# If you have any doubts about what a setting does, # check https://docs-develop.reel2bits.org/installation/configuration.html # The current file might not have all the available keys. FLASK_ENV=production # The tag of the image we should use # (it will be interpolated in docker-compose file) # You can comment or ignore this if you're not using docker REEL2BITS_VERSION=latest REEL2BITS_FRONTEND_PATH=/srv/reel2bits/front/dist # Set this variables to bind the API server to another interface/port # example: REEL2BITS_API_IP= # example: REEL2BITS_API_PORT=5678 REEL2BITS_API_IP= REEL2BITS_API_PORT=8000 # ActivityPub and domain setup # You need to set this even if AP is disabled REEL2BITS_HOSTNAME=myinstance.coolname.tld REEL2BITS_PROTOCOL=https # Enable or disable ActibityPub exchanges AP_ENABLED=True # Max upload size capped on nginx side NGINX_MAX_BODY_SIZE=500M # Please generate me with: openssl rand -hex 42 SECRET_KEY=38rufm3q8uft38gjqh-g31g3j0 # Please generate me with: openssl rand -hex 5 SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT=omgponies # Database configuration # Examples: # SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=postgresql://:@:/ # SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=postgresql://reel2bits:passw0rd@localhost:5432/reel2bits_database # Use the next one if you followed the Linux installation guide # SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=postgresql://reel2bits@:5432/reel2bits SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=postgresql://postgres@postgres/postgres CELERY_BROKER_URL=redis://redis:6379/0 CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND=redis://redis:6379/0 # Where uploaded files (such as audio tracks and waveforms) should be stored # on your system? # (Ensure this directory actually exists) # Sounds and Waveforms directories have to be under the default folder UPLOADS_DEFAULT_DEST=/data/uploads UPLOADED_SOUNDS_DEST=/data/uploads/sounds UPLOADED_ARTWORKALBUMS_DEST=/data/uploads/artwork_albums UPLOADED_ARTWORKSOUNDS_DEST=/data/uploads/artwork_sounds UPLOADED_AVATARS_DEST=/data/uploads/avatars # Set this to where your SPA index is # relative to the docker path (default: /frontend/index.html) REEL2BITS_SPA_HTML=/frontend/index.html