path: root/ffi/src/sequoia.h
diff options
authorJustus Winter <>2018-02-16 10:43:58 +0100
committerJustus Winter <>2018-02-16 10:45:46 +0100
commitddb4f6ff456f2152afecd190c44e1a4ff6cacb2f (patch)
tree34d9beb24bbfd7ff64bec2fbb136fda4bbdcd53f /ffi/src/sequoia.h
parentffb458909ab90b410e02316d29c9d2779477fea6 (diff)
ffi: Split header up at the module boundaries.
- The header was already unwieldy, and we did not even include accessors for all the data structures we currently have.
Diffstat (limited to 'ffi/src/sequoia.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 664 deletions
diff --git a/ffi/src/sequoia.h b/ffi/src/sequoia.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c3c479cc..00000000
--- a/ffi/src/sequoia.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,664 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef SEQUOIA_H
-#define SEQUOIA_H
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-/* sequoia::Context. */
-/// A `struct sq_context *` is required for many operations.
-/// # Example
-/// ```c
-/// struct sq_context *ctx sq_context_new("org.sequoia-pgp.example");
-/// if (ctx == NULL) { ... }
-/// ```
-typedef struct sq_context *sq_context_t;
-/// Returns the last error message.
-/// The returned value must be freed with `sq_string_free`.
-char *sq_last_strerror (const sq_context_t ctx);
-/// Frees a string returned from Sequoia.
-void sq_string_free (char *s);
-/// Represents a `Context` configuration.
-typedef struct sq_config *sq_config_t;
-/// Network policy for Sequoia.
-/// With this policy you can control how Sequoia accesses remote
-/// systems.
-/* Do not contact remote systems. */
-/* Only contact remote systems using anonymization techniques
- * like TOR. */
-/* Only contact remote systems using transports offering
- * encryption and authentication like TLS. */
-/* Contact remote systems even with insecure transports. */
-/// IPC policy for Sequoia.
-/// With this policy you can control how Sequoia starts background
-/// servers.
-/// External background servers only.
-/// We will always use external background servers. If starting
-/// one fails, the operation will fail.
-/// The advantage is that we never spawn a thread.
-/// The disadvantage is that we need to locate the background
-/// server to start. If you are distribute Sequoia with your
-/// application, make sure to include the binaries, and to
-/// configure the Context so that `context.lib()` points to the
-/// directory containing the binaries.
-/// Internal background servers only.
-/// We will always use internal background servers. It is very
-/// unlikely that this fails.
-/// The advantage is that this method is very robust. If you
-/// distribute Sequoia with your application, you do not need to
-/// ship the binary, and it does not matter what `context.lib()`
-/// points to. This is very robust and convenient.
-/// The disadvantage is that we spawn a thread in your
-/// application. Threads may play badly with `fork(2)`, file
-/// handles, and locks. If you are not doing anything fancy,
-/// however, and only use fork-then-exec, you should be okay.
-/// Prefer external, fall back to internal.
-/// We will first try to use an external background server, but
-/// fall back on an internal one should that fail.
-/// The advantage is that if Sequoia is properly set up to find
-/// the background servers, we will use these and get the
-/// advantages of that approach. Because we fail back on using an
-/// internal server, we gain the robustness of that approach.
-/// The disadvantage is that we may or may not spawn a thread in
-/// your application. If this is unacceptable in your
-/// environment, use the `External` policy.
-/// Creates a Context with reasonable defaults.
-/// `domain` should uniquely identify your application, it is strongly
-/// suggested to use a reversed fully qualified domain name that is
-/// associated with your application. `domain` must not be `NULL`.
-/// Returns `NULL` on errors.
-sq_context_t sq_context_new(const char *domain);
-/// Frees a context.
-void sq_context_free(sq_context_t context);
-/// Creates a Context that can be configured.
-/// `domain` should uniquely identify your application, it is strongly
-/// suggested to use a reversed fully qualified domain name that is
-/// associated with your application. `domain` must not be `NULL`.
-/// The configuration is seeded like in `sq_context_new`, but can be
-/// modified. A configuration has to be finalized using
-/// `sq_config_build()` in order to turn it into a Context.
-sq_config_t sq_context_configure(const char *domain);
-/// Returns the domain of the context.
-const char *sq_context_domain(const sq_context_t ctx);
-/// Returns the directory containing shared state.
-const char *sq_context_home(const sq_context_t ctx);
-/// Returns the directory containing backend servers.
-const char *sq_context_lib(const sq_context_t ctx);
-/// Returns the network policy.
-uint8_t sq_context_network_policy(const sq_context_t ctx);
-/// Returns whether or not this is an ephemeral context.
-uint8_t sq_context_ephemeral(const sq_context_t ctx);
-/* sequoia::Config. */
-/// Finalizes the configuration and return a `Context`.
-/// Consumes `cfg`. Returns `NULL` on errors.
-sq_context_t sq_config_build(sq_config_t cfg);
-/// Sets the directory containing shared state.
-void sq_config_home(sq_config_t cfg, const char *home);
-/// Sets the directory containing backend servers.
-void sq_config_lib(sq_config_t cfg, const char *lib);
-/// Sets the network policy.
-void sq_config_network_policy(sq_config_t cfg, uint8_t policy);
-/// Makes this context ephemeral.
-void sq_config_ephemeral(sq_config_t cfg);
-/* sequoia::openpgp::KeyID. */
-/// Holds a KeyID.
-typedef struct sq_keyid *sq_keyid_t;
-/// Reads a binary key ID.
-sq_keyid_t sq_keyid_from_bytes (const uint8_t *id);
-/// Reads a hex-encoded Key ID.
-sq_keyid_t sq_keyid_from_hex (const char *id);
-/// Frees a sq_keyid_t.
-void sq_keyid_free (sq_keyid_t keyid);
-/// Converts the KeyID to its standard representation.
-char *sq_keyid_to_string (const sq_keyid_t fp);
-/// Converts the KeyID to a hexadecimal number.
-char *sq_keyid_to_hex (const sq_keyid_t fp);
-/* sequoia::openpgp::Fingerprint. */
-/// Holds a fingerprint.
-typedef struct sq_fingerprint *sq_fingerprint_t;
-/// Reads a binary fingerprint.
-sq_fingerprint_t sq_fingerprint_from_bytes (const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
-/// Reads a hexadecimal fingerprint.
-sq_fingerprint_t sq_fingerprint_from_hex (const char *hex);
-/// Frees a sq_fingerprint_t.
-void sq_fingerprint_free (sq_fingerprint_t fp);
-/// Converts the fingerprint to its standard representation.
-char *sq_fingerprint_to_string (const sq_fingerprint_t fp);
-/// Converts the fingerprint to a hexadecimal number.
-char *sq_fingerprint_to_hex (const sq_fingerprint_t fp);
-/// Converts the fingerprint to a key ID.
-sq_keyid_t sq_fingerprint_to_keyid (const sq_fingerprint_t fp);
-/* sequoia::keys. */
-/// A transferable public key (TPK).
-/// A TPK (see [RFC 4880, section 11.1]) can be used to verify
-/// signatures and encrypt data. It can be stored in a keystore and
-/// uploaded to keyservers.
-/// [RFC 4880, section 11.1]:
-typedef struct sq_tpk *sq_tpk_t;
-/// Returns the first TPK found in `buf`.
-/// `buf` must be an OpenPGP encoded message.
-sq_tpk_t sq_tpk_from_bytes (sq_context_t ctx,
- const char *b, size_t len);
-/// Frees the TPK.
-void sq_tpk_free (sq_tpk_t tpk);
-/// Dumps the TPK.
-void sq_tpk_dump (const sq_tpk_t tpk);
-/* sequoia::net. */
-/// For accessing keyservers using HKP.
-typedef struct sq_keyserver *sq_keyserver_t;
-/// Returns a handle for the given URI.
-/// `uri` is a UTF-8 encoded value of a keyserver URI,
-/// e.g. `hkps://`.
-/// Returns `NULL` on errors.
-sq_keyserver_t sq_keyserver_new (sq_context_t ctx,
- const char *uri);
-/// Returns a handle for the given URI.
-/// `uri` is a UTF-8 encoded value of a keyserver URI,
-/// e.g. `hkps://`. `cert` is a DER encoded certificate of
-/// size `len` used to authenticate the server.
-/// Returns `NULL` on errors.
-sq_keyserver_t sq_keyserver_with_cert (sq_context_t ctx,
- const char *uri,
- const uint8_t *cert,
- size_t len);
-/// Returns a handle for the SKS keyserver pool.
-/// The pool `hkps://` provides HKP
-/// services over https. It is authenticated using a certificate
-/// included in this library. It is a good default choice.
-/// Returns `NULL` on errors.
-sq_keyserver_t sq_keyserver_sks_pool (sq_context_t ctx);
-/// Frees a keyserver object.
-void sq_keyserver_free (sq_keyserver_t ks);
-/// Retrieves the key with the given `keyid`.
-/// Returns `NULL` on errors.
-sq_tpk_t sq_keyserver_get (sq_context_t ctx,
- sq_keyserver_t ks,
- const sq_keyid_t id);
-/// Sends the given key to the server.
-/// Returns != 0 on errors.
-int sq_keyserver_send (sq_context_t ctx,
- sq_keyserver_t ks,
- const sq_tpk_t tpk);
-/* sequoia::store. */
-/// A public key store.
-typedef struct sq_store *sq_store_t;
-/// Frees a sq_store_t.
-void sq_store_free (sq_store_t store);
-/// Represents an entry in a Store.
-/// Stores map labels to TPKs. A `Binding` represents a pair in this
-/// relation. We make this explicit because we associate metadata
-/// with these pairs.
-typedef struct sq_binding *sq_binding_t;
-/// Frees a sq_binding_t.
-void sq_binding_free (sq_binding_t binding);
-/// Represents a key in a store.
-/// A `Key` is a handle to a stored TPK. We make this explicit
-/// because we associate metadata with TPKs.
-typedef struct sq_key *sq_key_t;
-/// Frees a sq_key_t.
-void sq_key_free (sq_key_t key);
-/// Represents a log entry.
-typedef struct sq_log *sq_log_t;
-/// Frees a sq_log_t.
-void sq_log_free (sq_log_t log);
-/// Represents binding or key stats.
-typedef struct sq_stats *sq_stats_t;
-/// Frees a sq_stats_t.
-void sq_stats_free (sq_stats_t stats);
-/// Iterates over stores.
-typedef struct sq_store_iter *sq_store_iter_t;
-/// Returns the next store.
-/// Returns `NULL` on exhaustion. If `domainp` is not `NULL`, the
-/// stores domain is stored there. If `namep` is not `NULL`, the
-/// stores name is stored there. If `policyp` is not `NULL`, the
-/// stores network policy is stored there.
-sq_store_t sq_store_iter_next (sq_store_iter_t iter,
- char **domainp,
- char **namep,
- uint8_t *policyp);
-/// Frees a sq_store_iter_t.
-void sq_store_iter_free (sq_store_iter_t iter);
-/// Iterates over bindings in a store.
-typedef struct sq_binding_iter *sq_binding_iter_t;
-/// Returns the next binding.
-/// Returns `NULL` on exhaustion. If `labelp` is not `NULL`, the
-/// bindings label is stored there. If `fpp` is not `NULL`, the
-/// bindings fingerprint is stored there.
-sq_binding_t sq_binding_iter_next (sq_binding_iter_t iter,
- char **labelp,
- sq_fingerprint_t *fpp);
-/// Frees a sq_binding_iter_t.
-void sq_binding_iter_free (sq_binding_iter_t iter);
-/// Iterates over keys in the common key pool.
-typedef struct sq_key_iter *sq_key_iter_t;
-/// Returns the next key.
-/// Returns `NULL` on exhaustion. If `fpp` is not `NULL`, the keys
-/// fingerprint is stored there.
-sq_key_t sq_key_iter_next (sq_key_iter_t iter,
- sq_fingerprint_t *fpp);
-/// Frees a sq_key_iter_t.
-void sq_key_iter_free (sq_key_iter_t iter);
-/// Iterates over logs.
-typedef struct sq_log_iter *sq_log_iter_t;
-/// Returns the next log entry.
-/// Returns `NULL` on exhaustion.
-sq_log_t sq_log_iter_next (sq_log_iter_t iter);
-/// Frees a sq_log_iter_t.
-void sq_log_iter_free (sq_log_iter_t iter);
-/// Lists all log entries.
-sq_log_iter_t sq_store_server_log (sq_context_t ctx);
-/// Opens a store.
-/// Opens a store with the given name. If the store does not
-/// exist, it is created. Stores are handles for objects
-/// maintained by a background service. The background service
-/// associates state with this name.
-/// The store updates TPKs in compliance with the network policy
-/// of the context that created the store in the first place.
-/// Opening the store with a different network policy is
-/// forbidden.
-sq_store_t sq_store_open (sq_context_t ctx, const char *name);
-/// Adds a key identified by fingerprint to the store.
-sq_binding_t sq_store_add (sq_context_t ctx, sq_store_t store,
- const char *label, sq_fingerprint_t fp);
-/// Imports a key into the store.
-sq_tpk_t sq_store_import (sq_context_t ctx, sq_store_t store,
- const char *label, sq_tpk_t tpk);
-/// Returns the binding for the given label.
-sq_binding_t sq_store_lookup (sq_context_t ctx, sq_store_t store,
- const char *label);
-/// Deletes this store.
-/// Consumes `store`. Returns != 0 on error.
-long sq_store_delete (sq_store_t store);
-/// Lists all bindings.
-sq_binding_iter_t sq_store_iter (sq_context_t ctx, sq_store_t store);
-/// Lists all log entries related to this store.
-sq_log_iter_t sq_store_log (sq_context_t ctx, sq_store_t store);
-/// Returns the `sq_stats_t` of this binding.
-sq_stats_t sq_binding_stats (sq_context_t ctx, sq_binding_t binding);
-/// Returns the `sq_key_t` of this binding.
-sq_key_t sq_binding_key (sq_context_t ctx, sq_binding_t binding);
-/// Returns the `sq_tpk_t` of this binding.
-sq_tpk_t sq_binding_tpk (sq_context_t ctx, sq_binding_t binding);
-/// Updates this binding with the given TPK.
-/// If the new key `tpk` matches the current key, i.e. they have
-/// the same fingerprint, both keys are merged and normalized.
-/// The returned key contains all packets known to Sequoia, and
-/// should be used instead of `tpk`.
-/// If the new key does not match the current key, but carries a
-/// valid signature from the current key, it replaces the current
-/// key. This provides a natural way for key rotations.
-/// If the new key does not match the current key, and it does not
-/// carry a valid signature from the current key, an
-/// `Error::Conflict` is returned, and you have to resolve the
-/// conflict, either by ignoring the new key, or by using
-/// `sq_binding_rotate` to force a rotation.
-sq_tpk_t sq_binding_import (sq_context_t ctx, sq_binding_t binding,
- sq_tpk_t tpk);
-/// Forces a keyrotation to the given TPK.
-/// The current key is replaced with the new key `tpk`, even if
-/// they do not have the same fingerprint. If a key with the same
-/// fingerprint as `tpk` is already in the store, is merged with
-/// `tpk` and normalized. The returned key contains all packets
-/// known to Sequoia, and should be used instead of `tpk`.
-/// Use this function to resolve conflicts returned from
-/// `sq_binding_import`. Make sure that you have authenticated
-/// `tpk` properly. How to do that depends on your thread model.
-/// You could simply ask Alice to call her communication partner
-/// Bob and confirm that he rotated his keys.
-sq_tpk_t sq_binding_rotate (sq_context_t ctx, sq_binding_t binding,
- sq_tpk_t tpk);
-/// Deletes this binding.
-/// Consumes `binding`. Returns != 0 on error.
-long sq_binding_delete (sq_binding_t binding);
-/// Lists all log entries related to this binding.
-sq_log_iter_t sq_binding_log (sq_context_t ctx, sq_binding_t binding);
-/// Returns the `sq_stats_t` of this key.
-sq_stats_t sq_key_stats (sq_context_t ctx, sq_key_t key);
-/// Returns the `sq_tpk_t` of this key.
-sq_tpk_t sq_key_tpk (sq_context_t ctx, sq_key_t key);
-/// Updates this stored key with the given TPK.
-/// If the new key `tpk` matches the current key, i.e. they have
-/// the same fingerprint, both keys are merged and normalized.
-/// The returned key contains all packets known to Sequoia, and
-/// should be used instead of `tpk`.
-/// If the new key does not match the current key,
-/// `Error::Conflict` is returned.
-sq_tpk_t sq_key_import (sq_context_t ctx, sq_key_t key,
- sq_tpk_t tpk);
-/// Lists all log entries related to this key.
-sq_log_iter_t sq_key_log (sq_context_t ctx, sq_key_t key);