tag namev0.6.0 (ef8543c3b2c84954fcfcc51179b96bc5772bd9f7)
tag date2017-04-19 21:25:40 -0300
tagged bymongo <>
tagged objectcommit 6f3c267b0d...
*Added new freeze feature (including new :freeze and :unfreeze commands). *Scripting support with LUA. Also with triggers and c dynamic linked modules. *Added new :trigger and :untrigger commands. *Insert mode history *Added xlsx file export *Added new :unformat command *Added new ignorecase configuration variable for string searches. *Double quotes can now be entered in SCIM backquoting them. *Change in exponential and unary - priority: Exponentials bind higher than unary -. *Change in how data coming from pipeline or redirection is processed. *let and slet functions now handle undo/redo. so that if you set a content with let or slet over script, you can also undo it. *Group cols and rows when saving hidden columns and rows to file *Added :wq command. *Added SHIFT command in parser. *sk and sh shift commands now saves in undo struct cells that depends on the range shifted. *Keep default background or fg color of terminal *Handle ESC key in EDIT and INSERT modes. Now it goes back to previous mode, instead of always returning to NORMAL MODE. *UI isolation. Added dumb ui example. *undo / redo are now ignored by the dot command. *Fix in :sort command when a range is selected and not specified within the command. *Fix in goto command. Removed unneeded free that made SCIM crash, and another crash when no result was found in search. *Fix in '!' command. Did not work properly when using a white space after the '!'. *Fix when saving cellcolors, locked cells and pad ranges in sc files. Sometimes colors and locked ranges did not get saved (most right column). *Fix in history. Last element typed could get written twice in history. *Fix crash with 'c' command after dc, dr, or shift command affecting cell A0. *Now scim print columns to latest col in COLS, maximizing the grid view. *Fixed crash because of syntax error when entering ". as text value. This also happened in sc. *Fix when entering a number and then a centered text in the same cell. This also happened in sc. Text appeared a column to the right and aligned left. *Fixed setfunc when saving sc file. *Fix in deleterow *Fix in shift functions *Fix a memory leak in undo.c *Fix/mods in undo/redo *Fix in csv import *Cleaned deletecol *Fix in csv import: maxcol was not updated correctly during import. *Fix when saving csv files with :w. before it saved a csv file with sc format.