# Rust teams structure This repository contains the structure of the Rust teams. The repository is automatically synchronized with: | Service | Synchronized every | | | --- | :---: | --- | | [@bors][bors] | *In real time* | [Integration source][bors-src] | | [Crater and @craterbot][crater] | *In real time* | [Integration source][crater-src] | | [Perf and @rust-timer][perf] | *In real time* | [Integration source][perf-src] | | [@rfcbot][rfcbot] | 5 minutes | [Integration source][rfcbot-src] | | Mailing lists and aliases (`@rust-lang.org`, `@crates.io`) | 5 minutes | [Integration source][ml-src] | [Governance section on the website][www] | 2 minutes | [Integration source][www-src] | If you need to add or remove a person from a team send a PR to this repository, and after it's merged their account will be added/removed from all the supported services. [bors]: https://buildbot2.rust-lang.org/homu [bors-src]: https://github.com/rust-lang/homu/blob/master/homu/auth.py [www]: https://www.rust-lang.org/governance [www-src]: https://github.com/rust-lang/www.rust-lang.org/blob/master/src/teams.rs [crater]: https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/crater [crater-src]: https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/crater/blob/master/src/server/auth.rs [ml-src]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-central-station/tree/master/sync-mailgun [perf]: https://perf.rust-lang.org [perf-src]: https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rustc-perf/blob/master/site/src/server.rs [rfcbot]: https://rfcbot.rs [rfcbot-src]: https://github.com/anp/rfcbot-rs/blob/master/src/teams.rs ## Documentation * [TOML schema reference](docs/toml-schema.md) ## Using the CLI tool It's possible to interact with this repository through its CLI tool. ### Verifying the integrity of the repository This repository contains some sanity checks to avoid having stale or broken data. You can run the checks locally with the `check` command: ``` $ cargo run check ``` ### Adding a person to the repository It's possible to fetch the public information present in a GitHub profile and store it in a person's TOML file. To do that you need to have the `GITHUB_TOKEN` environment variable setup with a valid personal access token, and you need to run the command: ``` $ cargo run add-person ``` ### Querying information out of the repository There are a few CLI commands that allow you to get some information generated from the data in the repository. You can get a list of all the people in a team: ``` $ cargo run dump-team all ``` You can get a list of all the email addresses subscribed to a list: ``` $ cargo run dump-list all@rust-lang.org ``` You can get a list of all the users with a permission: ``` $ cargo run dump-permission perf ``` You can generate [www.rust-lang.org](https://github.com/rust-lang/www.rust-lang.org)'s locales/en-US/tools.ftl file by running ``` $ cargo run dump-website ``` The website will automatically load new teams added here, however they cannot be translated unless `tools.ftl` is also updated. ### Building the static API You can build locally the content of `https://team-api.infra.rust-lang.org/v1/` by running the command: ``` $ cargo run static-api output-dir/ ``` The content will be placed in `output-dir/`.