path: root/openpgp
diff options
authorIgor Matuszewski <>2020-06-15 01:25:59 +0200
committerIgor Matuszewski <>2020-08-13 15:19:57 +0200
commit18b00b17a57f824ad5a872fffffa54ad09444647 (patch)
tree4a98213197a961e6b09370ebc6adb78eac31ce4b /openpgp
parente43b18ac4018ff621c6bf0e97788abd232c8b021 (diff)
openpgp: Implement DSA signatures using Windows CNG
Diffstat (limited to 'openpgp')
2 files changed, 237 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/openpgp/Cargo.toml b/openpgp/Cargo.toml
index 3d18b208..9e589d0b 100644
--- a/openpgp/Cargo.toml
+++ b/openpgp/Cargo.toml
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ win-crypto-ng = { version = "0.2", features = ["rand"], optional = true }
num-bigint-dig = { version = "0.6", default-features = false, optional = true }
# rand feature is unnecessarily required, see
ed25519-dalek = { version = "1.0.0-pre.4", default-features = false, features = ["rand", "u64_backend"], optional = true }
+winapi = { version = "0.3", default-features = false, features = ["bcrypt"], optional = true }
lalrpop = "0.17"
@@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ rpassword = "=4.0.3"
default = ["compression", "crypto-nettle"]
# TODO(#333): Allow for/implement more backends
crypto-nettle = ["nettle"]
-crypto-cng = ["win-crypto-ng", "ed25519-dalek", "num-bigint-dig"]
+crypto-cng = ["winapi", "win-crypto-ng", "ed25519-dalek", "num-bigint-dig"]
# The compression algorithms.
compression = ["compression-deflate", "compression-bzip2"]
diff --git a/openpgp/src/crypto/backend/cng/ b/openpgp/src/crypto/backend/cng/
index f4103676..a8d8c235 100644
--- a/openpgp/src/crypto/backend/cng/
+++ b/openpgp/src/crypto/backend/cng/
@@ -162,7 +162,128 @@ impl Signer for KeyPair {
s: mpi::MPI::new(s),
- _ => todo!()
+ (PublicKeyAlgorithm::DSA,
+ mpi:: PublicKey::DSA { y, p, q, g },
+ mpi::SecretKeyMaterial::DSA { x },
+ ) => {
+ use win_crypto_ng::key_blob::{DsaKeyPrivateV2Payload, DsaKeyPrivateV2Blob};
+ use win_crypto_ng::key_blob::{DsaKeyPrivatePayload, DsaKeyPrivateBlob};
+ use win_crypto_ng::asymmetric::{Dsa, DsaPrivateBlob};
+ use win_crypto_ng::helpers::Blob;
+ if y.value().len() > 3072 / 8 {
+ return Err(Error::InvalidOperation(
+ "DSA keys are supported up to 3072-bits".to_string()).into()
+ );
+ }
+ enum Version { V1, V2 }
+ // 1024-bit DSA keys are handled differently
+ let version = if y.value().len() <= 128 { Version::V1 } else { Version::V2 };
+ let blob: DsaPrivateBlob = match version {
+ Version::V1 => {
+ let mut group = [0; 20];
+ assert!(q.value().len() >= 20);
+ &mut group[..q.value().len()].copy_from_slice(q.value());
+ DsaPrivateBlob::V1(Blob::<DsaKeyPrivateBlob>::clone_from_parts(
+ &winapi::shared::bcrypt::BCRYPT_DSA_KEY_BLOB {
+ dwMagic: winapi::shared::bcrypt::BCRYPT_DSA_PUBLIC_MAGIC,
+ cbKey: y.value().len() as u32,
+ Count: [0; 4], // unused
+ Seed: [0; 20], // unused
+ q: group,
+ },
+ &DsaKeyPrivatePayload {
+ modulus: p.value(),
+ generator: g.value(),
+ public: y.value(),
+ priv_exp: x.value(),
+ },
+ ))
+ },
+ Version::V2 => {
+ //
+ let hash = match q.value().len() {
+ 20 => 0,
+ 32 => 1,
+ 64 => 2,
+ _ => return Err(Error::InvalidOperation(
+ "CNG accepts DSA q with length of either length of 20, 32 or 64".into())
+ .into()),
+ };
+ // We don't use counter/seed values so set them to 0.
+ // CNG pre-checks that the seed is at least |Q| long,
+ // so we can't use an empty buffer here.
+ let (count, seed) = ([0x0; 4], vec![0x0; q.value().len()]);
+ DsaPrivateBlob::V2(Blob::<DsaKeyPrivateV2Blob>::clone_from_parts(
+ &winapi::shared::bcrypt::BCRYPT_DSA_KEY_BLOB_V2 {
+ dwMagic: winapi::shared::bcrypt::BCRYPT_DSA_PRIVATE_MAGIC_V2,
+ Count: count,
+ // Size of the prime number q.
+ // Currently, if the key is less than 128
+ // bits, q is 20 bytes long.
+ // If the key exceeds 256 bits, q is 32 bytes long.
+ cbGroupSize: std::cmp::min(q.value().len(), 32) as u32,
+ cbKey: y.value().len() as u32,
+ cbSeedLength: seed.len() as u32,
+ hashAlgorithm: hash,
+ standardVersion: 1, // FIPS 186-3
+ },
+ &DsaKeyPrivateV2Payload {
+ seed: &seed,
+ group: q.value(),
+ modulus: p.value(),
+ generator: g.value(),
+ public: y.value(),
+ priv_exp: x.value(),
+ },
+ ))
+ },
+ };
+ use win_crypto_ng::asymmetric::{Import};
+ let provider = AsymmetricAlgorithm::open(AsymmetricAlgorithmId::Dsa)?;
+ let pair = AsymmetricKey::<Dsa, Private>::import(
+ Dsa,
+ &provider,
+ blob
+ )?;
+ // CNG accepts only hash and Q of equal length. Either trim the
+ // digest or pad it with zeroes (since it's treated as a
+ // big-endian number).
+ // See
+ let mut _digest = vec![];
+ let digest = match std::cmp::Ord::cmp(&q.value().len(), &digest.len()) {
+ std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => digest,
+ std::cmp::Ordering::Less => &digest[..q.value().len()],
+ std::cmp::Ordering::Greater => {
+ let pad = vec![0; q.value().len() - digest.len()];
+ _digest = [pad.as_ref(), digest].concat();
+ &_digest
+ }
+ };
+ assert_eq!(q.value().len(), digest.len());
+ let sig = pair.sign(digest, None)?;
+ //
+ let (r, s) = sig.split_at(sig.len() / 2);
+ mpi::Signature::DSA {
+ r: mpi::MPI::new(r),
+ s: mpi::MPI::new(s),
+ }
+ },
+ (pk_algo, _, _) => Err(Error::InvalidOperation(format!(
+ "unsupported combination of algorithm {:?}, key {:?}, \
+ and secret key {:?}",
+ pk_algo, self.public(), self.secret())))?,
@@ -246,7 +367,119 @@ impl<P: key::KeyParts, R: key::KeyRole> Key<P, R> {
key.verify(digest, s, Some(padding)).map(|_| true)?
- (DSA, mpi:: PublicKey::DSA { y, p, q, g }, mpi::Signature::DSA { s, r }) => todo!(),
+ (DSA, mpi:: PublicKey::DSA { y, p, q, g }, mpi::Signature::DSA { r, s }) => {
+ use win_crypto_ng::key_blob::{DsaKeyPublicPayload, DsaKeyPublicBlob};
+ use win_crypto_ng::key_blob::{DsaKeyPublicV2Payload, DsaKeyPublicV2Blob};
+ use win_crypto_ng::asymmetric::{Dsa, DsaPublicBlob};
+ use win_crypto_ng::helpers::Blob;
+ if y.value().len() > 3072 / 8 {
+ return Err(Error::InvalidOperation(
+ "DSA keys are supported up to 3072-bits".to_string()).into()
+ );
+ }
+ // CNG expects full-sized signatures
+ let field_sz = q.value().len();
+ let r = [&vec![0u8; field_sz - r.value().len()], r.value()].concat();
+ let s = [&vec![0u8; field_sz - s.value().len()], s.value()].concat();
+ let signature = [r, s].concat();
+ enum Version { V1, V2 }
+ // 1024-bit DSA keys are handled differently
+ let version = if y.value().len() <= 128 { Version::V1 } else { Version::V2 };
+ let blob: DsaPublicBlob = match version {
+ Version::V1 => {
+ let mut group = [0; 20];
+ assert!(q.value().len() >= 20);
+ &mut group[..q.value().len()].copy_from_slice(q.value());
+ DsaPublicBlob::V1(Blob::<DsaKeyPublicBlob>::clone_from_parts(
+ &winapi::shared::bcrypt::BCRYPT_DSA_KEY_BLOB {
+ dwMagic: winapi::shared::bcrypt::BCRYPT_DSA_PUBLIC_MAGIC,
+ cbKey: y.value().len() as u32,
+ Count: [0; 4], // unused
+ Seed: [0; 20], // unused
+ q: group,
+ },
+ &DsaKeyPublicPayload {
+ modulus: p.value(),
+ generator: g.value(),
+ public: y.value(),
+ },
+ ))
+ },
+ Version::V2 => {
+ //
+ let hash = match q.value().len() {
+ 20 => 0,
+ 32 => 1,
+ 64 => 2,
+ _ => return Err(Error::InvalidOperation(
+ "CNG accepts DSA q with length of either length of 20, 32 or 64".into())
+ .into()),
+ };
+ // We don't use counter/seed values so set them to 0.
+ // CNG pre-checks that the seed is at least |Q| long,
+ // so we can't use an empty buffer here.
+ let (count, seed) = ([0x0; 4], vec![0x0; q.value().len()]);
+ DsaPublicBlob::V2(Blob::<DsaKeyPublicV2Blob>::clone_from_parts(
+ &winapi::shared::bcrypt::BCRYPT_DSA_KEY_BLOB_V2 {
+ dwMagic: winapi::shared::bcrypt::BCRYPT_DSA_PUBLIC_MAGIC_V2,
+ Count: count,
+ // Size of the prime number q .
+ // Currently, if the key is less than 128
+ // bits, q is 20 bytes long.
+ // If the key exceeds 256 bits, q is 32 bytes long.
+ cbGroupSize: q.value().len() as u32,
+ cbKey: y.value().len() as u32,
+ //
+ // Length of the seed used to generate the
+ // prime number q.
+ cbSeedLength: seed.len() as u32,
+ hashAlgorithm: hash,
+ standardVersion: 1, // FIPS 186-3
+ },
+ &DsaKeyPublicV2Payload {
+ seed: &seed,
+ group: q.value(),
+ modulus: p.value(),
+ generator: g.value(),
+ public: y.value(),
+ },
+ ))
+ },
+ };
+ use win_crypto_ng::asymmetric::Import;
+ let provider = AsymmetricAlgorithm::open(AsymmetricAlgorithmId::Dsa)?;
+ let key = AsymmetricKey::<Dsa, Public>::import(
+ Dsa,
+ &provider,
+ blob
+ )?;
+ // CNG accepts only hash and Q of equal length. Either trim the
+ // digest or pad it with zeroes (since it's treated as a
+ // big-endian number).
+ // See
+ let mut _digest = vec![];
+ let digest = match std::cmp::Ord::cmp(&q.value().len(), &digest.len()) {
+ std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => digest,
+ std::cmp::Ordering::Less => &digest[..q.value().len()],
+ std::cmp::Ordering::Greater => {
+ let pad = vec![0; q.value().len() - digest.len()];
+ _digest = [pad.as_ref(), digest].concat();
+ &_digest
+ }
+ };
+ key.verify(digest, &signature, None).map(|_| true)?
+ },
(ECDSA, mpi::PublicKey::ECDSA { curve, q }, mpi::Signature::ECDSA { s, r }) =>
let (x, y) = q.decode_point(curve)?;