path: root/openpgp/src
diff options
authorIgor Matuszewski <>2020-06-09 00:44:15 +0200
committerIgor Matuszewski <>2020-08-13 13:15:05 +0200
commitf07adda6143eec28552c36df6bc31d94e7fc9577 (patch)
tree2bf1a6b6f40954c862e0fa1fcc3007d5b9564419 /openpgp/src
parent033540d9708b0f1de61572bf43212368599d891a (diff)
openpgp: Implement asymmetric key gen/import using Windows CNG API
Diffstat (limited to 'openpgp/src')
1 files changed, 196 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/openpgp/src/crypto/backend/cng/ b/openpgp/src/crypto/backend/cng/
index f09d89be..5e5ffdc4 100644
--- a/openpgp/src/crypto/backend/cng/
+++ b/openpgp/src/crypto/backend/cng/
@@ -3,16 +3,22 @@
use std::time::SystemTime;
-use crate::Result;
+use crate::{Error, Result};
use crate::crypto::asymmetric::{Decryptor, KeyPair, Signer};
+use crate::crypto::mem::Protected;
use crate::crypto::mpi;
use crate::crypto::SessionKey;
use crate::packet::key::{Key4, SecretParts};
use crate::packet::{self, key, Key};
-use crate::types::SymmetricAlgorithm;
+use crate::types::{PublicKeyAlgorithm, SymmetricAlgorithm};
use crate::types::{Curve, HashAlgorithm};
+use num_bigint_dig::{traits::ModInverse, BigInt, BigUint};
+use win_crypto_ng as cng;
+const CURVE25519_SIZE: usize = 32;
impl Signer for KeyPair {
fn public(&self) -> &Key<key::PublicParts, key::UnspecifiedRole> {
@@ -58,7 +64,7 @@ where
/// The ECDH key will use hash algorithm `hash` and symmetric
/// algorithm `sym`. If one or both are `None` secure defaults
- /// will be used. The key will have it's creation date set to
+ /// will be used. The key will have its creation date set to
/// `ctime` or the current time if `None` is given.
pub fn import_secret_cv25519<H, S, T>(
private_key: &[u8],
@@ -71,20 +77,49 @@ where
S: Into<Option<SymmetricAlgorithm>>,
T: Into<Option<SystemTime>>,
- unimplemented!()
+ use cng::asymmetric::{AsymmetricAlgorithm, AsymmetricAlgorithmId, Ecdh, Private};
+ use cng::asymmetric::{AsymmetricKey, Export};
+ use cng::asymmetric::ecc::{Curve25519, NamedCurve};
+ let provider = AsymmetricAlgorithm::open(AsymmetricAlgorithmId::Ecdh(NamedCurve::Curve25519))?;
+ let key = AsymmetricKey::<Ecdh<Curve25519>, Private>::import_from_parts(
+ &provider,
+ private_key
+ )?;
+ let blob = key.export()?;
+ let mut public = [0u8; 1 + CURVE25519_SIZE];
+ public[0] = 0x40;
+ &mut public[1..].copy_from_slice(blob.x());
+ // Reverse the scalar. See
+ //
+ let mut private = blob.d().to_vec();
+ private.reverse();
+ Self::with_secret(
+ ctime.into().unwrap_or_else(SystemTime::now),
+ PublicKeyAlgorithm::ECDH,
+ mpi::PublicKey::ECDH {
+ curve: Curve::Cv25519,
+ hash: hash.into().unwrap_or(HashAlgorithm::SHA512),
+ sym: sym.into().unwrap_or(SymmetricAlgorithm::AES256),
+ q: mpi::MPI::new(&public),
+ },
+ mpi::SecretKeyMaterial::ECDH { scalar: private.into() }.into()
+ )
/// Creates a new OpenPGP secret key packet for an existing Ed25519 key.
- /// The ECDH key will use hash algorithm `hash` and symmetric
- /// algorithm `sym`. If one or both are `None` secure defaults
- /// will be used. The key will have it's creation date set to
- /// `ctime` or the current time if `None` is given.
+ /// The key will have it's creation date set to `ctime` or the current time
+ /// if `None` is given.
pub fn import_secret_ed25519<T>(private_key: &[u8], ctime: T) -> Result<Self>
T: Into<Option<SystemTime>>,
- unimplemented!()
+ // CNG doesn't support Ed25519 at all
+ Err(Error::UnsupportedEllipticCurve(Curve::Ed25519).into())
/// Creates a new OpenPGP public key packet for an existing RSA key.
@@ -96,12 +131,79 @@ where
T: Into<Option<SystemTime>>,
- unimplemented!()
+ // RFC 4880: `p < q`
+ let (p, q) = if p < q { (p, q) } else { (q, p) };
+ // CNG can't compute the public key from the private one, so do it ourselves
+ let big_p = BigUint::from_bytes_be(p);
+ let big_q = BigUint::from_bytes_be(q);
+ let n = big_p.clone() * big_q.clone();
+ let big_d = BigUint::from_bytes_be(d);
+ let big_phi = (big_p.clone() - 1u32) * (big_q.clone() - 1u32);
+ let e = big_d.mod_inverse(big_phi) // e ≡ d⁻¹ (mod 𝜙)
+ .and_then(|x: BigInt| x.to_biguint())
+ .ok_or_else(|| Error::MalformedMPI("RSA: `d` and `(p-1)(q-1)` aren't coprime".into()))?;
+ let u: BigUint = big_p.mod_inverse(big_q) // RFC 4880: u ≡ p⁻¹ (mod q)
+ .and_then(|x: BigInt| x.to_biguint())
+ .ok_or_else(|| Error::MalformedMPI("RSA: `p` and `q` aren't coprime".into()))?;
+ Self::with_secret(
+ ctime.into().unwrap_or_else(SystemTime::now),
+ PublicKeyAlgorithm::RSAEncryptSign,
+ mpi::PublicKey::RSA {
+ e: mpi::MPI::new(&e.to_bytes_be()),
+ n: mpi::MPI::new(&n.to_bytes_be()),
+ },
+ mpi::SecretKeyMaterial::RSA {
+ d: mpi::MPI::new(d).into(),
+ p: mpi::MPI::new(p).into(),
+ q: mpi::MPI::new(q).into(),
+ u: mpi::MPI::new(&u.to_bytes_be()).into(),
+ }.into()
+ )
/// Generates a new RSA key with a public modulos of size `bits`.
pub fn generate_rsa(bits: usize) -> Result<Self> {
- unimplemented!()
+ use win_crypto_ng::asymmetric::{AsymmetricKey, Rsa};
+ let blob = AsymmetricKey::builder(Rsa)
+ .key_bits(bits as u32)
+ .build()?
+ .export_full()?;
+ let public = mpi::PublicKey::RSA {
+ e: mpi::MPI::new(blob.pub_exp()).into(),
+ n: mpi::MPI::new(blob.modulus()).into(),
+ };
+ let p = mpi::MPI::new(blob.prime1());
+ let q = mpi::MPI::new(blob.prime2());
+ // RSA prime generation in CNG returns them in arbitrary order but
+ // RFC 4880 expects `p < q`
+ let (p, q) = if p < q { (p, q) } else { (q, p) };
+ // CNG `coeff` is `prime1`^-1 mod `prime2` so adjust for possible p,q reorder
+ let big_p = BigUint::from_bytes_be(p.value());
+ let big_q = BigUint::from_bytes_be(q.value());
+ let u = big_p.mod_inverse(big_q) // RFC 4880: u ≡ p⁻¹ (mod q)
+ .and_then(|x: BigInt| x.to_biguint())
+ .expect("CNG to generate a valid RSA key (where p, q are coprime)");
+ let private = mpi::SecretKeyMaterial::RSA {
+ p: p.into(),
+ q: q.into(),
+ d: mpi::MPI::new(blob.priv_exp()).into(),
+ u: mpi::MPI::new(&u.to_bytes_be()).into(),
+ };
+ Self::with_secret(
+ SystemTime::now(),
+ PublicKeyAlgorithm::RSAEncryptSign,
+ public,
+ private.into()
+ )
/// Generates a new ECC key over `curve`.
@@ -112,6 +214,88 @@ where
/// `for_signing == false` and `curve == Ed25519`.
/// signing/encryption
pub fn generate_ecc(for_signing: bool, curve: Curve) -> Result<Self> {
- unimplemented!()
+ // CNG doesn't support Ed25519 at all
+ if (for_signing && curve == Curve::Cv25519) || curve == Curve::Ed25519 {
+ return Err(Error::UnsupportedEllipticCurve(curve).into());
+ }
+ use crate::PublicKeyAlgorithm::*;
+ use cng::asymmetric::{ecc, Export};
+ use cng::asymmetric::{AsymmetricKey, AsymmetricAlgorithmId, Ecdh};
+ let (algo, public, private) = match curve {
+ Curve::NistP256 | Curve::NistP384 | Curve::NistP521 => {
+ let (cng_curve, hash) = match curve {
+ Curve::NistP256 => (ecc::NamedCurve::NistP256, HashAlgorithm::SHA256),
+ Curve::NistP384 => (ecc::NamedCurve::NistP384, HashAlgorithm::SHA384),
+ Curve::NistP521 => (ecc::NamedCurve::NistP521, HashAlgorithm::SHA512),
+ _ => unreachable!()
+ };
+ let ecc_algo = if for_signing {
+ AsymmetricAlgorithmId::Ecdsa(cng_curve)
+ } else {
+ AsymmetricAlgorithmId::Ecdh(cng_curve)
+ };
+ let blob = AsymmetricKey::builder(ecc_algo).build()?.export()?;
+ let blob = match blob.try_into::<cng::key::EccKeyPrivateBlob>() {
+ Ok(blob) => blob,
+ // Dynamic algorithm specified is either ECDSA or ECDH so
+ // exported blob should be of appropriate type
+ Err(..) => unreachable!()
+ };
+ let field_sz = cng_curve.key_bits() as usize;
+ let q = mpi::MPI::new_point(blob.x(), blob.y(), field_sz);
+ let scalar = mpi::MPI::new(blob.d());
+ if for_signing {
+ (
+ mpi::PublicKey::ECDSA { curve, q },
+ mpi::SecretKeyMaterial::ECDSA { scalar: scalar.into() },
+ )
+ } else {
+ let sym = SymmetricAlgorithm::AES256;
+ (
+ mpi::PublicKey::ECDH { curve, q, hash, sym },
+ mpi::SecretKeyMaterial::ECDH { scalar: scalar.into() },
+ )
+ }
+ },
+ Curve::Cv25519 => {
+ debug_assert!(!for_signing);
+ let blob = AsymmetricKey::builder(Ecdh(ecc::Curve25519)).build()?.export()?;
+ let mut public = [0u8; 1 + CURVE25519_SIZE];
+ public[0] = 0x40;
+ &mut public[1..].copy_from_slice(blob.x());
+ // Reverse the scalar. See
+ //
+ let mut private: Protected = blob.d().into();
+ private.reverse();
+ (
+ mpi::PublicKey::ECDH {
+ curve,
+ q: mpi::MPI::new(&public),
+ hash: HashAlgorithm::SHA256,
+ sym: SymmetricAlgorithm::AES256,
+ },
+ mpi::SecretKeyMaterial::ECDH { scalar: private.into() }
+ )
+ },
+ // TODO: Support Brainpool curves
+ curve => {
+ return Err(Error::UnsupportedEllipticCurve(curve).into());
+ }
+ };
+ Self::with_secret(SystemTime::now(), algo, public, private.into())