use std::fs::File; use std::io::{self, Read}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::{self, Stdio}; /// PreprocessorReader provides an `io::Read` impl to read kids output. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct PreprocessorReader { cmd: PathBuf, path: PathBuf, child: process::Child, done: bool, } impl PreprocessorReader { /// Returns a handle to the stdout of the spawned preprocessor process for /// `path`, which can be directly searched in the worker. When the returned /// value is exhausted, the underlying process is reaped. If the underlying /// process fails, then its stderr is read and converted into a normal /// io::Error. /// /// If there is any error in spawning the preprocessor command, then /// return the corresponding error. pub fn from_cmd_path( cmd: PathBuf, path: &Path, ) -> io::Result { let child = process::Command::new(&cmd) .arg(path) .stdin(Stdio::from(File::open(path)?)) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .map_err(|err| { io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!( "error running preprocessor command '{}': {}", cmd.display(), err, ), ) })?; Ok(PreprocessorReader { cmd: cmd, path: path.to_path_buf(), child: child, done: false, }) } fn read_error(&mut self) -> io::Result { let mut errbytes = vec![]; self.child.stderr.as_mut().unwrap().read_to_end(&mut errbytes)?; let errstr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&errbytes); let errstr = errstr.trim(); Ok(if errstr.is_empty() { let msg = format!( "preprocessor command failed: '{} {}'", self.cmd.display(), self.path.display(), ); io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, msg) } else { let msg = format!( "preprocessor command failed: '{} {}': {}", self.cmd.display(), self.path.display(), errstr, ); io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, msg) }) } } impl io::Read for PreprocessorReader { fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result { if self.done { return Ok(0); } let nread = self.child.stdout.as_mut().unwrap().read(buf)?; if nread == 0 { self.done = true; // Reap the child now that we're done reading. // If the command failed, report stderr as an error. if !self.child.wait()?.success() { return Err(self.read_error()?); } } Ok(nread) } }