AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-08-20Adding Windows builds back (#206)Yousif Akbar
2023-08-20Resolving broken `aarch64-apple-darwin` tests (#205)Yousif Akbar
2023-08-20Adding `armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf` target (#204)Yousif Akbar
2023-06-04Add a release checklist (#197)CosmicHorror
2023-06-04Move generating static assets to a `cargo-xtask` task (#196)CosmicHorror
2023-05-17Build Adjustments (#179)Yousif Akbar
2023-05-16Rename `--string-mode` to `--fixed-strings` (#192)CosmicHorror
2023-05-13Change how all shell variants are expressed (#190)CosmicHorror
2023-05-11Replace structopt with clap v4 (#189)CosmicHorror
2023-05-11Switch `atty` for `is-terminal` (#188)CosmicHorror
2023-05-11Freshen up README (#187)CosmicHorror
2023-05-11Improve error message for failed replacements (#186)CosmicHorror
2023-05-10Use --exec option for fd in (#61)micnncim
2023-05-10Fix man page -f flag help text (#181)Ulrich Petri
2023-05-10Fix warnings and clippy lints (#185)CosmicHorror
2023-05-10Add editor config file matching rustfmt config (#184)CosmicHorror
2023-05-08`memmap` -> `memmap2` (#183)CosmicHorror
2023-05-08`cargo update` (#182)CosmicHorror
2022-04-01Merge pull request #143 from skrattaren/fix-path-in-publish-actionGregory
2022-04-01Merge pull request #148 from hexagonrecursion/patch-1Gregory
2022-01-02Nitpick: a flag can start with `-` tooAndrey Bienkowski
2022-01-02Doc: nitpick `--` has no special meaning to shellsAndrey Bienkowski
2021-10-08Fix paths to release binary in "publish" actionNikolaj Ĺ ujskij
2021-05-07Merge pull request #126 from Linus789/fix_recursive_previewGregory
2021-05-07Fix recursive preview (show file path)Linus789
2021-05-05Merge pull request #115 from SimplyDanny/follow-symlink-when-writingGregory
2021-05-05Merge pull request #124 from Linus789/fix_testsGregory
2021-05-06Fix test for replace_into_stdout, since color was addedLinus789
2021-05-06Do not print out path in previewLinus789
2021-05-02Merge branch 'master' of
2021-05-02Implement recursive replacement supportGregory
2021-03-28Fix #94: Do not replace symlink with output fileDanny Moesch
2021-03-27Merge pull request #118 from SimplyDanny/fix-masterGregory
2021-03-19Remove macOS Aarch64 targetDanny Moesch
2021-03-19Ignore integration tests in cross-compiled targetsDanny Moesch
2021-03-09Update test workflowGregory
2021-03-09Merge pull request #114 from yhakbar/masterGregory
2021-03-04Adding aarch64-apple-darwin targetYousif Akbar
2021-02-28Merge branch 'master' of
2021-02-28Add ARM targetGregory
2021-02-23Merge pull request #111 from xxc3nsoredxx/gentoo-packageGregory
2021-02-22Gentoo installation instructionsxxc3nsoredxx
2021-02-15Add support for limited replacements | #105Gregory
2021-02-10Merge pull request #109 from chmln/glob-recursiveGregory
2021-02-10Move tests to replacer tooGregory
2021-02-10Extract replacer into own fileGregory
2021-02-10Implement recursive glob supportGregory
2020-08-03Merge pull request #93 from jchook/64-update-help-messageGregory