = HttpsConnector::new(4).expect("TLS initialization failed");
- let client = Client::builder()
- .build::<_, hyper::Body>(https);
- let wkd_url = wkd::WkdUrl::from(&email_address).expect("xxx");
- // Advanced method
- let url_string = wkd_url.to_string(None);
- // 1. option: just resolve the domain.
- // This is not async, solving the domain in an async way will require
- // other dependency.
- let uri = match url_string.unwrap().to_socket_addrs() {
- Err(e) =>
- // getaddrinfo is POSIX and seems to always return this string
- // in all systems.
- if e.to_string().contains("No address associated with hostname") {
- // Direct method
- wkd_url.to_uri(true)
- } else {
- Err(failure::Error::from(e))
- },
- Ok(_) => wkd_url.to_uri(None),
- };
- // Then, there is no need to repeat the HTTP request
- client.get(uri.unwrap())
- .from_err()
- .and_then(|res| res.into_body().concat2().from_err())
- .and_then(move |body|
- match wkd::parse_body(&body, &email_address) {
- Ok(tpks) => future::done(Ok(tpks)),
- Err(e) => future::err(e).into(),
- })
- // 2. option: consume the future to know if it was an error and which
- // type. But wait is blocking.
- //
- // Advanced method
- // let mut uri = wkd_url1.unwrap().to_uri(None);
- //
- // let response = match client.get(uri.unwrap()).map(|r| r).wait() {
- // Ok(r) => future::ok(r),
- // Err(e) =>
- // if e.to_string().contains("No address associated with hostname") {
- // // Direct method
- // uri = wkd_url.to_uri(false);
- // // Then also have to consume it here
- // future::done(client.get(uri.unwrap()).map(|r| r).wait())
- // } else {
- // future::err(e).into()
- // },
- // };
- // Box::new(
- // response.from_err()
- // .and_then(|res| res.into_body().concat2().from_err())
- // .and_then(move |body|
- // match wkd::parse_body(&body, &email_address) {
- // Ok(tpks) => future::done(Ok(tpks)),
- // Err(e) => future::err(e).into(),
- // })
- // )
- // 3. option: If there's a way to convert a future::done into a
- // a response future, then this would work, it courrently doesn't in the
- // else block.
- // This does not work because of the else
- // Box::new(
- // client.get(uri.unwrap())
- // .or_else(|e| -> ResponseFuture {
- // // If i put this if, then i need to put an else
- // // And the else must be other ResponseFuture
- // if e.to_string().contains("No address associated with hostname") {
- // // Direct method
- // uri = wkd_url.to_uri(false);
- // client.get(uri.unwrap())
- // } else {
- // // how to convert an hyper::error to a ResponseFuture?,
- // // new is private
- // ResponseFuture::new(Box::new(future::err(e).into()))
- // }}) .and_then(|res| res.into_body().concat2().from_err())
- // .and_then(move |body|
- // match wkd::parse_body(&body, &email_address) {
- // Ok(tpks) => future::done(Ok(tpks)),
- // Err(e) => future::err(e).into(),
- // })
- // )
+ let email = email_address.as_ref().to_string();
+ future::lazy(move || -> Result<_> {
+ // First, prepare URIs and client.
+ let wkd_url = wkd::WkdUrl::from(&email)?;
+ // WKD must use TLS, so build a client for that.
+ let https = HttpsConnector::new(4)?;
+ let client = Client::builder().build::<_, hyper::Body>(https);
+ Ok((email, client, wkd_url.to_uri(false)?, wkd_url.to_uri(true)?))
+ }).and_then(|(email, client, advanced_uri, direct_uri)| {
+ // First, try the Advanced Method.
+ client.get(advanced_uri)
+ // Fall back to the Direct Method.
+ .or_else(move |_| {
+ client.get(direct_uri)
+ })
+ .from_err()
+ .map(|res| (email, res))
+ }).and_then(|(email, res)| {
+ // Join the response body.
+ res.into_body().concat2().from_err()
+ .map(|body| (email, body))
+ }).and_then(|(email, body)| {
+ // And parse the response.
+ wkd::parse_body(&body, &email)
+ })