/** * rofi * * MIT/X11 License * Copyright 2013-2015 Qball Cow * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ #include #ifdef WINDOW_MODE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rofi.h" #include "helper.h" #include "x11-helper.h" #include "i3-support.h" #include "dialogs/window.h" #define WINLIST 32 #define CLIENTTITLE 100 #define CLIENTCLASS 50 #define CLIENTNAME 50 #define CLIENTSTATE 10 #define CLIENTWINDOWTYPE 10 #define CLIENTROLE 50 // a manageable window typedef struct { Window window, trans; XWindowAttributes xattr; char title[CLIENTTITLE]; char class[CLIENTCLASS]; char name[CLIENTNAME]; char role[CLIENTROLE]; int states; Atom state[CLIENTSTATE]; int window_types; Atom window_type[CLIENTWINDOWTYPE]; workarea monitor; int active; int demands; long hint_flags; } client; // TODO extern Display *display; // window lists typedef struct { Window *array; void **data; int len; } winlist; winlist *cache_client = NULL; winlist *cache_xattr = NULL; /** * Create a window list, pre-seeded with WINLIST entries. * * @returns A new window list. */ static winlist* winlist_new () { winlist *l = g_malloc ( sizeof ( winlist ) ); l->len = 0; l->array = g_malloc_n ( WINLIST + 1, sizeof ( Window ) ); l->data = g_malloc_n ( WINLIST + 1, sizeof ( void* ) ); return l; } /** * @param l The winlist. * @param w The window to add. * @param d Data pointer. * * Add one entry. If Full, extend with WINLIST entries. * * @returns 0 if failed, 1 is successful. */ static int winlist_append ( winlist *l, Window w, void *d ) { if ( l->len > 0 && !( l->len % WINLIST ) ) { l->array = g_realloc ( l->array, sizeof ( Window ) * ( l->len + WINLIST + 1 ) ); l->data = g_realloc ( l->data, sizeof ( void* ) * ( l->len + WINLIST + 1 ) ); } // Make clang-check happy. // TODO: make clang-check clear this should never be 0. if ( l->data == NULL || l->array == NULL ) { return 0; } l->data[l->len] = d; l->array[l->len++] = w; return l->len - 1; } static void winlist_empty ( winlist *l ) { while ( l->len > 0 ) { g_free ( l->data[--( l->len )] ); } } /** * @param l The winlist entry * * Free the winlist. */ static void winlist_free ( winlist *l ) { if ( l != NULL ) { winlist_empty ( l ); g_free ( l->array ); g_free ( l->data ); g_free ( l ); } } /** * @param l The winlist. * @param w The window to find. * * Find the window in the list, and return the array entry. * * @returns -1 if failed, index is successful. */ static int winlist_find ( winlist *l, Window w ) { // iterate backwards. Theory is: windows most often accessed will be // nearer the end. Testing with kcachegrind seems to support this... int i; for ( i = ( l->len - 1 ); i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( l->array[i] == w ) { return i; } } return -1; } /** * Create empty X11 cache for windows and windows attributes. */ static void x11_cache_create ( void ) { if ( cache_client == NULL ) { cache_client = winlist_new (); } if ( cache_xattr == NULL ) { cache_xattr = winlist_new (); } } /** * Free the cache. */ static void x11_cache_free ( void ) { winlist_free ( cache_xattr ); cache_xattr = NULL; winlist_free ( cache_client ); cache_client = NULL; } /** * @param d Display connection to X server * @param w window * * Get window attributes. * This functions uses caching. * * @returns a XWindowAttributes */ static XWindowAttributes* window_get_attributes ( Display *display, Window w ) { int idx = winlist_find ( cache_xattr, w ); if ( idx < 0 ) { XWindowAttributes *cattr = g_malloc ( sizeof ( XWindowAttributes ) ); if ( XGetWindowAttributes ( display, w, cattr ) ) { winlist_append ( cache_xattr, w, cattr ); return cattr; } g_free ( cattr ); return NULL; } return cache_xattr->data[idx]; } // _NET_WM_STATE_* static int client_has_state ( client *c, Atom state ) { for ( int i = 0; i < c->states; i++ ) { if ( c->state[i] == state ) { return 1; } } return 0; } static int client_has_window_type ( client *c, Atom type ) { for ( int i = 0; i < c->window_types; i++ ) { if ( c->window_type[i] == type ) { return 1; } } return 0; } static client* window_client ( Display *display, Window win ) { if ( win == None ) { return NULL; } int idx = winlist_find ( cache_client, win ); if ( idx >= 0 ) { return cache_client->data[idx]; } // if this fails, we're up that creek XWindowAttributes *attr = window_get_attributes ( display, win ); if ( !attr ) { return NULL; } client *c = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( client ) ); c->window = win; // copy xattr so we don't have to care when stuff is freed memmove ( &c->xattr, attr, sizeof ( XWindowAttributes ) ); XGetTransientForHint ( display, win, &c->trans ); c->states = window_get_atom_prop ( display, win, netatoms[_NET_WM_STATE], c->state, CLIENTSTATE ); c->window_types = window_get_atom_prop ( display, win, netatoms[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE], c->window_type, CLIENTWINDOWTYPE ); char *name; if ( ( name = window_get_text_prop ( display, c->window, netatoms[_NET_WM_NAME] ) ) && name ) { snprintf ( c->title, CLIENTTITLE, "%s", name ); g_free ( name ); } else if ( XFetchName ( display, c->window, &name ) ) { snprintf ( c->title, CLIENTTITLE, "%s", name ); XFree ( name ); } name = window_get_text_prop ( display, c->window, XInternAtom ( display, "WM_WINDOW_ROLE", False ) ); if ( name != NULL ) { snprintf ( c->role, CLIENTROLE, "%s", name ); XFree ( name ); } XClassHint chint; if ( XGetClassHint ( display, c->window, &chint ) ) { snprintf ( c->class, CLIENTCLASS, "%s", chint.res_class ); snprintf ( c->name, CLIENTNAME, "%s", chint.res_name ); XFree ( chint.res_class ); XFree ( chint.res_name ); } XWMHints *wh; if ( ( wh = XGetWMHints ( display, c->window ) ) != NULL ) { c->hint_flags = wh->flags; XFree ( wh ); } monitor_dimensions ( display, c->xattr.screen, c->xattr.x, c->xattr.y, &c->monitor ); winlist_append ( cache_client, c->window, c ); return c; } typedef struct _SwitcherModePrivateData { unsigned int id; char **cmd_list; unsigned int cmd_list_length; winlist *ids; int config_i3_mode; int init; // Current window. unsigned int index; char *cache; } SwitcherModePrivateData; static int window_match ( char **tokens, __attribute__( ( unused ) ) const char *input, __attribute__( ( unused ) ) int not_ascii, int case_sensitive, unsigned int index, Switcher *sw ) { SwitcherModePrivateData *rmpd = (SwitcherModePrivateData *) sw->private_data; int match = 1; winlist *ids = ( winlist * ) rmpd->ids; client *c = window_client ( display, ids->array[index] ); if ( tokens ) { for ( int j = 0; match && tokens != NULL && tokens[j] != NULL; j++ ) { int test = 0; // Dirty hack. Normally token_match does _all_ the matching, // Now we want it to match only one item at the time. // If hack not in place it would not match queries spanning multiple fields. // e.g. when searching 'title element' and 'class element' char *ftokens[2] = { tokens[j], NULL }; if ( !test && c->title[0] != '\0' ) { test = token_match ( ftokens, c->title, is_not_ascii ( c->title ), case_sensitive, 0, NULL ); } if ( !test && c->class[0] != '\0' ) { test = token_match ( ftokens, c->class, is_not_ascii ( c->class ), case_sensitive, 0, NULL ); } if ( !test && c->role[0] != '\0' ) { test = token_match ( ftokens, c->role, is_not_ascii ( c->role ), case_sensitive, 0, NULL ); } if ( !test && c->name[0] != '\0' ) { test = token_match ( ftokens, c->name, is_not_ascii ( c->name ), case_sensitive, 0, NULL ); } if ( test == 0 ) { match = 0; } } } return match; } static void window_mode_init ( Switcher *sw ) { if ( sw->private_data == NULL ) { SwitcherModePrivateData *pd = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( *pd ) ); sw->private_data = (void *) pd; pd->init = FALSE; } } static char ** _window_mode_get_data ( unsigned int *length, Switcher *sw, unsigned int cd ) { SwitcherModePrivateData *pd = (SwitcherModePrivateData *) sw->private_data; if ( !pd->init ) { Screen *screen = DefaultScreenOfDisplay ( display ); Window root = RootWindow ( display, XScreenNumberOfScreen ( screen ) ); // find window list Atom type; int nwins = 0; Window wins[100]; int count = 0; Window curr_win_id = 0; // Create cache x11_cache_create (); // Check for i3 pd->config_i3_mode = i3_support_initialize ( display ); // Get the active window so we can highlight this. if ( !( window_get_prop ( display, root, netatoms[_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW], &type, &count, &curr_win_id, sizeof ( Window ) ) && type == XA_WINDOW && count > 0 ) ) { curr_win_id = 0; } // Get the current desktop. unsigned long current_desktop = 0; if ( !window_get_cardinal_prop ( display, root, netatoms[_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP], ¤t_desktop, 1 ) ) { current_desktop = 0; } unsigned int nw = 100 * sizeof ( Window ); // First try Stacking order.. If this fails. if ( !( window_get_prop ( display, root, netatoms[_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING], &type, &nwins, wins, nw ) && type == XA_WINDOW ) ) { // Try to get order by age. if ( !( window_get_prop ( display, root, netatoms[_NET_CLIENT_LIST], &type, &nwins, wins, nw ) && type == XA_WINDOW ) ) { nwins = 0; } } if ( nwins > 0 ) { char pattern[50]; int i; unsigned int classfield = 0; unsigned long desktops = 0; // windows we actually display. May be slightly different to _NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING // if we happen to have a window destroyed while we're working... pd->ids = winlist_new (); // calc widths of fields for ( i = nwins - 1; i > -1; i-- ) { client *c; if ( ( c = window_client ( display, wins[i] ) ) && !c->xattr.override_redirect && !client_has_window_type ( c, netatoms[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK] ) && !client_has_window_type ( c, netatoms[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP] ) && !client_has_state ( c, netatoms[_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER] ) && !client_has_state ( c, netatoms[_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR] ) ) { classfield = MAX ( classfield, strlen ( c->class ) ); if ( client_has_state ( c, netatoms[_NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION] ) ) { c->demands = TRUE; } if ( ( c->hint_flags & XUrgencyHint ) == XUrgencyHint ) { c->demands = TRUE; } if ( c->window == curr_win_id ) { c->active = TRUE; } winlist_append ( pd->ids, c->window, NULL ); } } // Create pattern for printing the line. if ( !window_get_cardinal_prop ( display, root, netatoms[_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS], &desktops, 1 ) ) { desktops = 1; } if ( pd->config_i3_mode ) { sprintf ( pattern, "%%-%ds %%s", MAX ( 5, classfield ) ); } else{ sprintf ( pattern, "%%-%ds %%-%ds %%s", desktops < 10 ? 1 : 2, MAX ( 5, classfield ) ); } pd->cmd_list = g_malloc0_n ( ( pd->ids->len + 1 ), sizeof ( char* ) ); // build the actual list for ( i = 0; i < ( pd->ids->len ); i++ ) { Window w = pd->ids->array[i]; client *c; if ( ( c = window_client ( display, w ) ) ) { // final line format unsigned long wmdesktop; char desktop[5]; desktop[0] = 0; char *line = g_malloc ( strlen ( c->title ) + strlen ( c->class ) + classfield + 50 ); if ( !pd->config_i3_mode ) { // find client's desktop. if ( !window_get_cardinal_prop ( display, c->window, netatoms[_NET_WM_DESKTOP], &wmdesktop, 1 ) ) { // Assume the client is on all desktops. wmdesktop = 0xFFFFFFFF; } else if ( cd && wmdesktop != current_desktop ) { g_free ( line ); continue; } if ( wmdesktop < 0xFFFFFFFF ) { sprintf ( desktop, "%d", (int) wmdesktop ); } sprintf ( line, pattern, desktop, c->class, c->title ); } else{ sprintf ( line, pattern, c->class, c->title ); } pd->cmd_list[pd->cmd_list_length++] = line; } } } pd->init = TRUE; } *length = pd->cmd_list_length; return pd->cmd_list; } static char ** window_mode_get_data_cd ( unsigned int *length, Switcher *sw ) { return _window_mode_get_data ( length, sw, TRUE ); } static char ** window_mode_get_data ( unsigned int *length, Switcher *sw ) { return _window_mode_get_data ( length, sw, FALSE ); } static SwitcherMode window_mode_result ( int mretv, G_GNUC_UNUSED char **input, unsigned int selected_line, Switcher *sw ) { SwitcherModePrivateData *rmpd = (SwitcherModePrivateData *) sw->private_data; SwitcherMode retv = MODE_EXIT; if ( mretv & MENU_NEXT ) { retv = NEXT_DIALOG; } else if ( mretv & MENU_PREVIOUS ) { retv = PREVIOUS_DIALOG; } else if ( ( mretv & MENU_QUICK_SWITCH ) == MENU_QUICK_SWITCH ) { retv = ( mretv & MENU_LOWER_MASK ); } else if ( ( mretv & ( MENU_OK ) ) && rmpd->cmd_list[selected_line] ) { if ( rmpd->config_i3_mode ) { // Hack for i3. i3_support_focus_window ( rmpd->ids->array[selected_line] ); } else{ Screen *screen = DefaultScreenOfDisplay ( display ); Window root = RootWindow ( display, XScreenNumberOfScreen ( screen ) ); // Change to the desktop of the selected window/client. // TODO: get rid of strtol window_send_message ( display, root, root, netatoms[_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP], strtol ( rmpd->cmd_list[selected_line], NULL, 10 ), SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, 0 ); XSync ( display, False ); window_send_message ( display, root, rmpd->ids->array[selected_line], netatoms[_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW], 2, // 2 = pager SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, 0 ); } } return retv; } static void window_mode_destroy ( Switcher *sw ) { SwitcherModePrivateData *rmpd = (SwitcherModePrivateData *) sw->private_data; if ( rmpd != NULL ) { g_strfreev ( rmpd->cmd_list ); winlist_free ( rmpd->ids ); i3_support_free_internals (); x11_cache_free (); g_free ( rmpd->cache ); g_free ( rmpd ); sw->private_data = NULL; } } static const char *mgrv ( unsigned int selected_line, void *sw, int *state ) { SwitcherModePrivateData *rmpd = ( (Switcher *) sw )->private_data; if ( window_client ( display, rmpd->ids->array[selected_line] )->demands ) { *state |= URGENT; } if ( window_client ( display, rmpd->ids->array[selected_line] )->active ) { *state |= ACTIVE; } return rmpd->cmd_list[selected_line]; } Switcher window_mode = { .name = "window", .keycfg = NULL, .keystr = NULL, .modmask = AnyModifier, .init = window_mode_init, .get_data = window_mode_get_data, .result = window_mode_result, .destroy = window_mode_destroy, .token_match = window_match, .mgrv = mgrv, .private_data = NULL, .free = NULL }; Switcher window_mode_cd = { .name = "windowcd", .keycfg = NULL, .keystr = NULL, .modmask = AnyModifier, .init = window_mode_init, .get_data = window_mode_get_data_cd, .result = window_mode_result, .destroy = window_mode_destroy, .token_match = window_match, .mgrv = mgrv, .private_data = NULL, .free = NULL }; #endif // WINDOW_MODE