set terminal dumb enhanced #set terminal caca driver ncurses color enhanced size 80,43 inverted charset ascii set datafile separator "," set key autotitle columnhead set boxwidth 0.5 set style fill solid set auto x set yrange [0:*] set linetype 1 linecolor rgb 'red' set linetype 2 linecolor rgb 'green' set linetype 3 linecolor rgb 'blue' set linetype 4 linecolor rgb 'cyan' set linetype 5 linecolor rgb 'magenta' set linetype 6 linecolor rgb 'white' set linetype 7 linecolor rgb 'yellow' set linetype 8 linecolor rgb 'orange' #plot filename using 2:xtic(1) with boxes ls 4 plot filename using 2:xtic(1) with boxes ls 4, "" using 0:($2+.1):(sprintf("%d",$2)) with labels