use std::error; use std::fmt; use std::path::Path; use std::str::FromStr; use regex::bytes::{Captures, Regex, Replacer}; use termcolor::{Color, ColorSpec, ParseColorError, WriteColor}; use pathutil::strip_prefix; use ignore::types::FileTypeDef; /// CountingReplacer implements the Replacer interface for Regex, /// and counts how often replacement is being performed. struct CountingReplacer<'r> { replace: &'r [u8], count: &'r mut usize, } impl<'r> CountingReplacer<'r> { fn new(replace: &'r [u8], count: &'r mut usize) -> CountingReplacer<'r> { CountingReplacer { replace: replace, count: count } } } impl<'r> Replacer for CountingReplacer<'r> { fn replace_append(&mut self, caps: &Captures, dst: &mut Vec) { *self.count += 1; caps.expand(self.replace, dst); } } /// Printer encapsulates all output logic for searching. /// /// Note that we currently ignore all write errors. It's probably worthwhile /// to fix this, but printers are only ever used for writes to stdout or /// writes to memory, neither of which commonly fail. pub struct Printer { /// The underlying writer. wtr: W, /// Whether anything has been printed to wtr yet. has_printed: bool, /// Whether to show column numbers for the first match or not. column: bool, /// The string to use to separate non-contiguous runs of context lines. context_separator: Vec, /// The end-of-line terminator used by the printer. In general, eols are /// printed via the match directly, but occasionally we need to insert them /// ourselves (for example, to print a context separator). eol: u8, /// A file separator to show before any matches are printed. file_separator: Option>, /// Whether to show file name as a heading or not. /// /// N.B. If with_filename is false, then this setting has no effect. heading: bool, /// Whether to show every match on its own line. line_per_match: bool, /// Whether to print NUL bytes after a file path instead of new lines /// or `:`. null: bool, /// Print only the matched (non-empty) parts of a matching line only_matching: bool, /// A string to use as a replacement of each match in a matching line. replace: Option>, /// Whether to prefix each match with the corresponding file name. with_filename: bool, /// The color specifications. colors: ColorSpecs, /// The separator to use for file paths. If empty, this is ignored. path_separator: Option, /// Restrict lines to this many columns. max_columns: Option } impl Printer { /// Create a new printer that writes to wtr with the given color settings. pub fn new(wtr: W) -> Printer { Printer { wtr: wtr, has_printed: false, column: false, context_separator: "--".to_string().into_bytes(), eol: b'\n', file_separator: None, heading: false, line_per_match: false, null: false, only_matching: false, replace: None, with_filename: false, colors: ColorSpecs::default(), path_separator: None, max_columns: None, } } /// Set the color specifications. pub fn colors(mut self, colors: ColorSpecs) -> Printer { self.colors = colors; self } /// When set, column numbers will be printed for the first match on each /// line. pub fn column(mut self, yes: bool) -> Printer { self.column = yes; self } /// Set the context separator. The default is `--`. pub fn context_separator(mut self, sep: Vec) -> Printer { self.context_separator = sep; self } /// Set the end-of-line terminator. The default is `\n`. pub fn eol(mut self, eol: u8) -> Printer { self.eol = eol; self } /// If set, the separator is printed before any matches. By default, no /// separator is printed. pub fn file_separator(mut self, sep: Vec) -> Printer { self.file_separator = Some(sep); self } /// Whether to show file name as a heading or not. /// /// N.B. If with_filename is false, then this setting has no effect. pub fn heading(mut self, yes: bool) -> Printer { self.heading = yes; self } /// Whether to show every match on its own line. pub fn line_per_match(mut self, yes: bool) -> Printer { self.line_per_match = yes; self } /// Whether to cause NUL bytes to follow file paths instead of other /// visual separators (like `:`, `-` and `\n`). pub fn null(mut self, yes: bool) -> Printer { self.null = yes; self } /// Print only the matched (non-empty) parts of a matching line pub fn only_matching(mut self, yes: bool) -> Printer { self.only_matching = yes; self } /// A separator to use when printing file paths. When empty, use the /// default separator for the current platform. (/ on Unix, \ on Windows.) pub fn path_separator(mut self, sep: Option) -> Printer { self.path_separator = sep; self } /// Replace every match in each matching line with the replacement string /// given. pub fn replace(mut self, replacement: Vec) -> Printer { self.replace = Some(replacement); self } /// When set, each match is prefixed with the file name that it came from. pub fn with_filename(mut self, yes: bool) -> Printer { self.with_filename = yes; self } /// Configure the max. number of columns used for printing matching lines. pub fn max_columns(mut self, max_columns: Option) -> Printer { self.max_columns = max_columns; self } /// Returns true if and only if something has been printed. pub fn has_printed(&self) -> bool { self.has_printed } /// Flushes the underlying writer and returns it. #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn into_inner(mut self) -> W { let _ = self.wtr.flush(); self.wtr } /// Prints a type definition. pub fn type_def(&mut self, def: &FileTypeDef) { self.write(; self.write(b": "); let mut first = true; for glob in def.globs() { if !first { self.write(b", "); } self.write(glob.as_bytes()); first = false; } self.write_eol(); } /// Prints the given path. pub fn path>(&mut self, path: P) { let path = strip_prefix("./", path.as_ref()).unwrap_or(path.as_ref()); self.write_path(path); self.write_path_eol(); } /// Prints the given path and a count of the number of matches found. pub fn path_count>(&mut self, path: P, count: u64) { if self.with_filename { self.write_path(path); self.write_path_sep(b':'); } self.write(count.to_string().as_bytes()); self.write_eol(); } /// Prints the context separator. pub fn context_separate(&mut self) { if self.context_separator.is_empty() { return; } let _ = self.wtr.write_all(&self.context_separator); self.write_eol(); } pub fn matched>( &mut self, re: &Regex, path: P, buf: &[u8], start: usize, end: usize, line_number: Option, ) { if !self.line_per_match && !self.only_matching { let mat = re .find(&buf[start..end]) .map(|m| (m.start(), m.end())) .unwrap_or((0, 0)); return self.write_match( re, path, buf, start, end, line_number, mat.0, mat.1); } for m in re.find_iter(&buf[start..end]) { self.write_match( re, path.as_ref(), buf, start, end, line_number, m.start(), m.end()); } } fn write_match>( &mut self, re: &Regex, path: P, buf: &[u8], start: usize, end: usize, line_number: Option, match_start: usize, match_end: usize, ) { if self.heading && self.with_filename && !self.has_printed { self.write_file_sep(); self.write_path(path); self.write_path_eol(); } else if !self.heading && self.with_filename { self.write_path(path); self.write_path_sep(b':'); } if let Some(line_number) = line_number { self.line_number(line_number, b':'); } if self.column { self.column_number(match_start as u64 + 1, b':'); } if self.replace.is_some() { let mut count = 0; let line = { let replacer = CountingReplacer::new( self.replace.as_ref().unwrap(), &mut count); re.replace_all(&buf[start..end], replacer) }; if self.max_columns.map_or(false, |m| line.len() > m) { let msg = format!( "[Omitted long line with {} replacements]", count); self.write_colored(msg.as_bytes(), |colors| colors.matched()); self.write_eol(); return; } self.write(&line); if line.last() != Some(&self.eol) { self.write_eol(); } } else { if self.only_matching { let buf = &buf[start + match_start..start + match_end]; self.write_matched_line(re, buf, true); } else { self.write_matched_line(re, &buf[start..end], false); } } } fn write_matched_line( &mut self, re: &Regex, buf: &[u8], only_match: bool, ) { if self.max_columns.map_or(false, |m| buf.len() > m) { let count = re.find_iter(buf).count(); let msg = format!("[Omitted long line with {} matches]", count); self.write_colored(msg.as_bytes(), |colors| colors.matched()); self.write_eol(); return; } if !self.wtr.supports_color() || self.colors.matched().is_none() { self.write(buf); } else if only_match { self.write_colored(buf, |colors| colors.matched()); } else { let mut last_written = 0; for m in re.find_iter(buf) { self.write(&buf[last_written..m.start()]); self.write_colored( &buf[m.start()..m.end()], |colors| colors.matched()); last_written = m.end(); } self.write(&buf[last_written..]); } if buf.last() != Some(&self.eol) { self.write_eol(); } } pub fn context>( &mut self, path: P, buf: &[u8], start: usize, end: usize, line_number: Option, ) { if self.heading && self.with_filename && !self.has_printed { self.write_file_sep(); self.write_path(path); self.write_path_eol(); } else if !self.heading && self.with_filename { self.write_path(path); self.write_path_sep(b'-'); } if let Some(line_number) = line_number { self.line_number(line_number, b'-'); } if self.max_columns.map_or(false, |m| end - start > m) { self.write(format!("[Omitted long context line]").as_bytes()); self.write_eol(); return; } self.write(&buf[start..end]); if buf[start..end].last() != Some(&self.eol) { self.write_eol(); } } fn separator(&mut self, sep: &[u8]) { self.write(&sep); } fn write_path_sep(&mut self, sep: u8) { if self.null { self.write(b"\x00"); } else { self.separator(&[sep]); } } fn write_path_eol(&mut self) { if self.null { self.write(b"\x00"); } else { self.write_eol(); } } #[cfg(unix)] fn write_path>(&mut self, path: P) { use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt; let path = path.as_ref().as_os_str().as_bytes(); self.write_path_replace_separator(path); } #[cfg(not(unix))] fn write_path>(&mut self, path: P) { let path = path.as_ref().to_string_lossy(); self.write_path_replace_separator(path.as_bytes()); } fn write_path_replace_separator(&mut self, path: &[u8]) { match self.path_separator { None => self.write_colored(path, |colors| colors.path()), Some(sep) => { let transformed_path: Vec<_> = path.iter().map(|&b| { if b == b'/' || (cfg!(windows) && b == b'\\') { sep } else { b } }).collect(); self.write_colored(&transformed_path, |colors| colors.path()); } } } fn line_number(&mut self, n: u64, sep: u8) { self.write_colored(n.to_string().as_bytes(), |colors| colors.line()); self.separator(&[sep]); } fn column_number(&mut self, n: u64, sep: u8) { self.write_colored(n.to_string().as_bytes(), |colors| colors.column()); self.separator(&[sep]); } fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) { self.has_printed = true; let _ = self.wtr.write_all(buf); } fn write_eol(&mut self) { let eol = self.eol; self.write(&[eol]); } fn write_colored(&mut self, buf: &[u8], get_color: F) where F: Fn(&ColorSpecs) -> &ColorSpec { let _ = self.wtr.set_color( get_color(&self.colors) ); self.write(buf); let _ = self.wtr.reset(); } fn write_file_sep(&mut self) { if let Some(ref sep) = self.file_separator { self.has_printed = true; let _ = self.wtr.write_all(sep); let _ = self.wtr.write_all(b"\n"); } } } /// An error that can occur when parsing color specifications. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum Error { /// This occurs when an unrecognized output type is used. UnrecognizedOutType(String), /// This occurs when an unrecognized spec type is used. UnrecognizedSpecType(String), /// This occurs when an unrecognized color name is used. UnrecognizedColor(String, String), /// This occurs when an unrecognized style attribute is used. UnrecognizedStyle(String), /// This occurs when the format of a color specification is invalid. InvalidFormat(String), } impl error::Error for Error { fn description(&self) -> &str { match *self { Error::UnrecognizedOutType(_) => "unrecognized output type", Error::UnrecognizedSpecType(_) => "unrecognized spec type", Error::UnrecognizedColor(_, _) => "unrecognized color name", Error::UnrecognizedStyle(_) => "unrecognized style attribute", Error::InvalidFormat(_) => "invalid color spec", } } fn cause(&self) -> Option<&error::Error> { None } } impl fmt::Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match *self { Error::UnrecognizedOutType(ref name) => { write!(f, "Unrecognized output type '{}'. Choose from: \ path, line, column, match.", name) } Error::UnrecognizedSpecType(ref name) => { write!(f, "Unrecognized spec type '{}'. Choose from: \ fg, bg, style, none.", name) } Error::UnrecognizedColor(_, ref msg) => { write!(f, "{}", msg) } Error::UnrecognizedStyle(ref name) => { write!(f, "Unrecognized style attribute '{}'. Choose from: \ nobold, bold, nointense, intense.", name) } Error::InvalidFormat(ref original) => { write!( f, "Invalid color speci format: '{}'. Valid format \ is '(path|line|column|match):(fg|bg|style):(value)'.", original) } } } } impl From for Error { fn from(err: ParseColorError) -> Error { Error::UnrecognizedColor(err.invalid().to_string(), err.to_string()) } } /// A merged set of color specifications. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct ColorSpecs { path: ColorSpec, line: ColorSpec, column: ColorSpec, matched: ColorSpec, } /// A single color specification provided by the user. /// /// A `ColorSpecs` can be built by merging a sequence of `Spec`s. /// /// ## Example /// /// The only way to build a `Spec` is to parse it from a string. Once multiple /// `Spec`s have been constructed, then can be merged into a single /// `ColorSpecs` value. /// /// ```rust /// use termcolor::{Color, ColorSpecs, Spec}; /// /// let spec1: Spec = "path:fg:blue".parse().unwrap(); /// let spec2: Spec = "match:bg:green".parse().unwrap(); /// let specs = ColorSpecs::new(&[spec1, spec2]); /// /// assert_eq!(specs.path().fg(), Some(Color::Blue)); /// assert_eq!(specs.matched().bg(), Some(Color::Green)); /// ``` /// /// ## Format /// /// The format of a `Spec` is a triple: `{type}:{attribute}:{value}`. Each /// component is defined as follows: /// /// * `{type}` can be one of `path`, `line`, `column` or `match`. /// * `{attribute}` can be one of `fg`, `bg` or `style`. `{attribute}` may also /// be the special value `none`, in which case, `{value}` can be omitted. /// * `{value}` is either a color name (for `fg`/`bg`) or a style instruction. /// /// `{type}` controls which part of the output should be styled and is /// application dependent. /// /// When `{attribute}` is `none`, then this should cause any existing color /// settings to be cleared. /// /// `{value}` should be a color when `{attribute}` is `fg` or `bg`, or it /// should be a style instruction when `{attribute}` is `style`. When /// `{attribute}` is `none`, `{value}` must be omitted. /// /// Valid colors are `black`, `blue`, `green`, `red`, `cyan`, `magenta`, /// `yellow`, `white`. /// /// Valid style instructions are `nobold`, `bold`, `intense`, `nointense`. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct Spec { ty: OutType, value: SpecValue, } /// The actual value given by the specification. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] enum SpecValue { None, Fg(Color), Bg(Color), Style(Style), } /// The set of configurable portions of ripgrep's output. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] enum OutType { Path, Line, Column, Match, } /// The specification type. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] enum SpecType { Fg, Bg, Style, None, } /// The set of available styles for use in the terminal. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] enum Style { Bold, NoBold, Intense, NoIntense, } impl ColorSpecs { /// Create color specifications from a list of user supplied /// specifications. pub fn new(user_specs: &[Spec]) -> ColorSpecs { let mut specs = ColorSpecs::default(); for user_spec in user_specs { match user_spec.ty { OutType::Path => user_spec.merge_into(&mut specs.path), OutType::Line => user_spec.merge_into(&mut specs.line), OutType::Column => user_spec.merge_into(&mut specs.column), OutType::Match => user_spec.merge_into(&mut specs.matched), } } specs } /// Return the color specification for coloring file paths. fn path(&self) -> &ColorSpec { &self.path } /// Return the color specification for coloring line numbers. fn line(&self) -> &ColorSpec { &self.line } /// Return the color specification for coloring column numbers. fn column(&self) -> &ColorSpec { &self.column } /// Return the color specification for coloring matched text. fn matched(&self) -> &ColorSpec { &self.matched } } impl Spec { /// Merge this spec into the given color specification. fn merge_into(&self, cspec: &mut ColorSpec) { self.value.merge_into(cspec); } } impl SpecValue { /// Merge this spec value into the given color specification. fn merge_into(&self, cspec: &mut ColorSpec) { match *self { SpecValue::None => cspec.clear(), SpecValue::Fg(ref color) => { cspec.set_fg(Some(color.clone())); } SpecValue::Bg(ref color) => { cspec.set_bg(Some(color.clone())); } SpecValue::Style(ref style) => { match *style { Style::Bold => { cspec.set_bold(true); } Style::NoBold => { cspec.set_bold(false); } Style::Intense => { cspec.set_intense(true); } Style::NoIntense => { cspec.set_intense(false); } } } } } } impl FromStr for Spec { type Err = Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { let pieces: Vec<&str> = s.split(':').collect(); if pieces.len() <= 1 || pieces.len() > 3 { return Err(Error::InvalidFormat(s.to_string())); } let otype: OutType = try!(pieces[0].parse()); match try!(pieces[1].parse()) { SpecType::None => Ok(Spec { ty: otype, value: SpecValue::None }), SpecType::Style => { if pieces.len() < 3 { return Err(Error::InvalidFormat(s.to_string())); } let style: Style = try!(pieces[2].parse()); Ok(Spec { ty: otype, value: SpecValue::Style(style) }) } SpecType::Fg => { if pieces.len() < 3 { return Err(Error::InvalidFormat(s.to_string())); } let color: Color = try!(pieces[2].parse()); Ok(Spec { ty: otype, value: SpecValue::Fg(color) }) } SpecType::Bg => { if pieces.len() < 3 { return Err(Error::InvalidFormat(s.to_string())); } let color: Color = try!(pieces[2].parse()); Ok(Spec { ty: otype, value: SpecValue::Bg(color) }) } } } } impl FromStr for OutType { type Err = Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { match &*s.to_lowercase() { "path" => Ok(OutType::Path), "line" => Ok(OutType::Line), "column" => Ok(OutType::Column), "match" => Ok(OutType::Match), _ => Err(Error::UnrecognizedOutType(s.to_string())), } } } impl FromStr for SpecType { type Err = Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { match &*s.to_lowercase() { "fg" => Ok(SpecType::Fg), "bg" => Ok(SpecType::Bg), "style" => Ok(SpecType::Style), "none" => Ok(SpecType::None), _ => Err(Error::UnrecognizedSpecType(s.to_string())), } } } impl FromStr for Style { type Err = Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { match &*s.to_lowercase() { "bold" => Ok(Style::Bold), "nobold" => Ok(Style::NoBold), "intense" => Ok(Style::Intense), "nointense" => Ok(Style::NoIntense), _ => Err(Error::UnrecognizedStyle(s.to_string())), } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use termcolor::{Color, ColorSpec}; use super::{ColorSpecs, Error, OutType, Spec, SpecValue, Style}; #[test] fn merge() { let user_specs: &[Spec] = &[ "match:fg:blue".parse().unwrap(), "match:none".parse().unwrap(), "match:style:bold".parse().unwrap(), ]; let mut expect_matched = ColorSpec::new(); expect_matched.set_bold(true); assert_eq!(ColorSpecs::new(user_specs), ColorSpecs { path: ColorSpec::default(), line: ColorSpec::default(), column: ColorSpec::default(), matched: expect_matched, }); } #[test] fn specs() { let spec: Spec = "path:fg:blue".parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(spec, Spec { ty: OutType::Path, value: SpecValue::Fg(Color::Blue), }); let spec: Spec = "path:bg:red".parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(spec, Spec { ty: OutType::Path, value: SpecValue::Bg(Color::Red), }); let spec: Spec = "match:style:bold".parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(spec, Spec { ty: OutType::Match, value: SpecValue::Style(Style::Bold), }); let spec: Spec = "match:style:intense".parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(spec, Spec { ty: OutType::Match, value: SpecValue::Style(Style::Intense), }); let spec: Spec = "line:none".parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(spec, Spec { ty: OutType::Line, value: SpecValue::None, }); let spec: Spec = "column:bg:green".parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(spec, Spec { ty: OutType::Column, value: SpecValue::Bg(Color::Green), }); } #[test] fn spec_errors() { let err = "line:nonee".parse::().unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(err, Error::UnrecognizedSpecType("nonee".to_string())); let err = "".parse::().unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(err, Error::InvalidFormat("".to_string())); let err = "foo".parse::().unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(err, Error::InvalidFormat("foo".to_string())); let err = "line:style:italic".parse::().unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(err, Error::UnrecognizedStyle("italic".to_string())); let err = "line:fg:brown".parse::().unwrap_err(); match err { Error::UnrecognizedColor(name, _) => assert_eq!(name, "brown"), err => assert!(false, "unexpected error: {:?}", err), } let err = "foo:fg:brown".parse::().unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(err, Error::UnrecognizedOutType("foo".to_string())); } }