/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2013-2017, Andrés Martinelli . * * 4. Neither the name of the Andrés Martinelli nor the * * names of other contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ANDRES MARTINELLI ''AS IS'' AND ANY * * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ANDRES MARTINELLI BE LIABLE FOR ANY * * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;* * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *******************************************************************************/ /** * \file cmds_visuals.c * \author Andrés Martinelli * \date 2017-07-18 * \brief TODO Write a tbrief file description. */ #include #include "utils/string.h" #include "tui.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "marks.h" #include "macros.h" #include "cmds.h" #include "conf.h" #include "hide_show.h" #include "shift.h" #include "yank.h" #include "history.h" #include "interp.h" #ifdef UNDO #include "undo.h" #endif extern int offscr_sc_rows, offscr_sc_cols; extern unsigned int curmode; extern int cmd_multiplier; extern struct history * commandline_history; char visual_submode = '0'; srange * r; // SELECTED RANGE! int moving = FALSE; /** * \brief TODO Document start_visualmode() * * \param[in] tlrow * \param[in] tlcol * \param[in] brrow * \param[in] brcol * * \return none */ void start_visualmode(int tlrow, int tlcol, int brrow, int brcol) { unselect_ranges(); struct srange * sr = get_range_by_marks('\t', '\t'); // visual mode selected range if (sr != NULL) del_ranges_by_mark('\t'); r = (srange *) malloc (sizeof(srange)); r->tlrow = tlrow; r->tlcol = tlcol; r->brrow = brrow; r->brcol = brcol; r->orig_row = currow; // original row before starting selection r->orig_col = curcol; // original col before starting selection r->startup_row = currow; // original row position before entering visual mode r->startup_col = curcol; // original col position before entering visual mode r->marks[0] = '\t'; r->marks[1] = '\t'; r->selected = 1; r->pnext = NULL; // add visual selected range at start of list if (ranges == NULL) ranges = r; else { r->pnext = ranges; ranges = r; } if (visual_submode == '0') { // Started visual mode with 'v' command ui_update(TRUE); moving = FALSE; } else { // Started visual mode with 'C-v' command ui_update(TRUE); moving = TRUE; } return; } /** * \brief TODO Document exit_visualmode() * * \return none */ void exit_visualmode() { moving = FALSE; visual_submode = '0'; r->selected = 0; currow = r->startup_row; curcol = r->startup_col; del_ranges_by_mark('\t'); return; } /** * \brief TODO Document do_visualmode() * * \param[in] buf * * \return none */ void do_visualmode(struct block * buf) { // we are moving (previous to a 'C-o' keypress) if (moving == TRUE) { switch (buf->value) { case L'j': case OKEY_DOWN: currow = forw_row(1)->row; break; case L'k': case OKEY_UP: currow = back_row(1)->row; break; case L'h': case OKEY_LEFT: curcol = back_col(1)->col; break; case L'l': case OKEY_RIGHT: curcol = forw_col(1)->col; break; case ctl('o'): moving = FALSE; r->orig_row = currow; r->orig_col = curcol; break; case OKEY_ENTER: sc_info("Press to begin selection or key to exit VISUAL MODE"); return; } r->tlrow = currow; r->tlcol = curcol; r->brrow = currow; r->brcol = curcol; ui_update(FALSE); return; } // started visual mode with 'C-v' // ENTER or 'C-k' : Confirm selection // 'C-k' only works if started visualmode with 'C-v' if ((buf->value == OKEY_ENTER || buf->value == ctl('k')) && visual_submode != '0') { wchar_t cline [BUFFERSIZE]; swprintf(cline, BUFFERSIZE, L"%ls%d", coltoa(r->tlcol), r->tlrow); if (r->tlrow != r->brrow || r->tlcol != r->brcol) swprintf(cline + wcslen(cline), BUFFERSIZE, L":%ls%d", coltoa(r->brcol), r->brrow); swprintf(inputline + wcslen(inputline), BUFFERSIZE, L"%ls", cline); real_inputline_pos += wcslen(cline); inputline_pos = wcswidth(inputline, real_inputline_pos); char c = visual_submode; exit_visualmode(); chg_mode(c); ui_show_header(); return; // moving to TRUE //} else if (buf->value == ctl('m')) { // moving = TRUE; // MOVEMENT COMMANDS // UP - ctl(b) } else if (buf->value == OKEY_UP || buf->value == L'k' || buf->value == ctl('b') ) { int n, i; if (buf->value == ctl('b')) { n = LINES - RESROW - 1; if (get_conf_value("half_page_scroll")) n = n / 2; } else n = 1; for (i=0; i < n; i++) if (r->orig_row < r->brrow && r->tlrow < r->brrow) { while (row_hidden[-- r->brrow]); currow = r->brrow; } else if (r->tlrow <= r->brrow && r->tlrow-1 >= 0) { int newrow = r->tlrow; while (newrow > 0 && row_hidden[-- newrow]); if (!row_hidden[newrow]) { currow = r->tlrow = newrow; } } // DOWN - ctl('f') } else if (buf->value == OKEY_DOWN || buf->value == L'j' || buf->value == ctl('f')) { int n, i; if (buf->value == ctl('f')) { n = LINES - RESROW - 1; if (get_conf_value("half_page_scroll")) n = n / 2; } else n = 1; for (i=0; i < n; i++) if (r->orig_row <= r->tlrow && r->tlrow <= r->brrow) { while (r->brrow+1 < maxrows && row_hidden[++ r->brrow]); currow = r->brrow; } else if (r->tlrow < r->brrow) { while (row_hidden[++ r->tlrow]); currow = r->tlrow; } // LEFT } else if (buf->value == OKEY_LEFT || buf->value == L'h') { if (r->orig_col < r->brcol && r->tlcol < r->brcol) { while (col_hidden[-- r->brcol]); curcol = r->brcol; } else if (r->tlcol <= r->brcol && r->tlcol-1 >= 0) { while (col_hidden[-- r->tlcol]); curcol = r->tlcol; } // RIGHT } else if (buf->value == OKEY_RIGHT || buf->value == L'l') { if (r->orig_col <= r->tlcol && r->tlcol <= r->brcol && r->brcol+2 < maxcols) { while (col_hidden[++ r->brcol]); curcol = r->brcol; } else if (r->tlcol <= r->brcol) { while (col_hidden[++ r->tlcol]); curcol = r->tlcol; } // 0 } else if (buf->value == L'0') { r->brcol = r->tlcol; r->tlcol = left_limit()->col; curcol = r->tlcol; // $ } else if (buf->value == L'$') { int s = right_limit()->col; r->tlcol = r->brcol; r->brcol = r->brcol > s ? r->brcol : s; curcol = r->brcol; // ^ } else if (buf->value == L'^') { r->brrow = r->tlrow; r->tlrow = goto_top()->row; currow = r->tlrow; // # } else if (buf->value == L'#') { int s = goto_bottom()->row; if (s == r->brrow) s = go_end()->row; //r->tlrow = r->brrow; r->brrow = r->brrow > s ? r->brrow : s; //r->brrow = s; currow = r->brrow; // ctl(a) } else if (buf->value == ctl('a')) { if (r->tlrow == 0 && r->tlcol == 0) return; struct ent * e = go_home(); r->tlrow = e->row; r->tlcol = e->col; r->brrow = r->orig_row; r->brcol = r->orig_col; currow = r->tlrow; curcol = r->tlcol; // G } else if (buf->value == L'G') { struct ent * e = go_end(); r->tlrow = r->orig_row; r->tlcol = r->orig_col; r->brrow = e->row; r->brcol = e->col; currow = r->tlrow; curcol = r->tlcol; // ' } else if (buf->value == L'\'') { // if we receive a mark of a range, just return. if (get_mark(buf->pnext->value)->row == -1) return; struct ent * e = tick(buf->pnext->value); if (row_hidden[e->row]) { sc_error("Cell row is hidden"); return; } else if (col_hidden[e->col]) { sc_error("Cell column is hidden"); return; } r->tlrow = r->tlrow < e->row ? r->tlrow : e->row; r->tlcol = r->tlcol < e->col ? r->tlcol : e->col; r->brrow = r->brrow > e->row ? r->brrow : e->row; r->brcol = r->brcol > e->col ? r->brcol : e->col; // w } else if (buf->value == L'w') { struct ent * e = go_forward(); if (e->col > r->orig_col) { r->brcol = e->col; r->tlcol = r->orig_col; } else { r->tlcol = e->col; r->brcol = r->orig_col; } r->brrow = e->row; r->tlrow = r->orig_row; curcol = e->col; currow = e->row; // b } else if (buf->value == L'b') { struct ent * e = go_backward(); if (e->col <= r->orig_col) { r->tlcol = e->col; r->brcol = r->orig_col; } else { r->brcol = e->col; r->tlcol = r->orig_col; } r->tlrow = e->row; r->brrow = r->orig_row; curcol = e->col; currow = e->row; // H } else if (buf->value == L'H') { r->brrow = r->tlrow; r->tlrow = vert_top()->row; currow = r->tlrow; // M } else if (buf->value == L'M') { r->tlrow = r->orig_row; int rm = vert_middle()->row; if (r->orig_row < rm) r->brrow = rm; else r->tlrow = rm; currow = r->tlrow; // L } else if (buf->value == L'L') { r->tlrow = r->orig_row; r->brrow = vert_bottom()->row; currow = r->brrow; // mark a range } else if (buf->value == L'm' && get_bufsize(buf) == 2) { del_ranges_by_mark(buf->pnext->value); srange * rn = create_range('\0', '\0', lookat(r->tlrow, r->tlcol), lookat(r->brrow, r->brcol)); set_range_mark(buf->pnext->value, rn); exit_visualmode(); chg_mode('.'); ui_show_header(); // auto_justify } else if (buf->value == ctl('j')) { auto_justify(r->tlcol, r->brcol, DEFWIDTH); // auto justify columns exit_visualmode(); chg_mode('.'); ui_show_header(); // datefmt with locale D_FMT format } else if (buf->value == ctl('d')) { #ifdef USELOCALE #include #include char * loc = NULL; char * f = NULL; loc = setlocale(LC_TIME, ""); if (loc != NULL) { f = nl_langinfo(D_FMT); } else { sc_error("No locale set. Nothing changed"); } if (any_locked_cells(r->tlrow, r->tlcol, r->brrow, r->brcol)) { sc_error("Locked cells encountered. Nothing changed"); return; } dateformat(lookat(r->tlrow, r->tlcol), lookat(r->brrow, r->brcol), f); exit_visualmode(); chg_mode('.'); ui_show_header(); #else sc_info("Build made without USELOCALE enabled"); #endif // EDITION COMMANDS // yank } else if (buf->value == 'y') { yank_area(r->tlrow, r->tlcol, r->brrow, r->brcol, 'a', 1); exit_visualmode(); chg_mode('.'); ui_show_header(); // left / right / center align } else if (buf->value == L'{' || buf->value == L'}' || buf->value == L'|') { if (any_locked_cells(r->tlrow, r->tlcol, r->brrow, r->brcol)) { sc_error("Locked cells encountered. Nothing changed"); return; } wchar_t interp_line[BUFFERSIZE]; if (buf->value == L'{') swprintf(interp_line, BUFFERSIZE, L"leftjustify %s", v_name(r->tlrow, r->tlcol)); else if (buf->value == L'}') swprintf(interp_line, BUFFERSIZE, L"rightjustify %s", v_name(r->tlrow, r->tlcol)); else if (buf->value == L'|') swprintf(interp_line, BUFFERSIZE, L"center %s", v_name(r->tlrow, r->tlcol)); swprintf(interp_line + wcslen(interp_line), BUFFERSIZE, L":%s", v_name(r->brrow, r->brcol)); #ifdef UNDO create_undo_action(); copy_to_undostruct(r->tlrow, r->tlcol, r->brrow, r->brcol, 'd'); #endif send_to_interp(interp_line); #ifdef UNDO copy_to_undostruct(r->tlrow, r->tlcol, r->brrow, r->brcol, 'a'); end_undo_action(); #endif cmd_multiplier = 0; exit_visualmode(); chg_mode('.'); ui_show_header(); // range lock / unlock // valueize } else if ( buf->value == L'r' && (buf->pnext->value == L'l' || buf->pnext->value == L'u' || buf->pnext->value == L'v' )) { if (buf->pnext->value == L'l') { lock_cells(lookat(r->tlrow, r->tlcol), lookat(r->brrow, r->brcol)); } else if (buf->pnext->value == L'u') { unlock_cells(lookat(r->tlrow, r->tlcol), lookat(r->brrow, r->brcol)); } else if (buf->pnext->value == L'v') { valueize_area(r->tlrow, r->tlcol, r->brrow, r->brcol); } cmd_multiplier = 0; exit_visualmode(); chg_mode('.'); ui_show_header(); // Zr Zc - Zap col or row } else if ( (buf->value == L'Z' || buf->value == L'S') && (buf->pnext->value == L'c' || buf->pnext->value == L'r')) { int arg = buf->pnext->value == L'r' ? r->brrow - r->tlrow + 1 : r->brcol - r->tlcol + 1; if (buf->value == L'Z' && buf->pnext->value == L'r') { hide_row(r->tlrow, arg); } else if (buf->value == L'Z' && buf->pnext->value == L'c') { hide_col(r->tlcol, arg); } else if (buf->value == L'S' && buf->pnext->value == L'r') { show_row(r->tlrow, arg); } else if (buf->value == L'S' && buf->pnext->value == L'c') { show_col(r->tlcol, arg); } cmd_multiplier = 0; exit_visualmode(); chg_mode('.'); ui_show_header(); // delete selected range } else if (buf->value == L'x' || (buf->value == L'd' && buf->pnext->value == L'd') ) { del_selected_cells(); exit_visualmode(); chg_mode('.'); ui_show_header(); // shift range } else if (buf->value == L's') { shift(r->tlrow, r->tlcol, r->brrow, r->brcol, buf->pnext->value); exit_visualmode(); chg_mode('.'); ui_show_header(); } else if (buf->value == L':') { chg_mode(':'); ui_show_header(); #ifdef HISTORY_FILE add(commandline_history, L""); #endif ui_handle_cursor(); inputline_pos = 0; real_inputline_pos = 0; return; } if (visual_submode == '0') ui_update(TRUE); else { ui_update(FALSE); } }