/*! The `search_stream` module is responsible for searching a single file and printing matches. In particular, it searches the file in a streaming fashion using `read` calls and a (roughly) fixed size buffer. */ use std::cmp; use std::error::Error as StdError; use std::fmt; use std::io; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use bytecount; use grep::{Grep, Match}; use memchr::{memchr, memrchr}; use termcolor::WriteColor; use printer::Printer; /// The default read size (capacity of input buffer). const READ_SIZE: usize = 8 * (1<<10); /// Error describes errors that can occur while searching. #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { /// A standard I/O error attached to a particular file path. Io { err: io::Error, path: PathBuf, } } impl Error { fn from_io>(err: io::Error, path: P) -> Error { Error::Io { err: err, path: path.as_ref().to_path_buf() } } } impl StdError for Error { fn description(&self) -> &str { match *self { Error::Io { ref err, .. } => err.description(), } } fn cause(&self) -> Option<&StdError> { match *self { Error::Io { ref err, .. } => Some(err), } } } impl fmt::Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match *self { Error::Io { ref err, ref path } => { write!(f, "{}: {}", path.display(), err) } } } } pub struct Searcher<'a, R, W: 'a> { opts: Options, inp: &'a mut InputBuffer, printer: &'a mut Printer, grep: &'a Grep, path: &'a Path, haystack: R, match_line_count: u64, match_count: Option, line_count: Option, byte_offset: Option, last_match: Match, last_printed: usize, last_line: usize, after_context_remaining: usize, } /// Options for configuring search. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Options { pub after_context: usize, pub before_context: usize, pub byte_offset: bool, pub count: bool, pub count_matches: bool, pub files_with_matches: bool, pub files_without_matches: bool, pub eol: u8, pub invert_match: bool, pub line_number: bool, pub max_count: Option, pub quiet: bool, pub text: bool, } impl Default for Options { fn default() -> Options { Options { after_context: 0, before_context: 0, byte_offset: false, count: false, count_matches: false, files_with_matches: false, files_without_matches: false, eol: b'\n', invert_match: false, line_number: false, max_count: None, quiet: false, text: false, } } } impl Options { /// Several options (--quiet, --count, --count-matches, --files-with-matches, /// --files-without-match) imply that we shouldn't ever display matches. pub fn skip_matches(&self) -> bool { self.count || self.files_with_matches || self.files_without_matches || self.quiet || self.count_matches } /// Some options (--quiet, --files-with-matches, --files-without-match) /// imply that we can stop searching after the first match. pub fn stop_after_first_match(&self) -> bool { self.files_with_matches || self.files_without_matches || self.quiet } /// Returns true if the search should terminate based on the match line count. pub fn terminate(&self, match_line_count: u64) -> bool { if match_line_count > 0 && self.stop_after_first_match() { return true; } if self.max_count.map_or(false, |max| match_line_count >= max) { return true; } false } } impl<'a, R: io::Read, W: WriteColor> Searcher<'a, R, W> { /// Create a new searcher. /// /// `inp` is a reusable input buffer that is used as scratch space by this /// searcher. /// /// `printer` is used to output all results of searching. /// /// `grep` is the actual matcher. /// /// `path` is the file path being searched. /// /// `haystack` is a reader of text to search. pub fn new( inp: &'a mut InputBuffer, printer: &'a mut Printer, grep: &'a Grep, path: &'a Path, haystack: R, ) -> Searcher<'a, R, W> { Searcher { opts: Options::default(), inp: inp, printer: printer, grep: grep, path: path, haystack: haystack, match_line_count: 0, match_count: None, line_count: None, byte_offset: None, last_match: Match::default(), last_printed: 0, last_line: 0, after_context_remaining: 0, } } /// The number of contextual lines to show after each match. The default /// is zero. pub fn after_context(mut self, count: usize) -> Self { self.opts.after_context = count; self } /// The number of contextual lines to show before each match. The default /// is zero. pub fn before_context(mut self, count: usize) -> Self { self.opts.before_context = count; self } /// If enabled, searching will print a 0-based offset of the /// matching line (or the actual match if -o is specified) before /// printing the line itself. /// /// Disabled by default. pub fn byte_offset(mut self, yes: bool) -> Self { self.opts.byte_offset = yes; self } /// If enabled, searching will print a count instead of each match. /// /// Disabled by default. pub fn count(mut self, yes: bool) -> Self { self.opts.count = yes; self } /// If enabled, searching will print the count of individual matches /// instead of each match. /// /// Disabled by default. pub fn count_matches(mut self, yes: bool) -> Self { self.opts.count_matches = yes; self } /// If enabled, searching will print the path instead of each match. /// /// Disabled by default. pub fn files_with_matches(mut self, yes: bool) -> Self { self.opts.files_with_matches = yes; self } /// If enabled, searching will print the path of files without any matches. /// /// Disabled by default. pub fn files_without_matches(mut self, yes: bool) -> Self { self.opts.files_without_matches = yes; self } /// Set the end-of-line byte used by this searcher. pub fn eol(mut self, eol: u8) -> Self { self.opts.eol = eol; self } /// If enabled, matching is inverted so that lines that *don't* match the /// given pattern are treated as matches. pub fn invert_match(mut self, yes: bool) -> Self { self.opts.invert_match = yes; self } /// If enabled, compute line numbers and prefix each line of output with /// them. pub fn line_number(mut self, yes: bool) -> Self { self.opts.line_number = yes; self } /// Limit the number of matches to the given count. /// /// The default is None, which corresponds to no limit. pub fn max_count(mut self, count: Option) -> Self { self.opts.max_count = count; self } /// If enabled, don't show any output and quit searching after the first /// match is found. pub fn quiet(mut self, yes: bool) -> Self { self.opts.quiet = yes; self } /// If enabled, search binary files as if they were text. pub fn text(mut self, yes: bool) -> Self { self.opts.text = yes; self.inp.text(yes); self } /// Execute the search. Results are written to the printer and the total /// number of matches is returned. #[inline(never)] pub fn run(mut self) -> Result { self.inp.reset(); self.match_line_count = 0; self.line_count = if self.opts.line_number { Some(0) } else { None }; self.byte_offset = if self.opts.byte_offset { Some(0) } else { None }; self.match_count = if self.opts.count_matches { Some(0) } else { None }; self.last_match = Match::default(); self.after_context_remaining = 0; while !self.terminate() { let upto = self.inp.lastnl; self.print_after_context(upto); if !self.fill()? { break; } while !self.terminate() && self.inp.pos < self.inp.lastnl { let matched = self.grep.read_match( &mut self.last_match, &self.inp.buf[..self.inp.lastnl], self.inp.pos); if self.opts.invert_match { let upto = if matched { self.last_match.start() } else { self.inp.lastnl }; if upto > self.inp.pos { let upto_context = self.inp.pos; self.print_after_context(upto_context); self.print_before_context(upto_context); self.print_inverted_matches(upto); } } else if matched { let start = self.last_match.start(); let end = self.last_match.end(); self.print_after_context(start); self.print_before_context(start); self.print_match(start, end); } if matched { self.inp.pos = self.last_match.end(); } else { self.inp.pos = self.inp.lastnl; } } } if self.after_context_remaining > 0 { if self.last_printed == self.inp.lastnl { self.fill()?; } let upto = self.inp.lastnl; if upto > 0 { self.print_after_context(upto); } } if self.match_line_count > 0 { if self.opts.count { self.printer.path_count(self.path, self.match_line_count); } else if self.opts.count_matches { self.printer.path_count(self.path, self.match_count.unwrap()); } else if self.opts.files_with_matches { self.printer.path(self.path); } } else if self.opts.files_without_matches { self.printer.path(self.path); } Ok(self.match_line_count) } #[inline(always)] fn terminate(&self) -> bool { self.opts.terminate(self.match_line_count) } #[inline(always)] fn fill(&mut self) -> Result { let keep = if self.opts.before_context > 0 || self.opts.after_context > 0 { let lines = 1 + cmp::max( self.opts.before_context, self.opts.after_context); start_of_previous_lines( self.opts.eol, &self.inp.buf, self.inp.lastnl.saturating_sub(1), lines) } else { self.inp.lastnl }; if keep < self.last_printed { self.last_printed -= keep; } else { self.last_printed = 0; } if keep <= self.last_line { self.last_line -= keep; } else { self.count_lines(keep); self.last_line = 0; } self.count_byte_offset(keep); let ok = self.inp.fill(&mut self.haystack, keep).map_err(|err| { Error::from_io(err, &self.path) })?; Ok(ok) } #[inline(always)] fn print_inverted_matches(&mut self, upto: usize) { debug_assert!(self.opts.invert_match); let mut it = IterLines::new(self.opts.eol, self.inp.pos); while let Some((start, end)) = it.next(&self.inp.buf[..upto]) { if self.terminate() { return; } self.print_match(start, end); self.inp.pos = end; } } #[inline(always)] fn print_before_context(&mut self, upto: usize) { if self.opts.skip_matches() || self.opts.before_context == 0 { return; } let start = self.last_printed; let end = upto; if start >= end { return; } let before_context_start = start + start_of_previous_lines( self.opts.eol, &self.inp.buf[start..], end - start - 1, self.opts.before_context); let mut it = IterLines::new(self.opts.eol, before_context_start); while let Some((s, e)) = it.next(&self.inp.buf[..end]) { self.print_separator(s); self.print_context(s, e); } } #[inline(always)] fn print_after_context(&mut self, upto: usize) { if self.opts.skip_matches() || self.after_context_remaining == 0 { return; } let start = self.last_printed; let end = upto; let mut it = IterLines::new(self.opts.eol, start); while let Some((s, e)) = it.next(&self.inp.buf[..end]) { self.print_context(s, e); self.after_context_remaining -= 1; if self.after_context_remaining == 0 { break; } } } #[inline(always)] fn print_match(&mut self, start: usize, end: usize) { self.match_line_count += 1; self.count_individual_matches(start, end); if self.opts.skip_matches() { return; } self.print_separator(start); self.count_lines(start); self.add_line(end); self.printer.matched( self.grep.regex(), self.path, &self.inp.buf, start, end, self.line_count, self.byte_offset); self.last_printed = end; self.after_context_remaining = self.opts.after_context; } #[inline(always)] fn print_context(&mut self, start: usize, end: usize) { self.count_lines(start); self.add_line(end); self.printer.context( &self.path, &self.inp.buf, start, end, self.line_count, self.byte_offset); self.last_printed = end; } #[inline(always)] fn print_separator(&mut self, before: usize) { if self.opts.before_context == 0 && self.opts.after_context == 0 { return; } if !self.printer.has_printed() { return; } if (self.last_printed == 0 && before > 0) || self.last_printed < before { self.printer.context_separate(); } } #[inline(always)] fn count_byte_offset(&mut self, buf_last_end: usize) { if let Some(ref mut byte_offset) = self.byte_offset { *byte_offset += buf_last_end as u64; } } #[inline(always)] fn count_individual_matches(&mut self, start: usize, end: usize) { if let Some(ref mut count) = self.match_count { for _ in self.grep.regex().find_iter(&self.inp.buf[start..end]) { *count += 1; } } } #[inline(always)] fn count_lines(&mut self, upto: usize) { if let Some(ref mut line_count) = self.line_count { *line_count += count_lines( &self.inp.buf[self.last_line..upto], self.opts.eol); self.last_line = upto; } } #[inline(always)] fn add_line(&mut self, line_end: usize) { if let Some(ref mut line_count) = self.line_count { *line_count += 1; self.last_line = line_end; } } } /// `InputBuffer` encapsulates the logic of maintaining a ~fixed sized buffer /// on which to search. There are three key pieces of complexity: /// /// 1. We must be able to handle lines that are longer than the size of the /// buffer. For this reason, the buffer is allowed to expand (and is /// therefore not technically fixed). Note that once a buffer expands, it /// will never contract. /// 2. The contents of the buffer may end with a partial line, so we must keep /// track of where the last complete line ends. Namely, the partial line /// is only completed on subsequent reads *after* searching up through /// the last complete line is done. /// 3. When printing the context of a match, the last N lines of the buffer /// may need to be rolled over into the next buffer. For example, a match /// may occur at the beginning of a buffer, in which case, lines at the end /// of the previous contents of the buffer need to be printed. /// /// An `InputBuffer` is designed to be reused and isn't tied to any particular /// reader. pub struct InputBuffer { /// The number of bytes to attempt to read at a time. Once set, this is /// never changed. read_size: usize, /// The end-of-line terminator used in this buffer. eol: u8, /// A scratch buffer. tmp: Vec, /// A buffer to read bytes into. All searches are executed directly against /// this buffer and pos/lastnl/end point into it. buf: Vec, /// The current position in buf. The current position represents where the /// next search should start. pos: usize, /// The position immediately following the last line terminator in buf. /// This may be equal to end. /// /// Searching should never cross this boundary. In particular, the contents /// of the buffer following this position may correspond to *partial* line. /// All contents before this position are complete lines. lastnl: usize, /// The end position of the buffer. Data after this position is not /// specified. end: usize, /// Set to true if and only if no reads have occurred yet. first: bool, /// Set to true if all binary data should be treated as if it were text. text: bool, } impl InputBuffer { /// Create a new buffer with a default capacity. pub fn new() -> InputBuffer { InputBuffer::with_capacity(READ_SIZE) } /// Create a new buffer with the capacity given. /// /// The capacity determines the size of each read from the underlying /// reader. /// /// `cap` must be a minimum of `1`. pub fn with_capacity(mut cap: usize) -> InputBuffer { if cap == 0 { cap = 1; } InputBuffer { read_size: cap, eol: b'\n', buf: vec![0; cap], tmp: vec![], pos: 0, lastnl: 0, end: 0, first: true, text: false, } } /// Set the end-of-line terminator used by this input buffer. pub fn eol(&mut self, eol: u8) -> &mut Self { self.eol = eol; self } /// If enabled, search binary files as if they were text. /// /// Note that this may cause the buffer to load the entire contents of a /// file into memory. pub fn text(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut Self { self.text = yes; self } /// Resets this buffer so that it may be reused with a new reader. fn reset(&mut self) { self.pos = 0; self.lastnl = 0; self.end = 0; self.first = true; } /// Fill the contents of this buffer with the reader given. The reader /// given should be the same in every call to fill unless reset has been /// called. /// /// The bytes in buf[keep_from..end] are rolled over into the beginning /// of the buffer. fn fill( &mut self, rdr: &mut R, keep_from: usize, ) -> Result { // Rollover bytes from buf[keep_from..end] and update our various // pointers. N.B. This could be done with the ptr::copy, but I haven't // been able to produce a benchmark that notices a difference in // performance. (Invariably, ptr::copy is seems clearer IMO, but it is // not safe.) self.tmp.clear(); self.tmp.extend_from_slice(&self.buf[keep_from..self.end]); self.buf[0..self.tmp.len()].copy_from_slice(&self.tmp); self.pos = self.lastnl - keep_from; self.lastnl = 0; self.end = self.tmp.len(); while self.lastnl == 0 { // If our buffer isn't big enough to hold the contents of a full // read, expand it. if self.buf.len() - self.end < self.read_size { let min_len = self.read_size + self.buf.len() - self.end; let new_len = cmp::max(min_len, self.buf.len() * 2); self.buf.resize(new_len, 0); } let n = rdr.read( &mut self.buf[self.end..self.end + self.read_size])?; if !self.text { if is_binary(&self.buf[self.end..self.end + n], self.first) { return Ok(false); } } self.first = false; // We assume that reading 0 bytes means we've hit EOF. if n == 0 { // If we've searched everything up to the end of the buffer, // then there's nothing left to do. if self.end - self.pos == 0 { return Ok(false); } // Even if we hit EOF, we might still have to search the // last line if it didn't contain a trailing terminator. self.lastnl = self.end; break; } self.lastnl = memrchr(self.eol, &self.buf[self.end..self.end + n]) .map(|i| self.end + i + 1) .unwrap_or(0); self.end += n; } Ok(true) } } /// Returns true if and only if the given buffer is determined to be "binary" /// or otherwise not contain text data that is usefully searchable. /// /// Note that this may return both false positives and false negatives. #[inline(always)] pub fn is_binary(buf: &[u8], first: bool) -> bool { if first && buf.len() >= 4 && &buf[0..4] == b"%PDF" { return true; } memchr(b'\x00', buf).is_some() } /// Count the number of lines in the given buffer. #[inline(never)] pub fn count_lines(buf: &[u8], eol: u8) -> u64 { bytecount::count(buf, eol) as u64 } /// Replaces a with b in buf. #[allow(dead_code)] fn replace_buf(buf: &mut [u8], a: u8, b: u8) { if a == b { return; } let mut pos = 0; while let Some(i) = memchr(a, &buf[pos..]).map(|i| pos + i) { buf[i] = b; pos = i + 1; while buf.get(pos) == Some(&a) { buf[pos] = b; pos += 1; } } } /// An "iterator" over lines in a particular buffer. /// /// Idiomatic Rust would borrow the buffer and use it as internal state to /// advance over the positions of each line. We neglect that approach to avoid /// the borrow in the search code. (Because the borrow prevents composition /// through other mutable methods.) pub struct IterLines { eol: u8, pos: usize, } impl IterLines { /// Creates a new iterator over lines starting at the position given. /// /// The buffer is passed to the `next` method. #[inline(always)] pub fn new(eol: u8, start: usize) -> IterLines { IterLines { eol: eol, pos: start, } } /// Return the start and end position of the next line in the buffer. The /// buffer given should be the same on every call. /// /// The range returned includes the new line. #[inline(always)] pub fn next(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Option<(usize, usize)> { match memchr(self.eol, &buf[self.pos..]) { None => { if self.pos < buf.len() { let start = self.pos; self.pos = buf.len(); Some((start, buf.len())) } else { None } } Some(end) => { let start = self.pos; let end = self.pos + end + 1; self.pos = end; Some((start, end)) } } } } /// Returns the starting index of the Nth line preceding `end`. /// /// If `buf` is empty, then `0` is returned. If `count` is `0`, then `end` is /// returned. /// /// If `end` points at a new line in `buf`, then searching starts as if `end` /// pointed immediately before the new line. /// /// The position returned corresponds to the first byte in the given line. #[inline(always)] fn start_of_previous_lines( eol: u8, buf: &[u8], mut end: usize, mut count: usize, ) -> usize { // TODO(burntsushi): This function needs to be badly simplified. The case // analysis is impossible to follow. if buf[..end].is_empty() { return 0; } if count == 0 { return end; } if end == buf.len() { end -= 1; } if buf[end] == eol { if end == 0 { return end + 1; } end -= 1; } while count > 0 { if buf[end] == eol { count -= 1; if count == 0 { return end + 1; } if end == 0 { return end; } end -= 1; continue; } match memrchr(eol, &buf[..end]) { None => { return 0; } Some(i) => { count -= 1; end = i; if end == 0 { if buf[end] == eol && count == 0 { end += 1; } return end; } end -= 1; } } } end + 2 } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::io; use std::path::Path; use grep::GrepBuilder; use printer::Printer; use termcolor; use super::{InputBuffer, Searcher, start_of_previous_lines}; const SHERLOCK: &'static str = "\ For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock Holmeses, success in the province of detective work must always be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes can extract a clew from a wisp of straw or a flake of cigar ash; but Doctor Watson has to have it taken out for him and dusted, and exhibited clearly, with a label attached.\ "; const CODE: &'static str = "\ extern crate snap; use std::io; fn main() { let stdin = io::stdin(); let stdout = io::stdout(); // Wrap the stdin reader in a Snappy reader. let mut rdr = snap::Reader::new(stdin.lock()); let mut wtr = stdout.lock(); io::copy(&mut rdr, &mut wtr).expect(\"I/O operation failed\"); } "; fn hay(s: &str) -> io::Cursor> { io::Cursor::new(s.to_string().into_bytes()) } fn test_path() -> &'static Path { &Path::new("/baz.rs") } type TestSearcher<'a> = Searcher< 'a, io::Cursor>, termcolor::NoColor>, >; fn search_smallcap TestSearcher>( pat: &str, haystack: &str, mut map: F, ) -> (u64, String) { let mut inp = InputBuffer::with_capacity(1); let outbuf = termcolor::NoColor::new(vec![]); let mut pp = Printer::new(outbuf).with_filename(true); let grep = GrepBuilder::new(pat).build().unwrap(); let count = { let searcher = Searcher::new( &mut inp, &mut pp, &grep, test_path(), hay(haystack)); map(searcher).run().unwrap() }; (count, String::from_utf8(pp.into_inner().into_inner()).unwrap()) } fn search TestSearcher>( pat: &str, haystack: &str, mut map: F, ) -> (u64, String) { let mut inp = InputBuffer::with_capacity(4096); let outbuf = termcolor::NoColor::new(vec![]); let mut pp = Printer::new(outbuf).with_filename(true); let grep = GrepBuilder::new(pat).build().unwrap(); let count = { let searcher = Searcher::new( &mut inp, &mut pp, &grep, test_path(), hay(haystack)); map(searcher).run().unwrap() }; (count, String::from_utf8(pp.into_inner().into_inner()).unwrap()) } #[test] fn previous_lines() { let eol = b'\n'; let text = SHERLOCK.as_bytes(); assert_eq!(366, text.len()); assert_eq!(0, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 366, 100)); assert_eq!(366, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 366, 0)); assert_eq!(321, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 366, 1)); assert_eq!(321, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 365, 1)); assert_eq!(321, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 364, 1)); assert_eq!(321, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 322, 1)); assert_eq!(321, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 321, 1)); assert_eq!(258, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 320, 1)); assert_eq!(258, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 366, 2)); assert_eq!(258, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 365, 2)); assert_eq!(258, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 364, 2)); assert_eq!(258, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 322, 2)); assert_eq!(258, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 321, 2)); assert_eq!(193, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 320, 2)); assert_eq!(65, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 66, 1)); assert_eq!(0, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 66, 2)); assert_eq!(64, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 64, 0)); assert_eq!(0, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 64, 1)); assert_eq!(0, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 64, 2)); assert_eq!(0, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 0, 2)); assert_eq!(0, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 0, 1)); } #[test] fn previous_lines_short() { let eol = b'\n'; let text = &b"a\nb\nc\nd\ne\nf\n"[..]; assert_eq!(12, text.len()); assert_eq!(10, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 12, 1)); assert_eq!(8, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 12, 2)); assert_eq!(6, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 12, 3)); assert_eq!(4, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 12, 4)); assert_eq!(2, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 12, 5)); assert_eq!(0, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 12, 6)); assert_eq!(0, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 12, 7)); assert_eq!(10, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 11, 1)); assert_eq!(8, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 11, 2)); assert_eq!(6, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 11, 3)); assert_eq!(4, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 11, 4)); assert_eq!(2, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 11, 5)); assert_eq!(0, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 11, 6)); assert_eq!(0, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 11, 7)); assert_eq!(10, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 10, 1)); assert_eq!(8, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 10, 2)); assert_eq!(6, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 10, 3)); assert_eq!(4, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 10, 4)); assert_eq!(2, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 10, 5)); assert_eq!(0, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 10, 6)); assert_eq!(0, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 10, 7)); assert_eq!(8, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 9, 1)); assert_eq!(8, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 8, 1)); assert_eq!(6, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 7, 1)); assert_eq!(6, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 6, 1)); assert_eq!(4, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 5, 1)); assert_eq!(4, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 4, 1)); assert_eq!(2, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 3, 1)); assert_eq!(2, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 2, 1)); assert_eq!(0, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 1, 1)); assert_eq!(0, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 0, 1)); } #[test] fn previous_lines_empty() { let eol = b'\n'; let text = &b"\n\n\nd\ne\nf\n"[..]; assert_eq!(9, text.len()); assert_eq!(7, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 9, 1)); assert_eq!(5, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 9, 2)); assert_eq!(3, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 9, 3)); assert_eq!(2, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 9, 4)); assert_eq!(1, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 9, 5)); assert_eq!(0, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 9, 6)); assert_eq!(0, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 9, 7)); let text = &b"a\n\n\nd\ne\nf\n"[..]; assert_eq!(10, text.len()); assert_eq!(8, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 10, 1)); assert_eq!(6, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 10, 2)); assert_eq!(4, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 10, 3)); assert_eq!(3, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 10, 4)); assert_eq!(2, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 10, 5)); assert_eq!(0, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 10, 6)); assert_eq!(0, start_of_previous_lines(eol, text, 10, 7)); } #[test] fn basic_search1() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap("Sherlock", SHERLOCK, |s|s); assert_eq!(2, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs:For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock /baz.rs:be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes "); } #[test] fn binary() { let text = "Sherlock\n\x00Holmes\n"; let (count, out) = search("Sherlock|Holmes", text, |s|s); assert_eq!(0, count); assert_eq!(out, ""); } #[test] fn binary_text() { let text = "Sherlock\n\x00Holmes\n"; let (count, out) = search("Sherlock|Holmes", text, |s| s.text(true)); assert_eq!(2, count); assert_eq!(out, "/baz.rs:Sherlock\n/baz.rs:\x00Holmes\n"); } #[test] fn line_numbers() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap( "Sherlock", SHERLOCK, |s| s.line_number(true)); assert_eq!(2, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs:1:For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock /baz.rs:3:be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes "); } #[test] fn count() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap( "Sherlock", SHERLOCK, |s| s.count(true)); assert_eq!(2, count); assert_eq!(out, "/baz.rs:2\n"); } #[test] fn byte_offset() { let (_, out) = search_smallcap( "Sherlock", SHERLOCK, |s| s.byte_offset(true)); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs:0:For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock /baz.rs:129:be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes "); } #[test] fn byte_offset_with_before_context() { let (_, out) = search_smallcap("dusted", SHERLOCK, |s| { s.line_number(true).byte_offset(true).before_context(2) }); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs-3-129-be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes /baz.rs-4-193-can extract a clew from a wisp of straw or a flake of cigar ash; /baz.rs:5:258:but Doctor Watson has to have it taken out for him and dusted, "); } #[test] fn byte_offset_inverted() { let (_, out) = search_smallcap("Sherlock", SHERLOCK, |s| { s.invert_match(true).byte_offset(true) }); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs:65:Holmeses, success in the province of detective work must always /baz.rs:193:can extract a clew from a wisp of straw or a flake of cigar ash; /baz.rs:258:but Doctor Watson has to have it taken out for him and dusted, /baz.rs:321:and exhibited clearly, with a label attached. "); } #[test] fn count_matches() { let (_, out) = search_smallcap( "the", SHERLOCK, |s| s.count_matches(true)); assert_eq!(out, "/baz.rs:4\n"); } #[test] fn files_with_matches() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap( "Sherlock", SHERLOCK, |s| s.files_with_matches(true)); assert_eq!(1, count); assert_eq!(out, "/baz.rs\n"); } #[test] fn files_without_matches() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap( "zzzz", SHERLOCK, |s| s.files_without_matches(true)); assert_eq!(0, count); assert_eq!(out, "/baz.rs\n"); } #[test] fn max_count() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap( "Sherlock", SHERLOCK, |s| s.max_count(Some(1))); assert_eq!(1, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs:For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock "); } #[test] fn invert_match_max_count() { let (count, out) = search( "zzzz", SHERLOCK, |s| s.invert_match(true).max_count(Some(1))); assert_eq!(1, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs:For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock "); } #[test] fn invert_match() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap( "Sherlock", SHERLOCK, |s| s.invert_match(true)); assert_eq!(4, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs:Holmeses, success in the province of detective work must always /baz.rs:can extract a clew from a wisp of straw or a flake of cigar ash; /baz.rs:but Doctor Watson has to have it taken out for him and dusted, /baz.rs:and exhibited clearly, with a label attached. "); } #[test] fn invert_match_line_numbers() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap("Sherlock", SHERLOCK, |s| { s.invert_match(true).line_number(true) }); assert_eq!(4, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs:2:Holmeses, success in the province of detective work must always /baz.rs:4:can extract a clew from a wisp of straw or a flake of cigar ash; /baz.rs:5:but Doctor Watson has to have it taken out for him and dusted, /baz.rs:6:and exhibited clearly, with a label attached. "); } #[test] fn invert_match_count() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap("Sherlock", SHERLOCK, |s| { s.invert_match(true).count(true) }); assert_eq!(4, count); assert_eq!(out, "/baz.rs:4\n"); } #[test] fn before_context_one1() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap("Sherlock", SHERLOCK, |s| { s.line_number(true).before_context(1) }); assert_eq!(2, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs:1:For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock /baz.rs-2-Holmeses, success in the province of detective work must always /baz.rs:3:be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes "); } #[test] fn before_context_invert_one1() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap("Sherlock", SHERLOCK, |s| { s.line_number(true).before_context(1).invert_match(true) }); assert_eq!(4, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs-1-For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock /baz.rs:2:Holmeses, success in the province of detective work must always /baz.rs-3-be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes /baz.rs:4:can extract a clew from a wisp of straw or a flake of cigar ash; /baz.rs:5:but Doctor Watson has to have it taken out for him and dusted, /baz.rs:6:and exhibited clearly, with a label attached. "); } #[test] fn before_context_invert_one2() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap(" a ", SHERLOCK, |s| { s.line_number(true).before_context(1).invert_match(true) }); assert_eq!(3, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs:1:For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock /baz.rs:2:Holmeses, success in the province of detective work must always -- /baz.rs-4-can extract a clew from a wisp of straw or a flake of cigar ash; /baz.rs:5:but Doctor Watson has to have it taken out for him and dusted, "); } #[test] fn before_context_two1() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap("Sherlock", SHERLOCK, |s| { s.line_number(true).before_context(2) }); assert_eq!(2, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs:1:For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock /baz.rs-2-Holmeses, success in the province of detective work must always /baz.rs:3:be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes "); } #[test] fn before_context_two2() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap("dusted", SHERLOCK, |s| { s.line_number(true).before_context(2) }); assert_eq!(1, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs-3-be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes /baz.rs-4-can extract a clew from a wisp of straw or a flake of cigar ash; /baz.rs:5:but Doctor Watson has to have it taken out for him and dusted, "); } #[test] fn before_context_two3() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap( "success|attached", SHERLOCK, |s| { s.line_number(true).before_context(2) }); assert_eq!(2, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs-1-For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock /baz.rs:2:Holmeses, success in the province of detective work must always -- /baz.rs-4-can extract a clew from a wisp of straw or a flake of cigar ash; /baz.rs-5-but Doctor Watson has to have it taken out for him and dusted, /baz.rs:6:and exhibited clearly, with a label attached. "); } #[test] fn before_context_two4() { let (count, out) = search("stdin", CODE, |s| { s.line_number(true).before_context(2) }); assert_eq!(3, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs-4- /baz.rs-5-fn main() { /baz.rs:6: let stdin = io::stdin(); /baz.rs-7- let stdout = io::stdout(); /baz.rs-8- /baz.rs:9: // Wrap the stdin reader in a Snappy reader. /baz.rs:10: let mut rdr = snap::Reader::new(stdin.lock()); "); } #[test] fn before_context_two5() { let (count, out) = search("stdout", CODE, |s| { s.line_number(true).before_context(2) }); assert_eq!(2, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs-5-fn main() { /baz.rs-6- let stdin = io::stdin(); /baz.rs:7: let stdout = io::stdout(); -- /baz.rs-9- // Wrap the stdin reader in a Snappy reader. /baz.rs-10- let mut rdr = snap::Reader::new(stdin.lock()); /baz.rs:11: let mut wtr = stdout.lock(); "); } #[test] fn before_context_three1() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap("Sherlock", SHERLOCK, |s| { s.line_number(true).before_context(3) }); assert_eq!(2, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs:1:For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock /baz.rs-2-Holmeses, success in the province of detective work must always /baz.rs:3:be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes "); } #[test] fn after_context_one1() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap("Sherlock", SHERLOCK, |s| { s.line_number(true).after_context(1) }); assert_eq!(2, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs:1:For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock /baz.rs-2-Holmeses, success in the province of detective work must always /baz.rs:3:be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes /baz.rs-4-can extract a clew from a wisp of straw or a flake of cigar ash; "); } #[test] fn after_context_invert_one1() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap("Sherlock", SHERLOCK, |s| { s.line_number(true).after_context(1).invert_match(true) }); assert_eq!(4, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs:2:Holmeses, success in the province of detective work must always /baz.rs-3-be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes /baz.rs:4:can extract a clew from a wisp of straw or a flake of cigar ash; /baz.rs:5:but Doctor Watson has to have it taken out for him and dusted, /baz.rs:6:and exhibited clearly, with a label attached. "); } #[test] fn after_context_invert_one2() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap(" a ", SHERLOCK, |s| { s.line_number(true).after_context(1).invert_match(true) }); assert_eq!(3, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs:1:For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock /baz.rs:2:Holmeses, success in the province of detective work must always /baz.rs-3-be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes -- /baz.rs:5:but Doctor Watson has to have it taken out for him and dusted, /baz.rs-6-and exhibited clearly, with a label attached. "); } #[test] fn after_context_invert_one_max_count_two() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap("Sherlock", SHERLOCK, |s| { s.line_number(true) .invert_match(true) .after_context(1) .max_count(Some(2)) }); assert_eq!(2, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs:2:Holmeses, success in the province of detective work must always /baz.rs-3-be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes /baz.rs:4:can extract a clew from a wisp of straw or a flake of cigar ash; /baz.rs-5-but Doctor Watson has to have it taken out for him and dusted, "); } #[test] fn after_context_two1() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap("Sherlock", SHERLOCK, |s| { s.line_number(true).after_context(2) }); assert_eq!(2, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs:1:For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock /baz.rs-2-Holmeses, success in the province of detective work must always /baz.rs:3:be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes /baz.rs-4-can extract a clew from a wisp of straw or a flake of cigar ash; /baz.rs-5-but Doctor Watson has to have it taken out for him and dusted, "); } #[test] fn after_context_two2() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap("dusted", SHERLOCK, |s| { s.line_number(true).after_context(2) }); assert_eq!(1, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs:5:but Doctor Watson has to have it taken out for him and dusted, /baz.rs-6-and exhibited clearly, with a label attached. "); } #[test] fn after_context_two3() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap( "success|attached", SHERLOCK, |s| { s.line_number(true).after_context(2) }); assert_eq!(2, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs:2:Holmeses, success in the province of detective work must always /baz.rs-3-be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes /baz.rs-4-can extract a clew from a wisp of straw or a flake of cigar ash; -- /baz.rs:6:and exhibited clearly, with a label attached. "); } #[test] fn after_context_two_max_count_two() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap( "Doctor", SHERLOCK, |s| { s.line_number(true).after_context(2).max_count(Some(2)) }); assert_eq!(2, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs:1:For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock /baz.rs-2-Holmeses, success in the province of detective work must always /baz.rs-3-be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes -- /baz.rs:5:but Doctor Watson has to have it taken out for him and dusted, /baz.rs-6-and exhibited clearly, with a label attached. "); } #[test] fn after_context_three1() { let (count, out) = search_smallcap("Sherlock", SHERLOCK, |s| { s.line_number(true).after_context(3) }); assert_eq!(2, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs:1:For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock /baz.rs-2-Holmeses, success in the province of detective work must always /baz.rs:3:be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes /baz.rs-4-can extract a clew from a wisp of straw or a flake of cigar ash; /baz.rs-5-but Doctor Watson has to have it taken out for him and dusted, /baz.rs-6-and exhibited clearly, with a label attached. "); } #[test] fn before_after_context_two1() { let (count, out) = search( r"fn main|let mut rdr", CODE, |s| { s.line_number(true).after_context(2).before_context(2) }); assert_eq!(2, count); assert_eq!(out, "\ /baz.rs-3-use std::io; /baz.rs-4- /baz.rs:5:fn main() { /baz.rs-6- let stdin = io::stdin(); /baz.rs-7- let stdout = io::stdout(); /baz.rs-8- /baz.rs-9- // Wrap the stdin reader in a Snappy reader. /baz.rs:10: let mut rdr = snap::Reader::new(stdin.lock()); /baz.rs-11- let mut wtr = stdout.lock(); /baz.rs-12- io::copy(&mut rdr, &mut wtr).expect(\"I/O operation failed\"); "); } }