# Release checklist 1. [ ] Create a new _"Release v{VERSION}"_ issue with this checklist - `$ cat RELEASE.md | sd '\{VERSION\}' '{NEW_VERSION}' | xclip -sel clip` - Create the issue in GitHub 1. [ ] Regenerate static assets - `$ cargo xtask gen` 1. [ ] Update `rust-version` in `Cargo.toml` - `$ cargo msrv --min 1.60 -- cargo check` 1. [ ] Bump `version` in `Cargo.toml` 1. [ ] Run `cargo check` to propogate the change to `Cargo.lock` 1. [ ] Update the `CHANGELOG.md` 1. [ ] Merge changes through a PR to make sure that CI passes 1. [ ] Publish on [crates.io](crates.io) - `$ cargo publish` 1. [ ] Publish on GitHub by pushing a version tag - Make sure the branch you're on is fully up to date - `$ git tag v{VERSION}` - `$ git push upstream/origin v{VERSION}` 1. [ ] Make a release announcement on GitHub after the release workflow finishes