# 1.6.0: More then 2 years after the 1.5.0 release and a year after 1.5.4, we present rofi 1.6.0. This release is again focusses bug-fixing and improving the experience for themers and script developers. The script mode has been extended with many small requested tweaks to get it more on par with dmenu mode. For themers the listview has been made more flexible, allowing more fancy themes, for examples mimicking Gnomes application launcher or albert. But also features as `calc()` has been added. Big thanks to [SardemFF7](https://www.sardemff7.net/) and all the other contributors, without their support and contributions this release would not have been possible. ## Script mode * Support for invisible search text * Support for passing extra information back on selection * Support for custom keybindings * Support for custom delimiter * Support for dmenus no-custom option ## Theme There have been a set of tweaks to the theme format, making it more flexible and hopefully more themer-friendly. ### Listview flexibility Instead of the listview having a hacked textbox as elements. It now re-uses existing widgets like box, icon and textbox. This way you can re-structure how it looks. For example put the icon above the text. ![Icons](./icons.png) ### Calculation support in theme format. Rofi adds CSS like calculations in the CSS format for distances. You can now set the width of the window to the screen width minus a 10 pixels. ```css window { width: calc(100% - 10px); } ``` ### Initial media support This is a very initial implementation of CSS like `@media` support. This allows you to modify the theme based on screen size or ratio. ## Log * Add `themes/` directory in the users rofi config directory to the theme search path. (#1001) * Split listview element into box widget holding icon and textbox. Supporting more dynamic themes. (#949) * Fix default theme. * Add -upgrade-config option. * Add ROFI_PLUGIN_PATH variable. * Add check for running rofi inside a Script mode. * Remove gnome-terminal from rofi-sensible-terminal (#1074) * Set window title based on mode name. (#969) * Subpixel rendering workaround. (#303) * Support character type in configuration {} block . (#1131) * Use XDG_CONFIG_DIRS (#1133) * [Box] Bug fix update propagation. * [DMenu] Add `-keep-right` flag. (#1089) * [DMenu] Don't match markup when filtering. (#579,#1128) * [DRun] Add % to escape variable. * [DRun] Add an optional cache for desktop files. (#1040) * [DRun] Add keywords as default match item. (#1061) * [DRun] Don't run custom commands. * [DRun] Match keywords field. * [DRun] Only show selected categories. (#817) * [Dmenu|Script] Add non-selectable entries. (#1024) * [Doc] Update documentation. * [IconFetcher] Add jpeg support. * [Icon] Set default size to 1.2 CH. * [Icon] support distance for size. * [Listview] Add widget to show keybinding index. (#1050) * [Listview] Fix distribution of remaining space. * [Listview] Fix left-to-right scrolling. (#1028) * [Listview] Fix updating elements. (#1032) * [Script] Add delimiter option. (#1041) * [Script] Add environment variable indicating state. * [Script] Add extra matchign field (meta). (#1052) * [Script] Add info option, hidden field that gets passed to script via ROFI_INFO environment. * [Script] Add no-custom option. * [Textbox] Add cursor blinking option. * [Textbox] Add placeholder. (#1020) * [Theme] Add `calc()` support. (#1105) * [Theme] Add alpha channel to highlight color. (#1033) * [Theme] Add sidebar as mode-switcher alias. * [Theme] Add some initial @media support. (#893) * [Theme] Support buttons in the UI. * [View] Add two widgets. One showing number of rows, other number of filtered rows. (#1026) * [Window] Add window thumbnail option. * [Window] Remove arbitrary # window limit. (#1047) * [Window] check buffer overflow.