/******************************************************************************* * ROFI Color theme * Theme designed to show off moving, packing of widgets, icons and more. * User: DaveDavenport * Copyright: DaveDavenport ********************************************************************************/ * { selected-normal-foreground: rgba ( 248, 248, 242, 100 % ); foreground: rgba ( 248, 248, 242, 100 % ); normal-foreground: @foreground; alternate-normal-background: rgba ( 39, 40, 34, 0 % ); selected-urgent-foreground: rgba ( 248, 248, 242, 100 % ); urgent-foreground: rgba ( 249, 38, 114, 100 % ); alternate-urgent-background: rgba ( 39, 40, 34, 0 % ); active-foreground: rgba ( 166, 226, 42, 100 % ); lightbg: rgba ( 238, 232, 213, 100 % ); selected-active-foreground: rgba ( 166, 226, 42, 100 % ); alternate-active-background: rgba ( 39, 40, 34, 0 % ); background: rgba ( 39, 40, 34, 93 % ); bordercolor: rgba ( 0, 43, 54, 100 % ); alternate-normal-foreground: @foreground; normal-background: rgba ( 39, 40, 34, 0 % ); selected-normal-background: rgba ( 20, 20, 17, 100 % ); separatorcolor: rgba ( 230, 219, 116, 100 % ); urgent-background: rgba ( 39, 40, 34, 0 % ); selected-urgent-background: rgba ( 249, 38, 114, 100 % ); alternate-urgent-foreground: @urgent-foreground; background-color: transparent; alternate-active-foreground: @active-foreground; active-background: rgba ( 39, 40, 34, 0 % ); selected-active-background: rgba ( 20, 20, 17, 100 % ); } window { border-color: black/30%; background-color: darkgrey/ 95%; border: 2px; padding: 0px; border-radius: 10px; padding: 0.5em; spacing: 0px; anchor: north; location: center; y-offset: -15.5em; children: [ inputbar, message, wrapper-mode-switcher, listview ]; } wrapper-mode-switcher { orientation: horizontal; expand: false; spacing: 0; children: [ icon-ms-ic1, mode-switcher, icon-ms-ic2 ]; } icon-ms-ic1 { filename: "go-previous"; } icon-ms-ic2 { filename: "go-next"; } icon-ms-ic1,icon-ms-ic2 { size: 16; vertical-align: 0.8; expand: false; border: 0px 0px 2px ; border-color: @separatorcolor; } mode-switcher { border: 0px; spacing: 0px; expand: true; } button { padding: 2px; border: 0px 0px 2px ; border-color: @separatorcolor; } button selected.normal { text-color: white; background-color: black/50%; border: 2px 2px 0px ; border-color: @separatorcolor; border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0; } sidebar { expand: false; } message { text-color: black; background-color: lightgrey / 50%; border-color: grey; border: 2px; border-radius: 5px; padding: 4px; margin: 0px 0px 0.5em; expand: false; } listview { spacing: 2px ; scrollbar: false; padding: 0.5em; background-color: black/50%; expand: true; border: 0px 2px 2px ; border-color: @separatorcolor; border-radius: 0px 0px 10px 10px; } element { border: 1; border-color: transparent; padding: 4px ; } element.normal.normal { background-color: @normal-background; text-color: @normal-foreground; } element.normal.urgent { background-color: @urgent-background; text-color: @urgent-foreground; } element.normal.active { background-color: @active-background; text-color: @active-foreground; } element.selected.normal { border: 1; border-color: grey/80%; background-color: @selected-normal-background; text-color: @selected-normal-foreground; } element.selected.urgent { border: 1; border-color: grey/80%; background-color: @selected-urgent-background; text-color: @selected-urgent-foreground; } element.selected.active { border: 1; border-color: grey/80%; background-color: @selected-active-background; text-color: @selected-active-foreground; } element.alternate.normal { background-color: @alternate-normal-background; text-color: @alternate-normal-foreground; } element.alternate.urgent { background-color: @alternate-urgent-background; text-color: @alternate-urgent-foreground; } element.alternate.active { background-color: @alternate-active-background; text-color: @alternate-active-foreground; } scrollbar { width: 4px ; border: 0; handle-width: 8px ; padding: 0; } sidebar { border: 2px 0px 0px ; border-color: @separatorcolor; } inputbar { text-color: @normal-foreground; padding: 0px 0px 0.5em; } case-indicator { text-color: @normal-foreground; } wrapper { orientation: horizontal; text-color: black; background-color: white / 70%; border-color: grey; border: 2px; border-radius: 5px; padding: 4px; children: [ icon-k, entry ]; spacing: 0.5em; } icon-k { expand: false; filename: "input-keyboard"; size: 24; vertical-align: 0.5; } entry { vertical-align: 0.5; } inputbar { children: [ wrapper ]; } error-message { background-color: darkred/10%; border-color: darkred; border-radius: 10px; border: 2px; padding: 0.5em; }