!------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Rofi color theme ! ! Based on the Gruvbox color scheme for Vim by morhetz ! https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox ! ! File: gruvbox-light-hard.theme ! Desc: Gruvbox light (hard contrast) color theme for Rofi ! Author: bardisty ! Source: https://github.com/bardisty/gruvbox-rofi ! Modified: Sat Oct 22 2016 03:11:32 PDT -0700 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Enable the extended coloring options rofi.color-enabled: true ! bg border separator rofi.color-window: #f9f5d7, #7c6f64, #7c6f64 ! bg fg bg-alt hl-bg hl-fg rofi.color-normal: #f9f5d7, #3c3836, #fbf1c7, #ebdbb2, #282828 rofi.color-active: #b57614, #fdf4c1, #b57614, #d79921, #fdf4c1 rofi.color-urgent: #cc241d, #fdf4c1, #cc241d, #fb4934, #fdf4c1