repology_url = "" # If you do care only about some repositories, you can whitelist them here and repolocli won't print information for # these repositories. whitelist = [ "Debian Stable" # sorry Debianers! ] # If you do not care about some repositories, you can blacklist them here and repolocli won't print information for # these repositories. blacklist = [ "Arch", # sorry Archers! "scientific_7x", ] # If you're a packager, and you have packages locally you care about, # repolocli can show you differences between your packages and "upstream" packages, if you want that. # For that, you have to list these packages here (in repology manner, so you have to use the # same names as repology! # # Yes, you have to manually keep that list up to date, sorry about that. [[local_packages]] name = "jq" # if you don't know jq, go check it out NOW! local_version = "1.5" [[local_packages]] name = "languagetool" local_version = "4.4.1"