path: root/sq/tests
diff options
authorNeal H. Walfield <>2022-01-06 16:56:39 +0100
committerNeal H. Walfield <>2022-01-14 11:05:56 +0100
commita4cfd15805a543a327d2242f9c0f2b653a11ee55 (patch)
tree3f01ee175695d1b16030b7b86250e6590fa40a28 /sq/tests
parent14bcf8a292e8a5ace5462456a743ea00e0bc7ab9 (diff)
sq: Implement sq revoke certificate.
- Add support for revoking certificates to sq.
Diffstat (limited to 'sq/tests')
1 files changed, 393 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sq/tests/ b/sq/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..649ff746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sq/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+use std::fs::File;
+use std::io::Write;
+use anyhow::Context;
+use assert_cmd::Command;
+use chrono::prelude::*;
+use chrono::Duration;
+use tempfile::TempDir;
+use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
+use openpgp::Result;
+use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
+use openpgp::parse::Parse;
+use openpgp::Packet;
+use openpgp::PacketPile;
+use openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
+use openpgp::serialize::Serialize;
+use openpgp::types::SignatureType;
+use openpgp::types::ReasonForRevocation;
+use openpgp::types::RevocationStatus;
+const TRACE: bool = false;
+mod integration {
+ use super::*;
+ const _P: StandardPolicy = StandardPolicy::new();
+ const P: &StandardPolicy = &_P;
+ fn t(reason: ReasonForRevocation,
+ reason_message: &str,
+ stdin: bool,
+ third_party: bool,
+ notations: &[(&str, &str)],
+ time: Option<DateTime<Utc>>) -> Result<()>
+ {
+ // Round it down to a whole second to match the resolution of
+ // OpenPGP's timestamp.
+ let time =|t| {
+ t - Duration::nanoseconds(t.timestamp_subsec_nanos() as i64)
+ });
+ // We're going to revoke alice's certificate. If we're doing
+ // it via a third-party revocation, then bob is the revoker.
+ // Otherwise, it's alice.
+ let (alice, _) =
+ CertBuilder::general_purpose(None, Some(""))
+ .set_creation_time(
+|t| (t - Duration::hours(1)).into()))
+ .generate()?;
+ let (bob, _) =
+ CertBuilder::general_purpose(None, Some(""))
+ .set_creation_time(
+|t| (t - Duration::hours(1)).into()))
+ .generate()?;
+ let mut cert = Vec::new();
+ alice.serialize(&mut cert)?;
+ let mut revoker = Vec::new();
+ if third_party {
+ bob.as_tsk().serialize(&mut revoker)?;
+ } else {
+ alice.as_tsk().serialize(&mut revoker)?;
+ }
+ // Build up the command line.
+ let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("sq")?;
+ cmd.args([
+ "revoke",
+ "certificate",
+ match reason {
+ ReasonForRevocation::KeyCompromised => "compromised",
+ ReasonForRevocation::KeyRetired => "retired",
+ ReasonForRevocation::KeySuperseded => "superseded",
+ ReasonForRevocation::Unspecified => "unspecified",
+ _ => panic!("Invalid reason: {}", reason),
+ },
+ reason_message
+ ]);
+ let _tmp_dir = match (third_party, stdin) {
+ (true, true) => {
+ // cat cert | sq revoke --revocation-key third-party
+ let dir = TempDir::new()?;
+ cmd.write_stdin(cert);
+ let revoker_pgp = dir.path().join("revoker.pgp");
+ let mut file = File::create(&revoker_pgp)?;
+ file.write_all(&revoker)?;
+ cmd.args([
+ "--revocation-key",
+ &*revoker_pgp.to_string_lossy()
+ ]);
+ Some(dir)
+ },
+ (true, false) => { // third_party && ! stdin
+ // sq revoke --certificate cert --revocation-key third-party
+ let dir = TempDir::new()?;
+ let cert_pgp = dir.path().join("cert.pgp");
+ let mut file = File::create(&cert_pgp)?;
+ file.write_all(&cert)?;
+ cmd.args([
+ "--certificate",
+ &*cert_pgp.to_string_lossy()
+ ]);
+ let revoker_pgp = dir.path().join("revoker.pgp");
+ let mut file = File::create(&revoker_pgp)?;
+ file.write_all(&revoker)?;
+ cmd.args([
+ "--revocation-key",
+ &*revoker_pgp.to_string_lossy()
+ ]);
+ Some(dir)
+ },
+ (false, true) => { // ! third_party && stdin
+ // cat key | sq revoke
+ cmd.write_stdin(revoker);
+ None
+ },
+ (false, false) => { // ! third_party && ! stdin
+ // sq revoke --certificate key
+ let dir = TempDir::new()?;
+ let key_pgp = dir.path().join("key.pgp");
+ let mut file = File::create(&key_pgp)?;
+ file.write_all(&revoker)?;
+ cmd.args([
+ "--certificate",
+ &*key_pgp.to_string_lossy()
+ ]);
+ Some(dir)
+ },
+ };
+ // Time.
+ if let Some(t) = time {
+ cmd.args([
+ "--time",
+ &t.format("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").to_string()],
+ );
+ }
+ // Notations.
+ for (k, v) in notations {
+ cmd.args(["--notation", k, v]);
+ }
+ if TRACE {
+ eprintln!("Running: {:?}", cmd);
+ }
+ let assertion = cmd.assert().try_success()?;
+ let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&assertion.get_output().stdout);
+ // Pretty print 'sq revoke''s output for debugging purposes.
+ if TRACE {
+ let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("sq")?;
+ cmd.args([ "inspect" ]);
+ cmd.write_stdin(stdout.as_bytes());
+ let assertion = cmd.assert().try_success()?;
+ eprintln!("Result:\n{}",
+ String::from_utf8_lossy(&assertion.get_output().stdout));
+ }
+ // Get the revocation certificate.
+ assert!(matches!(
+ alice.with_policy(P,
+ .revocation_status(),
+ RevocationStatus::NotAsFarAsWeKnow));
+ let sig = if third_party {
+ // We should get a certificate stub.
+ let result = Cert::from_bytes(&*stdout)?;
+ let status = result.with_policy(P,
+ .revocation_status();
+ if let RevocationStatus::CouldBe(sigs) = status {
+ assert_eq!(sigs.len(), 1);
+ let sig = sigs.into_iter().next().unwrap();
+ // Bob issued the revocation.
+ assert_eq!(sig.get_issuers().into_iter().next(),
+ Some(bob.fingerprint().into()));
+ // Verify the revocation.
+ sig.clone()
+ .verify_primary_key_revocation(
+ &bob.primary_key(),
+ &alice.primary_key())
+ .context("revocation is not valid")?;
+ sig.clone()
+ } else {
+ panic!("Unexpected revocation status: {:?}", status);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We should get just a single signature packet.
+ let pp = PacketPile::from_bytes(&*stdout)?;
+ assert_eq!(pp.children().count(), 1,
+ "expected a single packet");
+ if let Some(Packet::Signature(sig)) = pp.path_ref(&[0]) {
+ // Alice issued the revocation.
+ assert_eq!(sig.get_issuers().into_iter().next(),
+ Some(alice.fingerprint().into()));
+ let alice2 = alice.insert_packets(sig.clone()).unwrap();
+ // Verify the revocation.
+ assert!(matches!(
+ alice2.with_policy(P,
+ .revocation_status(),
+ RevocationStatus::Revoked(_)));
+ sig.clone()
+ } else {
+ panic!("Expected a signature, got: {:?}", pp);
+ }
+ };
+ // Revocation reason.
+ assert_eq!(sig.typ(), SignatureType::KeyRevocation);
+ assert_eq!(sig.reason_for_revocation(),
+ Some((reason, reason_message.as_bytes())));
+ // Time.
+ if let Some(t) = time {
+ assert_eq!(Some(t.into()), sig.signature_creation_time());
+ }
+ // Notations.
+ let got: Vec<(&str, String)> = sig.notation_data()
+ .map(|n| {
+ (,
+ String::from_utf8_lossy(n.value()).into())
+ })
+ .collect();
+ for (n, v) in notations {
+ assert!(got.contains(&(n, String::from(*v))),
+ "notations: {:?}\nexpected: {}: {}",
+ notations, n, v);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn dispatch(reasons: &[ReasonForRevocation],
+ msgs: &[&str],
+ stdin: &[bool],
+ third_party: &[bool],
+ notations: &[&[(&str, &str)]],
+ time: &[Option<DateTime<Utc>>]) -> Result<()>
+ {
+ for third_party in third_party {
+ for time in time {
+ for stdin in stdin {
+ for notations in notations {
+ for reason in reasons {
+ for msg in msgs {
+ eprintln!("\n\
+ third party: {}\n\
+ time: {:?}\n\
+ stdin: {}\n\
+ notations: {:?}\n\
+ reason: {:?}\n\
+ message: {:?}",
+ third_party, time, stdin, notations,
+ reason, msg);
+ t(*reason, *msg,
+ *stdin, *third_party, *notations,
+ *time)?;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ const REASONS: &[ ReasonForRevocation ] = &[
+ ReasonForRevocation::KeyCompromised,
+ ReasonForRevocation::KeyRetired,
+ ReasonForRevocation::KeySuperseded,
+ ReasonForRevocation::Unspecified
+ ];
+ const MSGS: &[&str] = &[
+ "oh NO!",
+ "Löwe 老\n虎 Léopard"
+ ];
+ const NOTATIONS: &[ &[ (&str, &str) ] ] = &[
+ &[],
+ &[("a", "b")],
+ &[("a", "b"), ("", "VALUE")]
+ ];
+ #[test]
+ fn sq_revoke_stdin() -> Result<()> {
+ let now = Utc::now();
+ dispatch(
+ // stdin
+ &[true],
+ // third_party
+ &[false],
+ // time
+ &[
+ None,
+ Some(now),
+ Some(now - Duration::hours(1))
+ ])
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn sq_revoke() -> Result<()> {
+ let now = Utc::now();
+ dispatch(
+ // stdin
+ &[false],
+ // third_party
+ &[false],
+ // time
+ &[
+ None,
+ Some(now),
+ Some(now - Duration::hours(1))
+ ])
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn sq_revoke_third_party_stdin() -> Result<()> {
+ let now = Utc::now();
+ dispatch(
+ // stdin
+ &[true],
+ // third_party
+ &[true],
+ // time
+ &[
+ None,
+ Some(now),
+ Some(now - Duration::hours(1))
+ ])
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn sq_revoke_third_party() -> Result<()> {
+ let now = Utc::now();
+ dispatch(
+ // stdin
+ &[false],
+ // third_party
+ &[true],
+ // time
+ &[
+ None,
+ Some(now),
+ Some(now - Duration::hours(1))
+ ])
+ }