path: root/src
diff options
authorAndrew Gallant <>2018-02-03 00:37:52 -0500
committerAndrew Gallant <>2018-02-04 10:40:20 -0500
commitce84e1ef049cfa2500e7a2df6a1d4427f1b7a192 (patch)
tree73bae1f1259450765d76a4da082467c60dd08896 /src
parentc8e755f11f31b6da04329cdc7433747bba70150f (diff)
argv: refactor clap initialization
This commit refactors how we define flags. In theory, this commit should not result in any behavioral changes (other than perhaps more consistent rules for flag overrides). There are two important changes: Firstly, each flag (or tightly coupled group of flags) is defined in its own function. This function includes the documentation for that flag. This improves the locality for each flag; everything you need to know about it is self-contained in one small region of code. Secondly, each flag is defined in terms of a very small ripgrep-specific layer above clap. This permits us to have a set of structured arguments independent of clap. The intention here is that we can use this indirection to generate other documentation such as man pages. This commit lays the ground work for modifying our use of clap in principled way such that flags can be specified multiple times without conflict. This in turn will help us implement support for persistent configuration.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 1331 insertions, 543 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 2e374d78..6fd31a5a 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
-use std::collections::HashMap;
+// This module defines the set of command line arguments that ripgrep supports,
+// including some light validation.
+// This module is purposely written in a bare-bones way, since it is included
+// in ripgrep's file as a way to generate completion files for common
+// shells.
+// The only other place that ripgrep deals with clap is in src/, which
+// is where we read clap's configuration from the end user's arguments and turn
+// it into a ripgrep-specific configuration type that is not coupled with clap.
-use clap::{App, AppSettings, Arg, ArgSettings};
+use clap::{self, App, AppSettings};
const ABOUT: &str = "
ripgrep (rg) recursively searches your current directory for a regex pattern.
@@ -37,12 +46,6 @@ OPTIONS:
/// Build a clap application parameterized by usage strings.
-/// The function given should take a clap argument name and return a help
-/// string. `app` will panic if a usage string is not defined.
-/// This is an intentionally stand-alone module so that it can be used easily
-/// in a `` script to build shell completion files.
pub fn app() -> App<'static, 'static> {
// We need to specify our version in a static because we've painted clap
// into a corner. We've told it that every string we give it will be
@@ -52,14 +55,7 @@ pub fn app() -> App<'static, 'static> {
static ref LONG_VERSION: String = long_version();
- let arg = |name| {
- Arg::with_name(name)
- .help(USAGES[name].short)
- .long_help(USAGES[name].long)
- };
- let flag = |name| arg(name).long(name);
- App::new("ripgrep")
+ let mut app = App::new("ripgrep")
@@ -68,138 +64,11 @@ pub fn app() -> App<'static, 'static> {
- .help_message("Prints help information. Use --help for more details.")
- // First, set up primary positional/flag arguments.
- .arg(arg("PATTERN")
- .required_unless_one(&[
- "file", "files", "help-short", "help", "regexp", "type-list",
- "ripgrep-version",
- ]))
- .arg(arg("PATH").multiple(true))
- .arg(flag("regexp").short("e")
- .takes_value(true).multiple(true).number_of_values(1)
- .set(ArgSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen)
- .value_name("PATTERN"))
- .arg(flag("files")
- // This should also conflict with `PATTERN`, but the first file
- // path will actually be in `PATTERN`.
- .conflicts_with_all(&["file", "regexp", "type-list"]))
- .arg(flag("type-list")
- .conflicts_with_all(&["file", "files", "PATTERN", "regexp"]))
- // Second, set up common flags.
- .arg(flag("text").short("a"))
- .arg(flag("count").short("c"))
- .arg(flag("color")
- .value_name("WHEN")
- .takes_value(true)
- .hide_possible_values(true)
- .possible_values(&["never", "auto", "always", "ansi"])
- .default_value_if("vimgrep", None, "never"))
- .arg(flag("colors").value_name("SPEC")
- .takes_value(true).multiple(true).number_of_values(1))
- .arg(flag("encoding").short("E").value_name("ENCODING")
- .takes_value(true).number_of_values(1))
- .arg(flag("fixed-strings").short("F"))
- .arg(flag("glob").short("g")
- .takes_value(true).multiple(true).number_of_values(1)
- .set(ArgSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen)
- .value_name("GLOB"))
- .arg(flag("iglob")
- .takes_value(true).multiple(true).number_of_values(1)
- .set(ArgSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen)
- .value_name("GLOB"))
- .arg(flag("ignore-case").short("i"))
- .arg(flag("line-number").short("n"))
- .arg(flag("line-number-width")
- .value_name("NUM").takes_value(true)
- .validator(validate_line_number_width))
- .arg(flag("no-line-number").short("N").overrides_with("line-number"))
- .arg(flag("quiet").short("q"))
- .arg(flag("type").short("t")
- .takes_value(true).multiple(true).number_of_values(1)
- .value_name("TYPE"))
- .arg(flag("type-not").short("T")
- .takes_value(true).multiple(true).number_of_values(1)
- .value_name("TYPE"))
- .arg(flag("unrestricted").short("u")
- .multiple(true))
- .arg(flag("invert-match").short("v"))
- .arg(flag("word-regexp").short("w").overrides_with("line-regexp"))
- .arg(flag("line-regexp").short("x"))
- // Third, set up less common flags.
- .arg(flag("after-context").short("A")
- .value_name("NUM").takes_value(true)
- .validator(validate_number))
- .arg(flag("before-context").short("B")
- .value_name("NUM").takes_value(true)
- .validator(validate_number))
- .arg(flag("context").short("C")
- .value_name("NUM").takes_value(true)
- .validator(validate_number))
- .arg(flag("column"))
- .arg(flag("context-separator")
- .value_name("SEPARATOR").takes_value(true))
- .arg(flag("dfa-size-limit")
- .value_name("NUM+SUFFIX?").takes_value(true))
- .arg(flag("debug"))
- .arg(flag("file").short("f")
- .value_name("FILE").takes_value(true)
- .set(ArgSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen)
- .multiple(true).number_of_values(1))
- .arg(flag("files-with-matches").short("l"))
- .arg(flag("files-without-match"))
- .arg(flag("with-filename").short("H"))
- .arg(flag("no-filename").overrides_with("with-filename"))
- .arg(flag("heading"))
- .arg(flag("no-heading").overrides_with("heading"))
- .arg(flag("hidden"))
- .arg(flag("ignore-file")
- .value_name("FILE").takes_value(true)
- .set(ArgSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen)
- .multiple(true).number_of_values(1))
- .arg(flag("follow").short("L"))
- .arg(flag("max-count")
- .short("m").value_name("NUM").takes_value(true)
- .validator(validate_number))
- .arg(flag("max-filesize")
- .value_name("NUM+SUFFIX?").takes_value(true))
- .arg(flag("maxdepth")
- .value_name("NUM").takes_value(true)
- .validator(validate_number))
- .arg(flag("mmap"))
- .arg(flag("no-messages"))
- .arg(flag("no-mmap"))
- .arg(flag("no-ignore"))
- .arg(flag("no-ignore-parent"))
- .arg(flag("no-ignore-vcs"))
- .arg(flag("null").short("0"))
- .arg(flag("only-matching").short("o"))
- .arg(flag("passthru").alias("passthrough")
- .conflicts_with_all(&["only-matching", "replace"]))
- .arg(flag("path-separator").value_name("SEPARATOR").takes_value(true))
- .arg(flag("pretty").short("p"))
- .arg(flag("replace").short("r")
- .set(ArgSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen)
- .value_name("ARG").takes_value(true))
- .arg(flag("regex-size-limit")
- .value_name("NUM+SUFFIX?").takes_value(true))
- .arg(flag("case-sensitive").short("s"))
- .arg(flag("smart-case").short("S"))
- .arg(flag("sort-files"))
- .arg(flag("threads")
- .short("j").value_name("ARG").takes_value(true)
- .validator(validate_number))
- .arg(flag("vimgrep").overrides_with("count"))
- .arg(flag("max-columns").short("M")
- .value_name("NUM").takes_value(true)
- .validator(validate_number))
- .arg(flag("type-add")
- .value_name("TYPE").takes_value(true)
- .multiple(true).number_of_values(1))
- .arg(flag("type-clear")
- .value_name("TYPE").takes_value(true)
- .multiple(true).number_of_values(1))
- .arg(flag("search-zip").short("z"))
+ .help_message("Prints help information. Use --help for more details.");
+ for arg in all_args_and_flags() {
+ app = app.arg(arg.claparg);
+ }
+ app
/// Return the "long" format of ripgrep's version string.
@@ -226,408 +95,1327 @@ fn long_version() -> String {
format!("{}{}\n{}", crate_version!(), hash, features.join(" "))
-struct Usage {
- short: &'static str,
- long: &'static str,
+/// Arg is a light alias for a clap::Arg that is specialized to compile time
+/// string literals.
+type Arg = clap::Arg<'static, 'static>;
+/// RGArg is a light wrapper around a clap::Arg and also contains some metadata
+/// about the underlying Arg so that it can be inspected for other purposes
+/// (e.g., hopefully generating a man page).
+/// Note that this type is purposely overly constrained to ripgrep's particular
+/// use of clap.
+struct RGArg {
+ /// The underlying clap argument.
+ claparg: Arg,
+ /// The name of this argument. This is always present and is the name
+ /// used in the code to find the value of an argument at runtime.
+ name: &'static str,
+ /// The short name of a flag. This is always empty for positional
+ /// arguments, and is empty for flags that only have a long name.
+ name_short: &'static str,
+ /// The long name of a flag. This is always empty for positional arguments,
+ /// and always non-empty for flags.
+ name_long: &'static str,
+ /// A short documentation string describing this argument. This string
+ /// should fit on a single line and be a complete sentence.
+ ///
+ /// This is shown in the `-h` output.
+ doc_short: &'static str,
+ /// A longer documentation string describing this argument. This usually
+ /// starts with the contents of `doc_short`. This is also usually many
+ /// lines, potentially paragraphs, and may contain examples and additional
+ /// prose.
+ ///
+ /// This is shown in the `--help` output.
+ doc_long: &'static str,
+ /// The name of the value used in the `-h/--help` output. By convention,
+ /// this is an all-uppercase string. e.g., `PATH` or `PATTERN`.
+ value_name: &'static str,
+ /// Whether this argument is a flag or not. If it's not a flag, then it is
+ /// a positional argument.
+ flag: bool,
+ /// Whether this argument accepts a single value. This setting is only
+ /// applicable to flags.
+ one_value: bool,
+ /// Whether this argument accepts multiple values. If this is a flag, then
+ /// when this is enabled the flag can be repeated an arbitrary number of
+ /// times, where each use admits a single value.
+ multiple: bool,
+ /// A set of possible values for this argument. If an end user provides any
+ /// value other than what's in this set, then clap will report an error.
+ possible_values: Vec<&'static str>,
-macro_rules! doc {
- ($map:expr, $name:expr, $short:expr) => {
- doc!($map, $name, $short, $short)
- };
- ($map:expr, $name:expr, $short:expr, $long:expr) => {
- $map.insert($name, Usage {
- short: $short,
- long: concat!($long, "\n "),
+impl RGArg {
+ /// Create a positional argument.
+ fn positional(name: &'static str) -> RGArg {
+ RGArg {
+ claparg: Arg::with_name(name),
+ name: name,
+ name_short: "",
+ name_long: "",
+ doc_short: "",
+ doc_long: "",
+ value_name: "",
+ flag: false,
+ one_value: false,
+ multiple: false,
+ possible_values: vec![],
+ }
+ }
+ /// Create a flag.
+ fn flag(long_name: &'static str) -> RGArg {
+ RGArg {
+ claparg: Arg::with_name(long_name).long(long_name),
+ name: long_name,
+ name_short: "",
+ name_long: long_name,
+ doc_short: "",
+ doc_long: "",
+ value_name: "",
+ flag: true,
+ one_value: false,
+ multiple: false,
+ possible_values: vec![],
+ }
+ }
+ /// Set the short flag name.
+ ///
+ /// This panics if this arg isn't a flag.
+ fn short(mut self, name: &'static str) -> RGArg {
+ self.name_short = name;
+ self.claparg = self.claparg.short(name);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Set the "short" help text.
+ ///
+ /// This should be a single line. It is shown in the `-h` output.
+ fn help(mut self, text: &'static str) -> RGArg {
+ self.doc_short = text;
+ self.claparg =;
+ self
+ }
+ /// Set the "long" help text.
+ ///
+ /// This should be at least a single line, usually longer. It is shown in
+ /// the `--help` output.
+ fn long_help(mut self, text: &'static str) -> RGArg {
+ self.doc_long = text;
+ self.claparg = self.claparg.long_help(text);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Set the value name used in the -h/--help output. Usually this is in
+ /// all uppercase. e.g., `PATTERN` or `PATH`.
+ fn value_name(mut self, name: &'static str) -> RGArg {
+ self.value_name = name;
+ self.claparg = self.claparg.value_name(name);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Enable this flag to accept a single value.
+ ///
+ /// If this argument is positional, then this panics.
+ fn takes_value(mut self) -> RGArg {
+ assert!(self.flag);
+ self.one_value = true;
+ self.claparg = self.claparg.takes_value(true).number_of_values(1);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Enable this argument to accept multiple values.
+ ///
+ /// For flags, this permits the flag to be repeated where each instance
+ /// can accept exactly one value.
+ fn multiple(mut self) -> RGArg {
+ self.multiple = true;
+ if self.flag {
+ self.claparg = self.claparg
+ .takes_value(true)
+ .multiple(true)
+ .number_of_values(1);
+ } else {
+ self.claparg = self.claparg.multiple(true);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Enable this boolean flag to be specified multiple times.
+ fn multiple_switch(mut self) -> RGArg {
+ assert!(self.flag);
+ self.claparg = self.claparg.multiple(true);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Set the possible values for this argument.
+ ///
+ /// If the end user provides any value other than what is given here, then
+ /// clap will report an error to the user.
+ ///
+ /// Note that this will suppress clap's automatic output of possible values
+ /// when using -h/--help, so users of this method should provide
+ /// appropriate documentation for the choices in the "long" help text.
+ fn possible_values(mut self, values: &[&'static str]) -> RGArg {
+ self.possible_values = values.to_vec();
+ self.claparg = self.claparg
+ .possible_values(values)
+ .hide_possible_values(true);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Add an alias to this argument.
+ ///
+ /// Aliases are not show in the output of -h/--help.
+ fn alias(mut self, name: &'static str) -> RGArg {
+ self.claparg = self.claparg.alias(name);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Permit this flag to have values that begin with a hypen.
+ ///
+ /// This panics if this arg is positional.
+ fn allow_leading_hyphen(mut self) -> RGArg {
+ assert!(self.flag);
+ self.claparg = self.claparg.allow_hyphen_values(true);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets this argument to a required argument, unless one of the given
+ /// arguments is provided.
+ fn required_unless(mut self, names: &[&'static str]) -> RGArg {
+ self.claparg = self.claparg.required_unless_one(names);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets conflicting arguments. That is, if this argument is used whenever
+ /// any of the other arguments given here are used, then clap will report
+ /// an error.
+ fn conflicts(mut self, names: &[&'static str]) -> RGArg {
+ self.claparg = self.claparg.conflicts_with_all(names);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets an overriding argument. That is, if this argument and the given
+ /// argument are both provided by an end user, then the "last" one will
+ /// win. ripgrep will behave as if any previous instantiations did not
+ /// happen.
+ fn overrides(mut self, name: &'static str) -> RGArg {
+ self.claparg = self.claparg.overrides_with(name);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets the default value of this argument if and only if the argument
+ /// given is present.
+ fn default_value_if(
+ mut self,
+ value: &'static str,
+ arg_name: &'static str,
+ ) -> RGArg {
+ self.claparg = self.claparg.default_value_if(arg_name, None, value);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Indicate that any value given to this argument should be a number. If
+ /// it's not a number, then clap will report an error to the end user.
+ fn number(mut self) -> RGArg {
+ self.claparg = self.claparg.validator(|val| {
+ val.parse::<usize>().map(|_| ()).map_err(|err| err.to_string())
- };
+ self
+ }
+ /// Indicate that any value given to this argument should be a valid
+ /// line number width. A valid line number width cannot start with `0`
+ /// to maintain compatibility with future improvements that add support
+ /// for padding character specifies.
+ fn line_number_width(mut self) -> RGArg {
+ self.claparg = self.claparg.validator(|val| {
+ if val.starts_with("0") {
+ Err(String::from(
+ "Custom padding characters are currently not supported. \
+ Please enter only a numeric value."))
+ } else {
+ val.parse::<usize>().map(|_| ()).map_err(|err| err.to_string())
+ }
+ });
+ self
+ }
-lazy_static! {
- static ref USAGES: HashMap<&'static str, Usage> = {
- let mut h = HashMap::new();
- doc!(h, "help-short",
- "Show short help output.",
- "Show short help output. Use --help to show more details.");
- doc!(h, "help",
- "Show verbose help output.",
- "When given, more details about flags are provided.");
- doc!(h, "ripgrep-version",
- "Prints version information.");
- doc!(h, "PATTERN",
- "A regular expression used for searching.",
- "A regular expression used for searching. To match a pattern \
- beginning with a dash, use the -e/--regexp option.");
- doc!(h, "regexp",
- "Use pattern to search.",
- "Use pattern to search. This option can be provided multiple \
- times, where all patterns given are searched. This is also \
- useful when searching for patterns that start with a dash.");
- doc!(h, "PATH",
- "A file or directory to search.",
- "A file or directory to search. Directories are searched \
- recursively. Paths specified on the command line override glob \
- and ignore rules.");
- doc!(h, "files",
- "Print each file that would be searched.",
- "Print each file that would be searched without actually \
- performing the search. This is useful to determine whether a \
- particular file is being searched or not.");
- doc!(h, "type-list",
- "Show all supported file types.",
- "Show all supported file types and their corresponding globs.");
- doc!(h, "text",
- "Search binary files as if they were text.");
- doc!(h, "count",
- "Only show count of matches for each file.");
- doc!(h, "color",
- "When to use color. [default: auto]",
- "When to use color in the output. The possible values are never, \
- auto, always or ansi. The default is auto. When always is used, \
- coloring is attempted based on your environment. When ansi is \
- used, coloring is forcefully done using ANSI escape color \
- codes.");
- doc!(h, "colors",
- "Configure color settings and styles.",
- "This flag specifies color settings for use in the output. \
- This flag may be provided multiple times. Settings are applied \
- iteratively. Colors are limited to one of eight choices: \
- red, blue, green, cyan, magenta, yellow, white and black. \
- Styles are limited to nobold, bold, nointense or intense.\n\n\
- The format of the flag is {type}:{attribute}:{value}. {type} \
- should be one of path, line, column or match. {attribute} can \
- be fg, bg or style. {value} is either a color (for fg and bg) \
- or a text style. A special format, {type}:none, will clear all \
- color settings for {type}.\n\nFor example, the following \
- command will change the match color to magenta and the \
- background color for line numbers to yellow:\n\n\
- rg --colors 'match:fg:magenta' --colors 'line:bg:yellow' foo.\n\n\
- Extended colors can be used for {value} when the terminal \
- supports ANSI color sequences. These are specified as either \
- 'x' (256-color) or 'x,x,x' (24-bit truecolor) where x is a \
- number between 0 and 255 inclusive. \n\nFor example, the \
- following command will change the match background color to that \
- represented by the rgb value (0,128,255):\n\n\
- rg --colors 'match:bg:0,128,255'\n\nNote that the the intense \
- and nointense style flags will have no effect when used \
- alongside these extended color codes.");
- doc!(h, "encoding",
- "Specify the text encoding of files to search.",
- "Specify the text encoding that ripgrep will use on all files \
- searched. The default value is 'auto', which will cause ripgrep \
- to do a best effort automatic detection of encoding on a \
- per-file basis. Other supported values can be found in the list \
- of labels here: \
- doc!(h, "fixed-strings",
- "Treat the pattern as a literal string.",
- "Treat the pattern as a literal string instead of a regular \
- expression. When this flag is used, special regular expression \
- meta characters such as (){}*+. do not need to be escaped.");
- doc!(h, "glob",
- "Include or exclude files/directories.",
- "Include or exclude files/directories for searching that \
- match the given glob. This always overrides any other \
- ignore logic. Multiple glob flags may be used. Globbing \
- rules match .gitignore globs. Precede a glob with a ! \
- to exclude it.");
- doc!(h, "iglob",
- "Include or exclude files/directories case insensitively.",
- "Include or exclude files/directories for searching that \
- match the given glob. This always overrides any other \
- ignore logic. Multiple glob flags may be used. Globbing \
- rules match .gitignore globs. Precede a glob with a ! \
- to exclude it. Globs are matched case insensitively.");
- doc!(h, "ignore-case",
- "Case insensitive search.",
- "Case insensitive search. This is overridden by \
- --case-sensitive.");
- doc!(h, "line-number",
- "Show line numbers.",
- "Show line numbers (1-based). This is enabled by default when \
- searching in a tty.");
- doc!(h, "line-number-width",
- "Left pad line numbers upto NUM width.",
- "Left pad line numbers upto NUM width. Space is used as \
- the default padding character. This has no effect if \
- --no-line-number is enabled.");
- doc!(h, "no-line-number",
- "Suppress line numbers.",
- "Suppress line numbers. This is enabled by default when NOT \
- searching in a tty.");
- doc!(h, "quiet",
- "Do not print anything to stdout.",
- "Do not print anything to stdout. If a match is found in a file, \
- stop searching. This is useful when ripgrep is used only for \
- its exit code.");
- doc!(h, "type",
- "Only search files matching TYPE.",
- "Only search files matching TYPE. Multiple type flags may be \
- provided. Use the --type-list flag to list all available \
- types.");
- doc!(h, "type-not",
- "Do not search files matching TYPE.",
- "Do not search files matching TYPE. Multiple type-not flags may \
- be provided. Use the --type-list flag to list all available \
- types.");
- doc!(h, "unrestricted",
- "Reduce the level of \"smart\" searching.",
- "Reduce the level of \"smart\" searching. A single -u \
- won't respect .gitignore (etc.) files. Two -u flags will \
- additionally search hidden files and directories. Three \
- -u flags will additionally search binary files. -uu is \
- roughly equivalent to grep -r and -uuu is roughly \
- equivalent to grep -a -r.");
- doc!(h, "invert-match",
- "Invert matching.",
- "Invert matching. Show lines that don't match given patterns.");
- doc!(h, "word-regexp",
- "Only show matches surrounded by word boundaries.",
- "Only show matches surrounded by word boundaries. This is \
- equivalent to putting \\b before and after all of the search \
- patterns.");
- doc!(h, "line-regexp",
- "Only show matches surrounded by line boundaries.",
- "Only show matches surrounded by line boundaries. This is \
- equivalent to putting ^...$ around all of the search patterns.");
- doc!(h, "after-context",
- "Show NUM lines after each match.");
- doc!(h, "before-context",
- "Show NUM lines before each match.");
- doc!(h, "context",
- "Show NUM lines before and after each match.");
- doc!(h, "column",
- "Show column numbers",
- "Show column numbers (1-based). This only shows the column \
- numbers for the first match on each line. This does not try \
- to account for Unicode. One byte is equal to one column. This \
- implies --line-number.");
- doc!(h, "context-separator",
- "Set the context separator string. [default: --]",
- "The string used to separate non-contiguous context lines in the \
- output. Escape sequences like \\x7F or \\t may be used. The \
- default value is --.");
- doc!(h, "debug",
- "Show debug messages.",
- "Show debug messages. Please use this when filing a bug report.");
- doc!(h, "dfa-size-limit",
- "The upper size limit of the generated dfa.",
- "The upper size limit of the generated dfa. The default limit is \
- 10M. This should only be changed on very large regex inputs \
- where the (slower) fallback regex engine may otherwise be used. \
- \n\nThe argument accepts the same size suffixes as allowed in \
- the 'max-filesize' argument.");
- doc!(h, "file",
- "Search for patterns from the given file.",
- "Search for patterns from the given file, with one pattern per \
- line. When this flag is used or multiple times or in \
- combination with the -e/--regexp flag, then all patterns \
- provided are searched. Empty pattern lines will match all input \
- lines, and the newline is not counted as part of the pattern.");
- doc!(h, "files-with-matches",
- "Only show the paths with at least one match.");
- doc!(h, "files-without-match",
- "Only show the paths that contains zero matches.");
- doc!(h, "with-filename",
- "Show file name for each match.",
- "Display the file name for matches. This is the default when \
- more than one file is searched. If --heading is enabled, the \
- file name will be shown above clusters of matches from each \
- file; otherwise, the file name will be shown on each match.");
- doc!(h, "no-filename",
- "Never show the file name for a match.",
- "Never show the file name for a match. This is the default when \
- one file is searched.");
- doc!(h, "heading",
- "Show matches grouped by each file.",
- "This shows the file name above clusters of matches from each \
- file instead of showing the file name for every match. This is \
- the default mode at a tty.");
- doc!(h, "no-heading",
- "Don't group matches by each file.",
- "Don't group matches by each file. If -H/--with-filename is \
- enabled, then file names will be shown for every line matched. \
- This is the default mode when not at a tty.");
- doc!(h, "hidden",
- "Search hidden files and directories.",
- "Search hidden files and directories. By default, hidden files \
- and directories are skipped.");
- doc!(h, "ignore-file",
- "Specify additional ignore files.",
- "Specify one or more files which contain ignore patterns. \
- These patterns are applied after the patterns found in \
- .gitignore and .ignore are applied. Ignore patterns should \
- be in the gitignore format and are matched relative to the \
- current working directory. Multiple additional ignore files \
- can be specified by using the --ignore-file flag several times. \
- When specifying multiple ignore files, earlier files have lower \
- precedence than later files. If you are looking for a way to \
- include or exclude files and directories directly used -g \
- instead.");
- doc!(h, "follow",
- "Follow symbolic links.");
- doc!(h, "max-count",
- "Limit the number of matches.",
- "Limit the number of matching lines per file searched to NUM.");
- doc!(h, "max-filesize",
- "Ignore files larger than NUM in size.",
- "Ignore files larger than NUM in size. Does not ignore \
- directories. \
- \n\nThe input format accepts suffixes of K, M or G which \
- correspond to kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes. If no suffix \
- is provided the input is treated as bytes. \
- \n\nExample: --max-filesize 50K or --max-filesize 80M");
- doc!(h, "maxdepth",
- "Descend at most NUM directories.",
- "Limit the depth of directory traversal to NUM levels beyond \
- the paths given. A value of zero only searches the \
- starting-points themselves.\n\nFor example, \
- 'rg --maxdepth 0 dir/' is a no-op because dir/ will not be \
- descended into. 'rg --maxdepth 1 dir/' will search only the \
- direct children of dir/.");
- doc!(h, "mmap",
- "Searching using memory maps when possible.",
- "Search using memory maps when possible. This is enabled by \
- default when ripgrep thinks it will be faster. Note that memory \
- map searching doesn't currently support all options, so if an \
- incompatible option (e.g., --context) is given with --mmap, \
- then memory maps will not be used.");
- doc!(h, "no-messages",
- "Suppress all error messages.",
- "Suppress all error messages. This is equivalent to redirecting \
- stderr to /dev/null.");
- doc!(h, "no-mmap",
- "Never use memory maps.",
- "Never use memory maps, even when they might be faster.");
- doc!(h, "no-ignore",
- "Don't respect ignore files.",
- "Don't respect ignore files (.gitignore, .ignore, etc.). This \
- implies --no-ignore-parent and --no-ignore-vcs.");
- doc!(h, "no-ignore-parent",
- "Don't respect ignore files in parent directories.",
- "Don't respect ignore files (.gitignore, .ignore, etc.) in \
- parent directories.");
- doc!(h, "no-ignore-vcs",
- "Don't respect VCS ignore files",
- "Don't respect version control ignore files (.gitignore, etc.). \
- This implies --no-ignore-parent. Note that .ignore files will \
- continue to be respected.");
- doc!(h, "null",
- "Print NUL byte after file names",
- "Whenever a file name is printed, follow it with a NUL byte. \
- This includes printing file names before matches, and when \
- printing a list of matching files such as with --count, \
- --files-with-matches and --files. This option is useful for use \
- with xargs.");
- doc!(h, "only-matching",
- "Print only matched parts of a line.",
- "Print only the matched (non-empty) parts of a matching line, \
- with each such part on a separate output line.");
- doc!(h, "passthru",
- "Show both matching and non-matching lines.");
- doc!(h, "path-separator",
- "Path separator to use when printing file paths.",
- "The path separator to use when printing file paths. This \
- defaults to your platform's path separator, which is / on Unix \
- and \\ on Windows. This flag is intended for overriding the \
- default when the environment demands it (e.g., cygwin). A path \
- separator is limited to a single byte.");
- doc!(h, "pretty",
- "Alias for --color always --heading --line-number.");
- doc!(h, "replace",
- "Replace matches with string given.",
- "Replace every match with the string given when printing \
- results. Neither this flag nor any other flag will modify your \
- files.\n\nCapture group indices (e.g., $5) and names \
- (e.g., $foo) are supported in the replacement string.\n\n\
- Note that the replacement by default replaces each match, and \
- NOT the entire line. To replace the entire line, you should \
- match the entire line.");
- doc!(h, "regex-size-limit",
- "The upper size limit of the compiled regex.",
- "The upper size limit of the compiled regex. The default limit \
- is 10M. \n\nThe argument accepts the same size suffixes as \
- allowed in the 'max-filesize' argument.");
- doc!(h, "case-sensitive",
- "Search case sensitively (default).",
- "Search case sensitively. This overrides -i/--ignore-case and \
- -S/--smart-case.");
- doc!(h, "smart-case",
- "Smart case search.",
- "Searches case insensitively if the pattern is all lowercase. \
- Search case sensitively otherwise. This is overridden by \
- either -s/--case-sensitive or -i/--ignore-case.");
- doc!(h, "sort-files",
- "Sort results by file path. Implies --threads=1.",
- "Sort results by file path. Note that this currently \
- disables all parallelism and runs search in a single thread.");
- doc!(h, "threads",
- "The approximate number of threads to use.",
- "The approximate number of threads to use. A value of 0 (which \
- is the default) causes ripgrep to choose the thread count \
- using heuristics.");
- doc!(h, "vimgrep",
- "Show results in vim compatible format.",
- "Show results with every match on its own line, including \
- line numbers and column numbers. With this option, a line with \
- more than one match will be printed more than once.");
- doc!(h, "max-columns",
- "Don't print lines longer than this limit in bytes.",
- "Don't print lines longer than this limit in bytes. Longer lines \
- are omitted, and only the number of matches in that line is \
- printed.");
- doc!(h, "type-add",
- "Add a new glob for a file type.",
- "Add a new glob for a particular file type. Only one glob can be \
- added at a time. Multiple --type-add flags can be provided. \
- Unless --type-clear is used, globs are added to any existing \
- globs defined inside of ripgrep.\n\nNote that this MUST be \
- passed to every invocation of ripgrep. Type settings are NOT \
- persisted.\n\nExample: \
- rg --type-add 'foo:*.foo' -tfoo PATTERN.\n\n\
- --type-add can also be used to include rules from other types \
- with the special include directive. The include directive \
- permits specifying one or more other type names (separated by a \
- comma) that have been defined and its rules will automatically \
- be imported into the type specified. For example, to create a \
- type called src that matches C++, Python and Markdown files, \
- one can use:\n\n\
- --type-add 's