resources: repositories: - repository: rustinfra type: github name: rust-lang/simpleinfra endpoint: rust-lang variables: - group: secrets pool: vmImage: ubuntu-16.04 trigger: - master pr: - master steps: - checkout: self fetchDepth: 1 - bash: | set -e rustc -vV rustup update stable rustup default stable rustc -vV displayName: Install Rust stable - bash: cargo run -- check displayName: Validate the repository contents - bash: cargo fmt -- --check displayName: Run rustfmt - bash: cargo clippy -- -Dwarnings displayName: Run clippy - bash: | set -e cargo run -- static-api build echo "" > build/CNAME displayName: Build the contents of the static API condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/master')) - template: azure-configs/static-websites.yml@rustinfra parameters: deploy_dir: build