path: root/openpgp-ffi
diff options
authorJustus Winter <>2019-01-17 17:54:30 +0100
committerJustus Winter <>2019-01-17 17:54:30 +0100
commit72f7f83fa697ac44d962dc65ef9329dcfe6fd3e8 (patch)
tree3b2af100212cee4ae26e548d0535db705e5f616d /openpgp-ffi
parent3f58832474a4b270e136544016a401ef773ac065 (diff)
openpgp-ffi: Change prefix from 'sq' to 'pgp'.
- This change is the result of the following command, which can also be used to automatically convert existing users of Sequoia's C API: git grep -il sq_ | while read F ; do sed -E -i -e 's/sq_(arbitrary_writer_new|armor_reader_from_bytes|armor_reader_from_file|armor_reader_headers|armor_reader_kind|armor_reader_new|armor_writer_new|decrypt|encryptor_new|error_free|error_status|error_string|fingerprint_as_bytes|fingerprint_clone|fingerprint_equal|fingerprint_free|fingerprint_from_bytes|fingerprint_from_hex|fingerprint_hash|fingerprint_to_hex|fingerprint_to_keyid|fingerprint_to_string|keyid_clone|keyid_equal|keyid_free|keyid_from_bytes|keyid_from_hex|keyid_hash|keyid_to_hex|keyid_to_string|key_pair_as_signer|key_pair_free|key_pair_new|literal_writer_new|packet_free|packet_kind|packet_parser_buffer_unread_content|packet_parser_decrypt|packet_parser_eof_free|packet_parser_eof_is_message|packet_parser_finish|packet_parser_free|packet_parser_from_bytes|packet_parser_from_file|packet_parser_from_reader|packet_parser_next|packet_parser_packet|packet_parser_recurse|packet_parser_recursion_depth|packet_parser_result_eof|packet_parser_result_free|packet_parser_result_packet_parser|packet_parser_result_tag|packet_pile_clone|packet_pile_free|packet_pile_from_bytes|packet_pile_from_file|packet_pile_from_reader|packet_pile_serialize|packet_tag|pkesk_decrypt|pkesk_recipient|p_key_alive|p_key_alive_at|p_key_clone|p_key_creation_time|p_key_expired|p_key_expired_at|p_key_fingerprint|p_key_into_key_pair|p_key_keyid|p_key_public_key_algo|p_key_public_key_bits|reader_free|reader_from_bytes|reader_from_fd|reader_from_file|reader_read|revocation_status_free|revocation_status_variant|secret_cached|signature_alive|signature_alive_at|signature_can_authenticate|signature_can_certify|signature_can_encrypt_at_rest|signature_can_encrypt_for_transport|signature_can_sign|signature_expired|signature_expired_at|signature_free|signature_is_group_key|signature_is_split_key|signature_issuer|signature_issuer_fingerprint|signature_to_packet|signer_free|signer_new|signer_new_detached|skesk_decrypt|tag_to_string|tpk_alive|tpk_alive_at|tpk_builder_add_certification_subkey|tpk_builder_add_encryption_subkey|tpk_builder_add_signing_subkey|tpk_builder_add_userid|tpk_builder_autocrypt|tpk_builder_default|tpk_builder_free|tpk_builder_generate|tpk_builder_set_cipher_suite|tpk_clone|tpk_dump|tpk_equal|tpk_expired|tpk_expired_at|tpk_fingerprint|tpk_free|tpk_from_bytes|tpk_from_file|tpk_from_packet_parser|tpk_from_packet_pile|tpk_from_reader|tpk_into_tsk|tpk_is_tsk|tpk_key_iter|tpk_key_iter_free|tpk_key_iter_next|tpk_merge|tpk_merge_packets|tpk_primary|tpk_primary_user_id|tpk_revocation_status|tpk_revoke|tpk_revoke_in_place|tpk_serialize|tpk_set_expiry|tpk_user_id_binding_iter|tsk_free|tsk_into_tpk|tsk_new|tsk_serialize|tsk_tpk|user_attribute_value|user_id_binding_iter_free|user_id_binding_iter_next|user_id_binding_selfsig|user_id_binding_user_id|user_id_value|verification_result_code|verification_result_level|verification_results_at_level|verification_result_signature|verify|writer_alloc|writer_free|writer_from_bytes|writer_from_fd|writer_from_file|writer_stack_finalize|writer_stack_finalize_one|writer_stack_message|writer_stack_write|writer_stack_write_all|writer_write|reader|writer|packet_parser|packet_parser_result|packet_parser_eof|keyid|fingerprint|revocation_status|revocation_status_variant|armor_kind|armor_header|tag|unknown|signature|one_pass_sig|p_key|user_id|user_attribute|literal|compressed_data|pkesk|skesk|seip|mdc|packet|packet_pile|reason_for_revocation|user_id_binding|user_id_binding_iter|tpk_key_iter|tpk|tsk|tpk_builder|tpk_cipher_suite|public_key_algorithm|writer_stack|encryption_mode|secret|verification_results|verification_result|verification_result_code|sequoia_decrypt_get_public_keys_cb_t|sequoia_decrypt_get_secret_keys_cb_t|sequoia_decrypt_check_signatures_cb_t|mpi|signer|key_pair|p_key|status|error)/pgp_\1/g' -e 's/SQ_(ARMOR_KIND_ANY|ARMOR_KIND_FILE|ARMOR_KIND_FORCE_WIDTH|ARMOR_KIND_MESSAGE|ARMOR_KIND_PUBLICKEY|ARMOR_KIND_SECRETKEY|ARMOR_KIND_SIGNATURE|ENCRYPTION_MODE_AT_REST|ENCRYPTION_MODE_FOR_TRANSPORT|PUBLIC_KEY_ALGO_DSA|PUBLIC_KEY_ALGO_ECDH|PUBLIC_KEY_ALGO_ECDSA|PUBLIC_KEY_ALGO_EDDSA|PUBLIC_KEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_ENCRYPT|PUBLIC_KEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_ENCRYPT_SIGN|PUBLIC_KEY_ALGO_FORCE_WIDTH|PUBLIC_KEY_ALGO_RSA_ENCRYPT|PUBLIC_KEY_ALGO_RSA_ENCRYPT_SIGN|PUBLIC_KEY_ALGO_RSA_SIGN|REASON_FOR_REVOCATION_FORCE_WIDTH|REASON_FOR_REVOCATION_KEY_COMPROMISED|REASON_FOR_REVOCATION_KEY_RETIRED|REASON_FOR_REVOCATION_KEY_SUPERSEDED|REASON_FOR_REVOCATION_UID_RETIRED|REASON_FOR_REVOCATION_UNSPECIFIED|REVOCATION_STATUS_COULD_BE|REVOCATION_STATUS_FORCE_WIDTH|REVOCATION_STATUS_NOT_AS_FAR_AS_WE_KNOW|REVOCATION_STATUS_REVOKED|STATUS_BAD_SIGNATURE|STATUS_FORCE_WIDTH|STATUS_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE|STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT|STATUS_INVALID_OPERATION|STATUS_INVALID_PASSWORD|STATUS_INVALID_SESSION_KEY|STATUS_IO_ERROR|STATUS_MALFORMED_MESSAGE|STATUS_MALFORMED_PACKET|STATUS_MALFORMED_TPK|STATUS_MANIPULATED_MESSAGE|STATUS_MISSING_SESSION_KEY|STATUS_NETWORK_POLICY_VIOLATION|STATUS_SUCCESS|STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR|STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_AEAD_ALGORITHM|STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_ELLIPTIC_CURVE|STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_HASH_ALGORITHM|STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_PUBLICKEY_ALGORITHM|STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_SIGNATURE_TYPE|STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_SYMMETRIC_ALGORITHM|STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_TPK|TAG_COMPRESSED_DATA|TAG_LITERAL|TAG_MARKER|TAG_MDC|TAG_ONE_PASS_SIG|TAG_PKESK|TAG_PRIVATE|TAG_PUBLIC_KEY|TAG_PUBLIC_SUBKEY|TAG_RESERVED|TAG_SECRET_KEY|TAG_SECRET_SUBKEY|TAG_SED|TAG_SEIP|TAG_SIGNATURE|TAG_SKESK|TAG_TRUST|TAG_UNASSIGNED|TAG_USER_ATTRIBUTE|TAG_USER_ID|TPK_CIPHER_SUITE_CV|TPK_CIPHER_SUITE_FORCE_WIDTH|TPK_CIPHER_SUITE_RSA|VERIFICATION_RESULT_CODE_BAD_CHECKSUM|VERIFICATION_RESULT_CODE_FORCE_WIDTH|VERIFICATION_RESULT_CODE_GOOD_CHECKSUM|VERIFICATION_RESULT_CODE_MISSING_KEY)/PGP_\1/g' $F ; done
Diffstat (limited to 'openpgp-ffi')
20 files changed, 798 insertions, 798 deletions
diff --git a/openpgp-ffi/examples/armor.c b/openpgp-ffi/examples/armor.c
index 9b965c5b..4c47be6c 100644
--- a/openpgp-ffi/examples/armor.c
+++ b/openpgp-ffi/examples/armor.c
@@ -19,20 +19,20 @@ const char *armored =
main (int argc, char **argv)
- sq_error_t err;
- sq_reader_t bytes;
- sq_reader_t armor;
- sq_armor_kind_t kind;
+ pgp_error_t err;
+ pgp_reader_t bytes;
+ pgp_reader_t armor;
+ pgp_armor_kind_t kind;
char message[12];
- sq_armor_header_t *header;
+ pgp_armor_header_t *header;
size_t header_len;
- bytes = sq_reader_from_bytes ((uint8_t *) armored, strlen (armored));
- armor = sq_armor_reader_new (bytes, SQ_ARMOR_KIND_ANY);
+ bytes = pgp_reader_from_bytes ((uint8_t *) armored, strlen (armored));
+ armor = pgp_armor_reader_new (bytes, PGP_ARMOR_KIND_ANY);
- header = sq_armor_reader_headers (&err, armor, &header_len);
+ header = pgp_armor_reader_headers (&err, armor, &header_len);
if (header == NULL)
- error (1, 0, "Getting headers failed: %s", sq_error_string (err));
+ error (1, 0, "Getting headers failed: %s", pgp_error_string (err));
assert (header_len == 2);
assert (strcmp (header[0].key, "Key0") == 0
@@ -46,15 +46,15 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
free (header);
- kind = sq_armor_reader_kind (armor);
- assert (kind == SQ_ARMOR_KIND_FILE);
+ kind = pgp_armor_reader_kind (armor);
+ assert (kind == PGP_ARMOR_KIND_FILE);
- if (sq_reader_read (&err, armor, (uint8_t *) message, 12) < 0)
- error (1, 0, "Reading failed: %s", sq_error_string (err));
+ if (pgp_reader_read (&err, armor, (uint8_t *) message, 12) < 0)
+ error (1, 0, "Reading failed: %s", pgp_error_string (err));
assert (memcmp (message, "Hello world!", 12) == 0);
- sq_reader_free (armor);
- sq_reader_free (bytes);
+ pgp_reader_free (armor);
+ pgp_reader_free (bytes);
return 0;
diff --git a/openpgp-ffi/examples/encrypt-for.c b/openpgp-ffi/examples/encrypt-for.c
index ab0943ba..b34d3a9f 100644
--- a/openpgp-ffi/examples/encrypt-for.c
+++ b/openpgp-ffi/examples/encrypt-for.c
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
struct stat st;
int fd;
uint8_t *b;
- sq_status_t rc;
- sq_error_t err;
+ pgp_status_t rc;
+ pgp_error_t err;
int use_armor = 1;
- sq_tpk_t tpk;
- sq_writer_t sink;
- sq_writer_stack_t writer = NULL;
+ pgp_tpk_t tpk;
+ pgp_writer_t sink;
+ pgp_writer_stack_t writer = NULL;
void *cipher = NULL;
size_t cipher_bytes = 0;
@@ -44,28 +44,28 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
if (b == MAP_FAILED)
error (1, errno, "mmap");
- tpk = sq_tpk_from_bytes (&err, b, st.st_size);
+ tpk = pgp_tpk_from_bytes (&err, b, st.st_size);
if (tpk == NULL)
- error (1, 0, "sq_packet_parser_from_bytes: %s", sq_error_string (err));
+ error (1, 0, "pgp_packet_parser_from_bytes: %s", pgp_error_string (err));
- sink = sq_writer_alloc (&cipher, &cipher_bytes);
+ sink = pgp_writer_alloc (&cipher, &cipher_bytes);
if (use_armor)
- sink = sq_armor_writer_new (&err, sink, SQ_ARMOR_KIND_MESSAGE,
+ sink = pgp_armor_writer_new (&err, sink, PGP_ARMOR_KIND_MESSAGE,
NULL, 0);
- writer = sq_writer_stack_message (sink);
- writer = sq_encryptor_new (&err,
+ writer = pgp_writer_stack_message (sink);
+ writer = pgp_encryptor_new (&err,
NULL, 0, /* no passwords */
&tpk, 1,
if (writer == NULL)
- error (1, 0, "sq_encryptor_new: %s", sq_error_string (err));
+ error (1, 0, "pgp_encryptor_new: %s", pgp_error_string (err));
- writer = sq_literal_writer_new (&err, writer);
+ writer = pgp_literal_writer_new (&err, writer);
if (writer == NULL)
- error (1, 0, "sq_literal_writer_new: %s", sq_error_string (err));
+ error (1, 0, "pgp_literal_writer_new: %s", pgp_error_string (err));
size_t nread;
uint8_t buf[4096];
@@ -75,19 +75,19 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
while (nread)
ssize_t written;
- written = sq_writer_stack_write (&err, writer, b, nread);
+ written = pgp_writer_stack_write (&err, writer, b, nread);
if (written < 0)
- error (1, 0, "sq_writer_stack_write: %s", sq_error_string (err));
+ error (1, 0, "pgp_writer_stack_write: %s", pgp_error_string (err));
b += written;
nread -= written;
- rc = sq_writer_stack_finalize (&err, writer);
+ rc = pgp_writer_stack_finalize (&err, writer);
writer = NULL;
if (rc)
- error (1, 0, "sq_writer_stack_write: %s", sq_error_string (err));
+ error (1, 0, "pgp_writer_stack_write: %s", pgp_error_string (err));
fwrite (cipher, 1, cipher_bytes, stdout);
diff --git a/openpgp-ffi/examples/example.c b/openpgp-ffi/examples/example.c
index ac23ff57..4d00876d 100644
--- a/openpgp-ffi/examples/example.c
+++ b/openpgp-ffi/examples/example.c
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
struct stat st;
int fd;
uint8_t *b;
- sq_error_t err;
- sq_tpk_t tpk;
+ pgp_error_t err;
+ pgp_tpk_t tpk;
if (argc != 2)
error (1, 0, "Usage: %s <file>", argv[0]);
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
if (b == MAP_FAILED)
error (1, errno, "mmap");
- tpk = sq_tpk_from_bytes (&err, b, st.st_size);
+ tpk = pgp_tpk_from_bytes (&err, b, st.st_size);
if (tpk == NULL)
- error (1, 0, "sq_tpk_from_bytes: %s", sq_error_string (err));
+ error (1, 0, "pgp_tpk_from_bytes: %s", pgp_error_string (err));
- sq_tpk_dump (tpk);
- sq_tpk_free (tpk);
+ pgp_tpk_dump (tpk);
+ pgp_tpk_free (tpk);
munmap (b, st.st_size);
close (fd);
return 0;
diff --git a/openpgp-ffi/examples/parser.c b/openpgp-ffi/examples/parser.c
index 81b097af..3f9d90ab 100644
--- a/openpgp-ffi/examples/parser.c
+++ b/openpgp-ffi/examples/parser.c
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
struct stat st;
int fd;
uint8_t *b;
- sq_status_t rc;
- sq_error_t err;
- sq_packet_parser_result_t ppr;
- sq_packet_parser_t pp;
+ pgp_status_t rc;
+ pgp_error_t err;
+ pgp_packet_parser_result_t ppr;
+ pgp_packet_parser_t pp;
if (argc != 2)
error (1, 0, "Usage: %s <file>", argv[0]);
@@ -45,23 +45,23 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
time_t elapsed;
size_t tens_of_s = 0;
- ppr = sq_packet_parser_from_bytes (&err, b, st.st_size);
- while (ppr && (pp = sq_packet_parser_result_packet_parser (ppr)))
+ ppr = pgp_packet_parser_from_bytes (&err, b, st.st_size);
+ while (ppr && (pp = pgp_packet_parser_result_packet_parser (ppr)))
// Get a reference to the packet that is currently being parsed.
- sq_packet_t p = sq_packet_parser_packet (pp);
+ pgp_packet_t p = pgp_packet_parser_packet (pp);
- if (sq_packet_tag(p) == SQ_TAG_LITERAL)
+ if (pgp_packet_tag(p) == PGP_TAG_LITERAL)
// Stream the packet here.
// Finish parsing the current packet (returned in p), and read
// the header of the next packet (returned in ppr).
- rc = sq_packet_parser_next (&err, pp, &p, &ppr);
+ rc = pgp_packet_parser_next (&err, pp, &p, &ppr);
if (rc)
- error (1, 0, "sq_packet_parser_from_bytes: %s",
- sq_error_string (err));
+ error (1, 0, "pgp_packet_parser_from_bytes: %s",
+ pgp_error_string (err));
// We now own p. If we want, we can save it in some structure.
// This would be useful when collecting PKESK packets. Either
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
n += 1;
- sq_packet_free (p);
+ pgp_packet_free (p);
elapsed = time (NULL) - start;
if (elapsed % 10 == 0 && tens_of_s != elapsed / 10)
@@ -82,12 +82,12 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
if (ppr == NULL)
- error (1, 0, "sq_packet_parser_from_bytes: %s", sq_error_string (err));
+ error (1, 0, "pgp_packet_parser_from_bytes: %s", pgp_error_string (err));
fprintf (stderr, "Parsed %ld packets in %ld seconds, %.2f packets/s.\n",
n, elapsed, (double) n / (double) elapsed);
- sq_packet_parser_result_free (ppr);
+ pgp_packet_parser_result_free (ppr);
munmap (b, st.st_size);
return 0;
diff --git a/openpgp-ffi/examples/reader.c b/openpgp-ffi/examples/reader.c
index 019d87d9..f8a69adf 100644
--- a/openpgp-ffi/examples/reader.c
+++ b/openpgp-ffi/examples/reader.c
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
struct stat st;
int fd;
uint8_t *b;
- sq_error_t err;
- sq_reader_t reader;
- sq_tpk_t tpk;
+ pgp_error_t err;
+ pgp_reader_t reader;
+ pgp_tpk_t tpk;
if (argc != 2)
error (1, 0, "Usage: %s <file>", argv[0]);
@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
if (b == MAP_FAILED)
error (1, errno, "mmap");
- reader = sq_reader_from_bytes (b, st.st_size);
- tpk = sq_tpk_from_reader (&err, reader);
+ reader = pgp_reader_from_bytes (b, st.st_size);
+ tpk = pgp_tpk_from_reader (&err, reader);
if (tpk == NULL)
- error (1, 0, "sq_tpk_from_reader: %s", sq_error_string (err));
+ error (1, 0, "pgp_tpk_from_reader: %s", pgp_error_string (err));
- sq_tpk_dump (tpk);
- sq_tpk_free (tpk);
- sq_reader_free (reader);
+ pgp_tpk_dump (tpk);
+ pgp_tpk_free (tpk);
+ pgp_reader_free (reader);
munmap (b, st.st_size);
close (fd);
return 0;
diff --git a/openpgp-ffi/include/sequoia/io.h b/openpgp-ffi/include/sequoia/io.h
index c84de166..75036da1 100644
--- a/openpgp-ffi/include/sequoia/io.h
+++ b/openpgp-ffi/include/sequoia/io.h
@@ -6,56 +6,56 @@
/// A generic reader.
-typedef struct sq_reader *sq_reader_t;
+typedef struct pgp_reader *pgp_reader_t;
/// Opens a file returning a reader.
-sq_reader_t sq_reader_from_file (sq_error_t *errp, const char *filename);
+pgp_reader_t pgp_reader_from_file (pgp_error_t *errp, const char *filename);
/// Opens a file descriptor returning a reader.
-sq_reader_t sq_reader_from_fd (int fd);
+pgp_reader_t pgp_reader_from_fd (int fd);
/// Creates a reader from a buffer.
-sq_reader_t sq_reader_from_bytes (const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
+pgp_reader_t pgp_reader_from_bytes (const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
/// Frees a reader.
-void sq_reader_free (sq_reader_t reader);
+void pgp_reader_free (pgp_reader_t reader);
/// Reads up to `len` bytes into `buf`.
-ssize_t sq_reader_read (sq_error_t *errp, sq_reader_t reader,
+ssize_t pgp_reader_read (pgp_error_t *errp, pgp_reader_t reader,
uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
/// A generic writer.
-typedef struct sq_writer *sq_writer_t;
+typedef struct pgp_writer *pgp_writer_t;
/// Opens a file returning a writer.
/// The file will be created if it does not exist, or be truncated
-/// otherwise. If you need more control, use `sq_writer_from_fd`.
+/// otherwise. If you need more control, use `pgp_writer_from_fd`.
-sq_writer_t sq_writer_from_file (sq_error_t *errp, const char *filename);
+pgp_writer_t pgp_writer_from_file (pgp_error_t *errp, const char *filename);
/// Opens a file descriptor returning a writer.
-sq_writer_t sq_writer_from_fd (int fd);
+pgp_writer_t pgp_writer_from_fd (int fd);
/// Creates a writer from a buffer.
-sq_writer_t sq_writer_from_bytes (uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
+pgp_writer_t pgp_writer_from_bytes (uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
/// Creates an allocating writer.
@@ -67,17 +67,17 @@ sq_writer_t sq_writer_from_bytes (uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
/// The caller is responsible to `free` it once the writer has been
/// destroyed.
-sq_writer_t sq_writer_alloc (void **buf, size_t *len);
+pgp_writer_t pgp_writer_alloc (void **buf, size_t *len);
/// Frees a writer.
-void sq_writer_free (sq_writer_t writer);
+void pgp_writer_free (pgp_writer_t writer);
/// Writes up to `len` bytes of `buf` into `writer`.
-ssize_t sq_writer_write (sq_error_t *errp, sq_writer_t writer,
+ssize_t pgp_writer_write (pgp_error_t *errp, pgp_writer_t writer,
const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
diff --git a/openpgp-ffi/include/sequoia/openpgp.h b/openpgp-ffi/include/sequoia/openpgp.h
index ddc6ed5a..368eab2e 100644
--- a/openpgp-ffi/include/sequoia/openpgp.h
+++ b/openpgp-ffi/include/sequoia/openpgp.h
@@ -29,65 +29,65 @@
/// recurse into the packet, if it is a container, instead of getting
/// the following packet.
-typedef struct sq_packet_parser *sq_packet_parser_t;
+typedef struct pgp_packet_parser *pgp_packet_parser_t;
/// Like an `Option<PacketParser>`, but the `None` variant
/// (`PacketParserEOF`) contains some summary information.
-typedef struct sq_packet_parser_result *sq_packet_parser_result_t;
+typedef struct pgp_packet_parser_result *pgp_packet_parser_result_t;
/// The `None` variant of a `PacketParserResult`.
-typedef struct sq_packet_parser_eof *sq_packet_parser_eof_t;
+typedef struct pgp_packet_parser_eof *pgp_packet_parser_eof_t;
/* sequoia::openpgp::KeyID. */
/// Holds a KeyID.
-typedef struct sq_keyid *sq_keyid_t;
+typedef struct pgp_keyid *pgp_keyid_t;
/// Reads a binary key ID.
-sq_keyid_t sq_keyid_from_bytes (const uint8_t *id);
+pgp_keyid_t pgp_keyid_from_bytes (const uint8_t *id);
/// Reads a hex-encoded Key ID.
-sq_keyid_t sq_keyid_from_hex (const char *id);
+pgp_keyid_t pgp_keyid_from_hex (const char *id);
-/// Frees a sq_keyid_t.
+/// Frees a pgp_keyid_t.
-void sq_keyid_free (sq_keyid_t keyid);
+void pgp_keyid_free (pgp_keyid_t keyid);
/// Clones the KeyID.
-sq_keyid_t sq_keyid_clone (sq_keyid_t keyid);
+pgp_keyid_t pgp_keyid_clone (pgp_keyid_t keyid);
/// Hashes the KeyID.
-uint64_t sq_keyid_hash (sq_keyid_t keyid);
+uint64_t pgp_keyid_hash (pgp_keyid_t keyid);
/// Converts the KeyID to its standard representation.
-char *sq_keyid_to_string (const sq_keyid_t fp);
+char *pgp_keyid_to_string (const pgp_keyid_t fp);
/// Converts the KeyID to a hexadecimal number.
-char *sq_keyid_to_hex (const sq_keyid_t keyid);
+char *pgp_keyid_to_hex (const pgp_keyid_t keyid);
/// Compares KeyIDs.
-int sq_keyid_equal (const sq_keyid_t a, const sq_keyid_t b);
+int pgp_keyid_equal (const pgp_keyid_t a, const pgp_keyid_t b);
/* sequoia::openpgp::Fingerprint. */
@@ -95,32 +95,32 @@ int sq_keyid_equal (const sq_keyid_t a, const sq_keyid_t b);
/// Holds a fingerprint.
-typedef struct sq_fingerprint *sq_fingerprint_t;
+typedef struct pgp_fingerprint *pgp_fingerprint_t;
/// Reads a binary fingerprint.
-sq_fingerprint_t sq_fingerprint_from_bytes (const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
+pgp_fingerprint_t pgp_fingerprint_from_bytes (const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
/// Reads a hexadecimal fingerprint.
-sq_fingerprint_t sq_fingerprint_from_hex (const char *hex);
+pgp_fingerprint_t pgp_fingerprint_from_hex (const char *hex);
-/// Frees a sq_fingerprint_t.
+/// Frees a pgp_fingerprint_t.
-void sq_fingerprint_free (sq_fingerprint_t fp);
+void pgp_fingerprint_free (pgp_fingerprint_t fp);
/// Clones the Fingerprint.
-sq_fingerprint_t sq_fingerprint_clone (sq_fingerprint_t fingerprint);
+pgp_fingerprint_t pgp_fingerprint_clone (pgp_fingerprint_t fingerprint);
/// Hashes the Fingerprint.
-uint64_t sq_fingerprint_hash (sq_fingerprint_t fingerprint);
+uint64_t pgp_fingerprint_hash (pgp_fingerprint_t fingerprint);
/// Returns a reference to the raw Fingerprint.
@@ -128,43 +128,43 @@ uint64_t sq_fingerprint_hash (sq_fingerprint_t fingerprint);
/// This returns a reference to the internal buffer that is valid as
/// long as the fingerprint is.
-uint8_t *sq_fingerprint_as_bytes (const sq_fingerprint_t fp, size_t *fp_len);
+uint8_t *pgp_fingerprint_as_bytes (const pgp_fingerprint_t fp, size_t *fp_len);
/// Converts the fingerprint to its standard representation.
-char *sq_fingerprint_to_string (const sq_fingerprint_t fp);
+char *pgp_fingerprint_to_string (const pgp_fingerprint_t fp);
/// Converts the fingerprint to a hexadecimal number.
-char *sq_fingerprint_to_hex (const sq_fingerprint_t fp);
+char *pgp_fingerprint_to_hex (const pgp_fingerprint_t fp);
/// Converts the fingerprint to a key ID.
-sq_keyid_t sq_fingerprint_to_keyid (const sq_fingerprint_t fp);
+pgp_keyid_t pgp_fingerprint_to_keyid (const pgp_fingerprint_t fp);
/// Compares Fingerprints.
-int sq_fingerprint_equal (const sq_fingerprint_t a, const sq_fingerprint_t b);
+int pgp_fingerprint_equal (const pgp_fingerprint_t a, const pgp_fingerprint_t b);
/* sequoia::openpgp::RevocationStatus. */
/// Holds a revocation status.
-typedef struct sq_revocation_status *sq_revocation_status_t;
+typedef struct pgp_revocation_status *pgp_revocation_status_t;
-typedef enum sq_revocation_status_variant {
+typedef enum pgp_revocation_status_variant {
/// The key is definitely revoked.
/// All self-revocations are returned, the most recent revocation
/// first.
/// We have a third-party revocation certificate that is allegedly
@@ -174,30 +174,30 @@ typedef enum sq_revocation_status_variant {
/// All such certificates are returned. The caller must check
/// them manually.
/// The key does not appear to be revoked, but perhaps an attacker
/// has performed a DoS, which prevents us from seeing the
/// revocation certificate.
/* Dummy value to make sure the enumeration has a defined size. Do
not use this value. */
-} sq_revocation_status_variant_t;
+} pgp_revocation_status_variant_t;
/// Returns the revocation status's variant.