path: root/ignore/src
diff options
authorAndrew Gallant <>2020-02-17 18:19:19 -0500
committerAndrew Gallant <>2020-02-17 19:24:53 -0500
commitfdd8510fdda6109c562e479c718d42c8ecc26263 (patch)
treef510c952f62d0ebdcbf689000b2d7aebc90d5ba7 /ignore/src
parent0bc4f0447b05468f043e06278a3ca2b1c5646f9b (diff)
repo: move all source code in crates directory
The top-level listing was just getting a bit too long for my taste. So put all of the code in one directory and shrink the large top-level mess to a small top-level mess. NOTE: This commit only contains renames. The subsequent commit will actually make ripgrep build again. We do it this way with the naive hope that this will make it easier for git history to track the renames. Sigh.
Diffstat (limited to 'ignore/src')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 5886 deletions
diff --git a/ignore/src/ b/ignore/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a077796..00000000
--- a/ignore/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-/// This list represents the default file types that ripgrep ships with. In
-/// general, any file format is fair game, although it should generally be
-/// limited to reasonably popular open formats. For other cases, you can add
-/// types to each invocation of ripgrep with the '--type-add' flag.
-/// If you would like to add or improve this list, please file a PR:
-/// Please try to keep this list sorted lexicographically and wrapped to 79
-/// columns (inclusive).
-pub const DEFAULT_TYPES: &[(&str, &[&str])] = &[
- ("agda", &["*.agda", "*.lagda"]),
- ("aidl", &["*.aidl"]),
- ("amake", &["*.mk", "*.bp"]),
- ("asciidoc", &["*.adoc", "*.asc", "*.asciidoc"]),
- ("asm", &["*.asm", "*.s", "*.S"]),
- ("asp", &[
- "*.aspx", "*.aspx.cs", "*.aspx.cs", "*.ascx", "*.ascx.cs", "*.ascx.vb",
- ]),
- ("ats", &["*.ats", "*.dats", "*.sats", "*.hats"]),
- ("avro", &["*.avdl", "*.avpr", "*.avsc"]),
- ("awk", &["*.awk"]),
- ("bazel", &["*.bzl", "WORKSPACE", "BUILD", "BUILD.bazel"]),
- ("bitbake", &["*.bb", "*.bbappend", "*.bbclass", "*.conf", "*.inc"]),
- ("brotli", &["*.br"]),
- ("buildstream", &["*.bst"]),
- ("bzip2", &["*.bz2", "*.tbz2"]),
- ("c", &["*.[chH]", "*.[chH].in", "*.cats"]),
- ("cabal", &["*.cabal"]),
- ("cbor", &["*.cbor"]),
- ("ceylon", &["*.ceylon"]),
- ("clojure", &["*.clj", "*.cljc", "*.cljs", "*.cljx"]),
- ("cmake", &["*.cmake", "CMakeLists.txt"]),
- ("coffeescript", &["*.coffee"]),
- ("config", &["*.cfg", "*.conf", "*.config", "*.ini"]),
- ("cpp", &[
- "*.[ChH]", "*.cc", "*.[ch]pp", "*.[ch]xx", "*.hh", "*.inl",
- "*.[ChH].in", "*", "*.[ch]", "*.[ch]", "*",
- ]),
- ("creole", &["*.creole"]),
- ("crystal", &["Projectfile", "*.cr"]),
- ("cs", &["*.cs"]),
- ("csharp", &["*.cs"]),
- ("cshtml", &["*.cshtml"]),
- ("css", &["*.css", "*.scss"]),
- ("csv", &["*.csv"]),
- ("cython", &["*.pyx", "*.pxi", "*.pxd"]),
- ("d", &["*.d"]),
- ("dart", &["*.dart"]),
- ("dhall", &["*.dhall"]),
- ("diff", &["*.patch", "*.diff"]),
- ("docker", &["*Dockerfile*"]),
- ("edn", &["*.edn"]),
- ("elisp", &["*.el"]),
- ("elixir", &["*.ex", "*.eex", "*.exs"]),
- ("elm", &["*.elm"]),
- ("erb", &["*.erb"]),
- ("erlang", &["*.erl", "*.hrl"]),
- ("fidl", &["*.fidl"]),
- ("fish", &["*.fish"]),
- ("fortran", &[
- "*.f", "*.F", "*.f77", "*.F77", "*.pfo",
- "*.f90", "*.F90", "*.f95", "*.F95",
- ]),
- ("fsharp", &["*.fs", "*.fsx", "*.fsi"]),
- ("gap", &["*.g", "*.gap", "*.gi", "*.gd", "*.tst"]),
- ("gn", &["*.gn", "*.gni"]),
- ("go", &["*.go"]),
- ("gradle", &["*.gradle"]),
- ("groovy", &["*.groovy", "*.gradle"]),
- ("gzip", &["*.gz", "*.tgz"]),
- ("h", &["*.h", "*.hpp"]),
- ("haml", &["*.haml"]),
- ("haskell", &["*.hs", "*.lhs", "*.cpphs", "*.c2hs", "*.hsc"]),
- ("hbs", &["*.hbs"]),
- ("hs", &["*.hs", "*.lhs"]),
- ("html", &["*.htm", "*.html", "*.ejs"]),
- ("idris", &["*.idr", "*.lidr"]),
- ("java", &["*.java", "*.jsp", "*.jspx", "*.properties"]),
- ("jinja", &["*.j2", "*.jinja", "*.jinja2"]),
- ("jl", &["*.jl"]),
- ("js", &["*.js", "*.jsx", "*.vue"]),
- ("json", &["*.json", "composer.lock"]),
- ("jsonl", &["*.jsonl"]),
- ("julia", &["*.jl"]),
- ("jupyter", &["*.ipynb", "*.jpynb"]),
- ("kotlin", &["*.kt", "*.kts"]),
- ("less", &["*.less"]),
- ("license", &[
- // General
- "COPYING", "COPYING[.-]*",
- "EULA", "EULA[.-]*",
- "licen[cs]e", "licen[cs]e.*",
- "LICEN[CS]E", "LICEN[CS]E[.-]*", "*[.-]LICEN[CS]E*",
- "NOTICE", "NOTICE[.-]*",
- "PATENTS", "PATENTS[.-]*",
- // GPL (gpl.txt, etc.)
- "agpl[.-]*",
- "gpl[.-]*",
- "lgpl[.-]*",
- // Other license-specific (APACHE-2.0.txt, etc.)
- "AGPL-*[0-9]*",
- "APACHE-*[0-9]*",
- "BSD-*[0-9]*",
- "CC-BY-*",
- "GFDL-*[0-9]*",
- "GNU-*[0-9]*",
- "GPL-*[0-9]*",
- "LGPL-*[0-9]*",
- "MIT-*[0-9]*",
- "MPL-*[0-9]*",
- "OFL-*[0-9]*",
- ]),
- ("lisp", &["*.el", "*.jl", "*.lisp", "*.lsp", "*.sc", "*.scm"]),
- ("lock", &["*.lock", "package-lock.json"]),
- ("log", &["*.log"]),
- ("lua", &["*.lua"]),
- ("lz4", &["*.lz4"]),
- ("lzma", &["*.lzma"]),
- ("m4", &["*.ac", "*.m4"]),
- ("make", &[
- "[Gg][Nn][Uu]makefile", "[Mm]akefile",
- "[Gg][Nn][Uu]", "[Mm]",
- "[Gg][Nn][Uu]", "[Mm]",
- "*.mk", "*.mak"
- ]),
- ("mako", &["*.mako", "*.mao"]),
- ("man", &["*.[0-9lnpx]", "*.[0-9][cEFMmpSx]"]),
- ("markdown", &["*.markdown", "*.md", "*.mdown", "*.mkdn"]),
- ("matlab", &["*.m"]),
- ("md", &["*.markdown", "*.md", "*.mdown", "*.mkdn"]),
- ("mk", &["mkfile"]),
- ("ml", &["*.ml"]),
- ("msbuild", &[
- "*.csproj", "*.fsproj", "*.vcxproj", "*.proj", "*.props", "*.targets",
- ]),
- ("nim", &["*.nim", "*.nimf", "*.nimble", "*.nims"]),
- ("nix", &["*.nix"]),
- ("objc", &["*.h", "*.m"]),
- ("objcpp", &["*.h", "*.mm"]),
- ("ocaml", &["*.ml", "*.mli", "*.mll", "*.mly"]),
- ("org", &["*.org", "*.org_archive"]),
- ("pascal", &["*.pas", "*.dpr", "*.lpr", "*.pp", "*.inc"]),
- ("pdf", &["*.pdf"]),
- ("perl", &["*.perl", "*.pl", "*.PL", "*.plh", "*.plx", "*.pm", "*.t"]),
- ("php", &["*.php", "*.php3", "*.php4", "*.php5", "*.phtml"]),
- ("pod", &["*.pod"]),
- ("postscript", &["*.eps", "*.ps"]),
- ("protobuf", &["*.proto"]),
- ("ps", &["*.cdxml", "*.ps1", "*.ps1xml", "*.psd1", "*.psm1"]),
- ("puppet", &["*.erb", "*.pp", "*.rb"]),
- ("purs", &["*.purs"]),
- ("py", &["*.py"]),
- ("qmake", &["*.pro", "*.pri", "*.prf"]),
- ("qml", &["*.qml"]),
- ("r", &["*.R", "*.r", "*.Rmd", "*.Rnw"]),
- ("rdoc", &["*.rdoc"]),
- ("readme", &["README*", "*README"]),
- ("robot", &["*.robot"]),
- ("rst", &["*.rst"]),
- ("ruby", &["Gemfile", "*.gemspec", ".irbrc", "Rakefile", "*.rb"]),
- ("rust", &["*.rs"]),
- ("sass", &["*.sass", "*.scss"]),
- ("scala", &["*.scala", "*.sbt"]),
- ("sh", &[
- // Portable/misc. init files
- ".login", ".logout", ".profile", "profile",
- // bash-specific init files
- ".bash_login", "bash_login",
- ".bash_logout", "bash_logout",
- ".bash_profile", "bash_profile",
- ".bashrc", "bashrc", "*.bashrc",
- // csh-specific init files
- ".cshrc", "*.cshrc",
- // ksh-specific init files
- ".kshrc", "*.kshrc",
- // tcsh-specific init files
- ".tcshrc",
- // zsh-specific init files
- ".zshenv", "zshenv",
- ".zlogin", "zlogin",
- ".zlogout", "zlogout",
- ".zprofile", "zprofile",
- ".zshrc", "zshrc",
- // Extensions
- "*.bash", "*.csh", "*.ksh", "*.sh", "*.tcsh", "*.zsh",
- ]),
- ("slim", &["*.skim", "*.slim", "*.slime"]),
- ("smarty", &["*.tpl"]),
- ("sml", &["*.sml", "*.sig"]),
- ("soy", &["*.soy"]),
- ("spark", &["*.spark"]),
- ("spec", &["*.spec"]),
- ("sql", &["*.sql", "*.psql"]),
- ("stylus", &["*.styl"]),
- ("sv", &["*.v", "*.vg", "*.sv", "*.svh", "*.h"]),
- ("svg", &["*.svg"]),
- ("swift", &["*.swift"]),
- ("swig", &["*.def", "*.i"]),
- ("systemd", &[
- "*.automount", "*.conf", "*.device", "*.link", "*.mount", "*.path",
- "*.scope", "*.service", "*.slice", "*.socket", "*.swap", "*.target",
- "*.timer",
- ]),
- ("taskpaper", &["*.taskpaper"]),
- ("tcl", &["*.tcl"]),
- ("tex", &["*.tex", "*.ltx", "*.cls", "*.sty", "*.bib", "*.dtx", "*.ins"]),
- ("textile", &["*.textile"]),
- ("tf", &["*.tf"]),
- ("thrift", &["*.thrift"]),
- ("toml", &["*.toml", "Cargo.lock"]),
- ("ts", &["*.ts", "*.tsx"]),
- ("twig", &["*.twig"]),
- ("txt", &["*.txt"]),
- ("typoscript", &["*.typoscript", "*.ts"]),
- ("vala", &["*.vala"]),
- ("vb", &["*.vb"]),
- ("verilog", &["*.v", "*.vh", "*.sv", "*.svh"]),
- ("vhdl", &["*.vhd", "*.vhdl"]),
- ("vim", &["*.vim"]),
- ("vimscript", &["*.vim"]),
- ("webidl", &["*.idl", "*.webidl", "*.widl"]),
- ("wiki", &["*.mediawiki", "*.wiki"]),
- ("xml", &[
- "*.xml", "*.xml.dist", "*.dtd", "*.xsl", "*.xslt", "*.xsd", "*.xjb",
- "*.rng", "*.sch", "*.xhtml",
- ]),
- ("xz", &["*.xz", "*.txz"]),
- ("yacc", &["*.y"]),
- ("yaml", &["*.yaml", "*.yml"]),
- ("zig", &["*.zig"]),
- ("zsh", &[
- ".zshenv", "zshenv",
- ".zlogin", "zlogin",
- ".zlogout", "zlogout",
- ".zprofile", "zprofile",
- ".zshrc", "zshrc",
- "*.zsh",
- ]),
- ("zstd", &["*.zst", "*.zstd"]),
diff --git a/ignore/src/ b/ignore/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 83a1faf9..00000000
--- a/ignore/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1200 +0,0 @@
-// This module provides a data structure, `Ignore`, that connects "directory
-// traversal" with "ignore matchers." Specifically, it knows about gitignore
-// semantics and precedence, and is organized based on directory hierarchy.
-// Namely, every matcher logically corresponds to ignore rules from a single
-// directory, and points to the matcher for its corresponding parent directory.
-// In this sense, `Ignore` is a *persistent* data structure.
-// This design was specifically chosen to make it possible to use this data
-// structure in a parallel directory iterator.
-// My initial intention was to expose this module as part of this crate's
-// public API, but I think the data structure's public API is too complicated
-// with non-obvious failure modes. Alas, such things haven't been documented
-// well.
-use std::collections::HashMap;
-use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
-use std::fs::{File, FileType};
-use std::io::{self, BufRead};
-use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
-use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
-use gitignore::{self, Gitignore, GitignoreBuilder};
-use overrides::{self, Override};
-use pathutil::{is_hidden, strip_prefix};
-use types::{self, Types};
-use walk::DirEntry;
-use {Error, Match, PartialErrorBuilder};
-/// IgnoreMatch represents information about where a match came from when using
-/// the `Ignore` matcher.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct IgnoreMatch<'a>(IgnoreMatchInner<'a>);
-/// IgnoreMatchInner describes precisely where the match information came from.
-/// This is private to allow expansion to more matchers in the future.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-enum IgnoreMatchInner<'a> {
- Override(overrides::Glob<'a>),
- Gitignore(&'a gitignore::Glob),
- Types(types::Glob<'a>),
- Hidden,
-impl<'a> IgnoreMatch<'a> {
- fn overrides(x: overrides::Glob<'a>) -> IgnoreMatch<'a> {
- IgnoreMatch(IgnoreMatchInner::Override(x))
- }
- fn gitignore(x: &'a gitignore::Glob) -> IgnoreMatch<'a> {
- IgnoreMatch(IgnoreMatchInner::Gitignore(x))
- }
- fn types(x: types::Glob<'a>) -> IgnoreMatch<'a> {
- IgnoreMatch(IgnoreMatchInner::Types(x))
- }
- fn hidden() -> IgnoreMatch<'static> {
- IgnoreMatch(IgnoreMatchInner::Hidden)
- }
-/// Options for the ignore matcher, shared between the matcher itself and the
-/// builder.
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
-struct IgnoreOptions {
- /// Whether to ignore hidden file paths or not.
- hidden: bool,
- /// Whether to read .ignore files.
- ignore: bool,
- /// Whether to respect any ignore files in parent directories.
- parents: bool,
- /// Whether to read git's global gitignore file.
- git_global: bool,
- /// Whether to read .gitignore files.
- git_ignore: bool,
- /// Whether to read .git/info/exclude files.
- git_exclude: bool,
- /// Whether to ignore files case insensitively
- ignore_case_insensitive: bool,
- /// Whether a git repository must be present in order to apply any
- /// git-related ignore rules.
- require_git: bool,
-/// Ignore is a matcher useful for recursively walking one or more directories.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct Ignore(Arc<IgnoreInner>);
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-struct IgnoreInner {
- /// A map of all existing directories that have already been
- /// compiled into matchers.
- ///
- /// Note that this is never used during matching, only when adding new
- /// parent directory matchers. This avoids needing to rebuild glob sets for
- /// parent directories if many paths are being searched.
- compiled: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<OsString, Ignore>>>,
- /// The path to the directory that this matcher was built from.
- dir: PathBuf,
- /// An override matcher (default is empty).
- overrides: Arc<Override>,
- /// A file type matcher.
- types: Arc<Types>,
- /// The parent directory to match next.
- ///
- /// If this is the root directory or there are otherwise no more
- /// directories to match, then `parent` is `None`.
- parent: Option<Ignore>,
- /// Whether this is an absolute parent matcher, as added by add_parent.
- is_absolute_parent: bool,
- /// The absolute base path of this matcher. Populated only if parent
- /// directories are added.
- absolute_base: Option<Arc<PathBuf>>,
- /// Explicit global ignore matchers specified by the caller.
- explicit_ignores: Arc<Vec<Gitignore>>,
- /// Ignore files used in addition to `.ignore`
- custom_ignore_filenames: Arc<Vec<OsString>>,
- /// The matcher for custom ignore files
- custom_ignore_matcher: Gitignore,
- /// The matcher for .ignore files.
- ignore_matcher: Gitignore,
- /// A global gitignore matcher, usually from $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/ignore.
- git_global_matcher: Arc<Gitignore>,
- /// The matcher for .gitignore files.
- git_ignore_matcher: Gitignore,
- /// Special matcher for `.git/info/exclude` files.
- git_exclude_matcher: Gitignore,
- /// Whether this directory contains a .git sub-directory.
- has_git: bool,
- /// Ignore config.
- opts: IgnoreOptions,
-impl Ignore {
- /// Return the directory path of this matcher.
- pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {
- &self.0.dir
- }
- /// Return true if this matcher has no parent.
- pub fn is_root(&self) -> bool {
- self.0.parent.is_none()
- }
- /// Returns true if this matcher was added via the `add_parents` method.
- pub fn is_absolute_parent(&self) -> bool {
- self.0.is_absolute_parent
- }
- /// Return this matcher's parent, if one exists.
- pub fn parent(&self) -> Option<Ignore> {
- self.0.parent.clone()
- }
- /// Create a new `Ignore` matcher with the parent directories of `dir`.
- ///
- /// Note that this can only be called on an `Ignore` matcher with no
- /// parents (i.e., `is_root` returns `true`). This will panic otherwise.
- pub fn add_parents<P: AsRef<Path>>(
- &self,
- path: P,
- ) -> (Ignore, Option<Error>) {
- if !self.0.opts.parents
- && !self.0.opts.git_ignore
- && !self.0.opts.git_exclude
- && !self.0.opts.git_global
- {
- // If we never need info from parent directories, then don't do
- // anything.
- return (self.clone(), None);
- }
- if !self.is_root() {
- panic!("Ignore::add_parents called on non-root matcher");
- }
- let absolute_base = match path.as_ref().canonicalize() {
- Ok(path) => Arc::new(path),
- Err(_) => {
- // There's not much we can do here, so just return our
- // existing matcher. We drop the error to be consistent
- // with our general pattern of ignoring I/O errors when
- // processing ignore files.
- return (self.clone(), None);
- }
- };
- // List of parents, from child to root.
- let mut parents = vec![];
- let mut path = &**absolute_base;
- while let Some(parent) = path.parent() {
- parents.push(parent);
- path = parent;
- }
- let mut errs = PartialErrorBuilder::default();
- let mut ig = self.clone();
- for parent in parents.into_iter().rev() {
- let mut compiled = self.0.compiled.write().unwrap();
- if let Some(prebuilt) = compiled.get(parent.as_os_str()) {
- ig = prebuilt.clone();
- continue;
- }
- let (mut igtmp, err) = ig.add_child_path(parent);
- errs.maybe_push(err);
- igtmp.is_absolute_parent = true;
- igtmp.absolute_base = Some(absolute_base.clone());
- igtmp.has_git = if self.0.opts.git_ignore {
- parent.join(".git").exists()
- } else {
- false
- };
- ig = Ignore(Arc::new(igtmp));
- compiled.insert(parent.as_os_str().to_os_string(), ig.clone());
- }
- (ig, errs.into_error_option())
- }
- /// Create a new `Ignore` matcher for the given child directory.
- ///
- /// Since building the matcher may require reading from multiple
- /// files, it's possible that this method partially succeeds. Therefore,
- /// a matcher is always returned (which may match nothing) and an error is
- /// returned if it exists.
- ///
- /// Note that all I/O errors are completely ignored.
- pub fn add_child<P: AsRef<Path>>(
- &self,
- dir: P,
- ) -> (Ignore, Option<Error>) {
- let (ig, err) = self.add_child_path(dir.as_ref());
- (Ignore(Arc::new(ig)), err)
- }
- /// Like add_child, but takes a full path and returns an IgnoreInner.
- fn add_child_path(&self, dir: &Path) -> (IgnoreInner, Option<Error>) {
- let git_type = if self.0.opts.git_ignore || self.0.opts.git_exclude {
- dir.join(".git").metadata().ok().map(|md| md.file_type())
- } else {
- None
- };
- let has_git =|_| true).unwrap_or(false);
- let mut errs = PartialErrorBuilder::default();
- let custom_ig_matcher = if self.0.custom_ignore_filenames.is_empty() {
- Gitignore::empty()
- } else {
- let (m, err) = create_gitignore(
- &dir,
- &dir,
- &self.0.custom_ignore_filenames,
- self.0.opts.ignore_case_insensitive,
- );
- errs.maybe_push(err);
- m
- };
- let ig_matcher = if !self.0.opts.ignore {
- Gitignore::empty()
- } else {
- let (m, err) = create_gitignore(
- &dir,
- &dir,
- &[".ignore"],
- self.0.opts.ignore_case_insensitive,
- );
- errs.maybe_push(err);
- m
- };
- let gi_matcher = if !self.0.opts.git_ignore {
- Gitignore::empty()
- } else {
- let (m, err) = create_gitignore(
- &dir,
- &dir,
- &[".gitignore"],
- self.0.opts.ignore_case_insensitive,
- );
- errs.maybe_push(err);
- m
- };
- let gi_exclude_matcher = if !self.0.opts.git_exclude {
- Gitignore::empty()
- } else {
- match resolve_git_commondir(dir, git_type) {
- Ok(git_dir) => {
- let (m, err) = create_gitignore(
- &dir,
- &git_dir,
- &["info/exclude"],
- self.0.opts.ignore_case_insensitive,
- );
- errs.maybe_push(err);
- m
- }
- Err(err) => {
- errs.maybe_push(err);
- Gitignore::empty()
- }
- }
- };
- let ig = IgnoreInner {
- compiled: self.0.compiled.clone(),
- dir: dir.to_path_buf(),
- overrides: self.0.overrides.clone(),
- types: self.0.types.clone(),
- parent: Some(self.clone()),
- is_absolute_parent: false,
- absolute_base: self.0.absolute_base.clone(),
- explicit_ignores: self.0.explicit_ignores.clone(),
- custom_ignore_filenames: self.0.custom_ignore_filenames.clone(),
- custom_ignore_matcher: custom_ig_matcher,
- ignore_matcher: ig_matcher,
- git_global_matcher: self.0.git_global_matcher.clone(),
- git_ignore_matcher: gi_matcher,
- git_exclude_matcher: gi_exclude_matcher,
- has_git: has_git,
- opts: self.0.opts,
- };
- (ig, errs.into_error_option())
- }
- /// Returns true if at least one type of ignore rule should be matched.
- fn has_any_ignore_rules(&self) -> bool {
- let opts = self.0.opts;
- let has_custom_ignore_files =
- !self.0.custom_ignore_filenames.is_empty();
- let has_explicit_ignores = !self.0.explicit_ignores.is_empty();
- opts.ignore
- || opts.git_global
- || opts.git_ignore
- || opts.git_exclude
- || has_custom_ignore_files
- || has_explicit_ignores
- }
- /// Like `matched`, but works with a directory entry instead.
- pub fn matched_dir_entry<'a>(
- &'a self,
- dent: &DirEntry,
- ) -> Match<IgnoreMatch<'a>> {
- let m = self.matched(dent.path(), dent.is_dir());
- if m.is_none() && self.0.opts.hidden && is_hidden(dent) {
- return Match::Ignore(IgnoreMatch::hidden());
- }
- m
- }
- /// Returns a match indicating whether the given file path should be
- /// ignored or not.
- ///
- /// The match contains information about its origin.
- fn matched<'a, P: AsRef<Path>>(
- &'a self,
- path: P,
- is_dir: bool,
- ) -> Match<IgnoreMatch<'a>> {
- // We need to be careful with our path. If it has a leading ./, then
- // strip it because it causes nothing but trouble.
- let mut path = path.as_ref();
- if let Some(p) = strip_prefix("./", path) {
- path = p;
- }
- // Match against the override patterns. If an override matches
- // regardless of whether it's whitelist/ignore, then we quit and
- // return that result immediately. Overrides have the highest
- // precedence.
- if !self.0.overrides.is_empty() {
- let mat = self
- .0
- .overrides
- .matched(path, is_dir)
- .map(IgnoreMatch::overrides);
- if !mat.is_none() {
- return mat;
- }
- }
- let mut whitelisted = Match::None;
- if self.has_any_ignore_rules() {
- let mat = self.matched_ignore(path, is_dir);
- if mat.is_ignore() {
- return mat;
- } else if mat.is_whitelist() {
- whitelisted = mat;
- }
- }
- if !self.0.types.is_empty() {
- let mat =
- self.0.types.matched(path, is_dir).map(IgnoreMatch::types);
- if mat.is_ignore() {
- return mat;
- } else if mat.is_whitelist() {
- whitelisted = mat;
- }
- }
- whitelisted
- }
- /// Performs matching only on the ignore files for this directory and
- /// all parent directories.
- fn matched_ignore<'a>(
- &'a self,
- path: &Path,
- is_dir: bool,
- ) -> Match<IgnoreMatch<'a>> {
- let (
- mut m_custom_ignore,
- mut m_ignore,
- mut m_gi,
- mut m_gi_exclude,
- mut m_explicit,
- ) = (Match::None, Match::None, Match::None, Match::None, Match::None);
- let any_git =
- !self.0.opts.require_git || self.parents().any(|ig| ig.0.has_git);
- let mut saw_git = false;
- for ig in self.parents().take_while(|ig| !ig.0.is_absolute_parent) {
- if m_custom_ignore.is_none() {
- m_custom_ignore =
- ig.0.custom_ignore_matcher
- .matched(path, is_dir)
- .map(IgnoreMatch::gitignore);
- }
- if m_ignore.is_none() {
- m_ignore =
- ig.0.ignore_matcher
- .matched(path, is_dir)
- .map(IgnoreMatch::gitignore);
- }
- if any_git && !saw_git && m_gi.is_none() {
- m_gi =
- ig.0.git_ignore_matcher
- .matched(path, is_dir)
- .map(IgnoreMatch::gitignore);
- }
- if any_git && !saw_git && m_gi_exclude.is_none() {
- m_gi_exclude =
- ig.0.git_exclude_matcher
- .matched(path, is_dir)
- .map(IgnoreMatch::gitignore);
- }
- saw_git = saw_git || ig.0.has_git;
- }
- if self.0.opts.parents {
- if let Some(abs_parent_path) = self.absolute_base() {
- let path = abs_parent_path.join(path);
- for ig in
- self.parents().skip_while(|ig| !ig.0.is_absolute_parent)
- {
- if m_custom_ignore.is_none() {
- m_custom_ignore =
- ig.0.custom_ignore_matcher
- .matched(&path, is_dir)
- .map(IgnoreMatch::gitignore);
- }
- if m_ignore.is_none() {
- m_ignore =
- ig.0.ignore_matcher
- .matched(&path, is_dir)
- .map(IgnoreMatch::gitignore);
- }
- if any_git && !saw_git && m_gi.is_none() {
- m_gi =
- ig.0.git_ignore_matcher
- .matched(&path, is_dir)
- .map(IgnoreMatch::gitignore);
- }
- if any_git && !saw_git && m_gi_exclude.is_none() {
- m_gi_exclude =
- ig.0.git_exclude_matcher
- .matched(&path, is_dir)
- .map(IgnoreMatch::gitignore);
- }
- saw_git = saw_git || ig.0.has_git;
- }
- }
- }
- for gi in self.0.explicit_ignores.iter().rev() {
- if !m_explicit.is_none() {
- break;
- }
- m_explicit = gi.matched(&path, is_dir).map(IgnoreMatch::gitignore);
- }
- let m_global = if any_git {
- self.0
- .git_global_matcher
- .matched(&path, is_dir)
- .map(IgnoreMatch::gitignore)
- } else {
- Match::None
- };
- m_custom_ignore
- .or(m_ignore)
- .or(m_gi)
- .or(m_gi_exclude)
- .or(m_global)
- .or(m_explicit)
- }
- /// Returns an iterator over parent ignore matchers, including this one.
- pub fn parents(&self) -> Parents {
- Parents(Some(self))
- }
- /// Returns the first absolute path of the first absolute parent, if
- /// one exists.
- fn absolute_base(&self) -> Option<&Path> {
- self.0.absolute_base.as_ref().map(|p| &***p)
- }
-/// An iterator over all parents of an ignore matcher, including itself.
-/// The lifetime `'a` refers to the lifetime of the initial `Ignore` matcher.
-pub struct Parents<'a>(Option<&'a Ignore>);
-impl<'a> Iterator for Parents<'a> {
- type Item = &'a Ignore;
- fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a Ignore> {
- match self.0.take() {
- None => None,
- Some(ig) => {
- self.0 = ig.0.parent.as_ref();
- Some(ig)
- }
- }
- }
-/// A builder for creating an Ignore matcher.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct IgnoreBuilder {
- /// The root directory path for this ignore matcher.
- dir: PathBuf,
- /// An override matcher (default is empty).
- overrides: Arc<Override>,
- /// A type matcher (default is empty).
- types: Arc<Types>,
- /// Explicit global ignore matchers.
- explicit_ignores: Vec<Gitignore>,
- /// Ignore files in addition to .ignore.
- custom_ignore_filenames: Vec<OsString>,
- /// Ignore config.
- opts: IgnoreOptions,
-impl IgnoreBuilder {
- /// Create a new builder for an `Ignore` matcher.
- ///
- /// All relative file paths are resolved with respect to the current
- /// working directory.
- pub fn new() -> IgnoreBuilder {
- IgnoreBuilder {
- dir: Path::new("").to_path_buf(),
- overrides: Arc::new(Override::empty()),
- types: Arc::new(Types::empty()),
- explicit_ignores: vec![],
- custom_ignore_filenames: vec![],
- opts: IgnoreOptions {
- hidden: true,
- ignore: true,
- parents: true,
- git_global: true,
- git_ignore: true,
- git_exclude: true,
- ignore_case_insensitive: false,
- require_git: true,
- },
- }
- }
- /// Builds a new `Ignore` matcher.
- ///
- /// The matcher returned won't match anything until ignore rules from
- /// directories are added to it.
- pub fn build(&self) -> Ignore {
- let git_global_matcher = if !self.opts.git_global {
- Gitignore::empty()
- } else {
- let mut builder = GitignoreBuilder::new("");
- builder
- .case_insensitive(self.opts.ignore_case_insensitive)
- .unwrap();
- let (gi, err) = builder.build_global();
- if let Some(err) = err {
- debug!("{}", err);
- }
- gi
- };
- Ignore(Arc::new(IgnoreInner {
- compiled: Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::new())),
- dir: self.dir.clone(),
- overrides: self.overrides.clone(),
- types: self.types.clone(),
- parent: None,
- is_absolute_parent: true,
- absolute_base: None,
- explicit_ignores: Arc::new(self.explicit_ignores.clone()),
- custom_ignore_filenames: Arc::new(
- self.custom_ignore_filenames.clone(),
- ),
- custom_ignore_matcher: Gitignore::empty(),
- ignore_matcher: Gitignore::empty(),
- git_global_matcher: Arc::new(git_global_matcher),
- git_ignore_matcher: Gitignore::empty(),
- git_exclude_matcher: Gitignore::empty(),
- has_git: false,
- opts: self.opts,
- }))
- }
- /// Add an override matcher.
- ///
- /// By default, no override matcher is used.
- ///
- /// This overrides any previous setting.
- pub fn overrides(&mut self, overrides: Override) -> &mut IgnoreBuilder {
- self.overrides = Arc::new(overrides);
- self
- }
- /// Add a file type matcher.
- ///
- /// By default, no file type matcher is used.
- ///
- /// This overrides any previous setting.
- pub fn types(&mut self, types: Types) -> &mut IgnoreBuilder {
- self.types = Arc::new(types);
- self
- }
- /// Adds a new global ignore matcher from the ignore file path given.
- pub fn add_ignore(&mut self, ig: Gitignore) -> &mut IgnoreBuilder {
- self.explicit_ignores.push(ig);
- self
- }
- /// Add a custom ignore file name
- ///
- /// These ignore files have higher precedence than all other ignore files.
- ///
- /// When specifying multiple names, earlier names have lower precedence than
- /// later names.
- pub fn add_custom_ignore_filename<S: AsRef<OsStr>>(
- &mut self,
- file_name: S,
- ) -> &mut IgnoreBuilder {
- self.custom_ignore_filenames.push(file_name.as_ref().to_os_string());
- self
- }
- /// Enables ignoring hidden files.
- ///
- /// This is enabled by default.