// DOCS #![cfg_attr(feature = "clippy", allow(unstable_features))] #![cfg_attr(feature = "clippy", feature(plugin))] #![cfg_attr(feature = "clippy", plugin(clippy))] #![cfg_attr(feature = "clippy", deny(warnings))] use std::collections::HashMap; use std::borrow::ToOwned; use std::str::FromStr; use std::fmt; use std::error::Error; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Property { /// Key in component. pub name: String, /// Parameters. pub params: HashMap, /// Value as unparsed string. pub raw_value: String, /// Property group. E.g. a contentline like `foo.FN:Markus` would result in the group being /// `"foo"`. pub prop_group: Option } impl Property { /// Create property from unescaped string. pub fn new(name: &str, value: &str) -> Property { Property { name: name.to_owned(), params: HashMap::new(), raw_value: escape_chars(value), prop_group: None } } /// Get value as unescaped string. pub fn value_as_string(&self) -> String { unescape_chars(&self.raw_value[..]) } } pub struct Component { /// The name of the component, such as `VCARD` or `VEVENT`. pub name: String, /// The component's properties. pub props: HashMap>, /// The component's child- or sub-components. pub subcomponents: Vec } impl Component { pub fn new>(name: T) -> Component { Component { name: name.into(), props: HashMap::new(), subcomponents: vec![] } } /// Append the given property, preserve other same-named properties. pub fn push(&mut self, prop: Property) { self.props.entry(prop.name.clone()).or_insert_with(Vec::new).push(prop); } /// Set the given property, remove other same-named properties. pub fn set(&mut self, prop: Property) { self.props.insert(prop.name.clone(), vec![prop]); } /// Retrieve one property by key. Returns `None` if not exactly one property was found. pub fn get_only>(&self, name: P) -> Option<&Property> { match self.props.get(name.as_ref()) { Some(x) if x.len() == 1 => Some(&x[0]), _ => None } } /// Retrieve properties by key. Returns an empty slice if key doesn't exist. pub fn get_all>(&self, name: P) -> &[Property] { static EMPTY: &'static [Property] = &[]; match self.props.get(name.as_ref()) { Some(values) => &values[..], None => EMPTY } } /// Remove a single property. pub fn pop>(&mut self, name: P) -> Option { match self.props.get_mut(name.as_ref()) { Some(values) => values.pop(), None => None } } /// Remove all properties pub fn remove>(&mut self, name: P) -> Option> { self.props.remove(name.as_ref()) } } impl FromStr for Component { type Err = ParseError; /// Same as `vobject::parse_component`, but without the error messages. fn from_str(s: &str) -> ParseResult { parse_component(s) } } struct Parser<'s> { pub input: &'s str, pub pos: usize, } impl<'s> Parser<'s> { pub fn new(input: &'s str) -> Self { Parser { input: input, pos: 0, } } /// look-ahead for next char at given offset from current position /// (self.pos), taking [line unfolding] /// (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section-3.1) into account, /// without actually /// consuming it (immutable self). /// /// Return an option for next char, and needed increment to consume it /// from current position. /// CR characters get always skipped, resulting in CRLF to be simplified as /// LF, which seems to be acceptable because /// - the remainders of the lib do accept a lone LF as a line termination /// (a bit laxer than RFC 5545) /// - CR alone [is not acceptable content] /// (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section-3.1) fn peek_at(&self, at: usize) -> Option<(char, usize)> { match self.input[self.pos+at..].chars().next() { None => None, Some('\r') => self.peek_at(at + 1), Some('\n') => { match self.peek_at(at + 1) { Some((' ', offset)) | Some(('\t', offset)) => self.peek_at(offset), _ => Some(('\n', at + 1)) } }, Some(x) => { Some((x, at + x.len_utf8())) } } } #[inline] fn peek(&self) -> Option<(char, usize)> { self.peek_at(0) } pub fn eof(&self) -> bool { self.pos >= self.input.len() } fn assert_char(&self, c: char) -> ParseResult<()> { let real_c = match self.peek() { Some((x, _)) => x, None => return Err(ParseError::new(format!("Expected {}, found EOL", c))), }; if real_c != c { return Err(ParseError::new(format!("Expected {}, found {}", c, real_c))) }; Ok(()) } fn consume_char(&mut self) -> Option { match self.peek() { Some((c, offset)) => { self.pos += offset; Some(c) }, None => None } } /// If next peeked char is the given `c`, consume it and return `true`, /// otherwise return `false`. fn consume_only_char(&mut self, c: char) -> bool { match self.peek() { Some((d, offset)) if d == c => {self.pos += offset; true}, _ => false } } fn consume_eol(&mut self) -> ParseResult<()> { let start_pos = self.pos; let consumed = match self.consume_char() { Some('\n') => true, Some('\r') => match self.consume_char() { Some('\n') => true, _ => false, }, _ => false, }; if consumed { Ok(()) } else { self.pos = start_pos; Err(ParseError::new("Expected EOL.")) } } fn sloppy_terminate_line(&mut self) -> ParseResult<()> { if !self.eof() { try!(self.consume_eol()); while let Ok(_) = self.consume_eol() {}; }; Ok(()) } // GR this used to return just a slice from input, but line unfolding // makes it contradictory, unless one'd want to rescan everything. // Since actually useful calls used to_owned() on the result, which // does copy into a String's buffer, let's create a String right away // implementation detail : instead of pushing char after char, we // do it by the biggest contiguous slices possible, because I believe it // to be more efficient (less checks for reallocation etc). fn consume_while bool>(&mut self, test: F) -> String { let mut sl_start_pos = self.pos; let mut res = String::new(); while !self.eof() { match self.peek() { Some((c, offset)) => { if !test(c) { break } else { if offset > c.len_utf8() { // we have some skipping and therefore need to flush res.push_str(&self.input[sl_start_pos..self.pos]); res.push(c); sl_start_pos = self.pos + offset; } self.pos += offset; } }, _ => break } } // Final flush if sl_start_pos < self.pos { res.push_str(&self.input[sl_start_pos..self.pos]) } res } pub fn consume_property(&mut self) -> ParseResult { let group = self.consume_property_group().ok(); let name = try!(self.consume_property_name()); let params = self.consume_params(); try!(self.assert_char(':')); self.consume_char(); let value = try!(self.consume_property_value()); Ok(Property { name: name, params: params, raw_value: value, prop_group: group, }) } fn consume_property_name(&mut self) -> ParseResult { let rv = self.consume_while(|x| x == '-' || x.is_alphanumeric()); if rv.is_empty() { Err(ParseError::new("No property name found.")) } else { Ok(rv) } } fn consume_property_group(&mut self) -> ParseResult { let start_pos = self.pos; let name = self.consume_property_name(); let e = match name { Ok(name) => match self.assert_char('.') { Ok(_) => { self.consume_char(); return Ok(name); }, Err(e) => Err(e), }, Err(e) => Err(e), }; self.pos = start_pos; e } fn consume_property_value(&mut self) -> ParseResult { let rv = self.consume_while(|x| x != '\r' && x != '\n'); try!(self.sloppy_terminate_line()); Ok(rv) } fn consume_param_name(&mut self) -> ParseResult { match self.consume_property_name() { Ok(x) => Ok(x), Err(e) => Err(ParseError::new(format!("No param name found: {}", e))), } } fn consume_param_value(&mut self) -> ParseResult { let qsafe = |x| { x != '"' && x != '\r' && x != '\n' && x != '\u{7F}' && x > '\u{1F}' }; if self.consume_only_char('"') { let rv = self.consume_while(qsafe); try!(self.assert_char('"')); self.consume_char(); Ok(rv) } else { Ok(self.consume_while(|x| qsafe(x) && x != ';' && x != ':')) } } fn consume_param(&mut self) -> ParseResult<(String, String)> { let name = try!(self.consume_param_name()); let start_pos = self.pos; let value = if self.consume_only_char('=') { match self.consume_param_value() { Ok(x) => x, Err(e) => { self.pos = start_pos; return Err(e); } } } else { String::new() }; Ok((name, value)) } fn consume_params(&mut self) -> HashMap { let mut rv: HashMap = HashMap::new(); while self.consume_only_char(';') { match self.consume_param() { Ok((name, value)) => { rv.insert(name.to_owned(), value.to_owned()); }, Err(_) => break, } }; rv } fn consume_component(&mut self) -> ParseResult { let begin_pos = self.pos; let mut property = try!(self.consume_property()); if property.name != "BEGIN" { self.pos = begin_pos; return Err(ParseError::new("Expected BEGIN tag.")); }; let c_name = property.raw_value; let mut component = Component::new(&c_name[..]); loop { let previous_pos = self.pos; property = try!(self.consume_property()); if property.name == "BEGIN" { self.pos = previous_pos; while let Ok(subcomponent) = self.consume_component() { component.subcomponents.push(subcomponent); }; } else if property.name == "END" { if property.raw_value != c_name { self.pos = begin_pos; return Err(ParseError::new(format!( "Mismatched tags: BEGIN:{} vs END:{}", c_name, property.raw_value ))); }; break; } else { component.push(property); } }; Ok(component) } } /// Parse exactly one component. Trailing data generates errors. pub fn parse_component(s: &str) -> ParseResult { let mut parser = Parser::new(s); let rv = try!(parser.consume_component()); if !parser.eof() { Err(ParseError::new(format!("Trailing data: `{}`", &parser.input[parser.pos..]))) } else { Ok(rv) } } /// Write a component. The error value is a human-readable message. pub fn write_component(c: &Component) -> String { fn inner(buf: &mut String, c: &Component) { buf.push_str("BEGIN:"); buf.push_str(&c.name[..]); buf.push_str("\r\n"); for (prop_name, props) in &c.props { for prop in props.iter() { if let Some(ref x) = prop.prop_group { buf.push_str(&x[..]); buf.push('.'); }; buf.push_str(&prop_name[..]); for (param_key, param_value) in &prop.params { buf.push(';'); buf.push_str(¶m_key[..]); buf.push('='); buf.push_str(¶m_value[..]); }; buf.push(':'); buf.push_str(&fold_line(&prop.raw_value[..])[..]); buf.push_str("\r\n"); }; }; for subcomponent in &c.subcomponents { inner(buf, subcomponent); }; buf.push_str("END:"); buf.push_str(&c.name[..]); buf.push_str("\r\n"); } let mut buf = String::new(); inner(&mut buf, c); buf } /// Escape text for a VObject property value. pub fn escape_chars(s: &str) -> String { // Order matters! Lifted from icalendar.parser // https://github.com/collective/icalendar/ s .replace("\\N", "\n") .replace("\\", "\\\\") .replace(";", "\\;") .replace(",", "\\,") .replace("\r\n", "\\n") .replace("\n", "\\n") } /// Unescape text from a VObject property value. pub fn unescape_chars(s: &str) -> String { // Order matters! Lifted from icalendar.parser // https://github.com/collective/icalendar/ s .replace("\\N", "\\n") .replace("\r\n", "\n") .replace("\\n", "\n") .replace("\\,", ",") .replace("\\;", ";") .replace("\\\\", "\\") } /// Fold contentline to 75 chars. This function assumes the input to be unfolded, which means no /// '\n' or '\r' in it. pub fn fold_line(s: &str) -> String { let mut rv = String::new(); for (i, c) in s.chars().enumerate() { rv.push(c); if i != 0 && i % 75 == 0 { rv.push_str("\r\n "); }; }; rv } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub struct ParseError { desc: String } pub type ParseResult = Result; impl Error for ParseError { fn description(&self) -> &str { &self.desc[..] } fn cause(&self) -> Option<&Error> { None } } impl fmt::Display for ParseError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { self.description().fmt(f) } } impl ParseError { pub fn new>(desc: T) -> Self { ParseError { desc: desc.into(), } } pub fn into_string(self) -> String { self.desc } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::Parser; #[test] fn test_unfold1() { let mut p = Parser{input: "ab\r\n c", pos: 2}; assert_eq!(p.consume_char(), Some('c')); assert_eq!(p.pos, 6); } #[test] fn test_unfold2() { let mut p = Parser{input: "ab\n\tc\nx", pos: 2}; assert_eq!(p.consume_char(), Some('c')); assert_eq!(p.consume_char(), Some('\n')); assert_eq!(p.consume_char(), Some('x')); } #[test] fn test_consume_while() { let mut p = Parser{input:"af\n oo:bar", pos: 1}; assert_eq!(p.consume_while(|x| x != ':'), "foo"); assert_eq!(p.consume_char(), Some(':')); assert_eq!(p.consume_while(|x| x != '\n'), "bar"); } #[test] fn test_consume_while2() { let mut p = Parser{input:"af\n oo\n\t:bar", pos: 1}; assert_eq!(p.consume_while(|x| x != ':'), "foo"); assert_eq!(p.consume_char(), Some(':')); assert_eq!(p.consume_while(|x| x != '\n'), "bar"); } #[test] fn test_consume_while3() { let mut p = Parser{input:"af\n oo:\n bar", pos: 1}; assert_eq!(p.consume_while(|x| x != ':'), "foo"); assert_eq!(p.consume_char(), Some(':')); assert_eq!(p.consume_while(|x| x != '\n'), "bar"); } #[test] fn test_consume_only_char() { let mut p = Parser{input:"\n \"bar", pos: 0}; assert!(p.consume_only_char('"')); assert_eq!(p.pos, 3); assert!(!p.consume_only_char('"')); assert_eq!(p.pos, 3); assert!(p.consume_only_char('b')); assert_eq!(p.pos, 4); } }