tmp=sc.lquery("Info from Lua, type in your input: ") sc.lsetstr(0,0,tmp) -- Write string from User Query to A0 sc.lsetstr(1,1,"String From Lua") -- Write String to B1 for a=10,20,1 do for b=10,20,1 do sc.lsetnum(a,b,((a-9)*(b-9))) -- Set a column and b row some numbers end end sc.lsetform(1,5,"@sum(a5:a7)") -- write Formula to B5 sc.lsetnum(1,4,sc.maxcols) -- write maxcolums currently in use to B4 c,r=sc.a2colrow("c5") -- returns the number representation of "c5" cell should be 3, 5 print("column "..c.." row "..r) print(" and the asci is ",r)) -- show the ascii representation of numeric column row"LET C22=B5*5") -- pass whole cmd to interpretter.