path: root/doc
diff options
authorAndrew Gallant <>2018-02-05 18:45:45 -0500
committerAndrew Gallant <>2018-02-06 12:07:59 -0500
commit65539403288c984c5175a612c9519437742fc95c (patch)
tree056d146f6fc56cd229eb7266a9e46805644ad62a /doc
parentb50ae9a99c46acf40d1c47c2e0ef6947fefbc044 (diff)
doc: generate man page
This commit uses the recent refactoring for defining flags to automatically generate a man page. This finally allows us to define the documentation for each flag in a single place. The man page is generated on every build, if and only if `asciidoc` is installed. When generated, it is placed in Cargo's `OUT_DIR` directory, which is the same place that shell completions live.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
4 files changed, 136 insertions, 1153 deletions
diff --git a/doc/convert-to-man b/doc/convert-to-man
deleted file mode 100755
index 60761dba..00000000
--- a/doc/convert-to-man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-pandoc -s -f markdown-smart -t man -o rg.1
-sed -i.bak 's/\.TH.*/.TH "rg" "1"/g' rg.1
-rm -f rg.1.bak # BSD `sed` requires the creation of a back-up file
diff --git a/doc/rg.1 b/doc/rg.1
deleted file mode 100644
index b8112463..00000000
--- a/doc/rg.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,692 +0,0 @@
-.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 2.0.6
-.TH "rg" "1"
-rg \- recursively search current directory for lines matching a pattern
-rg [\f[I]OPTIONS\f[]] \f[I]PATTERN\f[] [\f[I]PATH\f[] ...]
-rg [\f[I]OPTIONS\f[]] [\-e \f[I]PATTERN\f[] ...] [\-f \f[I]FILE\f[] ...]
-[\f[I]PATH\f[] ...]
-rg [\f[I]OPTIONS\f[]] \-\-files [\f[I]PATH\f[] ...]
-rg [\f[I]OPTIONS\f[]] \-\-type\-list
-rg [\f[I]OPTIONS\f[]] \-\-help
-rg [\f[I]OPTIONS\f[]] \-\-version
-ripgrep (rg) combines the usability of The Silver Searcher (an ack
-clone) with the raw speed of grep.
-ripgrep\[aq]s regex engine uses finite automata and guarantees linear
-time searching.
-Because of this, features like backreferences and arbitrary lookaround
-are not supported.
-Note that ripgrep may abort unexpectedly when using default settings if
-it searches a file that is simultaneously truncated.
-This behavior can be avoided by passing the \-\-no\-mmap flag.
-Project home page:
-.B \f[I]PATTERN\f[]
-A regular expression used for searching.
-To match a pattern beginning with a dash, use the \-e/\-\-regexp option.
-.B \f[I]PATH\f[]
-A file or directory to search.
-Directories are searched recursively.
-Paths specified expicitly on the command line override glob and ignore
-.B \-a, \-\-text
-Search binary files as if they were text.
-.B \-c, \-\-count
-Only show count of line matches for each file.
-.B \-\-color \f[I]WHEN\f[]
-Whether to use color in the output.
-Valid values are never, auto, always or ansi.
-The default is auto.
-When always is used, coloring is attempted based on your environment.
-When ansi is used, coloring is forcefully done using ANSI escape color
-.B \-e, \-\-regexp \f[I]PATTERN\f[] ...
-Use PATTERN to search.
-This option can be provided multiple times, where all patterns given are
-This is also useful when searching for patterns that start with a dash.
-.B \-F, \-\-fixed\-strings
-Treat the pattern as a literal string instead of a regular expression.
-.B \-g, \-\-glob \f[I]GLOB\f[] ...
-Include or exclude files for searching that match the given glob.
-This always overrides any other ignore logic if there is a conflict, but
-is otherwise applied in addition to ignore files (e.g., .gitignore or
-Multiple glob flags may be used.
-Globbing rules match .gitignore globs.
-Precede a glob with a \[aq]!\[aq] to exclude it.
-The \-\-glob flag subsumes the functionality of both the \-\-include and
-\-\-exclude flags commonly found in other tools.
-Values given to \-g must be quoted or your shell will expand them and
-result in unexpected behavior.
-Combine with the \-\-files flag to return matched filenames (i.e., to
-replicate ack/ag\[aq]s \-g flag).
-For example:
-rg\ \-g\ \[aq]*.foo\[aq]\ \-\-files
-.B \-h, \-\-help
-Show this usage message.
-.B \-i, \-\-ignore\-case
-Case insensitive search.
-Overridden by \-\-case\-sensitive.
-.B \-n, \-\-line\-number
-Show line numbers (1\-based).
-This is enabled by default at a tty.
-.B \-N, \-\-no\-line\-number
-Suppress line numbers.
-.B \-q, \-\-quiet
-Do not print anything to stdout.
-If a match is found in a file, stop searching that file.
-.B \-t, \-\-type \f[I]TYPE\f[] ...
-Only search files matching TYPE.
-Multiple type flags may be provided.
-Use the \-\-type\-list flag to list all available types.
-.B \-T, \-\-type\-not \f[I]TYPE\f[] ...
-Do not search files matching TYPE.
-Multiple not\-type flags may be provided.
-.B \-u, \-\-unrestricted ...
-Reduce the level of \[aq]smart\[aq] searching.
-A single \-u doesn\[aq]t respect .gitignore (etc.) files.
-Two \-u flags will search hidden files and directories.
-Three \-u flags will search binary files.
-\-uu is equivalent to \f[C]grep\ \-r\f[], and \-uuu is equivalent to
-\f[C]grep\ \-a\ \-r\f[].
-Note that the \-u flags are convenient aliases for other combinations of
-\-u aliases \-\-no\-ignore.
-\-uu aliases \-\-no\-ignore \-\-hidden.
-\-uuu aliases \-\-no\-ignore \-\-hidden \-\-text.
-.B \-v, \-\-invert\-match
-Invert matching.
-.B \-w, \-\-word\-regexp
-Only show matches surrounded by word boundaries.
-This is equivalent to putting \\b before and after the search pattern.
-.B \-x, \-\-line\-regexp
-Only show matches surrounded by line boundaries.
-This is equivalent to putting ^...$ around the search pattern.
-.B \-z, \-\-search\-zip
-Search in compressed files.
-Currently gz, bz2, xz and lzma formats are supported.
-Note that ripgrep expects to find the decompression binaries for the
-respective formats in your system\[aq]s PATH for use with this flag.
-.B \-A, \-\-after\-context \f[I]NUM\f[]
-Show NUM lines after each match.
-.B \-B, \-\-before\-context \f[I]NUM\f[]
-Show NUM lines before each match.
-.B \-C, \-\-context \f[I]NUM\f[]
-Show NUM lines before and after each match.
-.B \-\-colors \f[I]SPEC\f[] ...
-This flag specifies color settings for use in the output.
-This flag may be provided multiple times.
-Settings are applied iteratively.
-Colors are limited to one of eight choices: red, blue, green, cyan,
-magenta, yellow, white and black.
-Styles are limited to nobold, bold, nointense or intense.
-The format of the flag is {type}:{attribute}:{value}.
-{type} should be one of path, line, column or match.
-{attribute} can be fg, bg or style.
-Value is either a color (for fg and bg) or a text style.
-A special format, {type}:none, will clear all color settings for {type}.
-For example, the following command will change the match color to
-magenta and the background color for line numbers to yellow:
-rg\ \-\-colors\ \[aq]match:fg:magenta\[aq]\ \-\-colors\ \[aq]line:bg:yellow\[aq]\ foo.
-.B \-\-column
-Show column numbers (1 based) in output.
-This only shows the column numbers for the first match on each line.
-Note that this doesn\[aq]t try to account for Unicode.
-One byte is equal to one column.
-This implies \-\-line\-number.
-.B \-\-context\-separator \f[I]SEPARATOR\f[]
-The string to use when separating non\-continuous context lines.
-Escape sequences may be used.
-[default: \-\-]
-.B \-\-debug
-Show debug messages.
-.B \-E, \-\-encoding \f[I]ENCODING\f[]
-Specify the text encoding that ripgrep will use on all files searched.
-The default value is \[aq]auto\[aq], which will cause ripgrep to do a
-best effort automatic detection of encoding on a per\-file basis.
-Other supported values can be found in the list of labels here:
-.B \-f, \-\-file \f[I]FILE\f[] ...
-Search for patterns from the given file, with one pattern per line.
-When this flag is used or multiple times or in combination with the
-\-e/\-\-regexp flag, then all patterns provided are searched.
-Empty pattern lines will match all input lines, and the newline is not
-counted as part of the pattern.
-.B \-\-files
-Print each file that would be searched (but don\[aq]t search).
-Combine with the \-g flag to return matched paths, for example:
-rg\ \-g\ \[aq]*.foo\[aq]\ \-\-files
-.B \-l, \-\-files\-with\-matches
-Only show path of each file with matches.
-.B \-\-files\-without\-match
-Only show path of each file with no matches.
-.B \-H, \-\-with\-filename
-Display the file name for matches.
-This is the default when more than one file is searched.
-If \-\-heading is enabled, the file name will be shown above clusters of
-matches from each file; otherwise, the file name will be shown on each
-.B \-\-no\-filename
-Never show the filename for a match.
-This is the default when one file is searched.
-.B \-\-heading
-Show the file name above clusters of matches from each file instead of
-showing the file name for every match.
-This is the default mode at a tty.
-.B \-\-no\-heading
-Don\[aq]t group matches by each file.
-If \-H/\-\-with\-filename is enabled, then file names will be shown for
-every line matched.
-This is the default mode when not at a tty.
-.B \-\-hidden
-Search hidden directories and files.
-(Hidden directories and files are skipped by default.)
-.B \-\-iglob \f[I]GLOB\f[] ...
-Include or exclude files/directories case insensitively.
-This always overrides any other ignore logic if there is a conflict, but
-is otherwise applied in addition to ignore files (e.g., .gitignore or
-Multiple glob flags may be used.
-Globbing rules match .gitignore globs.
-Precede a glob with a \[aq]!\[aq] to exclude it.
-.B \-\-ignore\-file \f[I]FILE\f[] ...
-Specify additional ignore files for filtering file paths.
-Ignore files should be in the gitignore format and are matched relative
-to the current working directory.
-These ignore files have lower precedence than all other ignore files.
-When specifying multiple ignore files, earlier files have lower
-precedence than later files.
-.B \-L, \-\-follow
-Follow symlinks.
-.B \-\-line\-number\-width \f[I]NUM\f[]
-Specify a width for the displayed line number.
-If number of digits in the line number is less than this number, it is
-left padded with spaces.
-Note: This setting has no effect if \-\-no\-line\-number is enabled.
-.B \-M, \-\-max\-columns \f[I]NUM\f[]
-Don\[aq]t print lines longer than this limit in bytes.
-Longer lines are omitted, and only the number of matches in that line is
-.B \-m, \-\-max\-count \f[I]NUM\f[]
-Limit the number of matching lines per file searched to NUM.
-.B \-\-max\-filesize \f[I]NUM\f[]+\f[I]SUFFIX\f[]?
-Ignore files larger than \f[I]NUM\f[] in size.
-Directories will never be ignored.
-\f[I]SUFFIX\f[] is optional and may be one of K, M or G.
-These correspond to kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes respectively.
-If omitted the input is treated as bytes.
-.B \-\-maxdepth \f[I]NUM\f[]
-Descend at most NUM directories below the command line arguments.
-A value of zero searches only the starting\-points themselves.
-.B \-\-mmap
-Search using memory maps when possible.
-This is enabled by default when ripgrep thinks it will be faster.
-(Note that mmap searching doesn\[aq]t currently support the various
-context related options.)
-.B \-\-no\-config
-Never read configuration files.
-When this flag is present, ripgrep will not respect the
-RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.
-If ripgrep ever grows a feature to automatically read configuration
-files in pre\-defined locations, then this flag will also disable that
-behavior as well.
-.B \-\-no\-messages
-Suppress all error messages.
-.B \-\-no\-mmap
-Never use memory maps, even when they might be faster.
-.B \-\-no\-ignore
-Don\[aq]t respect ignore files (.gitignore, .ignore, etc.) This implies
-.B \-\-no\-ignore\-parent
-Don\[aq]t respect ignore files in parent directories.
-.B \-\-no\-ignore\-vcs
-Don\[aq]t respect version control ignore files (e.g., .gitignore).
-Note that .ignore files will continue to be respected.
-.B \-0, \-\-null
-Whenever a file name is printed, follow it with a NUL byte.
-This includes printing filenames before matches, and when printing a
-list of matching files such as with \-\-count, \-\-files\-with\-matches
-and \-\-files.
-.B \-o, \-\-only\-matching
-Print only the matched (non\-empty) parts of a matching line, with each
-such part on a separate output line.
-.B \-\-passthru, \-\-passthrough
-Show both matching and non\-matching lines.
-This option cannot be used with \-\-only\-matching or \-\-replace.
-.B \-\-path\-separator \f[I]SEPARATOR\f[]
-The path separator to use when printing file paths.
-This defaults to your platform\[aq]s path separator, which is / on Unix
-and \\ on Windows.
-This flag is intended for overriding the default when the environment
-demands it (e.g., cygwin).
-A path separator is limited to a single byte.
-.B \-p, \-\-pretty
-Alias for \-\-color=always \-\-heading \-\-line\-number.
-.B \-r, \-\-replace \f[I]ARG\f[]
-Replace every match with the string given when printing search results.
-Neither this flag nor any other flag will modify your files.
-Capture group indices (e.g., $5) and names (e.g., $foo) are supported in
-the replacement string.
-Note that the replacement by default replaces each match, and NOT the
-entire line.
-To replace the entire line, you should match the entire line.
-For example, to emit only the first phone numbers in each line:
-rg\ \[aq]^.*([0\-9]{3}\-[0\-9]{3}\-[0\-9]{4}).*$\[aq]\ \-\-replace\ \[aq]$1\[aq]
-.B \-s, \-\-case\-sensitive
-Search case sensitively (default).
-Overrides \-\-ignore\-case and \-\-smart\-case.
-.B \-S, \-\-smart\-case
-Search case insensitively if the pattern is all lowercase.
-Search case sensitively otherwise.
-This is overridden by either \-\-case\-sensitive or \-\-ignore\-case.
-Note: This feature is smart enough to treat simple classes like \\S as
-lowercase, but may not handle more complex syntax like \\p{Ll} as
-.B \-\-sort\-files
-Sort results by file path.
-Note that this currently disables all parallelism and runs search in a
-single thread.
-.B \-j, \-\-threads \f[I]ARG\f[]
-The number of threads to use.
-0 means use the number of logical CPUs (capped at 12).
-[default: 0]
-.B \-\-version
-Show the version number of ripgrep and exit.
-.B \-\-vimgrep
-Show results with every match on its own line, including line numbers
-and column numbers.
-With this option, a line with more than one match will be printed more
-than once.
-Recommended .vimrc configuration:
-\ \ set\ grepprg=rg\\\ \-\-vimgrep
-\ \ set\ grepformat^=%f:%l:%c:%m
-Use :grep to grep for something, then :cn and :cp to navigate through
-the matches.
-.B \-\-type\-list
-Show all supported file types and their associated globs.
-.B \-\-type\-add \f[I]ARG\f[] ...
-Add a new glob for a particular file type.
-Only one glob can be added at a time.
-Multiple \-\-type\-add flags can be provided.
-Unless \-\-type\-clear is used, globs are added to any existing globs
-inside of ripgrep.
-Note that this must be passed to every invocation of rg.
-Type settings are NOT persisted.
-\ \ rg\ \-\-type\-add\ \[aq]foo:*.foo\[aq]\ \-tfoo\ PATTERN
-\-\-type\-add can also be used to include rules from other types with
-the special include directive.
-The include directive permits specifying one or more other type names
-(separated by a comma) that have been defined and its rules will
-automatically be imported into the type specified.
-For example, to create a type called src that matches C++, Python and
-Markdown files, one can use:
-\ \ \-\-type\-add\ \[aq]src:include:cpp,py,md\[aq]
-Additional glob rules can still be added to the src type by using the
-\-\-type\-add flag again:
-\ \ \-\-type\-add\ \[aq]src:include:cpp,py,md\[aq]\ \-\-type\-add\ \[aq]src:*.foo\[aq]
-Note that type names must consist only of Unicode letters or numbers.
-Punctuation characters are not allowed.
-.B \-\-type\-clear \f[I]TYPE\f[] ...
-Clear the file type globs previously defined for TYPE.
-This only clears the default type definitions that are found inside of
-Note that this must be passed to every invocation of rg.
-ripgrep supports reading configuration files that change ripgrep\[aq]s
-default behavior.
-The format of the configuration file is an "rc" style and is very
-It is defined by two rules:
-1.\ Every\ line\ is\ a\ shell\ argument,\ after\ trimming\ ASCII\ whitespace.
-2.\ Lines\ starting\ with\ \[aq]#\[aq]\ (optionally\ preceded\ by\ any\ amount\ of
-\ \ \ ASCII\ whitespace)\ are\ ignored.
-ripgrep will look for a single configuration file if and only if the
-RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH environment variable is set and is non\-empty.
-ripgrep will parse shell arguments from this file on startup and will
-behave as if the arguments in this file were prepended to any explicit
-arguments given to ripgrep on the command line.
-For example, if your ripgreprc file contained a single line:
-then the following command
-RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH=wherever/.ripgreprc\ rg\ foo
-would behave identically to the following command
-rg\ \-\-smart\-case\ foo
-ripgrep also provides a flag, \-\-no\-config, that when present will
-suppress any and all support for configuration.
-This includes any future support for auto\-loading configuration files
-from pre\-determined paths.
-Conflicts between configuration files and explicit arguments are handled
-exactly like conflicts in the same command line invocation.
-That is, this command:
-RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH=wherever/.ripgreprc\ rg\ foo\ \-\-case\-sensitive
-is exactly equivalent to
-rg\ \-\-smart\-case\ foo\ \-\-case\-sensitive
-in which case, the \-\-case\-sensitive flag would override the
-\-\-smart\-case flag.
-Shell completion files are included in the release tarball for Bash,
-Fish, Zsh and PowerShell.
-For \f[B]bash\f[], move \f[C]rg.bash\-completion\f[] to
-\f[C]$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bash_completion\f[] or
-For \f[B]fish\f[], move \f[C]\f[] to
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
deleted file mode 100644
index c92c6aa3..00000000
--- a/doc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
-rg - recursively search current directory for lines matching a pattern
-rg [*OPTIONS*] *PATTERN* [*PATH* ...]
-rg [*OPTIONS*] [-e *PATTERN* ...] [-f *FILE* ...] [*PATH* ...]
-rg [*OPTIONS*] --files [*PATH* ...]
-rg [*OPTIONS*] --type-list
-rg [*OPTIONS*] --help
-rg [*OPTIONS*] --version
-ripgrep (rg) combines the usability of The Silver Searcher (an ack clone) with
-the raw speed of grep.
-ripgrep's regex engine uses finite automata and guarantees linear time
-searching. Because of this, features like backreferences and arbitrary
-lookaround are not supported.
-Note that ripgrep may abort unexpectedly when using default settings if it
-searches a file that is simultaneously truncated. This behavior can be avoided
-by passing the --no-mmap flag.
-Project home page:
-: A regular expression used for searching. To match a pattern beginning with a
- dash, use the -e/--regexp option.
-: A file or directory to search. Directories are searched recursively. Paths
- specified expicitly on the command line override glob and ignore rules.
--a, --text
-: Search binary files as if they were text.
--c, --count
-: Only show count of line matches for each file.
---color *WHEN*
-: Whether to use color in the output. Valid values are never, auto, always or
- ansi. The default is auto. When always is used, coloring is attempted based
- on your environment. When ansi is used, coloring is forcefully done using
- ANSI escape color codes.
--e, --regexp *PATTERN* ...
-: Use PATTERN to search. This option can be provided multiple times, where all
- patterns given are searched. This is also useful when searching for patterns
- that start with a dash.
--F, --fixed-strings
-: Treat the pattern as a literal string instead of a regular expression.
--g, --glob *GLOB* ...
-: Include or exclude files for searching that match the given glob. This always
- overrides any other ignore logic if there is a conflict, but is otherwise
- applied in addition to ignore files (e.g., .gitignore or .ignore). Multiple
- glob flags may be used. Globbing rules match .gitignore globs. Precede a
- glob with a '!' to exclude it.
- The --glob flag subsumes the functionality of both the --include and
- --exclude flags commonly found in other tools.
- Values given to -g must be quoted or your shell will expand them and result
- in unexpected behavior.
- Combine with the --files flag to return matched filenames
- (i.e., to replicate ack/ag's -g flag). For example:
- rg -g '*.foo' --files
--h, --help
-: Show this usage message.
--i, --ignore-case
-: Case insensitive search. Overridden by --case-sensitive.
--n, --line-number
-: Show line numbers (1-based). This is enabled by default at a tty.
--N, --no-line-number
-: Suppress line numbers.
--q, --quiet
-: Do not print anything to stdout. If a match is found in a file, stop
- searching that file.
--t, --type *TYPE* ...
-: Only search files matching TYPE. Multiple type flags may be provided. Use the
- --type-list flag to list all available types.
--T, --type-not *TYPE* ...
-: Do not search files matching TYPE. Multiple not-type flags may be provided.
--u, --unrestricted ...
-: Reduce the level of 'smart' searching. A single -u doesn't respect .gitignore
- (etc.) files. Two -u flags will search hidden files and directories. Three
- -u flags will search binary files. -uu is equivalent to `grep -r`, and -uuu
- is equivalent to `grep -a -r`.
- Note that the -u flags are convenient aliases for other combinations of
- flags. -u aliases --no-ignore. -uu aliases --no-ignore --hidden.
- -uuu aliases --no-ignore --hidden --text.
--v, --invert-match
-: Invert matching.
--w, --word-regexp
-: Only show matches surrounded by word boundaries. This is equivalent to
- putting \\b before and after the search pattern.
--x, --line-regexp
-: Only show matches surrounded by line boundaries. This is equivalent to
- putting ^...$ around the search pattern.
--z, --search-zip
-: Search in compressed files. Currently gz, bz2, xz and lzma
- formats are supported.
- Note that ripgrep expects to find the decompression binaries for the
- respective formats in your system's PATH for use with this flag.
--A, --after-context *NUM*
-: Show NUM lines after each match.
--B, --before-context *NUM*
-: Show NUM lines before each match.
--C, --context *NUM*
-: Show NUM lines before and after each match.
---colors *SPEC* ...
-: This flag specifies color settings for use in the output. This flag may be
- provided multiple times. Settings are applied iteratively. Colors are limited
- to one of eight choices: red, blue, green, cyan, magenta, yellow, white and
- black. Styles are limited to nobold, bold, nointense or intense.
- The format of the flag is {type}:{attribute}:{value}. {type} should be one
- of path, line, column or match. {attribute} can be fg, bg or style. Value
- is either a color (for fg and bg) or a text style. A special format,
- {type}:none, will clear all color settings for {type}.
- For example, the following command will change the match color to magenta
- and the background color for line numbers to yellow:
- rg --colors 'match:fg:magenta' --colors 'line:bg:yellow' foo.
-: Show column numbers (1 based) in output. This only shows the column
- numbers for the first match on each line. Note that this doesn't try
- to account for Unicode. One byte is equal to one column. This implies
- --line-number.
---context-separator *SEPARATOR*
-: The string to use when separating non-continuous context lines. Escape
- sequences may be used. [default: --]
-: Show debug messages.
--E, --encoding *ENCODING*
-: Specify the text encoding that ripgrep will use on all files
- searched. The default value is 'auto', which will cause ripgrep to do
- a best effort automatic detection of encoding on a per-file basis.
- Other supported values can be found in the list of labels here:
--f, --file *FILE* ...
-: Search for patterns from the given file, with one pattern per line. When this
- flag is used or multiple times or in combination with the -e/--regexp flag,
- then all patterns provided are searched. Empty pattern lines will match all
- input lines, and the newline is not counted as part of the pattern.
-: Print each file that would be searched (but don't search).
- Combine with the -g flag to return matched paths, for example:
- rg -g '*.foo' --files
--l, --files-with-matches
-: Only show path of each file with matches.
-: Only show path of each file with no matches.
--H, --with-filename
-: Display the file name for matches. This is the default when
- more than one file is searched. If --heading is enabled, the
- file name will be shown above clusters of matches from each
- file; otherwise, the file name will be shown on each match.
-: Never show the filename for a match. This is the default when
- one file is searched.
-: Show the file name above clusters of matches from each file instead of
- showing the file name for every match. This is the default mode at a tty.
-: Don't group matches by each file. If -H/--with-filename is enabled, then
- file names will be shown for every line matched. This is the default mode
- when not at a tty.
-: Search hidden directories and files. (Hidden directories and files are
- skipped by default.)
---iglob *GLOB* ...
-: Include or exclude files/directories case insensitively. This always
- overrides any other ignore logic if there is a conflict, but is otherwise
- applied in addition to ignore files (e.g., .gitignore or .ignore). Multiple
- glob flags may be used. Globbing rules match .gitignore globs. Precede a
- glob with a '!' to exclude it.
---ignore-file *FILE* ...
-: Specify additional ignore files for filtering file paths.
- Ignore files should be in the gitignore format and are matched
- relative to the current working directory. These ignore files
- have lower precedence than all other ignore files. When
- specifying multiple ignore files, earlier files have lower
- precedence than later files.
--L, --follow
-: Follow symlinks.
---line-number-width *NUM*
-: Specify a width for the displayed line number. If number of digits
- in the line number is less than this number, it is left padded with
- spaces. Note: This setting has no effect if --no-line-number is
- enabled.
--M, --max-columns *NUM*
-: Don't print lines longer than this limit in bytes. Longer lines are omitted,
- and only the number of matches in that line is printed.
--m, --max-count *NUM*
-: Limit the number of matching lines per file searched to NUM.
---max-filesize *NUM*+*SUFFIX*?
-: Ignore files larger than *NUM* in size. Directories will never be ignored.
- *SUFFIX* is optional and may be one of K, M or G. These correspond to
- kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes respectively. If omitted the input is
- treated as bytes.
---maxdepth *NUM*
-: Descend at most NUM directories below the command line arguments.
- A value of zero searches only the starting-points themselves.
-: Search using memory maps when possible. This is enabled by default
- when ripgrep thinks it will be faster. (Note that mmap searching
- doesn't currently support the various context related options.)
-: Never read configuration files. When this flag is present, ripgrep will not
- respect the RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.
- If ripgrep ever grows a feature to automatically read configuration files
- in pre-defined locations, then this flag will also disable that behavior as
- well.
-: Suppress all error messages.
-: Never use memory maps, even when they might be faster.
-: Don't respect ignore files (.gitignore, .ignore, etc.)
- This implies --no-ignore-parent.
-: Don't respect ignore files in parent directories.
-: Don't respect version control ignore files (e.g., .gitignore).
- Note that .ignore files will continue to be respected.
--0, --null
-: Whenever a file name is printed, follow it with a NUL byte.
- This includes printing filenames before matches, and when printing
- a list of matching files such as with --count, --files-with-matches
- and --files.
--o, --only-matching
-: Print only the matched (non-empty) parts of a matching line, with each such
- part on a separate output line.
---passthru, --passthrough
-: Show both matching and non-matching lines. This option cannot be used with
- --only-matching or --replace.
---path-separator *SEPARATOR*
-: The path separator to use when printing file paths. This defaults to your
- platform's path separator, which is / on Unix and \\ on Windows. This flag is
- intended for overriding the default when the environment demands it (e.g.,
- cygwin). A path separator is limited to a single byte.
--p, --pretty
-: Alias for --color=always --heading --line-number.
--r, --replace *ARG*
-: Replace every match with the string given when printing search results.
- Neither this flag nor any other flag will modify your files.
- Capture group indices (e.g., $5) and names (e.g., $foo) are supported
- in the replacement string.
- Note that the replacement by default replaces each match, and NOT the
- entire line. To replace the entire line, you should match the entire line.
- For example, to emit only the first phone numbers in each line:
- rg '^.*([0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}).*$' --replace '$1'
--s, --case-sensitive
-: Search case sensitively (default). Overrides --ignore-case and --smart-case.
--S, --smart-case
-: Search case insensitively if the pattern is all lowercase.
- Search case sensitively otherwise. This is overridden by either
- --case-sensitive or --ignore-case. Note: This feature is smart enough
- to treat simple classes like \\S as lowercase, but may not handle more
- complex syntax like \\p{Ll} as expected.
-: Sort results by file path. Note that this currently
- disables all parallelism and runs search in a single thread.
--j, --threads *ARG*
-: The number of threads to use. 0 means use the number of logical CPUs
- (capped at 12). [default: 0]
-: Show the version number of ripgrep and exit.
-: Show results with every match on its own line, including
- line numbers and column numbers. With this option, a line with
- more than one match will be printed more than once.
- Recommended .vimrc configuration:
- set grepprg=rg\ --vimgrep
- set grepformat^=%f:%l:%c:%m
- Use :grep to grep for something, then :cn and :cp to navigate through the
- matches.
-: Show all supported file types and their associated globs.