# Mailgun Mailmap [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/rust-lang/mailgun-mailmap.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/rust-lang/mailgun-mailmap) Mail configuration for rust-lang domains. > **Note**: This repository is still being tested. The words below describe in > theory what happens if all testing goes well. This repository contains mail configuration for all rust-lang domains. All our mail is handled by [Mailgun](https://www.mailgun.com/). On Mailgun all our mail goes through mailing lists. This means that any email send to an email address for rust-lang is then broadcast to a list of members. Configuration of mailing lists is done via this git repository. The [`mailmap.toml`](https://github.com/rust-lang/mailgun-mailmap/blob/master/mailmap.toml) file contains a description of all mailing lists for the rust-lang domains. Each mailing list has a list of members as well. Updates to this repository should be done through pull requests. Anyone can send a pull request! When a pull requests is merged Travis will run and will sync the state of `mailmap.toml` to Mailgun itself.