path: root/doc/rofi-theme.5
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1 files changed, 256 insertions, 194 deletions
diff --git a/doc/rofi-theme.5 b/doc/rofi-theme.5
index 306687bc..45fec34e 100644
--- a/doc/rofi-theme.5
+++ b/doc/rofi-theme.5
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
The easiest way to get started theming rofi is by modifying your existing theme.
-Themes can be modified/tweaked by adding theming elements to the end of the
+Themes can be modified/tweaked by adding theming elements to the end of the\\
config file. The default location of this file is \fB\fC~/.config/rofi/config.rasi\fR,
if the file does not exists, you can create it.
@@ -50,8 +49,8 @@ entry {
In the above section, \fB\fCentry\fR indicates the widget, \fB\fCplaceholder\fR is the
-property we want to modify and we set it to the string \fB\fC"Type here"\fR\&.
-To find the commonly available widgets in rofi, see the 'Basic structure' section.
+property we want to modify and we set it to the string \fB\fC"Type here"\fR\&. To find
+the commonly available widgets in rofi, see the 'Basic structure' section.
To change the mouse over cursor to a pointer, add:
@@ -146,7 +145,8 @@ In this example we specify the size in the em
\[la]\[ra] unit.
-Now lets change the text color of both the \fB\fCentry\fR and the \fB\fCelement-text\fR widget to red and background to blue.
+Now lets change the text color of both the \fB\fCentry\fR and the \fB\fCelement-text\fR
+widget to red and background to blue.
@@ -213,7 +213,8 @@ entry {
-By default, the \fB\fCcursor-color\fR will be the same as the \fB\fCtext-color\fR\&. The \fB\fCcursor-width\fR will always default to 2 pixels.
+By default, the \fB\fCcursor-color\fR will be the same as the \fB\fCtext-color\fR\&. The
+\fB\fCcursor-width\fR will always default to 2 pixels.
If you want to see the complete theme, including the modification you can run:
@@ -267,16 +268,18 @@ rofi -no-config -dump-theme
.SH Description
-The need for a new theme format was motivated by the fact that the way rofi handled widgets has changed. From a very
-static drawing of lines and text to a nice structured form of packing widgets. This change made it possible to provide a
-more flexible theme framework. The old theme format and config file are not flexible enough to expose these options in a
-user-friendly way. Therefore, a new file format has been created, replacing the old one.
+The need for a new theme format was motivated by the fact that the way rofi
+handled widgets has changed. From a very static drawing of lines and text to a
+nice structured form of packing widgets. This change made it possible to
+provide a more flexible theme framework. The old theme format and config file
+are not flexible enough to expose these options in a user-friendly way.
+Therefore, a new file format has been created, replacing the old one.
.SH Format specification
.SH Encoding
-The encoding of the file is UTF-8. Both unix (\fB\fC\\n\fR) and windows (\fB\fC\\r\\n\fR) newlines format are supported. But unix is
+The encoding of the file is UTF-8. Both unix (\fB\fC\\n\fR) and windows (\fB\fC\\r\\n\fR)
+newlines format are supported. But unix is preferred.
.SH Comments
@@ -286,7 +289,8 @@ C and C++ file comments are supported.
.IP \(bu 2
Anything after \fB\fC//\fR and before a newline is considered a comment.
.IP \(bu 2
-Everything between \fB\fC/*\fR and \fB\fC*/\fR is a comment, this comment can span multiple lines.
+Everything between \fB\fC/*\fR and \fB\fC*/\fR is a comment, this comment can span
+multiple lines.
@@ -352,13 +356,15 @@ name
.SH File extension
The preferred file extension for the new theme format is \fBrasi\fP\&. This is an
-abbreviation for \fBr\fPofi \fBa\fPdvanced \fBs\fPtyle \fBi\fPnformation.
-If a theme file is split over multiple files, include files can have the: \fBrasinc\fP extension.
+abbreviation for \fBr\fPofi \fBa\fPdvanced \fBs\fPtyle \fBi\fPnformation. If a theme
+file is split over multiple files, include files can have the: \fBrasinc\fP
.SH Basic Structure
-Each element has a section with defined properties. Global properties can be defined in section \fB\fC* { }\fR\&.
-Sub-section names begin with an optional hash symbol \fB\fC#\fR\&.
+Each element has a section with defined properties. Global properties can be
+defined in section \fB\fC* { }\fR\&. Sub-section names begin with an optional hash
+symbol \fB\fC#\fR\&.
It is advised to define the \fIglobal properties section\fP on top of the file to
@@ -385,13 +391,13 @@ make inheritance of properties clearer.
-If there are multiple sections with the same name, they are merged. Duplicate properties are overwritten and the last
-parsed entry kept.
+If there are multiple sections with the same name, they are merged. Duplicate
+properties are overwritten and the last parsed entry kept.
.SH Global properties section
-A theme can have one or more global properties sections. If there is more than one,
-they will be merged.
+A theme can have one or more global properties sections. If there is more than
+one, they will be merged.
The global properties section denotes the defaults for each element.
@@ -564,7 +570,8 @@ Format: \fB\fC"[:print:]+"\fR
-A string is always surrounded by double quotes (\fB\fC"\fR). Between the quotes there can be any printable character.
+A string is always surrounded by double quotes (\fB\fC"\fR). Between the quotes there
+can be any printable character.
For example:
@@ -677,8 +684,8 @@ where scale is: none, both, width, height
.IP \(bu 2
Format: linear-gradient(stop color,stop1, color, stop2 color, ...);
.IP \(bu 2
-Format: linear-gradient(to direction, stop color,stop1, color, stop2 color, ...);
-where direction is: top,left,right,bottom.
+Format: linear-gradient(to direction, stop color,stop1, color, stop2 color,
+...); where direction is: top,left,right,bottom.
.IP \(bu 2
Format: linear-gradient(angle, stop color,stop1, color, stop2 color, ...);
Angle in deg,rad,grad (as used in color).
@@ -690,7 +697,8 @@ Where the \fB\fCpath\fR is a string, and \fB\fCstop\fR color is of type color.
.SS Color
-\fBrofi\fP supports the color formats as specified in the CSS standard (1,2,3 and some of CSS 4)
+\fBrofi\fP supports the color formats as specified in the CSS standard (1,2,3 and
+some of CSS 4)
.IP \(bu 2
@@ -710,7 +718,8 @@ Format: \fB\fChsl[a]( {ANGLE}, {PERCENTAGE}, {PERCENTAGE} [, {PERCENTAGE}])\fR
.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fChwb[a]( {ANGLE}, {PERCENTAGE}, {PERCENTAGE} [, {PERCENTAGE}])\fR
.IP \(bu 2
.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC{named-color} [ / {PERCENTAGE} ]\fR
@@ -726,26 +735,38 @@ The different values are:
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fC{HEX}\fR is a hexadecimal number ('0-9a-f' case insensitive).
.IP \(bu 2
-\fB\fC{INTEGER}\fR value can be between 0 and 255 or 0-100 when representing percentage.
+\fB\fC{INTEGER}\fR value can be between 0 and 255 or 0-100 when representing
.IP \(bu 2
-\fB\fC{ANGLE}\fR is the angle on the color wheel, can be in \fB\fCdeg\fR, \fB\fCrad\fR, \fB\fCgrad\fR or \fB\fCturn\fR\&. When no unit is specified, degrees is assumed.
+\fB\fC{ANGLE}\fR is the angle on the color wheel, can be in \fB\fCdeg\fR, \fB\fCrad\fR, \fB\fCgrad\fR
+or \fB\fCturn\fR\&. When no unit is specified, degrees is assumed.
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fC{PERCENTAGE}\fR can be between 0-1.0, or 0%-100%
.IP \(bu 2
-\fB\fC{named-color}\fR is one of the following colors:AliceBlue, AntiqueWhite, Aqua, Aquamarine, Azure, Beige, Bisque, Black, BlanchedAlmond, Blue, BlueViolet, Brown,
-BurlyWood, CadetBlue, Chartreuse, Chocolate, Coral, CornflowerBlue, Cornsilk, Crimson, Cyan, DarkBlue, DarkCyan,
-DarkGoldenRod, DarkGray, DarkGrey, DarkGreen, DarkKhaki, DarkMagenta, DarkOliveGreen, DarkOrange, DarkOrchid, DarkRed,
-DarkSalmon, DarkSeaGreen, DarkSlateBlue, DarkSlateGray, DarkSlateGrey, DarkTurquoise, DarkViolet, DeepPink, DeepSkyBlue,
-DimGray, DimGrey, DodgerBlue, FireBrick, FloralWhite, ForestGreen, Fuchsia, Gainsboro, GhostWhite, Gold, GoldenRod,
-Gray, Grey, Green, GreenYellow, HoneyDew, HotPink, IndianRed, Indigo, Ivory, Khaki, Lavender, LavenderBlush, LawnGreen,
-LemonChiffon, LightBlue, LightCoral, LightCyan, LightGoldenRodYellow, LightGray, LightGrey, LightGreen, LightPink,
-LightSalmon, LightSeaGreen, LightSkyBlue, LightSlateGray, LightSlateGrey, LightSteelBlue, LightYellow, Lime, LimeGreen,
-Linen, Magenta, Maroon, MediumAquaMarine, MediumBlue, MediumOrchid, MediumPurple, MediumSeaGreen, MediumSlateBlue,
-MediumSpringGreen, MediumTurquoise, MediumVioletRed, MidnightBlue, MintCream, MistyRose, Moccasin, NavajoWhite, Navy,
-OldLace, Olive, OliveDrab, Orange, OrangeRed, Orchid, PaleGoldenRod, PaleGreen, PaleTurquoise, PaleVioletRed,
-PapayaWhip, PeachPuff, Peru, Pink, Plum, PowderBlue, Purple, RebeccaPurple, Red, RosyBrown, RoyalBlue, SaddleBrown,
-Salmon, SandyBrown, SeaGreen, SeaShell, Sienna, Silver, SkyBlue, SlateBlue, SlateGray, SlateGrey, Snow, SpringGreen,
-SteelBlue, Tan, Teal, Thistle, Tomato, Turquoise, Violet, Wheat, White, WhiteSmoke, Yellow, YellowGreen,transparent
+\fB\fC{named-color}\fR is one of the following colors:AliceBlue, AntiqueWhite, Aqua, Aquamarine, Azure, Beige, Bisque, Black,
+BlanchedAlmond, Blue, BlueViolet, Brown, BurlyWood, CadetBlue, Chartreuse,
+Chocolate, Coral, CornflowerBlue, Cornsilk, Crimson, Cyan, DarkBlue,
+DarkCyan, DarkGoldenRod, DarkGray, DarkGrey, DarkGreen, DarkKhaki,
+DarkMagenta, DarkOliveGreen, DarkOrange, DarkOrchid, DarkRed, DarkSalmon,
+DarkSeaGreen, DarkSlateBlue, DarkSlateGray, DarkSlateGrey, DarkTurquoise,
+DarkViolet, DeepPink, DeepSkyBlue, DimGray, DimGrey, DodgerBlue, FireBrick,
+FloralWhite, ForestGreen, Fuchsia, Gainsboro, GhostWhite, Gold, GoldenRod,
+Gray, Grey, Green, GreenYellow, HoneyDew, HotPink, IndianRed, Indigo,
+Ivory, Khaki, Lavender, LavenderBlush, LawnGreen, LemonChiffon, LightBlue,
+LightCoral, LightCyan, LightGoldenRodYellow, LightGray, LightGrey,
+LightGreen, LightPink, LightSalmon, LightSeaGreen, LightSkyBlue,
+LightSlateGray, LightSlateGrey, LightSteelBlue, LightYellow, Lime,
+LimeGreen, Linen, Magenta, Maroon, MediumAquaMarine, MediumBlue,
+MediumOrchid, MediumPurple, MediumSeaGreen, MediumSlateBlue,
+MediumSpringGreen, MediumTurquoise, MediumVioletRed, MidnightBlue,
+MintCream, MistyRose, Moccasin, NavajoWhite, Navy, OldLace, Olive,
+OliveDrab, Orange, OrangeRed, Orchid, PaleGoldenRod, PaleGreen,
+PaleTurquoise, PaleVioletRed, PapayaWhip, PeachPuff, Peru, Pink, Plum,
+PowderBlue, Purple, RebeccaPurple, Red, RosyBrown, RoyalBlue, SaddleBrown,
+Salmon, SandyBrown, SeaGreen, SeaShell, Sienna, Silver, SkyBlue, SlateBlue,
+SlateGray, SlateGrey, Snow, SpringGreen, SteelBlue, Tan, Teal, Thistle,
+Tomato, Turquoise, Violet, Wheat, White, WhiteSmoke, Yellow,
@@ -784,8 +805,8 @@ Format: \fB\fC(bold|italic|underline|strikethrough|none)\fR
-Text style indicates how the highlighted text is emphasized. \fB\fCNone\fR indicates that no emphasis
-should be applied.
+Text style indicates how the highlighted text is emphasized. \fB\fCNone\fR indicates
+that no emphasis should be applied.
.IP \(bu 2
@@ -812,7 +833,7 @@ The following options are available on pango 1.50.0 and up:
The following option is disabled as pango crashes on this if there is eel
- upsizing or wrapping. This will be re-enabled once fixed:
+upsizing or wrapping. This will be re-enabled once fixed:
.IP \(bu 2
@@ -830,8 +851,8 @@ Format: \fB\fC(dash|solid)\fR
Indicates how a line should be drawn.
It currently supports:
- * \fB\fCdash\fR: a dashed line, where the gap is the same width as the dash
- * \fB\fCsolid\fR: a solid line
+- \fB\fCdash\fR: a dashed line, where the gap is the same width as the dash
+- \fB\fCsolid\fR: a solid line
.SS Distance
@@ -916,7 +937,7 @@ It supports the following operations:
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fC/\fR : Divide
.IP \(bu 2
-\fB\fC*\fR : Multiply
+\fB\fC-\fR : Multiply
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCmodulo\fR : Modulo
.IP \(bu 2
@@ -985,9 +1006,11 @@ Format: \fB\fC{Distance} {Line style}\fR
.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC{Distance} {Line style} {Distance} {Line style}\fR
.IP \(bu 2
-Format: \fB\fC{Distance} {Line style} {Distance} {Line style} {Distance} {Line style}\fR
+Format: \fB\fC{Distance} {Line style} {Distance} {Line style} {Distance} {Line
.IP \(bu 2
-Format: \fB\fC{Distance} {Line style} {Distance} {Line style} {Distance} {Line style} {Distance} {Line style}\fR
+Format: \fB\fC{Distance} {Line style} {Distance} {Line style} {Distance} {Line
+style} {Distance} {Line style}\fR
@@ -1024,7 +1047,8 @@ Indicate a place on the window/monitor.
.IP \(bu 2
-Format: \fB\fC(center|east|north|west|south|north east|north west|south west|south east)\fR
+Format: \fB\fC(center|east|north|west|south|north east|north west|south west|south
@@ -1051,9 +1075,9 @@ Format: \fB\fC@{PROPERTY NAME}\fR
-A reference can point to another reference. Currently, the maximum number of redirects is 20.
-A property always refers to another property. It cannot be used for a subpart of the property.
-For example, this is not valid:
+A reference can point to another reference. Currently, the maximum number of
+redirects is 20. A property always refers to another property. It cannot be
+used for a subpart of the property. For example, this is not valid:
@@ -1089,8 +1113,9 @@ Format: \fB\fCvar(PROPERTY NAME, DEFAULT)\fR
-A reference can point to another reference. Currently, the maximum number of redirects is 20.
-A property always refers to another property. It cannot be used for a subpart of the property.
+A reference can point to another reference. Currently, the maximum number of
+redirects is 20. A property always refers to another property. It cannot be
+used for a subpart of the property.
@@ -1107,8 +1132,8 @@ window {
-If the property \fB\fCwidth\fR is set globally (\fB\fC*{}\fR) that value is used, if the property
-\fB\fCwidth\fR is not set, the default value is used.
+If the property \fB\fCwidth\fR is set globally (\fB\fC*{}\fR) that value is used, if the
+property \fB\fCwidth\fR is not set, the default value is used.
.SS Orientation
@@ -1128,7 +1153,8 @@ Format: \fB\fC(default|pointer|text)\fR
-Specify the type of mouse cursor that is set when the mouse pointer is over the widget.
+Specify the type of mouse cursor that is set when the mouse pointer is over the
.SS List of keywords
@@ -1138,8 +1164,8 @@ Format: \fB\fC[ keyword, keyword ]\fR
-A list starts with a '[' and ends with a ']'. The entries in the list are comma-separated.
-The \fB\fCkeyword\fR in the list refers to an widget name.
+A list starts with a '[' and ends with a ']'. The entries in the list are
+comma-separated. The \fB\fCkeyword\fR in the list refers to an widget name.
.SS List of values
@@ -1149,7 +1175,8 @@ Format: \fB\fC[ value, value, ... ]\fR
-An list starts with a '[' and ends with a ']'. The entries in the list are comma-separated.
+An list starts with a '[' and ends with a ']'. The entries in the list are
.SS Environment variable
@@ -1159,8 +1186,9 @@ Format: \fB\fC${:alnum:}\fR
-This will parse the environment variable as the property value. (that then can be any of the above types).
-The environment variable should be an alphanumeric string without white-space.
+This will parse the environment variable as the property value. (that then can
+be any of the above types). The environment variable should be an alphanumeric
+string without white-space.
@@ -1180,9 +1208,10 @@ Format: \fB\fCenv(ENVIRONMENT, default)\fR
-This will parse the environment variable as the property value. (that then can be any of the above types).
-The environment variable should be an alphanumeric string without white-space.
-If the environment value is not found, the default value is used.
+This will parse the environment variable as the property value. (that then can
+be any of the above types). The environment variable should be an alphanumeric
+string without white-space. If the environment value is not found, the default
+value is used.
@@ -1196,7 +1225,8 @@ window {
-If environment WIDTH is set, then that value is parsed, otherwise the default value (\fB\fC40%\fR).
+If environment WIDTH is set, then that value is parsed, otherwise the default
+value (\fB\fC40%\fR).
.SS Inherit
@@ -1221,8 +1251,8 @@ mainbox {
.SH Elements paths
-Element paths exists of two parts, the first part refers to the actual widget by name.
-Some widgets have an extra state.
+Element paths exists of two parts, the first part refers to the actual widget
+by name. Some widgets have an extra state.
For example:
@@ -1238,10 +1268,12 @@ element selected {
-Here \fB\fCelement selected\fR is the name of the widget, \fB\fCselected\fR is the state of the widget.
+Here \fB\fCelement selected\fR is the name of the widget, \fB\fCselected\fR is the state of
+the widget.
-The difference between dots and spaces is purely cosmetic. These are all the same:
+The difference between dots and spaces is purely cosmetic. These are all the
@@ -1258,7 +1290,7 @@ element selected {
.SS Supported element paths
-.SS Name
+.SS Base widgets
The default widgets available in \fBrofi\fP and the default hierarchic:
@@ -1275,6 +1307,7 @@ The default widgets available in \fBrofi\fP and the default hierarchic:
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCbox\fR: the horizontal @box packing the widgets
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCcase-indicator\fR: the case/sort indicator @textbox
.IP \(bu 2
@@ -1284,11 +1317,17 @@ The default widgets available in \fBrofi\fP and the default hierarchic:
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCnum-rows\fR: Shows the total number of rows.
.IP \(bu 2
-\fB\fCnum-filtered-rows\fR: Shows the total number of rows after filtering.
+\fB\fCnum-filtered-rows\fR: Shows the total number of rows after
.IP \(bu 2
-\fB\fCtextbox-current-entry\fR: Shows the text of the currently selected entry.
+\fB\fCtextbox-current-entry\fR: Shows the text of the currently selected
.IP \(bu 2
-\fB\fCicon-current-entry\fR: Shows the icon of the currently selected entry.
+\fB\fCicon-current-entry\fR: Shows the icon of the currently selected
@@ -1301,11 +1340,14 @@ The default widgets available in \fBrofi\fP and the default hierarchic:
\fB\fCelement\fR: a box in the listview holding the entries
.IP \(bu 2
-\fB\fCelement-icon\fR: the widget in the listview's entry showing the (optional) icon
+\fB\fCelement-icon\fR: the widget in the listview's entry showing the
+(optional) icon
.IP \(bu 2
-\fB\fCelement-index\fR: the widget in the listview's entry keybindable index (1,2,3..0)
+\fB\fCelement-index\fR: the widget in the listview's entry
+keybindable index (1,2,3..0)
.IP \(bu 2
-\fB\fCelement-text\fR: the widget in the listview's entry showing the text.
+\fB\fCelement-text\fR: the widget in the listview's entry showing the
@@ -1335,8 +1377,8 @@ The default widgets available in \fBrofi\fP and the default hierarchic:
-Note that these path names match the default theme. Themes that provide a custom layout will have different
-elements, and structure.
+Note that these path names match the default theme. Themes that provide a
+custom layout will have different elements, and structure.
.SS State
@@ -1348,7 +1390,7 @@ Optional flag(s) indicating state of the widget, used for theming.
These are appended after the name or class of the widget.
-.SS Example:
+.SS Example
\fB\fCbutton selected.normal { }\fR
@@ -1358,21 +1400,21 @@ These are appended after the name or class of the widget.
Currently only the entrybox and scrollbar have states:
-.SS Entrybox:
+.SS Entrybox
\fB\fC{visible modifier}.{state}\fR
Where \fB\fCvisible modifier\fR can be:
- * normal: no modification
- * selected: the entry is selected/highlighted by user
- * alternate: the entry is at an alternating row (uneven row)
+- normal: no modification
+- selected: the entry is selected/highlighted by user
+- alternate: the entry is at an alternating row (uneven row)
Where \fB\fCstate\fR is:
- * normal: no modification
- * urgent: this entry is marked urgent
- * active: this entry is marked active
+- normal: no modification
+- urgent: this entry is marked urgent
+- active: this entry is marked active
These can be mixed.
@@ -1393,8 +1435,9 @@ nametotextbox {
-Sets all selected textboxes marked active to the given text and background color.
-Note that a state modifies the original element, it therefore contains all the properties of that element.
+Sets all selected textboxes marked active to the given text and background
+color. Note that a state modifies the original element, it therefore contains
+all the properties of that element.
.SS Scrollbar
@@ -1432,7 +1475,8 @@ Background image
Color of the border
.IP \(bu 2
\fBcursor\fP: cursor
-Type of mouse cursor that is set when the mouse pointer is hovered over the widget.
+Type of mouse cursor that is set when the mouse pointer is hovered over the
@@ -1444,31 +1488,37 @@ The font used in the window
.IP \(bu 2
\fBtransparency\fP: string
Indicating if transparency should be used and what type:
+.IP \(bu 2
\fBreal\fP - True transparency. Only works with a compositor.
+.IP \(bu 2
\fBbackground\fP - Take a screenshot of the background image and use that.
+.IP \(bu 2
\fBscreenshot\fP - Take a screenshot of the screen and use that.
+.IP \(bu 2
\fBPath\fP to png file - Use an image.
.IP \(bu 2
\fBlocation\fP: position
-The place of the anchor on the monitor
+ The place of the anchor on the monitor
.IP \(bu 2
\fBanchor\fP: anchor
-The anchor position on the window
+ The anchor position on the window
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBfullscreen\fP: boolean
-Window is fullscreen.
+\fBfullscreen\fP: boolean Window is fullscreen.
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBwidth\fP: distance
-The width of the window
+\fBwidth\fP: distance The width of the window
.IP \(bu 2
\fBx-offset\fP: distance
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBy-offset\fP: distance
-The offset of the window to the anchor point, allowing you to push the window left/right/up/down
+\fBy-offset\fP: distance The offset of the window to the anchor point,
+allowing you to push the window left/right/up/down
-.SS scrollbar
+.SS scrollbar Properties
.IP \(bu 2
\fBbackground-color\fP: color
@@ -1484,11 +1534,9 @@ The offset of the window to the anchor point, allowing you to push the window le
.SS box
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBorientation\fP: orientation
- Set the direction the elements are packed.
+\fBorientation\fP: orientation Set the direction the elements are packed.
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBspacing\fP: distance
- Distance between the packed elements.
+\fBspacing\fP: distance Distance between the packed elements.
@@ -1503,46 +1551,55 @@ The offset of the window to the anchor point, allowing you to push the window le
.IP \(bu 2
\fBstr\fP/\fBcontent\fP: the string to display by this textbox (string).
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBvertical-align\fP: Vertical alignment of the text. A number between 0 (top) and 1 (bottom).
+\fBvertical-align\fP: Vertical alignment of the text. A number between 0
+(top) and 1 (bottom).
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBhorizontal-align\fP: Horizontal alignment of the text. A number between 0 (left) and 1 (right).
+\fBhorizontal-align\fP: Horizontal alignment of the text. A number between 0
+(left) and 1 (right).
.IP \(bu 2
\fBtext-color\fP: the text color to use.
.IP \(bu 2
\fBtext-transform\fP: text style {color} for the whole text.
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBhighlight\fP: text style {color}.
-color is optional, multiple highlight styles can be added like: bold underline italic #000000;
-This option is only available on the \fB\fCelement-text\fR widget.
+\fBhighlight\fP: text style {color}. color is optional, multiple
+highlight styles can be added like: bold underline italic #000000; This
+option is only available on the \fB\fCelement-text\fR widget.
.IP \(bu 2
\fBwidth\fP: override the desired width for the textbox.
.IP \(bu 2
\fBcontent\fP: Set the displayed text (String).
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBplaceholder\fP: Set the displayed text (String) when nothing is entered.
+\fBplaceholder\fP: Set the displayed text (String) when nothing is
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBplaceholder-markup\fP: If true, placeholder text supports pango markup for stylizing.
+\fBplaceholder-markup\fP: If true, placeholder text supports pango
+markup for stylizing.
.IP \(bu 2
\fBplaceholder-color\fP: Color of the placeholder text.
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBblink\fP: Enable/Disable blinking on an input textbox (Boolean).
+\fBblink\fP: Enable/Disable blinking on an input textbox
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBmarkup\fP: Force markup on, beware that only valid pango markup strings are shown.
+\fBmarkup\fP: Force markup on, beware that only valid pango markup
+strings are shown.
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBtab-stops\fP: array of distances
-Set the location of tab stops by their distance from the beginning of the line.
-Each distance should be greater than the previous one.
-The text appears to the right of the tab stop position (other alignments are not supported yet).
+\fBtab-stops\fP: array of distances. Set the location of tab stops by
+their distance from the beginning of the line. Each distance should be
+greater than the previous one. The text appears to the right of the tab
+stop position (other alignments are not supported yet).
.IP \(bu 2
\fBcursor-width\fP: The width of the cursor.
.IP \(bu 2
\fBcursor-color\fP: The color used to draw the cursor.
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBcursor-outline\fP: Enable a border (outline) around the cursor. (Boolean)
+\fBcursor-outline\fP: Enable a border (outline) around the cursor.
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBcursor-outline-width\fP: The width of the border around the cursor. (Double)
+\fBcursor-outline-width\fP: The width of the border around the cursor.
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBcursor-outline-color\fP: The color to use for the cursor outline. (Color)
+\fBcursor-outline-color\fP: The color to use for the cursor outline.
.IP \(bu 2
\fBtext-outline\fP: Enable a border (outline) around the text. (Boolean)
.IP \(bu 2
@@ -1555,45 +1612,38 @@ The text appears to the right of the tab stop position (other alignments are not
.SS listview
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBcolumns\fP: integer
-Number of columns to show (at least 1)
+\fBcolumns\fP: integer Number of columns to show (at least 1)
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBfixed-height\fP: boolean
-Always show \fB\fClines\fR rows, even if fewer elements are available.
+\fBfixed-height\fP: boolean Always show \fB\fClines\fR rows, even if fewer
+elements are available.
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBdynamic\fP: boolean
-\fB\fCTrue\fR if the size should change when filtering the list, \fB\fCFalse\fR if it should keep the original height.
+\fBdynamic\fP: boolean \fB\fCTrue\fR if the size should change when filtering
+the list, \fB\fCFalse\fR if it should keep the original height.
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBscrollbar\fP: boolean
-If the scrollbar should be enabled/disabled.
+\fBscrollbar\fP: boolean If the scrollbar should be enabled/disabled.
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBscrollbar-width\fP: distance
-Width of the scrollbar
+\fBscrollbar-width\fP: distance Width of the scrollbar
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBcycle\fP: boolean
-When navigating, it should wrap around
+\fBcycle\fP: boolean When navigating, it should wrap around
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBspacing\fP: distance
-Spacing between the elements (both vertical and horizontal)
+\fBspacing\fP: distance Spacing between the elements (both vertical
+and horizontal)
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBlines\fP: integer
-Number of rows to show in the list view.
+\fBlines\fP: integer Number of rows to show in the list view.
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBlayout\fP: orientation
-Indicate how elements are stacked. Horizontal implements the dmenu style.
+\fBlayout\fP: orientation Indicate how elements are stacked.
+Horizontal implements the dmenu style.
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBreverse\fP: boolean
-Reverse the ordering (top down to bottom up).
+\fBreverse\fP: boolean Reverse the ordering (top down to bottom up).
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBflow\fP: orientation
-The order the elements are layed out. Vertical is the original 'column' view.
+\fBflow\fP: orientation The order the elements are layed out.
+Vertical is the original 'column' view.
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBfixed-columns\fP: boolean
-Do not reduce the number of columns shown when number of visible elements is not enough to fill them all.
+\fBfixed-columns\fP: boolean Do not reduce the number of columns shown when
+number of visible elements is not enough to fill them all.
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBrequire-input\fP: boolean
-Listview requires user input to be unhidden. The list is still present and
-hitting accept will activate the first entry.
+\fBrequire-input\fP: boolean Listview requires user input to be unhidden.
+The list is still present and hitting accept will activate the first entry.
@@ -1634,16 +1684,16 @@ By default the \fB\fCelement-icon\fR and \fB\fCelement-text\fR child widgets are
\fB\fC[no]-show-icons\fR option.
-A child added with another name is treated the same as the special widget described
-in the advanced layout
+A child added with another name is treated the same as the special widget
+described in the advanced layout
\[la]#advanced-layout\[ra] section.
.SS listview text highlight
The \fB\fCelement-text\fR widget in the \fB\fClistview\fR is the one used to show the text.
-On this widget set the \fB\fChighlight\fR property (only place this property is used) to change
-the style of highlighting.
-The \fB\fChighlight\fR property consist of the \fB\fCtext-style\fR property and a color.
+On this widget set the \fB\fChighlight\fR property (only place this property is used)
+to change the style of highlighting. The \fB\fChighlight\fR property consist of the
+\fB\fCtext-style\fR property and a color.
To disable highlighting:
@@ -1675,11 +1725,12 @@ To set to red underlined:
.SH Layout
-The new format allows the layout of the \fBrofi\fP window to be tweaked extensively.
-For each widget, the themer can specify padding, margin, border, font, and more.
-It even allows, as an advanced feature, to pack widgets in a custom structure.
+The new format allows the layout of the \fBrofi\fP window to be tweaked
+extensively. For each widget, the themer can specify padding, margin, border,
+font, and more. It even allows, as an advanced feature, to pack widgets in a
+custom structure.
-.SS Basic structure
+.SS Basic layout structure
The whole view is made out of boxes that pack other boxes or widgets.
The box can be vertical or horizontal. This is loosely inspired by GTK
@@ -1770,7 +1821,8 @@ ns is the num-rows
.SS Advanced layout
-The layout of \fBrofi\fP can be tweaked by packing the 'fixed' widgets in a custom structure.
+The layout of \fBrofi\fP can be tweaked by packing the 'fixed' widgets in a
+custom structure.
The following widgets are fixed, as they provide core \fBrofi\fP functionality:
@@ -1798,26 +1850,27 @@ num-filtered-rows
-The following keywords are defined and can be used to automatically pack a subset of the widgets.
-These are used in the default theme as depicted in the figure above.
+The following keywords are defined and can be used to automatically pack a
+subset of the widgets. These are used in the default theme as depicted in the
+figure above.
.IP \(bu 2
-Packs: \fB\fCinputbar, message, listview, mode-switcher\fR
+mainbox Packs: \fB\fCinputbar, message, listview, mode-switcher\fR
.IP \(bu 2
-Packs: \fB\fCprompt,entry,case-indicator\fR
+inputbar Packs: \fB\fCprompt,entry,case-indicator\fR
-Any widget name starting with \fB\fCtextbox\fR is a textbox widget, others are box widgets and can pack other widgets.
+Any widget name starting with \fB\fCtextbox\fR is a textbox widget, others are box
+widgets and can pack other widgets.
-There are several special widgets that can be used by prefixing the name of the widget:
+There are several special widgets that can be used by prefixing the name of the
-.SS textbox
+.SS Textbox widget
This is a read-only textbox widget. The displayed string can be set with \fB\fCcontent\fR\&.
@@ -1838,12 +1891,14 @@ textbox-custom {
.SS Icon
-This is an icon widget. The displayed icon can be set with \fB\fCfilename\fR and size with \fB\fCsize\fR\&.
-If the property \fB\fCaction\fR is set, it acts as a button.
-\fB\fCaction\fR can be set to a keybinding name and completes that action. (see rofi -show keys for a list).
+This is an icon widget. The displayed icon can be set with \fB\fCfilename\fR and size
+with \fB\fCsize\fR\&. If the property \fB\fCaction\fR is set, it acts as a button. \fB\fCaction\fR can
+be set to a keybinding name and completes that action. (see rofi -show keys for
+a list).
-If the \fB\fCsquared\fR property is set to \fBfalse\fP the widget height and width are not forced to be equal.
+If the \fB\fCsquared\fR property is set to \fBfalse\fP the widget height and width are
+not forced to be equal.
@@ -1865,9 +1920,9 @@ icon-paste {
.SS button
-This is a textbox widget that can have a 'clickable' action.
-The \fB\fCaction\fR can be set to:
-\fB\fCkeybinding\fR: accepts a keybinding name and completes that action. (see rofi -show keys for a list).
+This is a textbox widget that can have a 'clickable' action. The \fB\fCaction\fR can
+be set to: \fB\fCkeybinding\fR: accepts a keybinding name and completes that action.
+(see rofi -show keys for a list).
@@ -1981,19 +2036,19 @@ Explanation of the different parts:
.IP \(bu 2
Content - The content of the widget.
.IP \(bu 2
-Padding - Clears an area around the widget.
-The padding shows the background color of the widget.
+Padding - Clears an area around the widget. The padding shows the
+background color of the widget.
.IP \(bu 2
-Border - A border that goes around the padding and content.
-The border use the border-color of the widget.
+Border - A border that goes around the padding and content. The border use
+the border-color of the widget.
.IP \(bu 2
-Margin - Clears an area outside the border.
-The margin is transparent.
+Margin - Clears an area outside the border. The margin is transparent.
-The box model allows us to add a border around elements, and to define space between elements.
+The box model allows us to add a border around elements, and to define space
+between elements.
The size of each margin, border, and padding can be set.
@@ -2001,8 +2056,9 @@ For the border, a linestyle and radius can be set.
.SS Spacing
-Widgets that can pack more then one child widget (currently box and listview) have the \fB\fCspacing\fR property.
-This property sets the distance between the packed widgets (both horizontally and vertically).
+Widgets that can pack more then one child widget (currently box and listview)
+have the \fB\fCspacing\fR property. This property sets the distance between the packed
+widgets (both horizontally and vertically).
@@ -2023,7 +2079,8 @@ This property sets the distance between the packed widgets (both horizontally an
.SS Advanced box packing
-More dynamic spacing can be achieved by adding dummy widgets, for example to make one widget centered:
+More dynamic spacing can be achieved by adding dummy widgets, for example to
+make one widget centered:
@@ -2043,9 +2100,10 @@ More dynamic spacing can be achieved by adding dummy widgets, for example to mak
-If both dummy widgets are set to expand, \fB\fCchild\fR will be centered. Depending on the \fB\fCexpand\fR flag of child the
-remaining space will be equally divided between both dummy and child widget (expand enabled), or both dummy widgets
-(expand disabled).
+If both dummy widgets are set to expand, \fB\fCchild\fR will be centered. Depending on
+the \fB\fCexpand\fR flag of child the remaining space will be equally divided between
+both dummy and child widget (expand enabled), or both dummy widgets (expand
.SH Debugging
@@ -2061,7 +2119,8 @@ G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=Parser rofi -show run
-Syntax errors are shown in