path: root/doc
diff options
authorDave Davenport <>2017-01-16 08:41:17 +0100
committerDave Davenport <>2017-01-16 08:41:17 +0100
commit8f1b8b18d84a175f58e24c8d5509e3ad8516aee2 (patch)
tree4d58ff06e48c2f27281bcade574ff995da82f80e /doc
parent30f7846e4c106957709cc4039068f1d57f1587d7 (diff)
Add some examples to the
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
1 files changed, 347 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 18eb960b..2c528e0c 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Both unix ('\n') and windows ('\r\n') newlines format are supported. But unix is
C and C++ file comments are support.
* Anything after `// ` and before a newline is considered a comment.
-* Everything between `/*` and `*/` are a comment.
+* Everything between `/*` and `*/` is a comment.
Comments can be nested and inline.
@@ -53,6 +53,11 @@ name
+### File extension
+The prefered file extension for the new theme format is *rasi*. This is an abbriviation for **r**ofi **a**advanced
+**s**tyle **i**nformation (Or the nick of the user that helped form the new specification).
### Basic Structure
The file is structured like:
@@ -421,3 +426,344 @@ The following properties are currently supports:
* cycle: boolean
* spacing: distance
+## Examples
+### Arthur
+A simple theme showing basic theming and transparent background:
+* {
+ foreground: #ffeedd;
+ background: rgba(0,0,0,0);
+ dark: #1c1c1c;
+ // Black
+ black: #3d352a;
+ lightblack: #554444;
+ //
+ // Red
+ red: #cd5c5c;
+ lightred: #cc5533;
+ //
+ // Green
+ green: #86af80;
+ lightgreen: #88cc22;
+ //
+ // Yellow
+ yellow: #e8ae5b;
+ lightyellow: #ffa75d;
+ //
+ // Blue
+ blue: #6495ed;
+ lightblue: #87ceeb;
+ //
+ // Magenta
+ magenta: #deb887;
+ lightmagenta: #996600;
+ //
+ // Cyan
+ cyan: #b0c4de;
+ lightcyan: #b0c4de;
+ //
+ // White
+ white: #bbaa99;
+ lightwhite: #ddccbb;
+ //
+ // Bold, Italic, Underline
+ highlight: bold #ffffff;
+#window {
+ location: center;
+ anchor: north;
+ y-offset: -5em;
+#window box {
+ padding: 10px;
+ border: 1px;
+ foreground: @magenta;
+ background: #cc1c1c1c;
+#window mainbox inputbar {
+ background: @lightblack;
+ text: @lightgreen;
+ padding: 4px;
+#window mainbox inputbar box {
+ border: 0px 0px 2px 0px;
+#window mainbox box {
+ spacing: 0.3em;
+#window mainbox listview {
+ dynamic: false;
+#window mainbox listview element selected normal {
+ background: @blue;
+#window mainbox listview element normal active {
+ foreground: @lightblue;
+#window mainbox listview element normal urgent {
+ foreground: @lightred;
+#window mainbox listview element alternate normal {
+#window mainbox listview element alternate active {
+ foreground: @lightblue;
+#window mainbox listview element alternate urgent {
+ foreground: @lightred;
+#window mainbox listview element selected active {
+ background: @lightblue;
+ foreground: @dark;
+#window mainbox listview element selected urgent {
+ background: @lightred;
+ foreground: @dark;
+#window mainbox listview element normal normal {
+### Sidebar
+The previous theme modified to behave like a sidebar, positioned on the left of the screen.
+* {
+ foreground: #ffeedd;
+ background: rgba(0,0,0,0);
+ dark: #1c1c1c;
+ // Black
+ black: #3d352a;
+ lightblack: #554444;
+ //
+ // Red
+ red: #cd5c5c;
+ lightred: #cc5533;
+ //
+ // Green
+ green: #86af80;
+ lightgreen: #88cc22;
+ //
+ // Yellow
+ yellow: #e8ae5b;
+ lightyellow: #ffa75d;
+ //
+ // Blue
+ blue: #6495ed;
+ lightblue: #87ceeb;
+ //
+ // Magenta
+ magenta: #deb887;
+ lightmagenta: #996600;
+ //
+ // Cyan
+ cyan: #b0c4de;
+ lightcyan: #b0c4de;
+ //
+ // White
+ white: #bbaa99;
+ lightwhite: #ddccbb;
+ //
+ // Bold, Italic, Underline
+ highlight: bold #ffffff;
+#window {
+ width: 30em;
+ location: west;
+ anchor: west;
+#window box {
+ border: 0px 2px 0px 0px;
+ foreground: @lightwhite;
+ background: #ee1c1c1c;
+#window mainbox sidebar box {
+ border: 2px 0px 0px 0px;
+ background: @lightblack;
+ padding: 10px;
+#window mainbox sidebar selected {
+ foreground: @lightgreen;
+ text: @lightgreen;
+#window mainbox inputbar {
+ background: @lightblack;
+ text: @lightgreen;
+ padding: 4px;
+#window mainbox inputbar box {
+ border: 0px 0px 2px 0px;
+#window mainbox box {
+ spacing: 1em;
+#window mainbox listview box {
+ padding: 0em 0.4em 0em 1em;
+#window mainbox listview {
+ dynamic: false;
+ lines: 0;
+#window mainbox listview element selected normal {
+ background: @blue;
+#window mainbox listview element normal active {
+ foreground: @lightblue;
+#window mainbox listview element normal urgent {
+ foreground: @lightred;
+#window mainbox listview element alternate normal {
+#window mainbox listview element alternate active {
+ foreground: @lightblue;
+#window mainbox listview element alternate urgent {
+ foreground: @lightred;
+#window mainbox listview element selected active {
+ background: @lightblue;
+ foreground: @dark;
+#window mainbox listview element selected urgent {
+ background: @lightred;
+ foreground: @dark;
+#window mainbox listview element normal normal {
+### Paper Float
+A theme that shows a floating inputbar.
+> TODO: cleanup this theme.
+* {
+ blue: #0000FF;
+ white: #FFFFFF;
+ black: #000000;
+ grey: #eeeeee;
+ spacing: 2;
+ background: #00000000;
+ anchor: north;
+ location: center;
+#window {
+ transparency: "screenshot";
+ background: #00000000;
+ border: 0;
+ padding: 0% 0% 1em 0%;
+ foreground: #FF444444;
+ x-offset: 0;
+ y-offset: -10%;
+#window.mainbox {
+ padding: 0px;
+} {
+ border: 0;
+ spacing: 1%;
+} {
+ border: 2px;
+ padding: 1em;
+ background: @white;
+ foreground: @back;
+#window.mainbox.message.normal {
+ foreground: #FF002B36;
+ padding: 0;
+ border: 0;
+#window.mainbox.listview {
+ fixed-height: 1;
+ border: 2px;
+ padding: 1em;
+ reverse: false;
+ columns: 1;
+ background: @white;
+#window.mainbox.listview.element {
+ border: 0;
+ padding: 2px;
+ highlight: bold ;
+#window.mainbox.listview.element.normal.normal {
+ foreground: #FF002B36;
+ background: #00F5F5F5;
+#window.mainbox.listview.element.normal.urgent {
+ foreground: #FFD75F00;
+ background: #FFF5F5F5;
+} {
+ foreground: #FF005F87;
+ background: #FFF5F5F5;
+#window.mainbox.listview.element.selected.normal {
+ foreground: #FFF5F5F5;
+ background: #FF4271AE;
+#window.mainbox.listview.element.selected.urgent {
+ foreground: #FFF5F5F5;
+ background: #FFD75F00;
+} {
+ foreground: #FFF5F5F5;
+ background: #FF005F87;
+#window.mainbox.listview.element.alternate.normal {
+ foreground: #FF002B36;
+ background: #FFD0D0D0;
+#window.mainbox.listview.element.alternate.urgent {
+ foreground: #FFD75F00;
+ background: #FFD0D0D0;
+} {
+ foreground: #FF005F87;
+ background: #FFD0D0D0;
+#window.mainbox.listview.scrollbar {
+ border: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+#window.mainbox.inputbar {
+ spacing: 0;
+} {
+ border: 2px;
+ padding: 0.5em 1em;
+ background: @grey;
+ index: 0;
+#window.mainbox.inputbar.normal {
+ foreground: #FF002B36;
+ background: #00F5F5F5;
+ {
+ border: 2px;
+ padding: 0.5em 1em;
+ background: @grey;
+ index: 10;
+#window.mainbox.sidebar.button selected {
+ text: #FF4271AE;