path: root/openpgp
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authorNeal H. Walfield <>2020-08-19 11:40:59 +0200
committerNeal H. Walfield <>2020-08-19 11:58:47 +0200
commit22b0d06e7c2f53c325ad20c60ab7388bddc1b181 (patch)
treeab259fd2f04098db03a7d5b488f3bc5fe3b3ae50 /openpgp
parent935734bf148efcaa69496bfe41c6f53907c5066f (diff)
openpgp: Reorder functions.
- Put all of SubpacketArea's methods in a single impl block. - Reorder the functions so that related functions are closer together.
Diffstat (limited to 'openpgp')
1 files changed, 704 insertions, 706 deletions
diff --git a/openpgp/src/packet/signature/ b/openpgp/src/packet/signature/
index 24afa980..e2996f4c 100644
--- a/openpgp/src/packet/signature/
+++ b/openpgp/src/packet/signature/
@@ -1731,7 +1731,164 @@ impl SubpacketLength {
+/// Subpacket storage.
+/// Subpackets are stored either in a so-called hashed area or a
+/// so-called unhashed area. Packets stored in the hashed area are
+/// protected by the signature's hash whereas packets stored in the
+/// unhashed area are not. Generally, two types of information are
+/// stored in the unhashed area: self-authenticating data (the
+/// `Issuer` subpacket, the `Issuer Fingerprint` subpacket, and the
+/// `Embedded Signature` subpacket), and hints, like the features
+/// subpacket.
+/// When accessing subpackets directly via `SubpacketArea`s, the
+/// subpackets are only looked up in the hashed area unless the
+/// packets are self-authenticating in which case subpackets from the
+/// hash area are preferred. To return packets from a specific area,
+/// use the `hashed_area` and `unhashed_area` methods to get the
+/// specific methods and then use their accessors.
+#[derive(Clone, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
+pub struct SubpacketAreas {
+ /// Subpackets that are part of the signature.
+ hashed_area: SubpacketArea,
+ /// Subpackets that are _not_ part of the signature.
+ unhashed_area: SubpacketArea,
+#[cfg(any(test, feature = "quickcheck"))]
+impl ArbitraryBounded for SubpacketAreas {
+ fn arbitrary_bounded<G: Gen>(g: &mut G, depth: usize) -> Self {
+ SubpacketAreas::new(ArbitraryBounded::arbitrary_bounded(g, depth),
+ ArbitraryBounded::arbitrary_bounded(g, depth))
+ }
+#[cfg(any(test, feature = "quickcheck"))]
impl SubpacketAreas {
+ /// Returns a new `SubpacketAreas` object.
+ pub fn new(hashed_area: SubpacketArea,
+ unhashed_area: SubpacketArea) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ hashed_area,
+ unhashed_area,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Gets a reference to the hashed area.
+ pub fn hashed_area(&self) -> &SubpacketArea {
+ &self.hashed_area
+ }
+ /// Gets a mutable reference to the hashed area.
+ ///
+ /// Note: if you modify the hashed area of a [`Signature4`], this
+ /// will invalidate the signature. Instead, you should normally
+ /// convert the [`Signature4`] into a [`signature::SignatureBuilder`],
+ /// modify that, and then create a new signature.
+ pub fn hashed_area_mut(&mut self) -> &mut SubpacketArea {
+ &mut self.hashed_area
+ }
+ /// Gets a reference to the unhashed area.
+ pub fn unhashed_area(&self) -> &SubpacketArea {
+ &self.unhashed_area
+ }
+ /// Gets a mutable reference to the unhashed area.
+ pub fn unhashed_area_mut(&mut self) -> &mut SubpacketArea {
+ &mut self.unhashed_area
+ }
+ /// Sorts the subpacket areas.
+ ///
+ /// See [`SubpacketArea::sort()`].
+ ///
+ /// [`SubpacketArea::sort()`]: struct.SubpacketArea.html#method.sort
+ pub fn sort(&mut self) {
+ self.hashed_area.sort();
+ self.unhashed_area.sort();
+ }
+ /// Returns the *last* instance of the specified subpacket.
+ ///
+ /// This function returns the last instance of the specified
+ /// subpacket in the subpacket areas in which it can occur. Thus,
+ /// when looking for the `Signature Creation Time` subpacket, this
+ /// function only considers the hashed subpacket area. But, when
+ /// looking for the `Embedded Signature` subpacket, this function
+ /// considers both subpacket areas.
+ ///
+ /// Unknown subpackets are assumed to only safely occur in the
+ /// hashed subpacket area. Thus, any instances of them in the
+ /// unhashed area are ignored.
+ ///
+ /// For subpackets that can safely occur in both subpacket areas,
+ /// this function prefers instances in the hashed subpacket area.
+ pub fn subpacket<'a>(&'a self, tag: SubpacketTag) -> Option<&Subpacket> {
+ if let Some(sb) = self.hashed_area().subpacket(tag) {
+ return Some(sb);
+ }
+ // There are a couple of subpackets that we are willing to
+ // take from the unhashed area. The others we ignore
+ // completely.
+ if !(tag == SubpacketTag::Issuer
+ || tag == SubpacketTag::IssuerFingerprint
+ || tag == SubpacketTag::EmbeddedSignature) {
+ return None;
+ }
+ self.unhashed_area().subpacket(tag)
+ }
+ /// Returns an iterator over all instances of the specified
+ /// subpacket.
+ ///
+ /// This function returns an iterator over all instances of the
+ /// specified subpacket in the subpacket areas in which it can
+ /// occur. Thus, when looking for the `Issuer` subpacket, the
+ /// iterator includes instances of the subpacket from both the
+ /// hashed subpacket area and the unhashed subpacket area, but
+ /// when looking for the `Signature Creation Time` subpacket, the
+ /// iterator only includes instances of the subpacket from the
+ /// hashed subpacket area; any instances of the subpacket in the
+ /// unhashed subpacket area are ignored.
+ ///
+ /// Unknown subpackets are assumed to only safely occur in the
+ /// hashed subpacket area. Thus, any instances of them in the
+ /// unhashed area are ignored.
+ pub fn subpackets(&self, tag: SubpacketTag)
+ -> impl Iterator<Item = &Subpacket>
+ {
+ // It would be nice to do:
+ //
+ // let iter = self.hashed_area().subpackets(tag);
+ // if (subpacket allowed in unhashed area) {
+ // iter.chain(self.unhashed_area().subpackets(tag))
+ // } else {
+ // iter
+ // }
+ //
+ // but then we have different types. Instead, we need to
+ // inline SubpacketArea::subpackets, add the additional
+ // constraint in the closure, and hope that the optimizer is
+ // smart enough to not unnecessarily iterate over the unhashed
+ // area.
+ self.hashed_area().subpackets(tag).chain(
+ self.unhashed_area()
+ .iter()
+ .filter(move |sp| {
+ (tag == SubpacketTag::Issuer
+ || tag == SubpacketTag::IssuerFingerprint
+ || tag == SubpacketTag::EmbeddedSignature)
+ && sp.tag() == tag
+ }))
+ }
/// Returns the value of the Signature Creation Time subpacket.
/// The [Signature Creation Time subpacket] specifies when the
@@ -1832,6 +1989,395 @@ impl SubpacketAreas {
+ /// Returns the value of the Signature Expiration Time subpacket
+ /// as an absolute time.
+ ///
+ /// A [Signature Expiration Time subpacket] specifies when the
+ /// signature expires. The value stored is not an absolute time,
+ /// but a duration, which is relative to the Signature's creation
+ /// time. To better reflect the subpacket's name, this method
+ /// returns the absolute expiry time, and the
+ /// [`SubpacketAreas::signature_validity_period`] method returns
+ /// the subpacket's raw value.
+ ///
+ /// [Signature Expiration Time subpacket]:
+ /// [`SubpacketAreas::signature_validity_period`]: #method.signature_validity_period
+ ///
+ /// The Signature Expiration Time subpacket is different from the
+ /// [Key Expiration Time subpacket], which is accessed using
+ /// [`SubpacketAreas::key_validity_period`], and used specifies
+ /// when an associated key expires. The difference is that in the
+ /// former case, the signature itself expires, but in the latter
+ /// case, only the associated key expires. This difference is
+ /// critical: if a binding signature expires, then an OpenPGP
+ /// implementation will still consider the associated key to be
+ /// valid if there is another valid binding signature, even if it
+ /// is older than the expired signature; if the active binding
+ /// signature indicates that the key has expired, then OpenPGP
+ /// implementations will not fallback to an older binding
+ /// signature.
+ ///
+ /// [Key Expiration Time subpacket]:
+ /// [`SubpacketAreas::key_validity_period`]: #method.key_validity_period
+ ///
+ /// There are several cases where having a signature expire is
+ /// useful. Say Alice certifies Bob's certificate for
+ /// ``. She can limit the lifetime of the
+ /// certification to force her to reevaluate the certification
+ /// shortly before it expires. For instance, is Bob still
+ /// associated with ``? Does she have reason to
+ /// believe that his key has been compromised? Using an
+ /// expiration is common in the X.509 ecosystem. For instance,
+ /// [Let's Encrypt] issues certificates with 90-day lifetimes.
+ ///
+ /// [Let's Encrypt]:
+ ///
+ /// Having signatures expire can also be useful when deploying
+ /// software. For instance, you might have a service that
+ /// installs an update if it has been signed by a trusted
+ /// certificate. To prevent an adversary from coercing the
+ /// service to install an older version, you could limit the
+ /// signature's lifetime to just a few minutes.
+ ///
+ /// If the subpacket is not present in the hashed subpacket area,
+ /// this returns `None`. If this function returns `None`, the
+ /// signature does not expire.
+ ///
+ /// Note: if the signature contains multiple instances of this
+ /// subpacket in the hashed subpacket area, the last one is
+ /// returned.
+ pub fn signature_expiration_time(&self) -> Option<time::SystemTime> {
+ match (self.signature_creation_time(), self.signature_validity_period())
+ {
+ (Some(ct), Some(vp)) if vp.as_secs() > 0 => Some(ct + vp),
+ _ => None,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns whether or not the signature is alive at the specified
+ /// time.
+ ///
+ /// A signature is considered to be alive if `creation time -
+ /// tolerance <= time` and `time < expiration time`.
+ ///
+ /// This function does not check whether the key is revoked.
+ ///
+ /// If `time` is `None`, then this function uses the current time
+ /// for `time`.
+ ///
+ /// If `time` is `None`, and `clock_skew_tolerance` is `None`,
+ /// then this function uses [`CLOCK_SKEW_TOLERANCE`] for the
+ /// tolerance. If `time` is not `None `and `clock_skew_tolerance`
+ /// is `None`, it uses no tolerance. The intuition here is that
+ /// we only need a tolerance when checking if a signature is alive
+ /// right now; if we are checking at a specific time, we don't
+ /// want to use a tolerance.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// A small amount of tolerance for clock skew is necessary,
+ /// because although most computers synchronize their clocks with
+ /// a time server, up to a few seconds of clock skew are not
+ /// unusual in practice. And, even worse, several minutes of
+ /// clock skew appear to be not uncommon on virtual machines.
+ ///
+ /// Not accounting for clock skew can result in signatures being
+ /// unexpectedly considered invalid. Consider: computer A sends a
+ /// message to computer B at 9:00, but computer B, whose clock
+ /// says the current time is 8:59, rejects it, because the
+ /// signature appears to have been made in the future. This is
+ /// particularly problematic for low-latency protocols built on
+ /// top of OpenPGP, e.g., when two MUAs synchronize their state
+ /// via a shared IMAP folder.
+ ///
+ /// Being tolerant to potential clock skew is not always
+ /// appropriate. For instance, when determining a User ID's
+ /// current self signature at time `t`, we don't ever want to
+ /// consider a self-signature made after `t` to be valid, even if
+ /// it was made just a few moments after `t`. This goes doubly so
+ /// for soft revocation certificates: the user might send a
+ /// message that she is retiring, and then immediately create a
+ /// soft revocation. The soft revocation should not invalidate
+ /// the message.
+ ///
+ /// Unfortunately, in many cases, whether we should account for
+ /// clock skew or not depends on application-specific context. As
+ /// a rule of thumb, if the time and the timestamp come from
+ /// different clocks, you probably want to account for clock skew.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// [Section of RFC 4880] states that a Signature Creation
+ /// Time subpacket "MUST be present in the hashed area."
+ /// Consequently, if such a packet does not exist, this function
+ /// returns [`Error::MalformedPacket`].
+ ///
+ /// [Section of RFC 4880]:
+ /// [`Error::MalformedPacket`]: ../../../enum.Error.html#variant.MalformedPacket
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// Alice's desktop computer and laptop exchange messages in real
+ /// time via a shared IMAP folder. Unfortunately, the clocks are
+ /// not perfectly synchronized: the desktop computer's clock is a
+ /// few seconds ahead of the laptop's clock. When there is little
+ /// or no propagation delay, this means that the laptop will
+ /// consider the signatures to be invalid, because they appear to
+ /// have been created in the future. Using a tolerance prevents
+ /// this from happening.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use std::time::{SystemTime, Duration};
+ /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
+ /// use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
+ /// use openpgp::packet::signature::SignatureBuilder;
+ /// # use openpgp::packet::signature::subpacket::SubpacketTag;
+ /// use openpgp::types::SignatureType;
+ ///
+ /// # fn main() -> openpgp::Result<()> {
+ /// #
+ /// let (alice, _) =
+ /// CertBuilder::general_purpose(None, Some(""))
+ /// .generate()?;
+ ///
+ /// // Alice's Desktop computer signs a message. Its clock is a
+ /// // few seconds fast.
+ /// let now = SystemTime::now() + Duration::new(5, 0);
+ ///
+ /// let mut alices_signer = alice.primary_key().key().clone()
+ /// .parts_into_secret()?.into_keypair()?;
+ /// let msg = "START PROTOCOL";
+ /// let sig = SignatureBuilder::new(SignatureType::Binary)
+ /// .set_signature_creation_time(now)?
+ /// .sign_message(&mut alices_signer, msg)?;
+ /// # assert!(sig.verify_message(alices_signer.public(), msg).is_ok());
+ ///
+ /// // The desktop computer transfers the message to the laptop
+ /// // via the shared IMAP folder. Because the laptop receives a
+ /// // push notification, it immediately processes it.
+ /// // Unfortunately, it is considered to be invalid: the message
+ /// // appears to be from the future!
+ /// assert!(sig.signature_alive(None, Duration::new(0, 0)).is_err());
+ ///
+ /// // But, using the small default tolerance causes the laptop
+ /// // to consider the signature to be alive.
+ /// assert!(sig.signature_alive(None, None).is_ok());
+ /// # Ok(()) }
+ /// ```
+ pub fn signature_alive<T, U>(&self, time: T, clock_skew_tolerance: U)
+ -> Result<()>
+ where T: Into<Option<time::SystemTime>>,
+ U: Into<Option<time::Duration>>
+ {
+ let (time, tolerance)
+ = match (time.into(), clock_skew_tolerance.into()) {
+ (None, None) =>
+ (time::SystemTime::now(),
+ (None, Some(tolerance)) =>
+ (time::SystemTime::now(),
+ tolerance),
+ (Some(time), None) =>
+ (time, time::Duration::new(0, 0)),
+ (Some(time), Some(tolerance)) =>
+ (time, tolerance)
+ };
+ match (self.signature_creation_time(), self.signature_validity_period())
+ {
+ (None, _) =>
+ Err(Error::MalformedPacket("no signature creation time".into())
+ .into()),
+ (Some(c), Some(e)) if e.as_secs() > 0 && (c + e) <= time =>
+ Err(Error::Expired(c + e).into()),
+ // Be careful to avoid underflow.
+ (Some(c), _) if cmp::max(c, time::UNIX_EPOCH + tolerance)
+ - tolerance > time =>
+ Err(Error::NotYetLive(cmp::max(c, time::UNIX_EPOCH + tolerance)
+ - tolerance).into()),
+ _ => Ok(()),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the value of the Key Expiration Time subpacket.
+ ///
+ /// This function is called `key_validity_period` and not
+ /// `key_expiration_time`, which would be more consistent with
+ /// the subpacket's name, because the latter suggests an absolute
+ /// time, but the time is actually relative to the associated
+ /// key's (*not* the signature's) creation time, which is stored
+ /// in the [Key].
+ ///
+ /// [Key]:
+ ///
+ /// A [Key Expiration Time subpacket] specifies when the
+ /// associated key expires. This is different from the [Signature
+ /// Expiration Time subpacket] (accessed using
+ /// [`SubpacketAreas::signature_validity_period`]), which is
+ /// used to specify when the signature expires. That is, in the
+ /// former case, the associated key expires, but in the latter
+ /// case, the signature itself expires. This difference is
+ /// critical: if a binding signature expires, then an OpenPGP
+ /// implementation will still consider the associated key to be
+ /// valid if there is another valid binding signature, even if it
+ /// is older than the expired signature; if the active binding
+ /// signature indicates that the key has expired, then OpenPGP
+ /// implementations will not fallback to an older binding
+ /// signature.
+ ///
+ /// [Key Expiration Time subpacket]:
+ /// [Signature Expiration Time subpacket]:
+ /// [`SubpacketAreas::signature_validity_period`]: #method.signature_validity_period
+ ///
+ /// If the subpacket is not present in the hashed subpacket area,
+ /// this returns `None`. If this function returns `None`, or the
+ /// returned period is `0`, the key does not expire.
+ ///
+ /// Note: if the signature contains multiple instances of this
+ /// subpacket in the hashed subpacket area, the last one is
+ /// returned.
+ pub fn key_validity_period(&self) -> Option<time::Duration> {
+ // 4-octet time field
+ if let Some(sb)
+ = self.subpacket(SubpacketTag::KeyExpirationTime) {
+ if let SubpacketValue::KeyExpirationTime(v) = sb.value {
+ Some(v.into())
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the value of the Key Expiration Time subpacket
+ /// as an absolute time.
+ ///
+ /// A [Key Expiration Time subpacket] specifies when a key
+ /// expires. The value stored is not an absolute time, but a
+ /// duration, which is relative to the associated [Key]'s creation
+ /// time, which is stored in the Key packet, not the binding
+ /// signature. As such, the Key Expiration Time subpacket is only
+ /// meaningful on a key's binding signature. To better reflect
+ /// the subpacket's name, this method returns the absolute expiry
+ /// time, and the [`SubpacketAreas::key_validity_period`] method
+ /// returns the subpacket's raw value.
+ ///
+ /// [Key Expiration Time subpacket]:
+ /// [Key]:
+ /// [`SubpacketAreas::key_validity_period`]: #method.key_validity_period
+ ///
+ /// The Key Expiration Time subpacket is different from the
+ /// [Signature Expiration Time subpacket], which is accessed using
+ /// [`SubpacketAreas::signature_validity_period`], and specifies
+ /// when a signature expires. The difference is that in the
+ /// former case, only the associated key expires, but in the
+ /// latter case, the signature itself expires. This difference is
+ /// critical: if a binding signature expires, then an OpenPGP
+ /// implementation will still consider the associated key to be
+ /// valid if there is another valid binding signature, even if it
+ /// is older than the expired signature; if the active binding
+ /// signature indicates that the key has expired, then OpenPGP
+ /// implementations will not fallback to an older binding
+ /// signature.
+ ///
+ /// [Signature Expiration Time subpacket]:
+ /// [`SubpacketAreas::signature_validity_period`]: #method.signature_validity_period
+ ///
+ /// Because the absolute time is relative to the key's creation
+ /// time, which is stored in the key itself, this function needs
+ /// the associated key. Since there is no way to get the
+ /// associated key from a signature, the key must be passed to
+ /// this function. This function does not check that the key is
+ /// in fact associated with this signature.
+ ///
+ /// If the subpacket is not present in the hashed subpacket area,
+ /// this returns `None`. If this function returns `None`, the
+ /// signature does not expire.
+ ///
+ /// Note: if the signature contains multiple instances of this
+ /// subpacket in the hashed subpacket area, the last one is
+ /// returned.
+ pub fn key_expiration_time<P, R>(&self, key: &Key<P, R>)
+ -> Option<time::SystemTime>
+ where P: key::KeyParts,
+ R: key::KeyRole,
+ {
+ match self.key_validity_period() {
+ Some(vp) if vp.as_secs() > 0 => Some(key.creation_time() + vp),
+ _ => None,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns whether or not a key is alive at the specified
+ /// time.
+ ///
+ /// A [Key] is considered to be alive if `creation time -
+ /// tolerance <= time` and `time < expiration time`.
+ ///
+ /// [Key]:
+ ///
+ /// This function does not check whether the signature is alive
+ /// (cf. [`SubpacketAreas::signature_alive`]), or whether the key
+ /// is revoked (cf. [`ValidKeyAmalgamation::revoked`]).
+ ///
+ /// [`SubpacketAreas::signature_alive`]: #method.signature_alive
+ /// [`ValidKeyAmalgamation::revoked`]: ../../../cert/amalgamation/key/struct.ValidKeyAmalgamationIter.html#method.revoked
+ ///
+ /// If `time` is `None`, then this function uses the current time
+ /// for `time`.
+ ///
+ /// Whereas a Key's expiration time is stored in the Key's active
+ /// binding signature in the [Signature Expiration Time
+ /// subpacket], its creation time is stored in the Key packet. As
+ /// such, the associated Key must be passed to this function.
+ /// This function, however, has no way to check that the signature
+ /// is actually a binding signature for the specified Key.
+ ///
+ /// [Signature Expiration Time subpacket]:
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// Even keys that don't expire may not be considered alive. This
+ /// is the case if they were created after the specified time.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use std::time::{SystemTime, Duration};
+ /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
+ /// use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
+ /// use openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
+ ///
+ /// # fn main() -> openpgp::Result<()> {
+ /// #
+ /// let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
+ ///
+ /// let (cert, _) = CertBuilder::new().generate()?;
+ ///
+ /// let mut pk = cert.primary_key().key();
+ /// let sig = cert.primary_key().with_policy(p, None)?.binding_signature();
+ ///
+ /// assert!(sig.key_alive(pk, None).is_ok());
+ /// // A key is not considered alive prior to its creation time.
+ /// let the_past = SystemTime::now() - Duration::new(10, 0);
+ /// assert!(sig.key_alive(pk, the_past).is_err());
+ /// # Ok(()) }
+ /// ```
+ pub fn key_alive<P, R, T>(&self, key: &Key<P, R>, t: T) -> Result<()>
+ where P: key::KeyParts,
+ R: key::KeyRole,
+ T: Into<Option<time::SystemTime>>
+ {
+ let t = t.into().unwrap_or_else(time::SystemTime::now);
+ match self.key_validity_period() {
+ Some(e) if e.as_secs() > 0 && key.creation_time() + e <= t =>
+ Err(Error::Expired(key.creation_time() + e).into()),
+ _ if key.creation_time() > t =>
+ Err(Error::NotYetLive(key.creation_time()).into()),
+ _ => Ok(()),
+ }
+ }
/// Returns the value of the Exportable Certification subpacket.
/// The [Exportable Certification subpacket] indicates whether the
@@ -1966,106 +2512,6 @@ impl SubpacketAreas {
- /// Returns the value of the Key Expiration Time subpacket.
- ///
- /// This function is called `key_validity_period` and not
- /// `key_expiration_time`, which would be more consistent with
- /// the subpacket's name, because the latter suggests an absolute
- /// time, but the time is actually relative to the associated
- /// key's (*not* the signature's) creation time, which is stored
- /// in the [Key].
- ///
- /// [Key]:
- ///
- /// A [Key Expiration Time subpacket] specifies when the
- /// associated key expires. This is different from the [Signature
- /// Expiration Time subpacket] (accessed using
- /// [`SubpacketAreas::signature_validity_period`]), which is
- /// used to specify when the signature expires. That is, in the
- /// former case, the associated key expires, but in the latter
- /// case, the signature itself expires. This difference is
- /// critical: if a binding signature expires, then an OpenPGP
- /// implementation will still consider the associated key to be
- /// valid if there is another valid binding signature, even if it
- /// is older than the expired signature; if the active binding
- /// signature indicates that the key has expired, then OpenPGP
- /// implementations will not fallback to an older binding
- /// signature.
- ///
- /// [Key Expiration Time subpacket]:
- /// [Signature Expiration Time subpacket]:
- /// [`SubpacketAreas::signature_validity_period`]: #method.signature_validity_period
- ///
- /// If the subpacket is not present in the hashed subpacket area,
- /// this returns `None`. If this function returns `None`, or the
- /// returned period is `0`, the key does not expire.
- ///
- /// Note: if the signature contains multiple instances of this
- /// subpacket in the hashed subpacket area, the last one is
- /// returned.
- pub fn key_validity_period(&self) -> Option<time::Duration> {
- // 4-octet time field
- if let Some(sb)
- = self.subpacket(SubpacketTag::KeyExpirationTime) {
- if let SubpacketValue::KeyExpirationTime(v) = sb.value {
- Some(v.into())
- } else {
- None
- }
- } else {
- None
- }
- }
- /// Returns the value of the Preferred Symmetric Algorithms
- /// subpacket.
- ///
- /// A [Preferred Symmetric Algorithms subpacket] lists what
- /// symmetric algorithms the user prefers. When encrypting a
- /// message for a recipient, the OpenPGP implementation should not
- /// use an algorithm that is not on this list.
- ///
- /// [Preferred Symmetric Algorithms subpacket]:
- ///
- /// This subpacket is a type of preference. When looking up a
- /// preference, an OpenPGP implementation should first look for
- /// the subpacket on the binding signature of the User ID or the
- /// User Attribute used to locate the certificate (or the primary
- /// User ID, if it was addressed by Key ID or fingerprint). If
- /// the binding signature doesn't contain the subpacket, then the
- /// direct key signature should be checked. See the
- /// [`Preferences`] trait for details.
- ///
- /// Unless addressing different User IDs really should result in
- /// different behavior, it is best to only set this preference on
- /// the direct key signature. This guarantees that even if some
- /// or all User IDs are stripped, the behavior remains consistent.
- ///
- /// [`Preferences`]: ../../../cert/trait.Preferences.html
- ///
- /// If the subpacket is not present in the hashed subpacket area,
- /// this returns `None`.
- ///
- /// Note: if the signature contains multiple instances of this
- /// subpacket in the hashed subpacket area, the last one is
- /// returned.
- pub fn preferred_symmetric_algorithms(&self)
- -> Option<&[SymmetricAlgorithm]> {
- // array of one-octet values
- if let Some(sb)
- = self.subpacket(
- SubpacketTag::PreferredSymmetricAlgorithms) {
- if let SubpacketValue::PreferredSymmetricAlgorithms(v)
- = &sb.value {
- Some(v)
- } else {
- None
- }
- } else {
- None
- }
- }
/// Returns the value of the Revocation Key subpacket.
/// A [Revocation Key subpacket] indicates certificates (so-called
@@ -2124,6 +2570,31 @@ impl SubpacketAreas {
+ /// Returns the value of any Issuer Fingerprint subpackets.
+ ///
+ /// The [Issuer Fingerprint subpacket] is used when processing a
+ /// signature to identify which certificate created the signature.
+ /// Since this information is self-authenticating (the act of
+ /// validating the signature authenticates the subpacket), it is
+ /// normally stored in the unhashed subpacket area.
+ ///