DONE: test1: multiple sheets that have formula dependency from one to another test2: multiple sheets that have formula dependency from one to another (with undo/redo) test3: multiple sheets that have formulas dependencies from one to another test4: multiple sheets that have formulas dependencies from one to another (with undo/redo) test5: yanking and pasting ents keeping references (Pc) - timing and memory usage test6: yanking and pasting ents keeping references (Pc) - with undo test8: delete columns and rows repeatedly with undo. test9: delete last alloc'ed column (ZZ) with undo. TODO: + test7: yanking and pasting ents keeping references (Pc) (with undo and redo) fails to restore some ents formulas. + test10: copiar un rango de 10filas x 1 columna con referencias y pegar en la misma ubicaciĆ³n con Pv daba segfault. crear prueba.