path: root/openpgp-ffi/src/parse/
diff options
authorJustus Winter <>2019-03-20 12:26:36 +0100
committerJustus Winter <>2019-03-20 13:55:25 +0100
commitd865c46bfc2c4b6bd25060dacd7d605f26fbdab7 (patch)
tree9bf1d4f4a260eb6b7d00de6d5af6ce5e93c118f0 /openpgp-ffi/src/parse/
parent5a36abe9131cd24ba1fbeb76f15fd65b11e1d983 (diff)
openpgp-ffi: Move the decryption and verification code.
Diffstat (limited to 'openpgp-ffi/src/parse/')
1 files changed, 500 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/openpgp-ffi/src/parse/ b/openpgp-ffi/src/parse/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1342fa6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openpgp-ffi/src/parse/
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+//! Streaming decryption and verification.
+//! This module provides convenient filters for decryption and
+//! verification of OpenPGP messages. It is the preferred interface to
+//! process OpenPGP messages. These implementations use constant
+//! space.
+//! Wraps the streaming parsing functions, see
+//! [`sequoia-openpgp::parse::stream`].
+//! [`sequoia-openpgp::parse::stream`]: ../../../sequoia_openpgp/parse/stream/index.html
+use std::ptr;
+use std::slice;
+use std::io as std_io;
+use std::io::Read;
+use libc::{c_int, size_t, c_void};
+use failure::ResultExt;
+extern crate sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
+extern crate time;
+use self::openpgp::{
+ RevocationStatus,
+ packet::{
+ },
+use self::openpgp::parse::stream::{
+ DecryptionHelper,
+ Decryptor,
+ Secret,
+ VerificationHelper,
+ VerificationResult,
+ Verifier,
+ DetachedVerifier,
+use Maybe;
+use MoveFromRaw;
+use MoveIntoRaw;
+use RefMutRaw;
+use super::super::{
+ error::Status,
+ io,
+ keyid,
+ packet,
+ tpk::TPK,
+fn revocation_status_to_int(rs: &RevocationStatus) -> c_int {
+ match rs {
+ RevocationStatus::Revoked(_) => 0,
+ RevocationStatus::CouldBe(_) => 1,
+ RevocationStatus::NotAsFarAsWeKnow => 2,
+ }
+/// Returns the TPK's revocation status variant.
+#[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle]
+pub extern "system" fn pgp_revocation_status_variant(
+ rs: *mut RevocationStatus)
+ -> c_int
+ let rs = ffi_param_move!(rs);
+ let variant = revocation_status_to_int(rs.as_ref());
+ Box::into_raw(rs);
+ variant
+/// Frees a pgp_revocation_status_t.
+#[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle]
+pub extern "system" fn pgp_revocation_status_free(
+ rs: Option<&mut RevocationStatus>)
+ ffi_free!(rs)
+// Secret.
+/// Creates an pgp_secret_t from a decrypted session key.
+#[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle]
+pub fn pgp_secret_cached<'a>(algo: u8,
+ session_key: *const u8,
+ session_key_len: size_t)
+ -> *mut Secret
+ let session_key = if session_key_len > 0 {
+ unsafe {
+ slice::from_raw_parts(session_key, session_key_len)
+ }
+ } else {
+ &[]
+ };
+ box_raw!(Secret::Cached {
+ algo: algo.into(),
+ session_key: session_key.to_vec().into()
+ })
+// Decryptor.
+/// A message's verification results.
+/// Conceptually, the verification results are an array of an array of
+/// VerificationResult. The outer array is for the verification level
+/// and is indexed by the verification level. A verification level of
+/// zero corresponds to direct signatures; A verification level of 1
+/// corresponds to notorizations (i.e., signatures of signatures);
+/// etc.
+/// Within each level, there can be one or more signatures.
+pub struct VerificationResults<'a> {
+ results: Vec<Vec<&'a VerificationResult>>,
+/// Returns the `VerificationResult`s at level `level.
+/// Conceptually, the verification results are an array of an array of
+/// VerificationResult. The outer array is for the verification level
+/// and is indexed by the verification level. A verification level of
+/// zero corresponds to direct signatures; A verification level of 1
+/// corresponds to notorizations (i.e., signatures of signatures);
+/// etc.
+/// This function returns the verification results for a particular
+/// level. The result is an array of references to
+/// `VerificationResult`.
+#[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle]
+pub fn pgp_verification_results_at_level<'a>(results: *const VerificationResults<'a>,
+ level: size_t,
+ r: *mut *const &'a VerificationResult,
+ r_count: *mut size_t) {
+ let results = ffi_param_ref!(results);
+ let r = ffi_param_ref_mut!(r);
+ let r_count = ffi_param_ref_mut!(r_count);
+ assert!(level < results.results.len());
+ // The size of VerificationResult is not known in C. Convert from
+ // an array of VerificationResult to an array of
+ // VerificationResult refs.
+ *r = results.results[level].as_ptr();
+ *r_count = results.results[level].len();
+/// Returns the verification result code.
+#[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle]
+pub fn pgp_verification_result_code(result: *const VerificationResult)
+ -> c_int
+ let result = ffi_param_ref!(result);
+ match result {
+ VerificationResult::GoodChecksum(_) => 1,
+ VerificationResult::MissingKey(_) => 2,
+ VerificationResult::BadChecksum(_) => 3,
+ }
+/// Returns the verification result code.
+#[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle]
+pub fn pgp_verification_result_signature(result: *const VerificationResult)
+ -> *mut packet::signature::Signature
+ let result = ffi_param_ref!(result);
+ let sig = match result {
+ VerificationResult::GoodChecksum(ref sig) => sig,
+ VerificationResult::MissingKey(ref sig) => sig,
+ VerificationResult::BadChecksum(ref sig) => sig,
+ };
+ sig.move_into_raw()
+/// Returns the verification result code.
+#[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle]
+pub fn pgp_verification_result_level(result: *const VerificationResult)
+ -> c_int
+ let result = ffi_param_ref!(result);
+ result.level() as c_int
+/// Passed as the first argument to the callbacks used by pgp_verify
+/// and pgp_decrypt.
+pub struct HelperCookie {
+/// How to free the memory allocated by the callback.
+type FreeCallback = fn(*mut c_void);
+/// Returns the TPKs corresponding to the passed KeyIDs.
+/// If the free callback is not NULL, then it is called to free the
+/// returned array of TPKs.
+type GetPublicKeysCallback = fn(*mut HelperCookie,
+ *const *mut keyid::KeyID, usize,
+ &mut *mut *mut TPK, *mut usize,
+ *mut FreeCallback) -> Status;
+/// Returns a session key.
+type GetSecretKeysCallback = fn(*mut HelperCookie,
+ *const &PKESK, usize,
+ *const &SKESK, usize,
+ &mut *mut Secret) -> Status;
+/// Process the signatures.
+/// If the result is not Status::Success, then this aborts the
+/// Verification.
+type CheckSignaturesCallback = fn(*mut HelperCookie,
+ *const VerificationResults,
+ usize) -> Status;
+// This fetches keys and computes the validity of the verification.
+struct VHelper {
+ get_public_keys_cb: GetPublicKeysCallback,
+ check_signatures_cb: CheckSignaturesCallback,
+ cookie: *mut HelperCookie,
+impl VHelper {
+ fn new(get_public_keys: GetPublicKeysCallback,
+ check_signatures: CheckSignaturesCallback,
+ cookie: *mut HelperCookie)
+ -> Self
+ {
+ VHelper {
+ get_public_keys_cb: get_public_keys,
+ check_signatures_cb: check_signatures,
+ cookie: cookie,
+ }
+ }
+impl VerificationHelper for VHelper {
+ fn get_public_keys(&mut self, ids: &[openpgp::KeyID])
+ -> Result<Vec<openpgp::TPK>, failure::Error>
+ {
+ // The size of KeyID is not known in C. Convert from an array
+ // of KeyIDs to an array of KeyID refs.
+ let ids : Vec<*mut keyid::KeyID> =
+ ids.iter().map(|k| k.move_into_raw()).collect();
+ let mut tpk_refs_raw : *mut *mut TPK = ptr::null_mut();
+ let mut tpk_refs_raw_len = 0usize;
+ let mut free : FreeCallback = |_| {};
+ let result = (self.get_public_keys_cb)(
+ self.cookie,
+ ids.as_ptr(), ids.len(),
+ &mut tpk_refs_raw, &mut tpk_refs_raw_len as *mut usize,
+ &mut free);
+ if result != Status::Success {
+ // XXX: We need to convert the status to an error. A
+ // status contains less information, but we should do the
+ // best we can. For now, we just use
+ // Error::InvalidArgument.
+ return Err(openpgp::Error::InvalidArgument(
+ format!("{:?}", result)).into());
+ }
+ // Convert the array of references to TPKs to a Vec<TPK>
+ // (i.e., not a Vec<&TPK>).
+ let mut tpks : Vec<openpgp::TPK> = Vec::with_capacity(tpk_refs_raw_len);
+ for i in 0..tpk_refs_raw_len {
+ let tpk_raw = unsafe { *tpk_refs_raw.offset(i as isize) };
+ tpks.push(tpk_raw.move_from_raw());
+ }
+ (free)(tpk_refs_raw as *mut c_void);
+ Ok(tpks)
+ }
+ fn check(&mut self, sigs: Vec<Vec<VerificationResult>>)
+ -> Result<(), failure::Error>
+ {
+ // The size of VerificationResult is not known in C. Convert
+ // from an array of VerificationResults to an array of
+ // VerificationResult refs.
+ let results = VerificationResults {
+ results: sigs.iter().map(
+ |r| r.iter().collect::<Vec<&VerificationResult>>()).collect()
+ };
+ let result = (self.check_signatures_cb)(self.cookie,
+ &results,
+ results.results.len());
+ if result != Status::Success {
+ // XXX: We need to convert the status to an error. A
+ // status contains less information, but we should do the
+ // best we can. For now, we just use
+ // Error::InvalidArgument.
+ return Err(openpgp::Error::InvalidArgument(
+ format!("{:?}", result)).into());
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+fn verify_real<'a>(input: &'a mut Read,
+ dsig: Option<&mut io::ReaderKind>,
+ output: Option<&mut Box<::std::io::Write>>,
+ get_public_keys: GetPublicKeysCallback,
+ check_signatures: CheckSignaturesCallback,
+ cookie: *mut HelperCookie)
+ -> Result<(), failure::Error>
+ let h = VHelper::new(get_public_keys, check_signatures, cookie);
+ let mut v = if let Some(dsig) = dsig {
+ DetachedVerifier::from_reader(dsig, input, h)?
+ } else {
+ Verifier::from_reader(input, h)?
+ };
+ let r = if let Some(output) = output {
+ std_io::copy(&mut v, output)
+ } else {
+ let mut buffer = vec![0u8; 64 * 1024];
+ loop {
+ match buffer) {
+ // EOF.
+ Ok(0) => break Ok(0),
+ // Some error.
+ Err(err) => break Err(err),
+ // Still something to read.
+ Ok(_) => continue,
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ r.map_err(|e| if e.get_ref().is_some() {
+ // Wrapped failure::Error. Recover it.
+ failure::Error::from_boxed_compat(e.into_inner().unwrap())
+ } else {
+ // Plain io::Error.
+ ::failure::Error::from(e)
+ }).context("Verification failed")?;
+ Ok(())
+/// Verifies an OpenPGP message.
+/// No attempt is made to decrypt any encryption packets. These are
+/// treated as opaque containers.
+/// Note: output may be NULL, if the output is not required.
+#[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle]
+pub fn pgp_verify<'a>(errp: Option<&mut *mut ::error::Error>,
+ input: *mut io::Reader,
+ dsig: Maybe<io::Reader>,
+ output: Maybe<io::Writer>,
+ get_public_keys: GetPublicKeysCallback,
+ check_signatures: CheckSignaturesCallback,
+ cookie: *mut HelperCookie)
+ -> Status
+ ffi_make_fry_from_errp!(errp);
+ let input = input.ref_mut_raw();
+ let r = verify_real(input, dsig.ref_mut_raw(), output.ref_mut_raw(),
+ get_public_keys, check_signatures, cookie);
+ ffi_try_status!(r)
+struct DHelper {
+ vhelper: VHelper,
+ get_secret_keys_cb: GetSecretKeysCallback,
+impl DHelper {
+ fn new(get_public_keys: GetPublicKeysCallback,
+ get_secret_keys: GetSecretKeysCallback,
+ check_signatures: CheckSignaturesCallback,
+ cookie: *mut HelperCookie)
+ -> Self
+ {
+ DHelper {
+ vhelper: VHelper::new(get_public_keys, check_signatures, cookie),
+ get_secret_keys_cb: get_secret_keys,
+ }
+ }
+impl VerificationHelper for DHelper {
+ fn get_public_keys(&mut self, ids: &[openpgp::KeyID])
+ -> Result<Vec<openpgp::TPK>, failure::Error>
+ {
+ self.vhelper.get_public_keys(ids)
+ }
+ fn check(&mut self, sigs: Vec<Vec<VerificationResult>>)
+ -> Result<(), failure::Error>
+ {
+ self.vhelper.check(sigs)
+ }
+impl DecryptionHelper for DHelper {
+ fn get_secret(&mut self, pkesks: &[&PKESK], skesks: &[&SKESK])
+ -> Result<Option<Secret>, failure::Error>
+ {
+ let mut secret : *mut Secret = ptr::null_mut();
+ let result = (self.get_secret_keys_cb)(
+ self.vhelper.cookie,
+ pkesks.as_ptr(), pkesks.len(), skesks.as_ptr(), skesks.len(),
+ &mut secret);
+ if result != Status::Success {
+ // XXX: We need to convert the status to an error. A
+ // status contains less information, but we should do the
+ // best we can. For now, we just use
+ // Error::InvalidArgument.
+ return Err(openpgp::Error::InvalidArgument(
+ format!("{:?}", result)).into());
+ }
+ if secret.is_null() {
+ return Err(openpgp::Error::MissingSessionKey(
+ "Callback did not return a session key".into()).into());
+ }
+ let secret = ffi_param_move!(secret);
+ Ok(Some(*secret))
+ }
+// A helper function that returns a Result so that we can use ? to
+// propagate errors.
+fn decrypt_real<'a>(input: &'a mut io::ReaderKind,
+ output: &'a mut ::std::io::Write,
+ get_public_keys: GetPublicKeysCallback,
+ get_secret_keys: GetSecretKeysCallback,
+ check_signatures: CheckSignaturesCallback,
+ cookie: *mut HelperCookie)
+ -> Result<(), failure::Error>
+ let helper = DHelper::new(
+ get_public_keys, get_secret_keys, check_signatures, cookie);
+ let mut decryptor = Decryptor::from_reader(input, helper)
+ .context("Decryption failed")?;
+ std_io::copy(&mut decryptor, output)
+ .map_err(|e| if e.get_ref().is_some() {
+ // Wrapped failure::Error. Recover it.
+ failure::Error::from_boxed_compat(e.into_inner().unwrap())
+ } else {
+ // Plain io::Error.
+ ::failure::Error::from(e)
+ }).context("Decryption failed")?;
+ Ok(())
+/// Decrypts an OpenPGP message.
+/// The message is read from `input` and the content of the
+/// `LiteralData` packet is written to output. Note: the content is
+/// written even if the message is not encrypted. You can determine
+/// whether the message was actually decrypted by recording whether
+/// the get_secret_keys callback was called in the cookie.
+/// The function takes three callbacks. The `cookie` is passed as the
+/// first parameter to each of them.
+/// Note: all of the parameters are required; none may be NULL.
+#[::sequoia_ffi_macros::extern_fn] #[no_mangle]
+pub fn pgp_decrypt<'a>(errp: Option<&mut *mut ::error::Error>,
+ input: *mut io::Reader,
+ output: *mut io::Writer,
+ get_public_keys: GetPublicKeysCallback,
+ get_secret_keys: GetSecretKeysCallback,
+ check_signatures: CheckSignaturesCallback,
+ cookie: *mut HelperCookie)
+ -> Status
+ ffi_make_fry_from_errp!(errp);
+ let input = input.ref_mut_raw();
+ let output = output.ref_mut_raw();
+ let r = decrypt_real(input, output,
+ get_public_keys, get_secret_keys, check_signatures, cookie);
+ ffi_try_status!(r)