#set terminal dumb enhanced set terminal caca driver ncurses color enhanced size 80,43 inverted charset ascii set datafile separator ',' stats filename u 2 noout # get STATS_sum (sum of column 2) ang(x)=x*360.0/STATS_sum # get angle (grades) perc(x)=x*100.0/STATS_sum # get percentage set palette color set size square # square canvas set xrange [-1:1.5] set yrange [-1.25:1.25] set style fill solid 1 unset border unset tics unset key set linetype 1 linecolor rgb 'red' set linetype 2 linecolor rgb 'green' set linetype 3 linecolor rgb 'blue' set linetype 4 linecolor rgb 'cyan' set linetype 5 linecolor rgb 'magenta' set linetype 6 linecolor rgb 'white' set linetype 7 linecolor rgb 'yellow' set linetype 8 linecolor rgb 'orange' Ai = 0.0; Bi = 0.0; # init angle mid = 0.0; # mid angle i = 0; j = 0; # color yi = 0.0; yi2 = 0.0; # label position plot filename u (0):(0):(1):(Ai):(Ai=Ai+ang($2)):(i=i+1) with circle linecolor var,\ filename u (1.5):(yi=yi+0.5/STATS_records):($1) w labels,\ filename u (1.0):(yi2=yi2+0.5/STATS_records):(j=j+1) w p pt 5 ps 2 linecolor var,\ filename u (mid=Bi+ang($2)*pi/360.0, Bi=2.0*mid-Bi, 0.5*cos(mid)):(0.5*sin(mid)):(sprintf('%.0f (%.1f\%)', $2, perc($2))) w labels