path: root/doc/rofi-theme.5
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1 files changed, 206 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/doc/rofi-theme.5 b/doc/rofi-theme.5
index 646328fb..6c0f53af 100644
--- a/doc/rofi-theme.5
+++ b/doc/rofi-theme.5
@@ -19,11 +19,15 @@ preferred.
.SH Comments
C and C++ file comments are supported.
.IP \(bu 2
Anything after \fB\fC//\fR and before a newline is considered a comment.
.IP \(bu 2
Everything between \fB\fC/*\fR and \fB\fC*/\fR is a comment.
Comments can be nested and the C comments can be inline.
@@ -242,6 +246,8 @@ When used, values with the wrong type that cannot be converted are ignored.
The current theme format supports different types:
.IP \(bu 2
a string
.IP \(bu 2
@@ -279,12 +285,18 @@ an environment variable
.IP \(bu 2
Some of these types are a combination of other types.
-.SH String.IP \(bu 2
+.SH String
+.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC"[:print:]+"\fR
A string is always surrounded by double quotes (\fB\fC"\fR). Between the quotes there can be any printable character.
@@ -303,9 +315,13 @@ font: "Awasome 12";
The string must be valid UTF\-8.
-.SH Integer.IP \(bu 2
+.SH Integer
+.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC[\-+]?[:digit:]+\fR
An integer may contain any number.
@@ -321,9 +337,13 @@ lines: 12;
-.SH Real.IP \(bu 2
+.SH Real
+.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC[\-+]?[:digit:]+(\\.[:digit:]+)?\fR
A real is an integer with an optional fraction.
@@ -342,9 +362,13 @@ real: 3.4;
The following is not valid: \fB\fC\&.3\fR, \fB\fC3.\fR or scientific notation: \fB\fC3.4e\-3\fR\&.
-.SH Boolean.IP \(bu 2
+.SH Boolean
+.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC(true|false)\fR
Boolean value is either \fB\fCtrue\fR or \fB\fCfalse\fR\&. This is case\-\&sensitive.
@@ -362,11 +386,14 @@ dynamic: false;
.SH Image
-\fBrofi\fP support a very limited set of image formats.
+\fBrofi\fP support a limited set of background\-image formats.
.IP \(bu 2
Format: url("path to image");
.IP \(bu 2
Format: url("path to image", scale);
+where scale is: none, both, width, height
.IP \(bu 2
Format: linear\-gradient(stop color,stop1, color, stop2 color, ...);
.IP \(bu 2
@@ -376,21 +403,16 @@ where direction is: top,left,right,bottom.
Format: linear\-gradient(angle, stop color,stop1, color, stop2 color, ...);
Angle in deg,rad,grad (as used in color).
Where the \fB\fCpath\fR is a string, and \fB\fCstop\fR color is of type color.
-The \fB\fCscale\fR property can be:
-.IP \(bu 2
-.IP \(bu 2
-.IP \(bu 2
-.IP \(bu 2
.SH Color
\fBrofi\fP supports the color formats as specified in the CSS standard (1,2,3 and some of CSS 4)
.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC#{HEX}{3}\fR (rgb)
.IP \(bu 2
@@ -412,11 +434,15 @@ Format: \fB\fCcmyk( {PERCENTAGE}, {PERCENTAGE}, {PERCENTAGE}, {PERCENTAGE} [, {P
.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC{named\-color} [ / {PERCENTAGE} ]\fR
The white\-space format proposed in CSS4 is also supported.
The different values are:
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fC{HEX}\fR is a hexadecimal number ('0\-9a\-f' case insensitive).
.IP \(bu 2
@@ -445,6 +471,8 @@ PapayaWhip, PeachPuff, Peru, Pink, Plum, PowderBlue, Purple, RebeccaPurple, Red,
Salmon, SandyBrown, SeaGreen, SeaShell, Sienna, Silver, SkyBlue, SlateBlue, SlateGray, SlateGrey, Snow, SpringGreen,
SteelBlue, Tan, Teal, Thistle, Tomato, Turquoise, Violet, Wheat, White, WhiteSmoke, Yellow, YellowGreen,transparent
For example:
@@ -472,12 +500,18 @@ text\-color: Black;
-.SH Text style.IP \(bu 2
+.SH Text style
+.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC(bold|italic|underline|strikethrough|none)\fR
Text style indicates how the highlighted text is emphasized. \fB\fCNone\fR indicates that no emphasis
should be applied.
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCbold\fR: make the text thicker then the surrounding text.
.IP \(bu 2
@@ -487,16 +521,24 @@ should be applied.
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCstrikethrough\fR: put a line through the highlighted text.
-.SH Line style.IP \(bu 2
+.SH Line style
+.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC(dash|solid)\fR
Indicates how a line should be drawn.
It currently supports:
* \fB\fCdash\fR: a dashed line, where the gap is the same width as the dash
* \fB\fCsolid\fR: a solid line
-.SH Distance.IP \(bu 2
+.SH Distance
+.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC{Integer}px\fR
.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC{Real}em\fR
@@ -507,8 +549,12 @@ Format: \fB\fC{Real}%\fR
.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC{Integer}mm\fR
A distance can be specified in 3 different units:
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCpx\fR: Screen pixels.
.IP \(bu 2
@@ -520,6 +566,8 @@ A distance can be specified in 3 different units:
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fC%\fR: Percentage of the \fBmonitor\fP size.
Distances used in the horizontal direction use the monitor width. Distances in
the vertical direction use the monitor height.
@@ -553,6 +601,8 @@ width: calc( 100% \- 37px );
It supports the following operations:
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fC+\fR : Add
.IP \(bu 2
@@ -568,10 +618,14 @@ It supports the following operations:
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCmax\fR : Maximum of l or rvalue;
It uses the C precedence ordering.
-.SH Padding.IP \(bu 2
+.SH Padding
+.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC{Integer}\fR
.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC{Distance}\fR
@@ -582,11 +636,15 @@ Format: \fB\fC{Distance} {Distance} {Distance}\fR
.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC{Distance} {Distance} {Distance} {Distance}\fR
If no unit is specified, pixels are assumed.
The different number of fields in the formats are parsed like:
.IP \(bu 2
1 field: \fB\fCall\fR
.IP \(bu 2
@@ -596,7 +654,11 @@ The different number of fields in the formats are parsed like:
.IP \(bu 2
4 fields: \fB\fCtop\fR, \fB\fCright\fR, \fB\fCbottom\fR, \fB\fCleft\fR
-.SH Border.IP \(bu 2
+.SH Border
+.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC{Integer}\fR
.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC{Distance}\fR
@@ -615,6 +677,8 @@ Format: \fB\fC{Distance} {Line style} {Distance} {Line style} {Distance} {Line s
.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC{Distance} {Line style} {Distance} {Line style} {Distance} {Line style} {Distance} {Line style}\fR
Borders are identical to padding, except that each distance field has a line
style property.
@@ -629,23 +693,28 @@ When no unit is specified, pixels are assumed.
.SH Position
Indicate a place on the window/monitor.
.IP \(bu 2
-Format: \fB\fC(center|east|north|west|south|north east|north west|south west|south east)\fR
+Format: \fB\fC(center|east|north|west|south|north east|north west|south west|south east)\fR
north west | north | north east
- west | center | east
+ west | center | east
south west | south | south east
.SH Visibility
It is possible to hide widgets:
@@ -655,9 +724,13 @@ inputbar {
enabled: false;
-.SH Reference.IP \(bu 2
+.SH Reference
+.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC@{PROPERTY NAME}\fR
A reference can point to another reference. Currently, the maximum number of redirects is 20.
A property always refers to another property. It cannot be used for a subpart of the property.
@@ -690,28 +763,44 @@ window {
-.SH Orientation.IP \(bu 2
+.SH Orientation
+.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC(horizontal|vertical)\fR
Specify the orientation of the widget.
-.SH Cursor.IP \(bu 2
+.SH Cursor
+.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC(default|pointer|text)\fR
Specify the type of mouse cursor that is set when the mouse pointer is over the widget.
-.SH List of keywords.IP \(bu 2
+.SH List of keywords
+.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC[ keyword, keyword ]\fR
A list starts with a '[' and ends with a ']'. The entries in the list are comma\-separated.
The \fB\fCkeyword\fR in the list refers to an widget name.
-.SH Environment variable.IP \(bu 2
+.SH Environment variable
+.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fC${:alnum:}\fR
This will parse the environment variable as the property value. (that then can be any of the above types).
The environment variable should be an alphanumeric string without white\-space.
@@ -727,9 +816,13 @@ The environment variable should be an alphanumeric string without white\-space.
-.SH Inherit.IP \(bu 2
+.SH Inherit
+.IP \(bu 2
Format: \fB\fCinherit\fR
Inherits the property from its parent widget.
@@ -786,14 +879,20 @@ element selected {
.SH Name
The current widgets available in \fBrofi\fP:
.IP \(bu 2
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCoverlay\fR: the overlay widget.
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCmainbox\fR: The mainbox box.
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCinputbar\fR: The input bar box.
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCbox\fR: the horizontal @box packing the widgets
.IP \(bu 2
@@ -806,27 +905,49 @@ The current widgets available in \fBrofi\fP:
\fB\fCnum\-rows\fR: Shows the total number of rows.
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCnum\-filtered\-rows\fR: Shows the total number of rows after filtering.
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fClistview\fR: The listview.
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCscrollbar\fR: the listview scrollbar
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCelement\fR: a box in the listview holding the entries
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCelement\-icon\fR: the widget in the listview's entry showing the (optional) icon
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCelement\-index\fR: the widget in the listview's entry keybindable index (1,2,3..0)
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCelement\-text\fR: the widget in the listview's entry showing the text.
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCmode\-switcher\fR: the main horizontal @box packing the buttons.
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCbutton\fR: the buttons @textbox for each mode
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCmessage\fR: The container holding the textbox.
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCtextbox\fR: the message textbox
Note that these path names match the default theme. Themes that provide a custom layout will have different
elements, and structure.
@@ -898,7 +1019,9 @@ This allows the colors used for drawing the handle to be set independently.
The following properties are currently supported:
-.SS all widgets:.IP \(bu 2
+.SS all widgets:
+.IP \(bu 2
\fBenabled\fP: enable/disable the widget
.IP \(bu 2
\fBpadding\fP: padding
@@ -925,7 +1048,11 @@ Color of the border
\fBcursor\fP: cursor
Type of mouse cursor that is set when the mouse pointer is hovered over the widget.
-.SS window:.IP \(bu 2
+.SS window:
+.IP \(bu 2
\fBfont\fP: string
@@ -969,7 +1096,11 @@ The width of the window
\fBy\-offset\fP: distance
The offset of the window to the anchor point, allowing you to push the window left/right/up/down
-.SS scrollbar:.IP \(bu 2
+.SS scrollbar:
+.IP \(bu 2
\fBbackground\-color\fP: color
.IP \(bu 2
\fBhandle\-width\fP: distance
@@ -978,14 +1109,22 @@ The offset of the window to the anchor point, allowing you to push the window le
.IP \(bu 2
\fBborder\-color\fP: color
-.SS box:.IP \(bu 2
+.SS box:
+.IP \(bu 2
\fBorientation\fP: orientation
Set the direction the elements are packed.
.IP \(bu 2
\fBspacing\fP: distance
Distance between the packed elements.
-.SS textbox:.IP \(bu 2
+.SS textbox:
+.IP \(bu 2
\fBbackground\-color\fP: color
.IP \(bu 2
\fBborder\-color\fP: the color used for the border around the widget.
@@ -1015,7 +1154,11 @@ color is optional, multiple highlight styles can be added like: bold underline i
.IP \(bu 2
\fBmarkup\fP: Force markup on, beware that only valid pango markup strings are shown.
-.SS listview:.IP \(bu 2
+.SS listview:
+.IP \(bu 2
\fBcolumns\fP: integer
Number of columns to show (at least 1)
.IP \(bu 2
@@ -1049,6 +1192,8 @@ Reverse the ordering (top down to bottom up).
\fBfixed\-columns\fP: boolean
Do not reduce the number of columns shown when number of visible elements is not enough to fill them all.
Each element is a \fB\fCbox\fR called \fB\fCelement\fR\&. Each \fB\fCelement\fR can contain an \fB\fCelement\-icon\fR and \fB\fCelement\-text\fR\&.
@@ -1175,6 +1320,8 @@ The layout of \fBrofi\fP can be tweaked by packing the 'fixed' widgets in a cust
The following widgets are fixed, as they provide core \fBrofi\fP functionality:
.IP \(bu 2
.IP \(bu 2
@@ -1194,9 +1341,13 @@ num\-rows
.IP \(bu 2
The following keywords are defined and can be used to automatically pack a subset of the widgets.
These are used in the default theme as depicted in the figure above.
.IP \(bu 2
Packs: \fB\fCinputbar, message, listview, mode\-switcher\fR
@@ -1204,11 +1355,15 @@ Packs: \fB\fCinputbar, message, listview, mode\-switcher\fR
Packs: \fB\fCprompt,entry,case\-indicator\fR
Any widget name starting with \fB\fCtextbox\fR is a textbox widget, others are box widgets and can pack other widgets.
There are several special widgets that can be used by prefixing the name of the widget:
.IP \(bu 2
This is a textbox widget. The displayed string can be set with \fB\fCstr\fR\&.
@@ -1224,6 +1379,8 @@ The \fB\fCaction\fR can be set to:
\fB\fCok|alternate\fR: accept entry and launch alternate action (for run launch in terminal).
\fB\fCcustom|alternate\fR: accept custom input and launch alternate action.
To specify children, set the \fB\fCchildren\fR
property (this always happens on the \fB\fCbox\fR child, see example below):
@@ -1314,6 +1471,8 @@ Just like CSS, \fBrofi\fP uses the box model for each widget.
Explanation of the different parts:
.IP \(bu 2
Content \- The content of the widget.
.IP \(bu 2
@@ -1326,6 +1485,8 @@ The border use the border\-color of the widget.
Margin \- Clears an area outside the border.
The margin is transparent.
The box model allows us to add a border around elements, and to define space between elements.
@@ -1450,6 +1611,8 @@ Parts of the theme can be conditionally loaded, like the CSS \fB\fC@media\fR opt
It supports the following keys as constraint:
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCmin\-width\fR: load when width is bigger or equal then value.
.IP \(bu 2
@@ -1465,6 +1628,8 @@ It supports the following keys as constraint:
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fCmonitor\-id\fR: The monitor id, see rofi \-help for id's.
@media takes an integer number or a fraction, for integer number \fB\fCpx\fR can be added.
@@ -1511,11 +1676,15 @@ FontAwesome 22
The rasi file format offers two methods of including other files.
This can be used to modify existing themes, or have multiple variations on a theme.
.IP \(bu 2
import: Import and parse a second file.
.IP \(bu 2
theme: Discard theme, and load file as a fresh theme.
@@ -1534,6 +1703,8 @@ The specified file can either by \fIname\fP, \fIfilename\fP,\fIfull path\fP\&.
If a filename is provided, it will try to resolve it in the following order:
.IP \(bu 2
.IP \(bu 2
@@ -1543,6 +1714,8 @@ If a filename is provided, it will try to resolve it in the following order:
.IP \(bu 2
\fB\fC${INSTALL PREFIX}/share/rofi/themes/\fR
A name is resolved as a filename by appending the \fB\fC\&.rasi\fR extension.