use std::env; use std::error; use std::fmt; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io::{self, Write}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process; use std::str::FromStr; use std::sync::atomic::{ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT, AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; static TEST_DIR: &'static str = "ripgrep-tests"; static NEXT_ID: AtomicUsize = ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT; /// WorkDir represents a directory in which tests are run. /// /// Directories are created from a global atomic counter to avoid duplicates. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct WorkDir { /// The directory in which this test executable is running. root: PathBuf, /// The directory in which the test should run. If a test needs to create /// files, they should go in here. dir: PathBuf, } impl WorkDir { /// Create a new test working directory with the given name. The name /// does not need to be distinct for each invocation, but should correspond /// to a logical grouping of tests. pub fn new(name: &str) -> WorkDir { let id = NEXT_ID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); let root = env::current_exe().unwrap() .parent().expect("executable's directory").to_path_buf(); let dir = root.join(TEST_DIR).join(name).join(&format!("{}", id)); nice_err(&dir, repeat(|| fs::create_dir_all(&dir))); WorkDir { root: root, dir: dir, } } /// Create a new file with the given name and contents in this directory. pub fn create>(&self, name: P, contents: &str) { let path = self.dir.join(name); let mut file = nice_err(&path, File::create(&path)); nice_err(&path, file.write_all(contents.as_bytes())); nice_err(&path, file.flush()); } /// Remove a file with the given name from this directory. pub fn remove>(&self, name: P) { let path = self.dir.join(name); nice_err(&path, fs::remove_file(&path)); } /// Create a new directory with the given path (and any directories above /// it) inside this directory. pub fn create_dir>(&self, path: P) { let path = self.dir.join(path); nice_err(&path, repeat(|| fs::create_dir_all(&path))); } /// Creates a new command that is set to use the ripgrep executable in /// this working directory. pub fn command(&self) -> process::Command { let mut cmd = process::Command::new(&self.bin()); cmd.current_dir(&self.dir); cmd } /// Returns the path to the ripgrep executable. pub fn bin(&self) -> PathBuf { self.root.join("rg") } /// Returns the path to this directory. pub fn path(&self) -> &Path { &self.dir } /// Creates a directory symlink to the src with the given target name /// in this directory. #[cfg(not(windows))] pub fn link_dir, T: AsRef>(&self, src: S, target: T) { use std::os::unix::fs::symlink; let src = self.dir.join(src); let target = self.dir.join(target); let _ = fs::remove_file(&target); nice_err(&target, symlink(&src, &target)); } /// Creates a directory symlink to the src with the given target name /// in this directory. #[cfg(windows)] pub fn link_dir, T: AsRef>(&self, src: S, target: T) { use std::os::windows::fs::symlink_dir; let src = self.dir.join(src); let target = self.dir.join(target); let _ = fs::remove_dir(&target); nice_err(&target, symlink_dir(&src, &target)); } /// Creates a file symlink to the src with the given target name /// in this directory. #[cfg(not(windows))] pub fn link_file, T: AsRef>( &self, src: S, target: T, ) { self.link_dir(src, target); } /// Creates a file symlink to the src with the given target name /// in this directory. #[cfg(windows)] pub fn link_file, T: AsRef>( &self, src: S, target: T, ) { use std::os::windows::fs::symlink_file; let src = self.dir.join(src); let target = self.dir.join(target); let _ = fs::remove_file(&target); nice_err(&target, symlink_file(&src, &target)); } /// Runs and captures the stdout of the given command. /// /// If the return type could not be created from a string, then this /// panics. pub fn stdout>( &self, cmd: &mut process::Command, ) -> T { let o = self.output(cmd); let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&o.stdout); match stdout.parse() { Ok(t) => t, Err(err) => { panic!("could not convert from string: {:?}\n\n{}", err, stdout); } } } /// Gets the output of a command. If the command failed, then this panics. pub fn output(&self, cmd: &mut process::Command) -> process::Output { let o = cmd.output().unwrap(); if !o.status.success() { let suggest = if o.stderr.is_empty() { "\n\nDid your search end up with no results?".to_string() } else { "".to_string() }; panic!("\n\n==========\n\ command failed but expected success!\ {}\ \n\ncommand: {:?}\ \ncwd: {}\ \n\nstatus: {}\ \n\nstdout: {}\ \n\nstderr: {}\ \n\n==========\n", suggest, cmd, self.dir.display(), o.status, String::from_utf8_lossy(&o.stdout), String::from_utf8_lossy(&o.stderr)); } o } /// Runs the given command and asserts that it resulted in an error exit /// code. pub fn assert_err(&self, cmd: &mut process::Command) { let o = cmd.output().unwrap(); if o.status.success() { panic!("\n\n===== {:?} =====\n\ command succeeded but expected failure!\ \n\ncwd: {}\ \n\nstatus: {}\ \n\nstdout: {}\n\nstderr: {}\ \n\n=====\n", cmd, self.dir.display(), o.status, String::from_utf8_lossy(&o.stdout), String::from_utf8_lossy(&o.stderr)); } } } fn nice_err, T, E: error::Error>( path: P, res: Result, ) -> T { match res { Ok(t) => t, Err(err) => { panic!("{}: {:?}", path.as_ref().display(), err); } } } fn repeat io::Result<()>>(mut f: F) -> io::Result<()> { let mut last_err = None; for _ in 0..10 { if let Err(err) = f() { last_err = Some(err); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); } else { return Ok(()); } } Err(last_err.unwrap()) }