diff options
authorNeal H. Walfield <>2023-10-26 12:01:42 +0200
committerNeal H. Walfield <>2023-10-26 12:01:42 +0200
commit9c98e8b3214c5b3808df4c2692f5f9c1635c64ed (patch)
parentc32e574b621ec34c23876101f6ec55c3fe5312b8 (diff)
doc: Update the release checklist
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 26cb6735..a3ceac34 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -1,63 +1,186 @@
-This is a checklist for doing Sequoia releases:
- 1. Decide which component to release, we'll call it `FOO`.
- 1. Decide on the new version number `XXX`.
- 1. Starting from `origin/main`, create a branch `staging` for the release.
- 1. Bump `version = "XXX"` in `FOO/Cargo.toml`
- 1. For all 'Cargo.toml's: Bump intra-workspace dependencies if
- necessary.
- - For instance, if releasing `sequoia-openpgp` and `sq` depends
- on features that are being released, then bump the dependency
- in `sq/Cargo.toml`.
- 1. Run `cargo check -p FOO --features sequoia-openpgp/crypto-nettle`
- (this implicitly updates `Cargo.lock`)
- 1. Update dependencies and run tests.
- - Use the exact Rust toolchain version of the current Sequoia
- MSRV (refer to ``): `rustup default 1.xx`
- - Run `cargo update -p FOO` to update the dependencies. If
- some dependency is updated and breaks due to our MSRV, find a
- good version of that dependency and select it using
- e.g. `cargo update -p backtrace --precise 3.46`.
- - Run `make -f .Makefile check`.
- 1. Commit changes to `Cargo.toml` and `Cargo.lock`.
- 1. If releasing `sequoia-openpgp`, update
- by running:
- - `cargo run -p sequoia-openpgp --example statistics --release -- .../sks-dump-*.pgp --features sequoia-openpgp/crypto-nettle > /tmp/stats.txt`
- - `scp /tmp/stats.txt`
- 1. If releasing sq, update the manpage:
- - Clone to a
- separate location.
- - Add symlinks and run as described in the manpage-maker's readme
- - Copy man-sq*/*.1 to sequoia/sq/man-sq*
- - Make a commit with the message "sq, sqv: Update manpage."
- 1. Make a commit with the message `FOO: Release XXX.`.
- - Push this to gitlab as `staging`, create a merge
+This is a checklist for doing releases.
+1. Create a new milestone for the planned release.
+1. Announce your intention to do a release on irc, and ask if anyone
+ has any changes that want merged before the release, or issues that
+ should be fixed. Ask them to add them to the milestone.
+1. Go to the project's repository and scan the open issues and MRs.
+ If there is something relevant for the release, add it to the
+ milestone.
+1. Work through the milestone backlog.
+1. Preparation for the actual release.
+ We set some variables here that the code snippets below use.
+ Select the features to use. Leave it empty to use the default:
+ ```shell
+ ```
+ In projects where you need to select a specific backend, try:
+ ```shell
+ FEATURES="--no-default-features --features crypto-openssl"
+ ```
+ When building a project in a workspace, like `sequoia-openpgp`, do something like:
+ ```shell
+ FEATURES="-p sequoia-openpgp"
+ ```
+ Optionally set `CARGO_TARGET_DIR`
+ ```shell
+ export CARGO_TARGET_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
+ ```
+1. Make sure your repository is up to date:
+ ```
+ git fetch
+ ```
+1. Start from `origin/main`, and create a branch `staging`:
+ ```
+ git checkout -b staging origin/main
+ ```
+1. Update Cargo.lock, and run checks locally:
+ - Use the project's exact MSRV version. This is important when
+ updating dependencies, and for `cargo publish`.
+ ```
+ MSRV=$(sed -nE 's/rust-version\s+=\s+"([^"]+)"/\1/p' < Cargo.toml)
+ rustup default "$MSRV"
+ ```
+ - Update the dependencies and run the tests:
+ ```
+ cargo update
+ cargo build --release $FEATURES && \
+ cargo test --release $FEATURES && \
+ cargo doc --no-deps --release $FEATURES
+ git add Cargo.lock
+ if [ git diff --cached --exit-code ]; then
+ git commit -m "Update dependencies."
+ fi
+ ```
+ - If some dependency is updated and breaks due to our MSRV, find a
+ good version of that dependency and select it using e.g. `cargo
+ update -p backtrace --precise 3.46`.
+ - Audit any new indirect dependencies.
+ - Check in any updates with the commit message: "Update
+ Cargo.lock".
+1. Check for out-of-date dependencies and see if they can be upgraded:
+ ```
+ cargo outdated -d 1
+ editor Cargo.toml # Update version
+ cargo update -p PACKAGE --precise VERSION
+ cargo build --release $FEATURES && cargo test --release $FEATURES && cargo doc --no-deps --release $FEATURES
+ ```
+ Add a commit for each dependency or group of dependencies that is
+ upgraded ("Upgrade PACKAGE"). Sometimes it is possible to upgrade
+ a dependency, but not to the latest version. Sometimes there is a
+ semver change, but we don't rely on the change. In that case, try
+ using a version range:
+ ```toml
+ memsec = { version = ">=0.5, <0.7", default-features = false }
+ ```
+ Note: if specifying a lower bound, always specify an upper bound
+ otherwise things may break in the future.
+1. Bump the version in Cargo.toml to `XXX`.
+ ```
+ cargo set-version "$VERSION"
+ ```
+1. Bump the version in `` to `XXX`, if necessary.
+1. Make a commit with the message `Release XXX.` or `project: Release XXX.`.
+ ```
+ git commit -a -S -m "Release $VERSION."
+ ```
+1. Push this to gitlab as `staging`, create a merge
request, wait for CI.
- 1. Make sure `cargo publish` works:
- - `mkdir /tmp/sequoia-staging`
- - `cd /tmp/sequoia-staging`
- - `git clone`
- - `cd sequoia`
- - `git checkout origin/staging`
- - `cargo publish -p FOO --dry-run --features sequoia-openpgp/crypto-nettle`
- 1. Wait until CI and `cargo publish -p FOO --dry-run` are successful. In
- case of errors, correct them, and go back to the step creating
- the release commit.
- 1. Run `cargo publish -p FOO --features
- sequoia-openpgp/crypto-nettle`, wait til it succeeds
- 1. Merge the merge request
- 1. Make a tag `FOO/vXXX` with the message `FOO: Release XXX.` signed
- with an offline key, which has been certified by our
- `` key.
- 1. Push the signed tag `FOO/vXXX`.
- 1. Regenerate ``.
- - `cd /tmp/sequoia-staging`
- - `git clone`
- - `cd`
- - `make deploy`
- 1. Announce the release.
- - IRC
- - mailing list (``,
- ``, optionally cc `` if
- there are particularly interesting changes)
- - web site
+ ```
+ git push origin staging
+ ```
+1. Make sure `cargo publish` works:
+ ```
+ ORIGIN=$(git remote get-url origin)
+ cd $(mktemp -d)
+ git clone $ORIGIN source
+ cd source
+ git checkout origin/staging
+ cargo publish --dry-run $FEATURES
+ ```
+ Note: when working with workspaces and cargo <1.68, [the top-level
+ `Cargo.lock` file will be
+ ignored]( This can
+ be worked around by using a newer rustc or doing something like:
+ ```shell
+ cp Cargo.lock openpgp
+ cargo publish -p sequoia-openpgp --locked --allow-dirty
+ ```
+1. Wait until CI and `cargo publish --dry-run` are successful. In
+ case of errors, correct them, and go back to the step creating
+ the release commit.
+ ```
+ if [[ "$ORIGIN" =~ ^git@([^:]+):([^/]+)/([^.]+).git$ ]]; then
+ while [ $( curl -sSL "https://${BASH_REMATCH[1]}/api/v4/projects/${BASH_REMATCH[2]}%2F${BASH_REMATCH[3]}/pipelines?ref=staging&sha=$(git rev-parse HEAD)" | jq 'map(select(.status != "success")) | length == 0' ) != "true" ]; do
+ echo "Pipelines still running... (or failed)"
+ sleep 9
+ done
+ else
+ echo Origin not supported
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ```
+1. Run `cargo publish`
+ ```
+ cargo publish
+ ```
+1. Merge the merge request
+1. Make a tag `vXXX` with the message `Release XXX.` or `project:
+ Release XXX.`, as appropriate. Sign it with an offline key that
+ has been certified by our `` key:
+ ```
+ git tag -s -m "Release $VERSION." v$VERSION
+ git verify-tag v$VERSION
+ ```
+1. Push the signed tag `vXXX`:
+ ```
+ git push origin v$VERSION
+ ```
+1. Announce the release.
+ - IRC: #sequoia: "I released $VERSION of $PACKAGE"
+ - Signed email to ``,
+ ``, and optionally cc `` if
+ there are particularly interesting changes.
+ - Blog post when the release contains interesting new stuff.