path: root/source
diff options
authorQuentin Glidic <>2017-05-28 00:21:57 +0200
committerQuentin Glidic <>2017-05-28 00:21:57 +0200
commit04faad945a56380d41cdf3757c23b918bedf1e9b (patch)
treebfc1654e4e1dab43da8f6fef81d6e41bf614f6cf /source
parent21982db45041604b645f73dc0c9b8a3914adb49d (diff)
parentf1261e181c888c212c860dcd77a4f7ccb0053ffa (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into wip/meson
Signed-off-by: Quentin Glidic <>
Diffstat (limited to 'source')
8 files changed, 277 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/source/css-colors.c b/source/css-colors.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc2a6b35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/css-colors.c
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "css-colors.h"
+const CSSColor CSSColors[] = {
+ { .name = "AliceBlue", .r = 0xF0, .g = 0xF8, .b = 0xFF },
+ { .name = "AntiqueWhite", .r = 0xFA, .g = 0xEB, .b = 0xD7 },
+ { .name = "Aqua", .r = 0x00, .g = 0xFF, .b = 0xFF },
+ { .name = "Aquamarine", .r = 0x7F, .g = 0xFF, .b = 0xD4 },
+ { .name = "Azure", .r = 0xF0, .g = 0xFF, .b = 0xFF },
+ { .name = "Beige", .r = 0xF5, .g = 0xF5, .b = 0xDC },
+ { .name = "Bisque", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xE4, .b = 0xC4 },
+ { .name = "Black", .r = 0x00, .g = 0x00, .b = 0x00 },
+ { .name = "BlanchedAlmond", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xEB, .b = 0xCD },
+ { .name = "Blue", .r = 0x00, .g = 0x00, .b = 0xFF },
+ { .name = "BlueViolet", .r = 0x8A, .g = 0x2B, .b = 0xE2 },
+ { .name = "Brown", .r = 0xA5, .g = 0x2A, .b = 0x2A },
+ { .name = "BurlyWood", .r = 0xDE, .g = 0xB8, .b = 0x87 },
+ { .name = "CadetBlue", .r = 0x5F, .g = 0x9E, .b = 0xA0 },
+ { .name = "Chartreuse", .r = 0x7F, .g = 0xFF, .b = 0x00 },
+ { .name = "Chocolate", .r = 0xD2, .g = 0x69, .b = 0x1E },
+ { .name = "Coral", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0x7F, .b = 0x50 },
+ { .name = "CornflowerBlue", .r = 0x64, .g = 0x95, .b = 0xED },
+ { .name = "Cornsilk", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xF8, .b = 0xDC },
+ { .name = "Crimson", .r = 0xDC, .g = 0x14, .b = 0x3C },
+ { .name = "Cyan", .r = 0x00, .g = 0xFF, .b = 0xFF },
+ { .name = "DarkBlue", .r = 0x00, .g = 0x00, .b = 0x8B },
+ { .name = "DarkCyan", .r = 0x00, .g = 0x8B, .b = 0x8B },
+ { .name = "DarkGoldenRod", .r = 0xB8, .g = 0x86, .b = 0x0B },
+ { .name = "DarkGray", .r = 0xA9, .g = 0xA9, .b = 0xA9 },
+ { .name = "DarkGrey", .r = 0xA9, .g = 0xA9, .b = 0xA9 },
+ { .name = "DarkGreen", .r = 0x00, .g = 0x64, .b = 0x00 },
+ { .name = "DarkKhaki", .r = 0xBD, .g = 0xB7, .b = 0x6B },
+ { .name = "DarkMagenta", .r = 0x8B, .g = 0x00, .b = 0x8B },
+ { .name = "DarkOliveGreen", .r = 0x55, .g = 0x6B, .b = 0x2F },
+ { .name = "DarkOrange", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0x8C, .b = 0x00 },
+ { .name = "DarkOrchid", .r = 0x99, .g = 0x32, .b = 0xCC },
+ { .name = "DarkRed", .r = 0x8B, .g = 0x00, .b = 0x00 },
+ { .name = "DarkSalmon", .r = 0xE9, .g = 0x96, .b = 0x7A },
+ { .name = "DarkSeaGreen", .r = 0x8F, .g = 0xBC, .b = 0x8F },
+ { .name = "DarkSlateBlue", .r = 0x48, .g = 0x3D, .b = 0x8B },
+ { .name = "DarkSlateGray", .r = 0x2F, .g = 0x4F, .b = 0x4F },
+ { .name = "DarkSlateGrey", .r = 0x2F, .g = 0x4F, .b = 0x4F },
+ { .name = "DarkTurquoise", .r = 0x00, .g = 0xCE, .b = 0xD1 },
+ { .name = "DarkViolet", .r = 0x94, .g = 0x00, .b = 0xD3 },
+ { .name = "DeepPink", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0x14, .b = 0x93 },
+ { .name = "DeepSkyBlue", .r = 0x00, .g = 0xBF, .b = 0xFF },
+ { .name = "DimGray", .r = 0x69, .g = 0x69, .b = 0x69 },
+ { .name = "DimGrey", .r = 0x69, .g = 0x69, .b = 0x69 },
+ { .name = "DodgerBlue", .r = 0x1E, .g = 0x90, .b = 0xFF },
+ { .name = "FireBrick", .r = 0xB2, .g = 0x22, .b = 0x22 },
+ { .name = "FloralWhite", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xFA, .b = 0xF0 },
+ { .name = "ForestGreen", .r = 0x22, .g = 0x8B, .b = 0x22 },
+ { .name = "Fuchsia", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0x00, .b = 0xFF },
+ { .name = "Gainsboro", .r = 0xDC, .g = 0xDC, .b = 0xDC },
+ { .name = "GhostWhite", .r = 0xF8, .g = 0xF8, .b = 0xFF },
+ { .name = "Gold", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xD7, .b = 0x00 },
+ { .name = "GoldenRod", .r = 0xDA, .g = 0xA5, .b = 0x20 },
+ { .name = "Gray", .r = 0x80, .g = 0x80, .b = 0x80 },
+ { .name = "Grey", .r = 0x80, .g = 0x80, .b = 0x80 },
+ { .name = "Green", .r = 0x00, .g = 0x80, .b = 0x00 },
+ { .name = "GreenYellow", .r = 0xAD, .g = 0xFF, .b = 0x2F },
+ { .name = "HoneyDew", .r = 0xF0, .g = 0xFF, .b = 0xF0 },
+ { .name = "HotPink", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0x69, .b = 0xB4 },
+ { .name = "IndianRed", .r = 0xCD, .g = 0x5C, .b = 0x5C },
+ { .name = "Indigo", .r = 0x4B, .g = 0x00, .b = 0x82 },
+ { .name = "Ivory", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xFF, .b = 0xF0 },
+ { .name = "Khaki", .r = 0xF0, .g = 0xE6, .b = 0x8C },
+ { .name = "Lavender", .r = 0xE6, .g = 0xE6, .b = 0xFA },
+ { .name = "LavenderBlush", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xF0, .b = 0xF5 },
+ { .name = "LawnGreen", .r = 0x7C, .g = 0xFC, .b = 0x00 },
+ { .name = "LemonChiffon", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xFA, .b = 0xCD },
+ { .name = "LightBlue", .r = 0xAD, .g = 0xD8, .b = 0xE6 },
+ { .name = "LightCoral", .r = 0xF0, .g = 0x80, .b = 0x80 },
+ { .name = "LightCyan", .r = 0xE0, .g = 0xFF, .b = 0xFF },
+ { .name = "LightGoldenRodYellow", .r = 0xFA, .g = 0xFA, .b = 0xD2 },
+ { .name = "LightGray", .r = 0xD3, .g = 0xD3, .b = 0xD3 },
+ { .name = "LightGrey", .r = 0xD3, .g = 0xD3, .b = 0xD3 },
+ { .name = "LightGreen", .r = 0x90, .g = 0xEE, .b = 0x90 },
+ { .name = "LightPink", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xB6, .b = 0xC1 },
+ { .name = "LightSalmon", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xA0, .b = 0x7A },
+ { .name = "LightSeaGreen", .r = 0x20, .g = 0xB2, .b = 0xAA },
+ { .name = "LightSkyBlue", .r = 0x87, .g = 0xCE, .b = 0xFA },
+ { .name = "LightSlateGray", .r = 0x77, .g = 0x88, .b = 0x99 },
+ { .name = "LightSlateGrey", .r = 0x77, .g = 0x88, .b = 0x99 },
+ { .name = "LightSteelBlue", .r = 0xB0, .g = 0xC4, .b = 0xDE },
+ { .name = "LightYellow", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xFF, .b = 0xE0 },
+ { .name = "Lime", .r = 0x00, .g = 0xFF, .b = 0x00 },
+ { .name = "LimeGreen", .r = 0x32, .g = 0xCD, .b = 0x32 },
+ { .name = "Linen", .r = 0xFA, .g = 0xF0, .b = 0xE6 },
+ { .name = "Magenta", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0x00, .b = 0xFF },
+ { .name = "Maroon", .r = 0x80, .g = 0x00, .b = 0x00 },
+ { .name = "MediumAquaMarine", .r = 0x66, .g = 0xCD, .b = 0xAA },
+ { .name = "MediumBlue", .r = 0x00, .g = 0x00, .b = 0xCD },
+ { .name = "MediumOrchid", .r = 0xBA, .g = 0x55, .b = 0xD3 },
+ { .name = "MediumPurple", .r = 0x93, .g = 0x70, .b = 0xDB },
+ { .name = "MediumSeaGreen", .r = 0x3C, .g = 0xB3, .b = 0x71 },
+ { .name = "MediumSlateBlue", .r = 0x7B, .g = 0x68, .b = 0xEE },
+ { .name = "MediumSpringGreen", .r = 0x00, .g = 0xFA, .b = 0x9A },
+ { .name = "MediumTurquoise", .r = 0x48, .g = 0xD1, .b = 0xCC },
+ { .name = "MediumVioletRed", .r = 0xC7, .g = 0x15, .b = 0x85 },
+ { .name = "MidnightBlue", .r = 0x19, .g = 0x19, .b = 0x70 },
+ { .name = "MintCream", .r = 0xF5, .g = 0xFF, .b = 0xFA },
+ { .name = "MistyRose", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xE4, .b = 0xE1 },
+ { .name = "Moccasin", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xE4, .b = 0xB5 },
+ { .name = "NavajoWhite", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xDE, .b = 0xAD },
+ { .name = "Navy", .r = 0x00, .g = 0x00, .b = 0x80 },
+ { .name = "OldLace", .r = 0xFD, .g = 0xF5, .b = 0xE6 },
+ { .name = "Olive", .r = 0x80, .g = 0x80, .b = 0x00 },
+ { .name = "OliveDrab", .r = 0x6B, .g = 0x8E, .b = 0x23 },
+ { .name = "Orange", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xA5, .b = 0x00 },
+ { .name = "OrangeRed", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0x45, .b = 0x00 },
+ { .name = "Orchid", .r = 0xDA, .g = 0x70, .b = 0xD6 },
+ { .name = "PaleGoldenRod", .r = 0xEE, .g = 0xE8, .b = 0xAA },
+ { .name = "PaleGreen", .r = 0x98, .g = 0xFB, .b = 0x98 },
+ { .name = "PaleTurquoise", .r = 0xAF, .g = 0xEE, .b = 0xEE },
+ { .name = "PaleVioletRed", .r = 0xDB, .g = 0x70, .b = 0x93 },
+ { .name = "PapayaWhip", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xEF, .b = 0xD5 },
+ { .name = "PeachPuff", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xDA, .b = 0xB9 },
+ { .name = "Peru", .r = 0xCD, .g = 0x85, .b = 0x3F },
+ { .name = "Pink", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xC0, .b = 0xCB },
+ { .name = "Plum", .r = 0xDD, .g = 0xA0, .b = 0xDD },
+ { .name = "PowderBlue", .r = 0xB0, .g = 0xE0, .b = 0xE6 },
+ { .name = "Purple", .r = 0x80, .g = 0x00, .b = 0x80 },
+ { .name = "RebeccaPurple", .r = 0x66, .g = 0x33, .b = 0x99 },
+ { .name = "Red", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0x00, .b = 0x00 },
+ { .name = "RosyBrown", .r = 0xBC, .g = 0x8F, .b = 0x8F },
+ { .name = "RoyalBlue", .r = 0x41, .g = 0x69, .b = 0xE1 },
+ { .name = "SaddleBrown", .r = 0x8B, .g = 0x45, .b = 0x13 },
+ { .name = "Salmon", .r = 0xFA, .g = 0x80, .b = 0x72 },
+ { .name = "SandyBrown", .r = 0xF4, .g = 0xA4, .b = 0x60 },
+ { .name = "SeaGreen", .r = 0x2E, .g = 0x8B, .b = 0x57 },
+ { .name = "SeaShell", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xF5, .b = 0xEE },
+ { .name = "Sienna", .r = 0xA0, .g = 0x52, .b = 0x2D },
+ { .name = "Silver", .r = 0xC0, .g = 0xC0, .b = 0xC0 },
+ { .name = "SkyBlue", .r = 0x87, .g = 0xCE, .b = 0xEB },
+ { .name = "SlateBlue", .r = 0x6A, .g = 0x5A, .b = 0xCD },
+ { .name = "SlateGray", .r = 0x70, .g = 0x80, .b = 0x90 },
+ { .name = "SlateGrey", .r = 0x70, .g = 0x80, .b = 0x90 },
+ { .name = "Snow", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xFA, .b = 0xFA },
+ { .name = "SpringGreen", .r = 0x00, .g = 0xFF, .b = 0x7F },
+ { .name = "SteelBlue", .r = 0x46, .g = 0x82, .b = 0xB4 },
+ { .name = "Tan", .r = 0xD2, .g = 0xB4, .b = 0x8C },
+ { .name = "Teal", .r = 0x00, .g = 0x80, .b = 0x80 },
+ { .name = "Thistle", .r = 0xD8, .g = 0xBF, .b = 0xD8 },
+ { .name = "Tomato", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0x63, .b = 0x47 },
+ { .name = "Turquoise", .r = 0x40, .g = 0xE0, .b = 0xD0 },
+ { .name = "Violet", .r = 0xEE, .g = 0x82, .b = 0xEE },
+ { .name = "Wheat", .r = 0xF5, .g = 0xDE, .b = 0xB3 },
+ { .name = "White", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xFF, .b = 0xFF },
+ { .name = "WhiteSmoke", .r = 0xF5, .g = 0xF5, .b = 0xF5 },
+ { .name = "Yellow", .r = 0xFF, .g = 0xFF, .b = 0x00 },
+ { .name = "YellowGreen", .r = 0x9A, .g = 0xCD, .b = 0x32 }
+const unsigned int num_CSSColors = sizeof ( CSSColors ) / sizeof ( *CSSColors );
diff --git a/source/dialogs/ssh.c b/source/dialogs/ssh.c
index a639646c..36392da4 100644
--- a/source/dialogs/ssh.c
+++ b/source/dialogs/ssh.c
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ static void parse_ssh_config_file ( const char *filename, char ***retv, unsigned
else {
full_path = g_strdup ( path );
- glob_t globbuf = { 0, };
+ glob_t globbuf = { .gl_pathc = 0, .gl_pathv = NULL, .gl_offs = 0 };
if ( glob ( full_path, 0, NULL, &globbuf ) == 0 ) {
for ( size_t iter = 0; iter < globbuf.gl_pathc; iter++ ) {
diff --git a/source/helper.c b/source/helper.c
index d31a4e20..7fa07478 100644
--- a/source/helper.c
+++ b/source/helper.c
@@ -423,6 +423,18 @@ PangoAttrList *helper_token_match_get_pango_attr ( ThemeHighlight th, GRegex **t
pa->end_index = end;
pango_attr_list_insert ( retv, pa );
+ PangoAttribute *pa = pango_attr_strikethrough_new ( TRUE );
+ pa->start_index = start;
+ pa->end_index = end;
+ pango_attr_list_insert ( retv, pa );
+ }
+ if ( & HL_SMALL_CAPS ) {
+ PangoAttribute *pa = pango_attr_variant_new ( PANGO_VARIANT_SMALL_CAPS );
+ pa->start_index = start;
+ pa->end_index = end;
+ pango_attr_list_insert ( retv, pa );
+ }
if ( & HL_ITALIC ) {
PangoAttribute *pa = pango_attr_style_new ( PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC );
pa->start_index = start;
diff --git a/source/rofi.c b/source/rofi.c
index 4ca2460e..e802f0ed 100644
--- a/source/rofi.c
+++ b/source/rofi.c
@@ -1148,17 +1148,16 @@ int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
// Load in config from X resources.
config_parse_xresource_options ( xcb );
config_parse_xresource_options_file ( config_path );
- find_arg_str ( "-theme", &( config.theme ) );
- if ( config.theme ) {
- TICK_N ( "Parse theme" );
- if ( rofi_theme_parse_file ( config.theme ) ) {
- // TODO: instantiate fallback theme.?
- rofi_theme_free ( rofi_theme );
- rofi_theme = NULL;
- }
- TICK_N ( "Parsed theme" );
+ }
+ find_arg_str ( "-theme", &( config.theme ) );
+ if ( config.theme ) {
+ TICK_N ( "Parse theme" );
+ if ( rofi_theme_parse_file ( config.theme ) ) {
+ // TODO: instantiate fallback theme.?
+ rofi_theme_free ( rofi_theme );
+ rofi_theme = NULL;
+ TICK_N ( "Parsed theme" );
// Parse command line for settings, independent of other -no-config.
config_parse_cmd_options ( );
diff --git a/source/theme.c b/source/theme.c
index 274a866a..1c4711c6 100644
--- a/source/theme.c
+++ b/source/theme.c
@@ -170,15 +170,18 @@ static void rofi_theme_print_property_index ( size_t pnl, int depth, Property *p
if ( p-> & HL_UNDERLINE ) {
printf ( "underline " );
+ if ( p-> & HL_STRIKETHROUGH ) {
+ printf ( "strikethrough " );
+ }
if ( p-> & HL_ITALIC ) {
printf ( "italic " );
if ( p-> & HL_COLOR ) {
- printf ( "#%02X%02X%02X%02X",
- (unsigned char) ( p->value.highlight.color.alpha * 255.0 ),
- (unsigned char) ( p-> * 255.0 ),
- (unsigned char) ( p-> * 255.0 ),
- (unsigned char) ( p-> * 255.0 ) );
+ printf ( "rgba ( %.0f, %.0f, %.0f, %.0f %% )",
+ ( p-> * 255.0 ),
+ ( p-> * 255.0 ),
+ ( p-> * 255.0 ),
+ ( p->value.highlight.color.alpha * 100.0 ) );
printf ( ";" );
@@ -198,11 +201,11 @@ static void rofi_theme_print_property_index ( size_t pnl, int depth, Property *p
printf ( "%s;", p->value.b ? "true" : "false" );
case P_COLOR:
- printf ( "#%02X%02X%02X%02X;",
- (unsigned char) ( p->value.color.alpha * 255.0 ),
- (unsigned char) ( p-> * 255.0 ),
- (unsigned char) ( p-> * 255.0 ),
- (unsigned char) ( p-> * 255.0 ) );
+ printf ( "rgba ( %.0f, %.0f, %.0f, %.0f %% );",
+ ( p-> * 255.0 ),
+ ( p-> * 255.0 ),
+ ( p-> * 255.0 ),
+ ( p->value.color.alpha * 100.0 ) );
if ( distance_compare ( p->, p->value.padding.bottom ) &&
@@ -318,7 +321,7 @@ extern FILE* yyin;
void yyerror ( YYLTYPE *yylloc, const char *what, const char* s )
- char *what_esc = g_markup_escape_text ( what, -1 );
+ char *what_esc = what ? g_markup_escape_text ( what, -1 ) : g_strdup ( "" );
GString *str = g_string_new ( "" );
g_string_printf ( str, "<big><b>Error while parsing theme:</b></big> <i>%s</i>\n", what_esc );
g_free ( what_esc );
@@ -636,25 +639,39 @@ gboolean rofi_theme_is_empty ( void )
+static char * rofi_theme_convert_color ( char *col )
+ char *r = g_strstrip ( col );
+ if ( *r == '#' && strlen ( r ) == 9 ) {
+ char t1 = r[7];
+ char t2 = r[8];
+ r[7] = r[1];
+ r[8] = r[2];
+ r[1] = t1;
+ r[2] = t2;
+ }
+ return r;
void rofi_theme_convert_old ( void )
if ( config.color_window ) {
- char **retv = g_strsplit ( config.color_window, ",", -1 );
- const char const *conf[] = {
+ char **retv = g_strsplit ( config.color_window, ",", -1 );
+ const char * const conf[] = {
"* { background: %s; }",
"* { bordercolor: %s; }",
"* { separatorcolor: %s; }"
for ( int i = 0; retv && retv[i] && i < 3; i++ ) {
- char *str = g_strdup_printf ( conf[i], retv[i] );
+ char *str = g_strdup_printf ( conf[i], rofi_theme_convert_color ( retv[i] ) );
rofi_theme_parse_string ( str );
g_free ( str );
g_strfreev ( retv );
if ( config.color_normal ) {
- char **retv = g_strsplit ( config.color_normal, ",", -1 );
- const char const *conf[] = {
+ char **retv = g_strsplit ( config.color_normal, ",", -1 );
+ const char * const conf[] = {
"* { normal-background: %s; }",
"* { foreground: %s; normal-foreground: @foreground; alternate-normal-foreground: @foreground; }",
"* { alternate-normal-background: %s; }",
@@ -662,15 +679,15 @@ void rofi_theme_convert_old ( void )
"* { selected-normal-foreground: %s; }"
for ( int i = 0; retv && retv[i]; i++ ) {
- char *str = g_strdup_printf ( conf[i], retv[i] );
+ char *str = g_strdup_printf ( conf[i], rofi_theme_convert_color ( retv[i] ) );
rofi_theme_parse_string ( str );
g_free ( str );
g_strfreev ( retv );
if ( config.color_urgent ) {
- char **retv = g_strsplit ( config.color_urgent, ",", -1 );
- const char const *conf[] = {
+ char **retv = g_strsplit ( config.color_urgent, ",", -1 );
+ const char * const conf[] = {
"* { urgent-background: %s; }",
"* { urgent-foreground: %s; alternate-urgent-foreground: @urgent-foreground;}",
"* { alternate-urgent-background: %s; }",
@@ -678,15 +695,15 @@ void rofi_theme_convert_old ( void )
"* { selected-urgent-foreground: %s; }"
for ( int i = 0; retv && retv[i]; i++ ) {
- char *str = g_strdup_printf ( conf[i], retv[i] );
+ char *str = g_strdup_printf ( conf[i], rofi_theme_convert_color ( retv[i] ) );
rofi_theme_parse_string ( str );
g_free ( str );
g_strfreev ( retv );
if ( config.color_active ) {
- char **retv = g_strsplit ( config.color_active, ",", -1 );
- const char const *conf[] = {
+ char **retv = g_strsplit ( config.color_active, ",", -1 );
+ const char * const conf[] = {
"* { active-background: %s; }",
"* { active-foreground: %s; alternate-active-foreground: @active-foreground;}",
"* { alternate-active-background: %s; }",
@@ -694,7 +711,7 @@ void rofi_theme_convert_old ( void )
"* { selected-active-foreground: %s; }"
for ( int i = 0; retv && retv[i]; i++ ) {
- char *str = g_strdup_printf ( conf[i], retv[i] );
+ char *str = g_strdup_printf ( conf[i], rofi_theme_convert_color ( retv[i] ) );
rofi_theme_parse_string ( str );
g_free ( str );
diff --git a/source/view.c b/source/view.c
index 3186c873..416bad7d 100644
--- a/source/view.c
+++ b/source/view.c
@@ -68,6 +68,11 @@
#include "theme.h"
#include "xcb.h"
+#define xkb_state_key_get_consumed_mods( s, k ) xkb_state_key_get_consumed_mods2 ( s, k, XKB_CONSUMED_MODE_GTK )
* @param state The handle to the view
* @param qr Indicate if queue_redraw should be called on changes.
@@ -709,8 +714,8 @@ void __create_window ( MenuFlags menu_flags )
// Setup font.
// Dummy widget.
- container *win = container_create ( "" );
- const char *font = rofi_theme_get_string ( WIDGET ( win ), "font", config.menu_font );
+ container *win = container_create ( "" );
+ const char *font = rofi_theme_get_string ( WIDGET ( win ), "font", config.menu_font );
if ( font ) {
PangoFontDescription *pfd = pango_font_description_from_string ( font );
if ( helper_validate_font ( pfd, font ) ) {
@@ -1292,7 +1297,19 @@ gboolean rofi_view_trigger_action ( RofiViewState *state, KeyBindingAction actio
// If you add a binding here, make sure to add it to textbox_keybinding too
+ {
+ if ( textbox_keybinding ( state->text, action ) == 0 ) {
+ listview_nav_left ( state->list_view );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ if ( textbox_keybinding ( state->text, action ) == 0 ) {
+ listview_nav_right ( state->list_view );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
case MOVE_END:
diff --git a/source/widgets/textbox.c b/source/widgets/textbox.c
index 16e1ed69..c0761f11 100644
--- a/source/widgets/textbox.c
+++ b/source/widgets/textbox.c
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ textbox* textbox_create ( const char *name, TextboxFlags flags, TextBoxFontType
if ( helper_validate_font ( tbfc->pfd, font ) ) {
tbfc->metrics = pango_context_get_metrics ( p_context, tbfc->pfd, NULL );
// Cast away consts. (*yuck*) because table_insert does not know it is const.
- g_hash_table_insert ( tbfc_cache, (char *)font, tbfc );
+ g_hash_table_insert ( tbfc_cache, (char *) font, tbfc );
else {
pango_font_description_free ( tbfc->pfd );
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ textbox* textbox_create ( const char *name, TextboxFlags flags, TextBoxFontType
* State names used for theming.
-const char const *const theme_prop_names[][3] = {
+const char *const theme_prop_names[][3] = {
/** Normal row */
{ "normal.normal", "selected.normal", "alternate.normal" },
/** Urgent row */
@@ -405,20 +405,28 @@ void textbox_cursor ( textbox *tb, int pos )
* @param tb Handle to the textbox
* Move cursor one position forward.
+ *
+ * @returns if cursor was moved.
-static void textbox_cursor_inc ( textbox *tb )
+static int textbox_cursor_inc ( textbox *tb )
+ int old = tb->cursor;
textbox_cursor ( tb, tb->cursor + 1 );
+ return old != tb->cursor;
* @param tb Handle to the textbox
* Move cursor one position backward.
+ *
+ * @returns if cursor was moved.
-static void textbox_cursor_dec ( textbox *tb )
+static int textbox_cursor_dec ( textbox *tb )
+ int old = tb->cursor;
textbox_cursor ( tb, tb->cursor - 1 );
+ return old != tb->cursor;
// Move word right
@@ -625,12 +633,10 @@ int textbox_keybinding ( textbox *tb, KeyBindingAction action )
// Left or Ctrl-b
- textbox_cursor_dec ( tb );
- return 2;
+ return ( textbox_cursor_dec ( tb ) == TRUE ) ? 2 : 0;
// Right or Ctrl-F
- textbox_cursor_inc ( tb );
- return 2;
+ return ( textbox_cursor_inc ( tb ) == TRUE ) ? 2 : 0;
// Ctrl-U: Kill from the beginning to the end of the line.
textbox_text ( tb, "" );
@@ -791,3 +797,17 @@ int textbox_get_estimated_height ( const textbox *tb, int eh )
int height = pango_font_metrics_get_ascent ( tb->metrics ) + pango_font_metrics_get_descent ( tb->metrics );
return ( eh * height ) / PANGO_SCALE + widget_padding_get_padding_height ( WIDGET ( tb ) );
+int textbox_get_desired_width ( widget *wid )
+ textbox *tb = (textbox *) wid;
+ unsigned int offset = ( tb->flags & TB_INDICATOR ) ? DOT_OFFSET : 0;
+ if ( tb->flags & TB_AUTOWIDTH ) {
+ return textbox_get_font_width ( tb ) + widget_padding_get_padding_width ( wid ) + offset;
+ }
+ int width = 0;
+ pango_layout_set_width ( tb->layout, -1);
+ width = textbox_get_font_width ( tb );
+ // Restore.
+ pango_layout_set_width ( tb->layout, PANGO_SCALE * ( tb->widget.w - widget_padding_get_padding_width ( WIDGET ( tb ) ) - offset ) );
+ return width + widget_padding_get_padding_width ( wid ) + offset;
diff --git a/source/x11-helper.c b/source/x11-helper.c
index 0e58d829..5e1dce04 100644
--- a/source/x11-helper.c
+++ b/source/x11-helper.c
@@ -659,11 +659,13 @@ unsigned int x11_get_current_mask ( xkb_stuff *xkb )
// convert a Mod+key arg to mod mask and keysym
gboolean x11_parse_key ( const char *combo, unsigned int *mod, xkb_keysym_t *key, gboolean *release, GString *str )
- char *input_key = g_strdup ( combo );
- char *mod_key = input_key;
- char *error_msg = NULL;
- unsigned int modmask = 0;
- xkb_keysym_t sym = XKB_KEY_NoSymbol;
+ char *input_key = g_strdup ( combo );
+ char *mod_key = input_key;
+ char *error_msg = NULL;
+ unsigned int last_modmask = 0;
+ unsigned int modmask = 0;
+ xkb_keysym_t last_sym = XKB_KEY_NoSymbol;
+ xkb_keysym_t sym = XKB_KEY_NoSymbol;
// Test if this works on release.
if ( g_str_has_prefix ( mod_key, "!" ) ) {
@@ -676,6 +678,8 @@ gboolean x11_parse_key ( const char *combo, unsigned int *mod, xkb_keysym_t *key
// Remove trailing and leading spaces.
entry = g_strstrip ( entry );
// Compare against lowered version.
+ last_modmask = modmask;
+ last_sym = xkb_keysym_from_name ( entry, XKB_KEYSYM_NO_FLAGS );
char *entry_lowered = g_utf8_strdown ( entry, -1 );
if ( g_utf8_collate ( entry_lowered, "shift" ) == 0 ) {
modmask |= x11_mod_masks[X11MOD_SHIFT];
@@ -720,7 +724,7 @@ gboolean x11_parse_key ( const char *combo, unsigned int *mod, xkb_keysym_t *key
if ( sym != XKB_KEY_NoSymbol ) {
error_msg = g_markup_printf_escaped ( "Only one (non modifier) key can be bound per binding: <b>%s</b> is invalid.\n", entry );
- sym = xkb_keysym_from_name ( entry, XKB_KEYSYM_NO_FLAGS );
+ sym = last_sym;
if ( sym == XKB_KEY_NoSymbol ) {
error_msg = g_markup_printf_escaped ( "∙ Key <i>%s</i> is not understood\n", entry );
@@ -730,6 +734,10 @@ gboolean x11_parse_key ( const char *combo, unsigned int *mod, xkb_keysym_t *key
g_strfreev ( entries );
g_free ( input_key );
+ if ( ( sym == XKB_KEY_NoSymbol ) && ( last_sym != XKB_KEY_NoSymbol ) ) {
+ sym = last_sym;
+ modmask = last_modmask;
+ }
if ( error_msg ) {
char *name = g_markup_escape_text ( combo, -1 );